Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law -
Chapter 2188
Chapter 2188
Just like that, in only a few days, the training list of three hundred martial artists was sorted out.
At the same time, the Dragon Gate training officially began.
According to an announcement by Martial Arts Security Council, there were only five Dragon Gates inthe world, with one in China, two in Western Epea, one in Smealand, and one in Adrune.
Each Dragon Gate had a mighty warrior on the Empyrean Ranking guarding it.
At this moment, the vigorous project officially kicked off.
Meanwhile, in India, Elysian Hall seemed especially busy that day.
The place was crowded as joyful music resonated across the area, making the atmosphere especiallyfestive and delightful.
Many people gathered at the square to watch the battle in the ring.
Elysian Faction was holding its yearly Battle of the Chosen for the next few days.
The sect's members had to draw lots to determine their opponent for the battle. Besides honor andmaterial rewards, the final winner would be offered guidance from the head of Elysian Faction.
As everyone was paying attention to the battle, no one noticed an unremarkable thin figure suddenlyappear in the sect.
“Are you new, buddy? I haven't seen you before.”
Just then, a chubby man walked past and noticed the skinny man, so he patted the latter on theshoulder and greeted him.
“Yes. I'm here to see someone.” The skinny man bobbed his head and smiled.
“Haha. You must be here to see Noa. Follow me. It's Noa's turn soon. Noa is extremely talented andbeautiful. Watching her battle is simply a feast for the eyes.”
The chubby man quickly led the skinny man through the crowd and arrived in front of the ring.
When they got there, the area was full of people, primarily men.
Needless to say, they were here for Noa.
After all, it was human nature to appreciate beauty.
Being born into an affluent family and as beautiful as she was, Noa naturally became the center ofattention of everyone in Elysian Faction, attracting people's admiration since the day she joined theorganization.
“Oh? That rascal joined Elysian Faction too?”
The skinny man had always preferred quiet places and didn't want to be in such events.
However, when he heard the name “Noa” getting mentioned, he smiled gently and followed the chubbyman to the ring.
By then, the battle had already begun.
Both sides in the fight were young women.
One of them had a long sword in her hand, brandishing her sword technique and launching attackswithout stopping.
Leaping in the air, her movements were smooth and precise.
This lady was none other than the official goddess of Elysian Faction's disciples, Noa.
“What do you think? Isn't Noa impressive? Rumor has it that it has only been six months since shejoined Elysian Faction, but she's already exceptional in swordsmanship and Divine Thunderbolt. So far,Noa has won three rounds consecutively in the Battle of the Chosen this year. Moreover, Noa isbeautiful and the daughter of the most affluent family in India. I wonder which lucky guy would win overa special lady like her in the future.”
Just like thot, in only o few doys, the troining list of three hundred mortiol ortists wos sorted out.
At the some time, the Drogon Gote troining officiolly begon.
According to on onnouncement by Mortiol Arts Security Council, there were only five Drogon Gotes inthe world, with one in Chino, two in Western Epeo, one in Smeolond, ond one in Adrune.
Eoch Drogon Gote hod o mighty worrior on the Empyreon Ronking guording it.
At this moment, the vigorous project officiolly kicked off.
Meonwhile, in Indio, Elysion Holl seemed especiolly busy thot doy.
The ploce wos crowded os joyful music resonoted ocross the oreo, moking the otmosphere especiollyfestive ond delightful.
Mony people gothered ot the squore to wotch the bottle in the ring.
Elysion Foction wos holding its yeorly Bottle of the Chosen for the next few doys.
The sect's members hod to drow lots to determine their opponent for the bottle. Besides honor ondmoteriol rewords, the finol winner would be offered guidonce from the heod of Elysion Foction.
As everyone wos poying ottention to the bottle, no one noticed on unremorkoble thin figure suddenlyoppeor in the sect.
“Are you new, buddy? I hoven't seen you before.”
Just then, o chubby mon wolked post ond noticed the skinny mon, so he potted the lotter on theshoulder ond greeted him.
“Yes. I'm here to see someone.” The skinny mon bobbed his heod ond smiled.
“Hoho. You must be here to see Noo. Follow me. It's Noo's turn soon. Noo is extremely tolented ondbeoutiful. Wotching her bottle is simply o feost for the eyes.”
The chubby mon quickly led the skinny mon through the crowd ond orrived in front of the ring.
When they got there, the oreo wos full of people, primorily men.
Needless to soy, they were here for Noo.
After oll, it wos humon noture to oppreciote beouty.
Being born into on offluent fomily ond os beoutiful os she wos, Noo noturolly become the center ofottention of everyone in Elysion Foction, ottrocting people's odmirotion since the doy she joined theorgonizotion.
“Oh? Thot roscol joined Elysion Foction too?”
The skinny mon hod olwoys preferred quiet ploces ond didn't wont to be in such events.
However, when he heord the nome “Noo” getting mentioned, he smiled gently ond followed the chubbymon to the ring.
By then, the bottle hod olreody begun.
Both sides in the fight were young women.
One of them hod o long sword in her hond, brondishing her sword technique ond lounching ottockswithout stopping.
Leoping in the oir, her movements were smooth ond precise.
This lody wos none other thon the officiol goddess of Elysion Foction's disciples, Noo.
“Whot do you think? Isn't Noo impressive? Rumor hos it thot it hos only been six months since shejoined Elysion Foction, but she's olreody exceptionol in swordsmonship ond Divine Thunderbolt. So for,Noo hos won three rounds consecutively in the Bottle of the Chosen this yeor. Moreover, Noo isbeoutiful ond the doughter of the most offluent fomily in Indio. I wonder which lucky guy would win overo speciol lody like her in the future.”
Just like that, in only a few days, the training list of three hundred martial artists was sorted out.
The chubby man glanced at Noa, incapable of hiding the lust in his eyes.
Having such a beautiful and elegant lady as a wife and having children with her would be such anaccomplishment in life.
“That's right. Someone with no basic foundation in martial arts is remarkable to be able to train to thisextent in only six months. But I'm afraid she has reached her limits,” the skinny man remarked.
Noa's fans and supporters beside them were instantly infuriated by his words. “Who is this guy?”
“Noa has the upper hand now. The victory is hers, for sure.”
“This fellow has no idea what he's talking about. He's embarrassing himself.”
“How dare he say Noa is going to lose?”
Many people glared at the skinny man furiously.
The chubby man hurriedly saved him from the predicament and told the crowd it was a mistake.
Then, he spoke to the skinny man softly. “What are you blabbering on about? From now on, don'tspeak nonsense if you don't understand the situation.”
The chubby man thought the skinny man was a newcomer, which meant that he wasn't knowledgeableabout martial arts.
“Oh, right. I forgot to ask you your name. I'm Coman. What about you?” Coman, the chubby man,asked.
With a smile, the skinny man replied, “I'm Ye Fan.”
“I see. Carefully watch the battle and ask me if you have any questions, Ye Fan. Watching actualcombat brings tremendous benefits to a newcomer like you in martial arts cultivation,” Comaninstructed Ye Fan as though he was his senior.
Ye Fan merely nodded. “Okay.”
While they spoke, Noa was in the ring, making aggressive attacks, and she finally had the opportunityto give her opponent the final blow to end the battle.
However, to her dismay, after she thrust out her sword confidently, her opponent dodged sideways at amuch faster speed than before.
Then, using a palm technique, the opponent swiftly hit Noa on her chest.
Noa let out a muffled grunt, and her delicate body was sent flying several meters away beforecollapsing in the ring as she spat out mouthfuls of blood.
The crowd was bewildered.
Everyone was in shock when they saw what had happened.
Those who had lectured Ye Fan and swore on Noa's victory earlier were all dumbfounded.
Coman, too, looked as though someone had given him a tight slap.
Clearly, nobody expected Noa to be injured.
“Y-You did that on purpose?”
Noa sat slumped on the ground. She reached out to wipe off the blood from the corner of her mouthand looked at her opponent with eyes full of anger and resentment.
Her opponent was also a beautiful woman.
Although she was not as beautiful as Noa, she was definitely considered pretty.
Unfortunately, in Elysian Hall, everyone's attention was attracted by Noa's beauty.
Like during today's battle, everyone was busy supporting Noa, and no one paid attention to her.
Facing Noa's rage, Sophia sneered, “Yes, I did. I intentionally showed my weak side so that you wouldbe full of yourself and make careless mistakes while thinking you'd win. Then, when you were at your
best and when you felt the victory was yours, I showed my true strength and crushed your pride!Hahaha. So, Noa, how does it feel to fall from grace? Not great, right?”
Sophia looked at her condescendingly and burst out laughing.
She was thrilled after succeeding in taking revenge.
Before Noa joined Elysian Faction, she was the most popular female martial artist and was showeredwith praises.
Naturally, things changed after Noa joined, as Noa stole the attention that was originally hers.
That day, she wanted to deliver a devastating blow to the girl by winning the battle.
“Ugh!” Noa clenched her fists tightly as her eyes filled with resentment.
With a smirk, Sophia said, “Surrender to avoid suffering. Otherwise, I won't show you mercy, unlikethose men.”
“In your dreams!”
The headstrong Noa endured the pain to stand up and got ready to attack Sophia with her sword.
However, it was a redundant move.
Noa, after all, was only a beginner, no matter how gifted she was.
She only knew how to move the sword as she was taught and didn't know how to think on her feet. Onthe other hand, Sophia had better martial arts cultivation than Noa and could skillfully handle Noa'sattacks.
With a turn, she kicked Noa and sent her flying once again.
“Oh, no. Noa is going to lose.”
Coman and the others sighed and felt the match was coming to an end.
Just then, someone shouted, “Next strike, Ringed Moon.”
That sudden voice shocked everyone.
Immediately, everyone turned to look in the direction of the voice.
They could only see a skinny man standing with his hands behind his back and smiling faintly.
He was dressed in a black shirt and looked pretty decent.
Standing in the crowd, he looked ordinary and would go unnoticed easily.
“What are you trying to do? Do you think you are qualified to speak? Shut up!”
After Coman realized Ye Fan was the one who shouted, he lost his mind.
Where does he think this is? We're at the sect's Battle of the Chosen, and the elders are keeping aneye on our behavior. How dare he cause trouble here? He'll get punished, for sure. But what if he dragsme down with him?
While Coman was in a panic, Noa, who was about to give up, was taken aback when she heard theexclamation.
Then, she looked around, but there were too many people in the audience, so she didn't see Ye Fan.
However, she knew it wasn't the right time to search for the person who gave her the instruction.
She had no other choice but to hope for the best.
The next second, Noa stood up, and with a kick, she started to spin.
The sword in Noa's hand moved along with her, bringing forth a gust of wind.
Without hesitation, Noa wielded her sword and used Ringed Moon of Moon Sword Technique.
Sophia looked at her condescendingly and burst out laughing.
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