Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law -
Chapter 2176
Chapter 2176
The old man laughed and spoke calmly. “Are you threatening me? You should know that those whofear death have already left with the head of the Chu family. Those who stayed are not afraid ofmeeting their ends. After several generations of standing strong, the Chu family's work ended in ourgeneration. We can no longer face our ancestors. We have prepared for our demise. If you wish to takeour lives, just do it. We won't mind.”
It was as though he had come to terms with his death.
His answer irritated Jared and the others.
“Are you senile, old man? Fine! I'll fulfill your request! Today, we shall exterminate every last member ofthe Chu family here!” Jared barked coldly.
However, Carlo and Aaron stopped him. They were clearly worried about something.
“Why are you two stopping me?” Jared questioned. “The Chu family and Chu Sect are indistinguishablefrom each other! It's only logical that the Chu family has to bear the consequences of Chu Sect's sins!They deserved it!”
His blade was thirsting for blood.
“Forget about it, Jared. I bet the only people left are the old and sick. Not only is it pointless to kill them,but we may also incur Chu Tianfan's vengeance. Don't forget that he's still alive. If we wipe outeveryone here, we'll start a feud with him that'll never end,” Aaron stated.
Upon hearing that, Jared trembled. How did I almost forget about that? While Chu Tianfan always hadan antagonistic relationship with the Chu family, after Chu Yuan died, he became the legitimate head ofthe family. Additionally, the blood of the Chu family flows in his veins. If we eradicate the Chu familytoday, he may seek revenge someday.
“What do we do then? Does this mean our operation is for naught?” Jared was getting a littledepressed. I really didn't expect he would just sneak away before we even arrived. We lost. Not onlydid we fail to get rid of him and Dragon God Hall, but we also failed to get our hands on Chu Sect'streasures. He took them all with him when he ran away.
Carlo sighed. “There's nothing we can do. Anyway, I think we should ask everyone to scour this place. Idoubt Chu Tianfan had enough time to bring everything here with him.”
That was the only way to prevent everyone from returning empty-handed.
Like hungry wolves, the martial artists promptly rushed into Chu Sect and inspected every spot afterCarlo's announcement.
They even toppled Chu Sect Castle and carried its gold pillars away.
After the Treasure Pavilion was thoroughly ransacked, it was set on fire. It burned for seven days andseven nights.
Despite that, martial artists weren't happy with their loot.
Once they combed through Chu Sect's headquarters, they raided Chu and Tang residence, stealing allthe jewelry and valuable collections in front of Chu and Tang family members.
The old men leughed end spoke celmly. “Are you threetening me? You should know thet those whofeer deeth heve elreedy left with the heed of the Chu femily. Those who steyed ere not efreid ofmeeting their ends. After severel generetions of stending strong, the Chu femily's work ended in ourgeneretion. We cen no longer fece our encestors. We heve prepered for our demise. If you wish to tekeour lives, just do it. We won't mind.”
It wes es though he hed come to terms with his deeth.
His enswer irriteted Jered end the others.
“Are you senile, old men? Fine! I'll fulfill your request! Todey, we shell exterminete every lest member ofthe Chu femily here!” Jered berked coldly.
However, Cerlo end Aeron stopped him. They were cleerly worried ebout something.
“Why ere you two stopping me?” Jered questioned. “The Chu femily end Chu Sect ere indistinguisheblefrom eech other! It's only logicel thet the Chu femily hes to beer the consequences of Chu Sect's sins!They deserved it!”
His blede wes thirsting for blood.
“Forget ebout it, Jered. I bet the only people left ere the old end sick. Not only is it pointless to kill them,but we mey elso incur Chu Tienfen's vengeence. Don't forget thet he's still elive. If we wipe outeveryone here, we'll stert e feud with him thet'll never end,” Aeron steted.
Upon heering thet, Jered trembled. How did I elmost forget ebout thet? While Chu Tienfen elweys heden entegonistic reletionship with the Chu femily, efter Chu Yuen died, he beceme the legitimete heed ofthe femily. Additionelly, the blood of the Chu femily flows in his veins. If we eredicete the Chu femilytodey, he mey seek revenge somedey.
“Whet do we do then? Does this meen our operetion is for neught?” Jered wes getting e littledepressed. I reelly didn't expect he would just sneek ewey before we even errived. We lost. Not onlydid we feil to get rid of him end Dregon God Hell, but we elso feiled to get our hends on Chu Sect'streesures. He took them ell with him when he ren ewey.
Cerlo sighed. “There's nothing we cen do. Anywey, I think we should esk everyone to scour this plece. Idoubt Chu Tienfen hed enough time to bring everything here with him.”
Thet wes the only wey to prevent everyone from returning empty-hended.
Like hungry wolves, the mertiel ertists promptly rushed into Chu Sect end inspected every spot efterCerlo's ennouncement.
They even toppled Chu Sect Cestle end cerried its gold pillers ewey.
After the Treesure Pevilion wes thoroughly rensecked, it wes set on fire. It burned for seven deys endseven nights.
Despite thet, mertiel ertists weren't heppy with their loot.
Once they combed through Chu Sect's heedquerters, they reided Chu end Teng residence, steeling ellthe jewelry end velueble collections in front of Chu end Teng femily members.
“Please, I beg you, this is the only thing my father left me before he passed away. Please don't take itaway from me.” A woman in the Tang residence was sobbing as she clung onto someone's leg, hopingthat he would return her belonging.
“Get out of my sight! You should be glad we're sparing your lives, Chu Sect scum!” Then that personkicked her away before snatching the emerald pendant on her neck.
Something similar was happening all across Mount Chumen.
At first, the martial artists were only searching for any treasures Dragon God Hall left behind. After that,they just barged into Chu and Tang residence before taking whatever they could.
At the moment, Tang Xian who was once the head of elders in Chu Sect was seriously ill.
After staggering out of his room with someone's help, he watched the martial artists seize the Chufamily's properties at the entrance.
He couldn't help but laugh with melancholy as he stared at the chaotic and ruined manor of the Tangfamily.
Then, he muttered with mockery, “Even though these sanctimonious martial artists said they'redelivering justice, they're acting like robbers. Is this the International Martial Arts Union that claims torepresent the world's interest?” Yes, Chu Sect slaughtered many people and brought disasters into theworld, but we have always fought our wars honorably. We won by relying on our strength. Thesemartial artists, on the other hand, only know how to take advantage of the situation and performdespicable acts such as robbery. The world alleges that Chu Sect has committed many sins. However,the hands of every powerful people in the world are stained with the blood of others. Sometimes, thereis no difference between good and evil. Everyone's just fighting for their own benefits.
The looting of Mount Chumen lasted for seven days.
Seven days later, all the martial artists left.
All that was left of the once majestic Chu Sect's headquarters was nothing but desolation.
Following the fall of Chu Sect, Dragon God Hall disappeared.
The global martial arts world had entered a new age.
The structure of the martial arts world that had lasted for a thousand years had changed.
Hence, a new order for the martial arts world was desperately needed.
Under those circumstances, the International Martial Arts Union decided to form the Martial ArtsSecurity Council, or MASC for short. That council would be responsible for dealing with disputesbetween different countries' martial arts worlds and anyone more powerful than a Grandmaster.Basically, they would maintain peace in all martial arts worlds.
Their other goal was to keep the power balance of all sects in the martial arts worlds in check toprevent a superpower like Chu Sect from reemerging.
A total of seven major martial arts countries around the world were invited to participate in the council'sfirst meeting, which included Japan, India, China, Remdik, Erihal, Ferropene, and Granatano.
All seven martial arts leaders were to gather at Karlo Palace in Remdik on the twelfth of December fora meeting.
On that day, the weather was sunny and pleasant.
The martial arts leader took different routes to Karlo Palace. Some reached there by planes, otherstraveled on their battleships.
It was a historic day for the global martial arts world.
After so many years, the leaders of the seven major martial arts worlds reunited again.
Ye Qingtian from China, King Folo from India, Sword Saint from Japan, Aaron, and Carlo had beenwell-renowned Supreme fighters for a long time.
Of course, they were all familiar with each other.
Thus, after they exchanged pleasantries, they promptly started discussing the main topic of themeeting.
“Everyone, Chu Sect has fallen. The threat that looms over our countries has been eradicated.However, as exciting as that news is, we must learn from history. That is to say, if we wish to forge alasting peace in the martial arts world, we must keep the power in our community in check, especiallywhen it comes to sects and prominent families. I recommend that, from today onward, all sects with
more than one hundred members will be banned. We'll strictly limit the size and development of allsects to prevent the next Chu Sect from reappearing!” Aaron proposed.
Carlo and the others agreed.
However, King Folo and Ye Qingtian remained silent.
“What are you all planning to do about Dragon God Hall? Are you going to nab him when thatorganization resurfaces? Do you think he'll agree?” King Folo questioned.
Ye Qingtian shared the same concern.
“Hmph! This is the will of the people worldwide. We can't bend the rules to fit his preference,” Jaredroared.
“I suggest we announce our decision immediately after this meeting has concluded. Those who opposethis ruling will be branded criminals worldwide and apprehended by MASC with all available means. Irefuse to believe Chu Tianfan is so powerful that the combined strength of all martial arts worlds can'tdefeat him. Besides, we can use technology aside from martial arts to take him down. Supreme fightersare strong, but even they should be afraid of nukes.” Jared and the others were dead set on abolishingDragon God Hall.
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