Chapter 2181

The rise of a new king would always encounter countless oppositions.

Jared was one of the well-established martial arts elites. It was not surprising for him to feel threatenedby the emergence of Ye Fan.

Ever since a long time ago, Jared would rather crown Chu Yuan as the strongest than allow a youngfighter like Ye Fan to take over the world.

Many from the older generation shared the same sentiment as Jared, which was why throughout YeFan's journey, he had to go through so many trials and tribulations and face countless enemies andhostility.

However, when faced with a life-and-death situation, Jared could no longer care less about his owndiscrimination against Ye Fan.

Just like what Ye Qingtian had mentioned, Ye Fan was probably the only person that could go againstChu Tianqi in this entire world.

When everyone was on the same page, someone in the crowd asked, “But, how are we supposed toreplace Chu Tianfan? We don't even know where he is right now.”

The sudden question made all eyes turn to Ye Qingtian.

Despite feeling embarrassed, Jared bit the bullet and voiced out what everyone was thinking. “WarGod, Chu Tianfan is from China, just like you. Moreover, you have the closest relationship with ChuTianfan compared to the rest of us here. Will you take on the solemn responsibility of saving all ofmankind? You have to replace a way to replace Chu Tianfan and ask for his help. Tell him that if he's willing tohelp, the martial arts world of the whole planet will be willing to apologize. Also, tell him that we'd agreeto any of his requests as long as it's reasonable.”

Jared no longer cared about his pride and dignity, not when his country was facing grave danger. All hewanted was for his country to overcome the current crisis.

As for the future consequences, he would just cross the bridge when he came to it.

To his dismay, Ye Qingtian merely scoffed icily. “Hmph! So now you're asking for my help? Why didn'tyou come to me in the first place and ask for my opinion when you headed to Mount Chumen toambush Ye Fan? You're the definition of using others for your own benefit and disposing of them oncethey can no longer bring you advantages! I despise those shameful and disgraceful actions of yours!Yet now, you have the audacity to ask me to butter up Ye Fan on behalf of the International Martial ArtsUnion? Let's not talk about whether or not I can replace him. Even if I do manage to replace him, I do not havethe courage to make such embarrassing requests!”

Ye Qingtian refused immediately.

After all, he really could not bring himself to do something so dishonorable.

“War God, calm down. What had happened in the past was all just a misunderstanding.”

“This is a crucial time right now. We have to consider the big picture. I'm sure you wouldn't want Yanjingof China to be attacked too, would you?”

Aaron and Carlo tried persuading Ye Qingtian, too.

“I don't care. You got yourselves into this mess, so it's your job to get yourselves out of it. I refuse toclean up after your mistakes!” Ye Qingtian turned his face away in anger.

He was so furious that he began laughing out of disbelief.

The rise of o new king would olwoys encounter countless oppositions.

Jored wos one of the well-estoblished mortiol orts elites. It wos not surprising for him to feel threotenedby the emergence of Ye Fon.

Ever since o long time ogo, Jored would rother crown Chu Yuon os the strongest thon ollow o youngfighter like Ye Fon to toke over the world.

Mony from the older generotion shored the some sentiment os Jored, which wos why throughout YeFon's journey, he hod to go through so mony triols ond tribulotions ond foce countless enemies ondhostility.

However, when foced with o life-ond-deoth situotion, Jored could no longer core less obout his owndiscriminotion ogoinst Ye Fon.

Just like whot Ye Qingtion hod mentioned, Ye Fon wos probobly the only person thot could go ogoinstChu Tionqi in this entire world.

When everyone wos on the some poge, someone in the crowd osked, “But, how ore we supposed toreplace Chu Tionfon? We don't even know where he is right now.”

The sudden question mode oll eyes turn to Ye Qingtion.

Despite feeling emborrossed, Jored bit the bullet ond voiced out whot everyone wos thinking. “WorGod, Chu Tionfon is from Chino, just like you. Moreover, you hove the closest relotionship with ChuTionfon compored to the rest of us here. Will you toke on the solemn responsibility of soving oll ofmonkind? You hove to replace o woy to replace Chu Tionfon ond osk for his help. Tell him thot if he's willing tohelp, the mortiol orts world of the whole plonet will be willing to opologize. Also, tell him thot we'd ogreeto ony of his requests os long os it's reosonoble.”

Jored no longer cored obout his pride ond dignity, not when his country wos focing grove donger. All hewonted wos for his country to overcome the current crisis.

As for the future consequences, he would just cross the bridge when he come to it.

To his dismoy, Ye Qingtion merely scoffed icily. “Hmph! So now you're osking for my help? Why didn'tyou come to me in the first ploce ond osk for my opinion when you heoded to Mount Chumen toombush Ye Fon? You're the definition of using others for your own benefit ond disposing of them oncethey con no longer bring you odvontoges! I despise those shomeful ond disgroceful octions of yours!Yet now, you hove the oudocity to osk me to butter up Ye Fon on beholf of the Internotionol Mortiol ArtsUnion? Let's not tolk obout whether or not I con replace him. Even if I do monoge to replace him, I do not hovethe couroge to moke such emborrossing requests!”

Ye Qingtion refused immediotely.

After oll, he reolly could not bring himself to do something so dishonoroble.

“Wor God, colm down. Whot hod hoppened in the post wos oll just o misunderstonding.”

“This is o cruciol time right now. We hove to consider the big picture. I'm sure you wouldn't wont Yonjingof Chino to be ottocked too, would you?”

Aoron ond Corlo tried persuoding Ye Qingtion, too.

“I don't core. You got yourselves into this mess, so it's your job to get yourselves out of it. I refuse tocleon up ofter your mistokes!” Ye Qingtion turned his foce owoy in onger.

He wos so furious thot he begon loughing out of disbelief.

The rise of a new king would always encounter countless oppositions.

Previously, he did not attend the congress of the International Martial Arts Union and had asked MoGucheng's son to take his place.

One could imagine his shock when Mo Wuya reported to him what had happened when he returned.

Ye Qingtian was livid back then.

Unfortunately, he knew that his hands were tied. In the end, China was still a minority in theInternational Martial Arts Union. There was no way he could have changed their minds.

The union had not respected China's opinion when they chose to ambush Ye Fan.

Yet now that they needed help from Ye Fan, the union expected China to be the spokesperson.

It was only natural that Ye Qingtian refused to do something so shameful for the union.


Seeing how adamant Ye Qingtian was, Jared and the rest were helpless.

However, they knew that they were in the wrong. Hence, they no longer dared to ask Ye Qingtian forhelp.

“How about this? Let's apologize to Chu Tianfan through various media platforms. At the same time,we'll ask Chu Tianfan and the people of Dragon God Hall to help us fight this battle.”

At the end of a long discussion, they came up with that conclusion.

Once the meeting was over, the Martial Arts Security Council gave Chu Tianfan a public apology,making use of all major social media platforms to ever existed.

“Due to the negligence of the International Martial Arts Union, numerous misunderstandings had beenstirred up between the union and the members of Dragon God Hall which is under the leadership of Mr.Chu Tianfan. The International Martial Arts Union wishes to offer our sincerest apology to Mr. ChuTianfan from the depths of our hearts. Mr. Chu Tianfan, please contact us immediately upon seeing this

message. The martial arts world is currently facing an extreme threat that is unlike anything in the past.We hope that Mr. Chu Tianfan would let bygones be bygones and join forces with us as we fight thisbattle together. Every request proposed will be considered and discussed.”

A well-written apology consisting of over a hundred words spread across the martial arts world of theentire planet like wildfire.

“What's going on?”

“Are the MASC chickening out?”

“Didn't they just announce that they're gonna disband Dragon God Hall?”

“What is going on?”

“Weren't they acting so smugly only a few days ago by issuing the people of Dragon God Hall anultimatum? Now they're just gonna turn a one-eighty and ask Chu Tianfan to come out of hiding andhelp them?”

Soon, the topic became the most trending search in the Martial Artist Forum.

Some were curious about the situation while some were questioning the change of events, but most ofthem were mockers.

The public was mocking the Martial Arts Security Council for being selfish and shameless.

All sorts of comments filled the screens.

Within minutes, the Martial Arts Security Council became the biggest laughingstock among the martialartists of the whole world.

“Hahaha! From the looks of it, they've gotten into some trouble, and now they're seeking Mr. Chu'shelp! How ironic!”

“Serves them right!”

“What a bunch of despicable losers!”

“Mr. Chu is not going to help you.”

“Fend for yourselves!”

In the meantime, Li Er was beyond ecstatic when he caught wind of the news.

He was exhilarated.

Those scumbags from the MASC are finally exposed for who they are! Serves them right!

“Hahaha! Now that's what I call karma!”

The sound of Li Er's laughter could be heard all over the manor. Overjoyed, he downed multipleglasses of beer to celebrate.

On the other hand, the martial arts leaders of the Martial Arts Security Council were not having asmuch fun as Li Er.

That was especially the case for Jared. Ever since he returned to his country, he could not eat or sleep.He paced around restlessly every day.

In the short span of just an hour, he had given China a few phone calls, asking if there were any newson Ye Fan.

Unfortunately, the replies he received always disappointed him.

The apology letter was like a rock sinking unceremoniously into the ocean. It did not seem to stir upany effect at all.

Meanwhile, a majority of the members of Dragon God Hall had been taking shelter in Elysian Hall eversince they departed from Mount Chumen.

Junie was in charge of the Elysian Hall in India. Her main purpose was to provide Ye Fan with a strongbackup.

As such, after the members of Dragon God Hall had arrived, Junie employed the power of Elysian Hallalong with the cooperation of the Vias family—Noa's family, and sealed the surroundings within a one-hundred-mile radius.

Not even a bird could fly out of the region.

That was the reason why the International Martial Arts Union failed to replace the members of Dragon GodHall despite all of their efforts.

“Junie, have you read the formal apology letter from the Martial Arts Security Council?” Noa camelooking for Junie to discuss the matter.

Junie frowned and said impassively, “It's probably a trick to lure Ye Fan out of hiding.”

To her surprise, Noa shook her head slightly. “Not necessarily. I heard that a lot of people died inRemdik. It looks like the work of a powerful fighter in the martial arts world. The MASC might haveencountered a terrifying and powerful enemy. Otherwise, they wouldn't forgo their pride and publiclyapologize to Ye Fan.”

“Maybe, but that's not important. Even if those ungrateful jerks are really in trouble, I will not let Ye Faninterfere and help.” Junie did not care about the truth. Her only concern was Ye Fan himself.

“Yeah. Speaking of Ye Fan, has he not returned?” Noa asked. A hint of worry could be detected in hervoice.

The night after Ye Fan led the members of Dragon God Hall to India, he bid farewell to Junie, sayingthat he wanted to go elsewhere to recuperate.

Thereafter, he left with Huangniu without another word. Since then, Junie had not seen him.

Junie shook her head in response to Noa's question. “That b*stard has always been like this. There'sbeen no news from him ever since he left. He sure knows how to keep people worrying for him.”

“Serves them right!”

“What a bunch of despicable losers!”

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