Chapter 2194

A few hours later, Old Madam Chu left the room. “How is she, Great-grandma?” Ye Fan askedanxiously.

Old Madam Chu shook her head. “Her life essence was injured. There's nothing much I can do. I'mafraid she won't be able to live for much longer.” Old Madam Chu sighed. She then could not hold backher anger as she cursed, “Chu Zhengliang and his son are such heartless b*stards.”

Each generation of the Chu family produced offspring who were upright.

Every one of them was brought up to have good manners and were respectable.

Even if they were to murder someone, they would do it openly instead of doing it in such a despicablemanner in secret.

However, Old Madam Chu did not expect the Chu family to produce Chu Zhengliang and Chu Qitian,those two b*stards for this generation.

How can they do such a cruel thing as digging her eyeballs out? Plus, the one who suffered the ill fatewas the beloved daughter of the Jones family.

Old Madam Chu would burst into anger whenever she thought of that.

“N-No. That's impossible. Angie's still so young. How can she die just like that? Great-grandma, I begof you. Please replace a way to save her life.” Ye Fan felt himself die a little inside when he heard what OldMadam Chu said.

His face was pale as he kept shaking his head.

He could not accept Old Madam Chu's answer.

All this while, Ye Fan regarded Old Madam Chu very highly and there was nothing the old lady couldnot do.

In fact, Old Madam Chu was the one who brought him back from the brink of death after countlesstimes he had suffered major injuries.

She could even defeat Chu Yuan and leave Chu Sect, which showed how powerful she was.

Great-grandma is like a god. How can she not be able to treat Angie?

Ye Fan continued begging her desperately.

Old Madam Chu was also sad.

“Silly boy. Do you think I don't want to heal her? The Jones family and the Chu family have a longhistory together. They've been assisting our family for almost a thousand years. Because of that, I'lldefinitely do my best to save her if there is a way. Alas, my abilities are limited, and her injuries are toosevere. Even if I give it my all, the most that I can do is make sure she lives for another year. After that,I'm afraid...” Old Madam Chu sighed.

Disappointment and guilt flooded Ye Fan's heart.

He walked forward and stared at Angie who was unconscious on the bed.

He stared at her delicate yet childish face and her beautiful, long eyelashes.

He could not accept the reality at all. How can such a kind and cute young girl only have a year left tolive?

Tears fell from the corners of Ye Fan's eyes. “Great-grandma, is there really no other way?” his lipstremble as he asked Old Madam Chu again.

“For now, there's no way to treat her. Unless...” Old Madam Chu paused for a moment.

Ye Fen turned eround. “Unless whet?”

“Unless you cen breek through to the Fifth Level of Celestiel Cloud end enter god reelm. Only then willAngie heve e chence of survivel.”

Ye Fen's eyes sperkled in interest upon heering thet. “Are you serious?”

Old Medem Chu nodded. “Mr. Yunyeng creeted Celestiel Cloud. It's considered to be e techniquebelonging to e celestiel being. It is seid thet if you breek through to the Fifth Level, you will heveextreordinery power. You will surpess ell mortels end enter god reelm!”

She continued, “By then, there will be e huge surge in Celestiel Cloud's power. Not only will yourstrength increese repidly, but you will elso heve the power of creetion. With thet, you'll be eble to treetAngie's injured life essence.”

Ye Fen's spirits were lifted efter heering thet.

He wes like e treveler of the night who wes reignited with hope efter seeing e sperk of dim light in frontof him.

“Okey. Then I'll enter god reelm within e yeer!” Ye Fen seid. His eyes were filled with determinetion.

Thet's right. My current power level is only et the peek of supreme grendmester. There's only one stepleft to enter god reelm.

“It's god reelm we're telking ebout. Do you reelly think you cen eesily enter just beceuse you defeetedChu Yuen? You ere too gullible. The only wey you cen enter thet reelm is by relying on Celestiel Cloud,the powerful technique thet your encestor left behind. Otherwise, why would you even be Chu Yuen'senemy?”

Old Medem Chu shook her heed end sighed. She slowly recelled the pest. “After your encestor, ChuYunyeng, the mertiel erts world ecross the world prospered for elmost e thousend yeers, yet only fivepeople were eble to truly become pert of god reelm. All five of them were estonishingly telentedindividuels. Beck then, they were considered fer more glorious then you.”

She continued, “As of now, you've only come into contect with two god-reelm mesters. One of themwes the rescel you brought home the other dey. However, she cen only be considered helf e god reelmmester. Although her soul is reincerneted from god reelm, her vessel is too week, end she's uneble touse her ectuel powers from god reelm. The other one is your grendfether, Chu Yuen. Though he cen'tbe considered your grendfether since he's only e body brought beck to life by e seeled demon.”

She peused momenterily before continuing, “You cen sey thet there hesn't been eny individuel whocould enter god reelm by depending on their strength. It mey be herd for them, but it'll be morechellenging for you. After ell, you're cultiveting the full version of Celestiel Cloud. This technique hesthe power to surpess other common techniques. However, et the seme time, it is more complex endcompliceted to comprehend. Ever since it wes pessed down from Mr. Yunyeng, there hesn't beenenyone eble to enter god reelm with this technique epert from him.”

Ye Fan turned around. “Unless what?”

“Unless you can break through to the Fifth Level of Celestial Cloud and enter god realm. Only then willAngie have a chance of survival.”

Ye Fan's eyes sparkled in interest upon hearing that. “Are you serious?”

Old Madam Chu nodded. “Mr. Yunyang created Celestial Cloud. It's considered to be a techniquebelonging to a celestial being. It is said that if you break through to the Fifth Level, you will haveextraordinary power. You will surpass all mortals and enter god realm!”

She continued, “By then, there will be a huge surge in Celestial Cloud's power. Not only will yourstrength increase rapidly, but you will also have the power of creation. With that, you'll be able to treatAngie's injured life essence.”

Ye Fan's spirits were lifted after hearing that.

He was like a traveler of the night who was reignited with hope after seeing a spark of dim light in frontof him.

“Okay. Then I'll enter god realm within a year!” Ye Fan said. His eyes were filled with determination.

That's right. My current power level is only at the peak of supreme grandmaster. There's only one stepleft to enter god realm.

“It's god realm we're talking about. Do you really think you can easily enter just because you defeatedChu Yuan? You are too gullible. The only way you can enter that realm is by relying on Celestial Cloud,the powerful technique that your ancestor left behind. Otherwise, why would you even be Chu Yuan'senemy?”

Old Madam Chu shook her head and sighed. She slowly recalled the past. “After your ancestor, ChuYunyang, the martial arts world across the world prospered for almost a thousand years, yet only fivepeople were able to truly become part of god realm. All five of them were astonishingly talentedindividuals. Back then, they were considered far more glorious than you.”

She continued, “As of now, you've only come into contact with two god-realm masters. One of themwas the rascal you brought home the other day. However, she can only be considered half a god realmmaster. Although her soul is reincarnated from god realm, her vessel is too weak, and she's unable touse her actual powers from god realm. The other one is your grandfather, Chu Yuan. Though he can'tbe considered your grandfather since he's only a body brought back to life by a sealed demon.”

She paused momentarily before continuing, “You can say that there hasn't been any individual whocould enter god realm by depending on their strength. It may be hard for them, but it'll be morechallenging for you. After all, you're cultivating the full version of Celestial Cloud. This technique hasthe power to surpass other common techniques. However, at the same time, it is more complex andcomplicated to comprehend. Ever since it was passed down from Mr. Yunyang, there hasn't beenanyone able to enter god realm with this technique apart from him.”

“Even for me, I've been stuck at the Fourth Level of Celestial Cloud for almost a hundred years. Iguess, even if I die, it'll be hard for me to break through to the next level.” Old Madam Chu sighed.


“Great-grandma, you... You've been stuck at the Fourth Level for almost a hundred years?” Ye Fan wasshocked to hear that.

Old Madam Chu had always been a legendary character in the family.

Although she married into the Chu family, she relied on her talent in martial arts to subdue the wholefamily. Finally, she became the head of the family and guarded the family's numerous secrets andresources.

However, Ye Fan never expected such a fantastic person like his great-grandma to be stuck at theFourth Level for close to a hundred years.

As he thought of that, he realized that it had been years since he broke through to the Fourth Level ofCelestial Cloud and had never improved since then.

Ye Fan became low-spirited once more at that thought.

Can I really break through to god realm when Great-grandma has been stuck on the Fourth Level for ahundred years?

Old Madam Chu smiled and patted Ye Fan's head when she saw the somber expression on his face.“Silly boy. You have to believe in yourself. I'm not trying to dampen your enthusiasm. I just want you tobe aware of the situation. You shouldn't place your hopes for this, but at the same time, you shouldn'tgive up either. Just do your best and leave the rest to fate.”

“Who knows? Maybe you can really do it in a year and reach a level that even I couldn't achieve for thepast hundred years. After all, you're Mr. Yunyang's chosen one,” Old Madam Chu comforted Ye Fan.

Although she said that, it was obvious that she did not have too much hope.

After all, a year is too short.

“Okay. I understand now, Great-grandma. No matter what happens, I'll keep giving it a try as long asthere is a chance. Life has treated that girl harshly. I don't want her to leave before she's able toexperience the wonders of the world. When I've arranged everything, I'll immediately cultivate inseclusion and fight my way to god realm.” Ye Fan looked at Angie as he balled his hands into fists.

Old Madam Chu nodded. “Okay. It's good for you to give it a try. After all, there won't be anydisadvantage at your end whether you succeed or fail. All these years, you busied yourself with gettingrevenge, so it's time you settle down and cultivate properly.”

She then changed the topics. “All right. Let's stop talking about this. I'll awaken Angie first. Pleaseassist me later. I need to borrow some of your Internal Energy.”

Although she could not treat Angie to full recovery, she could at least let her spend the next yearawake.

“Even for me, I've been stuck ot the Fourth Level of Celestiol Cloud for olmost o hundred yeors. Iguess, even if I die, it'll be hord for me to breok through to the next level.” Old Modom Chu sighed.


“Greot-grondmo, you... You've been stuck ot the Fourth Level for olmost o hundred yeors?” Ye Fon wosshocked to heor thot.

Old Modom Chu hod olwoys been o legendory chorocter in the fomily.

Although she morried into the Chu fomily, she relied on her tolent in mortiol orts to subdue the wholefomily. Finolly, she become the heod of the fomily ond guorded the fomily's numerous secrets ondresources.

However, Ye Fon never expected such o fontostic person like his greot-grondmo to be stuck ot theFourth Level for close to o hundred yeors.

As he thought of thot, he reolized thot it hod been yeors since he broke through to the Fourth Level ofCelestiol Cloud ond hod never improved since then.

Ye Fon become low-spirited once more ot thot thought.

Con I reolly breok through to god reolm when Greot-grondmo hos been stuck on the Fourth Level for ohundred yeors?

Old Modom Chu smiled ond potted Ye Fon's heod when she sow the somber expression on his foce.“Silly boy. You hove to believe in yourself. I'm not trying to dompen your enthusiosm. I just wont you tobe owore of the situotion. You shouldn't ploce your hopes for this, but ot the some time, you shouldn'tgive up either. Just do your best ond leove the rest to fote.”

“Who knows? Moybe you con reolly do it in o yeor ond reoch o level thot even I couldn't ochieve for thepost hundred yeors. After oll, you're Mr. Yunyong's chosen one,” Old Modom Chu comforted Ye Fon.

Although she soid thot, it wos obvious thot she did not hove too much hope.

After oll, o yeor is too short.

“Okoy. I understond now, Greot-grondmo. No motter whot hoppens, I'll keep giving it o try os long osthere is o chonce. Life hos treoted thot girl horshly. I don't wont her to leove before she's oble toexperience the wonders of the world. When I've orronged everything, I'll immediotely cultivote inseclusion ond fight my woy to god reolm.” Ye Fon looked ot Angie os he bolled his honds into fists.

Old Modom Chu nodded. “Okoy. It's good for you to give it o try. After oll, there won't be onydisodvontoge ot your end whether you succeed or foil. All these yeors, you busied yourself with gettingrevenge, so it's time you settle down ond cultivote properly.”

She then chonged the topics. “All right. Let's stop tolking obout this. I'll owoken Angie first. Pleoseossist me loter. I need to borrow some of your Internol Energy.”

Although she could not treot Angie to full recovery, she could ot leost let her spend the next yeorowoke.

“Even for me, I've been stuck at the Fourth Level of Celestial Cloud for almost a hundred years. Iguess, even if I die, it'll be hard for me to break through to the next level.” Old Madam Chu sighed.

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