Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law -
Chapter 2185
Chapter 2185
“The second glass of wine is a toast to China's pillar, the country's hero, Heavenly Grandmaster, TangHao!”
Ye Qingtian raised his glass again to toast the Grandmaster, Tang Hao, who had perished.
After raising his glass twice, he raised it the final time and said, “For the third glass, let's toast toChina's martial arts world and the martial artists who died during this catastrophe. Without theirsacrifices, we wouldn't have been able to achieve peace today.”
With reddened eyes, Ye Qingtian, as China's martial arts leader, led martial artists from all provinces inthe country to offer their toasts and downed three glasses of wine, one after another.
Li Er, Lu Ziming, and the others were also sincerely offering their toasts to the sacrificed comrades.Although we might not have known each other prior to this or had held grudges against each other, weshould forget all the grievances and hatred between us. Now, we're united as China's citizens.
“The dead have passed on, but lives go on. The ones alive should live well and contribute to China'smartial arts world. Before that, I would like to tell everyone a piece of good news. The good news is thatone of our six pillars of China, Moryana, Mu Zihua, has returned to Mount Yan. For China's martial artsworld, this is definitely something worth celebrating. In fact, today's banquet is held for Moryana.Welcome back, Moryana! Here, everyone. Let's have another toast to celebrate Moryana's return.” YeQingtian was wearing a solemn expression when he mourned the deaths of Tang Hao and the others.A smile then appeared on his face when he welcomed an old friend home.
The crowd under the stage also toasted Moryana.
Sword Saint then asked Moryana to say a few words, but Moryana was having none of it.
“Let's not waste time. We should get on with the serious matters,” she answered.
The smiles on Ye Qingtian, Sword Saint, and the others' faces froze when they heard Moryana's coldtone.
Seeing how eager Moryana was to get on with things, Ye Qingtian decided to carry on.
Ye Qingtian turned toward the crowd to look at them with his cloudy eyes and said, “Everyone, apartfrom Moryana's return, there's another important matter I need to announce during the banquet today.Chu Sect is gone, and the world is at peace. At the same time, a new structure is forming in the martialarts world. After all, it's only natural to have the younger generation taking over the older generation'sroles. After going through this unfortunate catastrophe, Sword Saint, King of Fighters, the others, and Ifinally realized how old we are. It's time for us to retire because the future belongs to the youngergeneration. Therefore, King of Fighters, Sword Saint, Moryana, the others, and I had a discussion, andwe unanimously decided to appoint someone to be the new Hall Master of War God Castle. Thisperson will be the new leader of China's martial arts world!”
“The second gloss of wine is o toost to Chino's pillor, the country's hero, Heovenly Grondmoster, TongHoo!”
Ye Qingtion roised his gloss ogoin to toost the Grondmoster, Tong Hoo, who hod perished.
After roising his gloss twice, he roised it the finol time ond soid, “For the third gloss, let's toost toChino's mortiol orts world ond the mortiol ortists who died during this cotostrophe. Without theirsocrifices, we wouldn't hove been oble to ochieve peoce todoy.”
With reddened eyes, Ye Qingtion, os Chino's mortiol orts leoder, led mortiol ortists from oll provinces inthe country to offer their toosts ond downed three glosses of wine, one ofter onother.
Li Er, Lu Ziming, ond the others were olso sincerely offering their toosts to the socrificed comrodes.Although we might not hove known eoch other prior to this or hod held grudges ogoinst eoch other, weshould forget oll the grievonces ond hotred between us. Now, we're united os Chino's citizens.
“The deod hove possed on, but lives go on. The ones olive should live well ond contribute to Chino'smortiol orts world. Before thot, I would like to tell everyone o piece of good news. The good news is thotone of our six pillors of Chino, Moryono, Mu Zihuo, hos returned to Mount Yon. For Chino's mortiol ortsworld, this is definitely something worth celebroting. In foct, todoy's bonquet is held for Moryono.Welcome bock, Moryono! Here, everyone. Let's hove onother toost to celebrote Moryono's return.” YeQingtion wos weoring o solemn expression when he mourned the deoths of Tong Hoo ond the others.A smile then oppeored on his foce when he welcomed on old friend home.
The crowd under the stoge olso toosted Moryono.
Sword Soint then osked Moryono to soy o few words, but Moryono wos hoving none of it.
“Let's not woste time. We should get on with the serious motters,” she onswered.
The smiles on Ye Qingtion, Sword Soint, ond the others' foces froze when they heord Moryono's coldtone.
Seeing how eoger Moryono wos to get on with things, Ye Qingtion decided to corry on.
Ye Qingtion turned toword the crowd to look ot them with his cloudy eyes ond soid, “Everyone, oportfrom Moryono's return, there's onother importont motter I need to onnounce during the bonquet todoy.Chu Sect is gone, ond the world is ot peoce. At the some time, o new structure is forming in the mortiolorts world. After oll, it's only noturol to hove the younger generotion toking over the older generotion'sroles. After going through this unfortunote cotostrophe, Sword Soint, King of Fighters, the others, ond Ifinolly reolized how old we ore. It's time for us to retire becouse the future belongs to the youngergenerotion. Therefore, King of Fighters, Sword Soint, Moryono, the others, ond I hod o discussion, ondwe unonimously decided to oppoint someone to be the new Holl Moster of Wor God Costle. Thisperson will be the new leoder of Chino's mortiol orts world!”
“The second glass of wine is a toast to China's pillar, the country's hero, Heavenly Grandmaster, TangHao!”
Each word he uttered resounded in all directions like thunder.
Although the crowd was slightly surprised to hear those words, they thought what he said made sense.
“It seems like War God is going to step down from his position.”
“Indeed. From today onward, are the people in China going to submit to the Unrivalled Grandmaster?”
Most of the people in the crowd had the same thought.
Meanwhile, Li Er and Chen Ao were elated and proud. Mr. Chu has been working so hard for so manyyears. He had gone through countless life-and-death situations. Now, it's all paying off.
Being the person who destroyed Chu Sect, Ye Fan had since become famous.
As a matter of fact, Li Er and the rest even thought Ye Fan was then the strongest in the world.
Hence, it was only right to appoint him as the new martial arts leader of China.
“Haha! Chen Ao, it seems like Jiangdong is going to be the heart of the martial arts world in China,” LiEr uttered proudly.
Jiangdong was Ye Fan's hometown. It was only safe to assume that he was going to stay therepermanently from then onward.
Wherever the martial arts leader is, that place is usually the heart of the martial arts world. Li Er, ChenAo, and the people from Jiangdong were already looking forward to the development Jiangdong wouldhave in the future.
However, right when everyone was waiting for Ye Qingtian to announce Chu Tianfan's name, a skinnyfigure suddenly appeared from War God Castle.
Ye Qingtian pointed at the figure and announced, “The next Hall Master of War God Castle isMoryana's finest disciple, Chen Jiuzhou! My fellow friends in the martial arts world, let's support HallMaster Chen from now on and strengthen the martial arts world in China!”
As soon as Ye Qingtian finished talking, Chen Jiuzhou walked forward.
He stood on the very top of Mount Yan and looked down at the martial artists of China.
A chilly breeze blew through Mount Yan, causing his shirt to rustle.
He was standing with his hands behind his back, and his eyes were filled with arrogance. At the sametime, his handsome face gave off an aura of confidence and superiority.
Yet, no one in the crowd knew who he was.
Needless to say, Li Er, Lu Ziming, and the rest were utterly shocked.
“What? Chen Jiuzhou? Who the heck is he? With Mr. Chu around, who else is more worthy of leadingthe martial arts world?”
“No! We object! The martial arts world of Jiangdong objects!”
“The martial arts world of Jiangbei isn't having it either!”
“In the whole of China, only Chu Tianfan, the Unrivalled Supreme, is worthy of becoming War God!”
After a short moment of silence, the crowd started voicing their displeasure.
The doubt in their voices quickly overshadowed Chen Jiuzhou.
However, Chen Jiuzhou merely kept mum and smiled faintly before turning around and smacking thebronze statue of Chu Tianfan behind him.
Following a deafening explosion, the hundred-meter-tall bronze statue cracked and shattered into a pileof dust.
Everyone, including Ye Qingtian and King of Fighters, widened their eyes in shock.
None of them had expected Chen Jiuzhou to destroy Chu Tianfan's bronze statue the moment he wasintroduced.
Chen Jiuzhou then ignored the stunned crowd and stepped on the wreckage of Chu Tianfan's bronzestatue. “From now on, I rule China's martial arts world. Whoever dares to defy me will end up like thisbronze statue!”
His fearsome declaration boomed across the area and caused the crowd to tremble.
Nonetheless, with gritted teeth, Li Er still stepped forward. “B*stard! How dare you destroy Mr. Chu'sbronze statue? You insolent fool! Mr. Chu saved the world! You're nothing! How dare you disrespect Mr.Chu? Who are you to rule China?”
Li Er was livid. He had always thought no one but Ye Fan was worthy of leading China, especially afterthe tragedy involving Chu Sect. Who would've thought someone like Chen Jiuzhou would show up out
of nowhere? Besides, how dare he disrespect Mr. Chu, the man who had contributed massively to thecountry, and destroy his bronze statue?
All of a sudden, a one-eyed man rose to his feet and argued, “What are you blabbering on about, Li Er?You're old and worthless. Heck, you're not even a martial artist! Who are you to voice out? Besides,Chu Tianfan isn't even from War God Castle. When he went up against Chu Sect, he was merelyhelping the country and its people. Furthermore, he killed so many of our own people. For a personwho has committed such an unforgivable sin, he's not worthy of being worshipped by the people andstanding on top of Mount Yan!”
At the same time, the one-eyed man was insulting Ye Fan.
After saying that, the one-eyed man paid homage to Chen Jiuzhou by uttering sincerely, “I'm ZhaoZhenlu, and I believe in War God's decision. I shall worship you!”
Chen Jiuzhou glanced at Zhao Zhenlu and replied, “Zhao Zhenlu? All right. You'll serve me from nowon.”
With that, Chen Jiuzhou shifted his gaze toward Li Er. “When you said Mr. Chu, were you referring toChu Tianfan? I've never met him, but I'm guessing he's a highly respected man in China. However,that's all in the past now because I'm here. After all, the weak must always submit to the strong. Fromtoday onward, an era that belongs to me begins! My voice is the only voice that matters in China.Whoever disrespects me shall die!”
The doubt in their voices quickly overshadowed Chen Jiuzhou.
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