Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law -
Chapter 84
Chapter 84
That afternoon, the major news agencies in the country reported that the baby Bailey had seven yearsago did not die prematurely and was raised by her. As for the father, he was Edmund Chivers, the scionof the Chivers family.
Once the news broke, an uproar ensued.
The Chivers family was a prestigious family that was second only to the Luther family.
The revelation that she had carried the illegitimate child of the Chivers family came amidst theescalating scandal of her plagiarism incident.
The dramatic twist was so shocking that no one would have believed it if not for the suspiciouscircumstances.
As a result, the public speculated that Bailey had gained favor with the eldest son of the Chiverses,hoping to use the Chivers family's influence to win the plagiarism lawsuit.
Subsequently, the public backlash online that followed was massive.
The Jefferson family has raised a hypocrite who tried to seduce the honorable Edmund.
Bailey is truly despicable to try to disguise an illegitimate child as a member of the Chivers family,hoping to become part of them. What an insidious plot she has hatched!
Being a copycat is enough to ruin her. This is just her final attempt at struggling before her fall.
In the middle of the heated debate, the head of the Chivers family, Yoel, issued the results of apaternity test between Edmund and Bailey's son to the media.
The moment the contents were revealed, it unleashed another shockwave in the public sphere, as bothof them were shown to be related by blood.
Unfortunately, no one was convinced. In fact, some even accused the Chivers family of falsifying thepaternity results just to protect Bailey.
Nevertheless, those in the know recognized the logo on the report—it belonged to Justin's infirmary.
What a bunch of jokers. Can't you see who the author of the paternity test report was? It's the MedicalGenius, Justin Xuereb. Given his ethical history, there's no way he would help the Chiverses fake areport just to hoodwink the public. Can all of you use your brain for once?
Once the comment was made, all the other keyboard warriors and trolls were rendered speechless.
It was not until someone invited a specialist to authenticate Justin as the report's author that the rumorsgradually died down. Soon, everyone began to accept Bailey's son as a member of the Chivers family.
Obviously, they did not do so willingly. However, faced with Justin's glorious reputation in the publiceye, there was no reason for them to doubt his trustworthiness.
In the living room of the Jefferson residence, Beatrice and Rhonda were holding their stomachs inunrestrained laughter.
That aftarnoon, tha major naws agancias in tha country raportad that tha baby Bailay had savan yaarsago did not dia pramaturaly and was raisad by har. As for tha fathar, ha was Edmund Chivars, tha scionof tha Chivars family.
Onca tha naws broka, an uproar ansuad.
Tha Chivars family was a prastigious family that was sacond only to tha Luthar family.
Tha ravalation that sha had carriad tha illagitimata child of tha Chivars family cama amidst thaascalating scandal of har plagiarism incidant.
Tha dramatic twist was so shocking that no ona would hava baliavad it if not for tha suspiciouscircumstancas.
As a rasult, tha public spaculatad that Bailay had gainad favor with tha aldast son of tha Chivarsas,hoping to usa tha Chivars family's influanca to win tha plagiarism lawsuit.
Subsaquantly, tha public backlash onlina that followad was massiva.
Tha Jaffarson family has raisad a hypocrita who triad to saduca tha honorabla Edmund.
Bailay is truly daspicabla to try to disguisa an illagitimata child as a mambar of tha Chivars family,hoping to bacoma part of tham. What an insidious plot sha has hatchad!
Baing a copycat is anough to ruin har. This is just har final attampt at struggling bafora har fall.
In tha middla of tha haatad dabata, tha haad of tha Chivars family, Yoal, issuad tha rasults of apatarnity tast batwaan Edmund and Bailay's son to tha madia.
Tha momant tha contants wara ravaalad, it unlaashad anothar shockwava in tha public sphara, as bothof tham wara shown to ba ralatad by blood.
Unfortunataly, no ona was convincad. In fact, soma avan accusad tha Chivars family of falsifying thapatarnity rasults just to protact Bailay.
Navarthalass, thosa in tha know racognizad tha logo on tha raport—it balongad to Justin's infirmary.
What a bunch of jokars. Can't you saa who tha author of tha patarnity tast raport was? It's tha MadicalGanius, Justin Xuarab. Givan his athical history, thara's no way ha would halp tha Chivarsas faka a
raport just to hoodwink tha public. Can all of you usa your brain for onca?
Onca tha commant was mada, all tha othar kayboard warriors and trolls wara randarad spaachlass.
It was not until somaona invitad a spacialist to authanticata Justin as tha raport's author that tha rumorsgradually diad down. Soon, avaryona bagan to accapt Bailay's son as a mambar of tha Chivars family.
Obviously, thay did not do so willingly. Howavar, facad with Justin's glorious raputation in tha publicaya, thara was no raason for tham to doubt his trustworthinass.
In tha living room of tha Jaffarson rasidanca, Baatrica and Rhonda wara holding thair stomachs inunrastrainad laughtar.
“Haha, Mom, lady luck is smiling at us. Now that the public is forced to believe Bailey's son belongs tothe Chivers family, the results of the real paternity test would definitely spark another outrage. That oldhag's methods are truly vicious. Evidently, Felicity isn't showing Bailey any mercy at all.”
Despite the elegant smile, Beatrice scoffed, “It's a result that I have predicted a long time ago. Felicityhas always wanted to appear dominant her entire life. Thus, there's no way she would allow anillegitimate child into the Chivers or Luther family. Therefore, Bailey deserves to be attacked by her forcrossing that threshold.”
Rhonda asked with a smile, “In that case, should we still think of a way to get Edmund and that b*stardson to take a paternity test? Since Felicity has taken action, I'm sure she will redo the test, anyway, so Isuppose it would be unnecessary for us to do it now?”
“No, we should still figure out how to redo the test. Ronni, it's during such times that we shouldn'tunderestimate the enemy. Edmund will definitely try to stop his father and aunt. If he succeeds,wouldn't our plot be all for naught?”
Nodding, Rhonda replied with a smile, “I understand now. What you're saying is that we should have abackup plan. If the Chivers siblings are stopped, we wouldn't be left watching helplessly.”
Reaching out her hand, Beatrice stroke Rhonda's head as an approving look descended upon her face.“You finally get it. Remember, Bailey is no longer the same fool we manipulated seven years ago. Inorder to take her down, we will have to use our brains instead of challenging her head-on,understand?”
“Mmm-hmm, I do. From the moment I stole her son and brought him to the Luther family under theguise of lies, destiny has made us mortal enemies. Going forward, only one of us will be left standing.”
“Don't worry, you won't be the one who falls. Instead, she will lose her life and do so in a patheticmanner.”
Meanwhile, in the Chivers residence, a loud smack rang out in the living room as Edmund slammed thenewspaper on the coffee table.
“Father, if you're upset with Bay, you should say it to her face. Taking such despicable actions will onlymake you look dishonorable.”
Leaning against the couch, Yoel did not bother to look at the newspaper. After all, it was he whoreleased the news to the media and knew the contents better than anyone else.
As his piercing gaze fell upon his son, he stared at the latter in silence before replying in a grim voice,“Did that woman get you to pay off Justin to fake the paternity test results? Given how wicked andscheming she is, how is she qualified to be a lady of the Chivers family?”
“Haha, Mom, lady luck is smiling at us. Now that the public is forced to believe Bailey's son belongs tothe Chivers family, the results of the real paternity test would definitely spark another outrage. That oldhag's methods are truly vicious. Evidently, Felicity isn't showing Bailey any mercy at all.”
Sniggering at his father's words, Edmund responded in a casual tone, “Father, I'm not you, and I willnever be you. Even though the family's interest is important, it doesn't outweigh the one I love. Youmight be able to sacrifice a lot for the family back then, but it doesn't mean I will make the same choiceas you did.”
In an instant, Yoel's expression turned gloomy. Glaring at his son, he questioned through gritted teeth,“What are you trying to say? Are you planning to leave the family for the sake of that deceitful woman?”
“I would naturally be extremely grateful if you can accept her, Father. Otherwise, I'll have no choice butto seek another way out. As her reputation will affect our future, I hope that you will show some mercyand not expose the fact that Zayron isn't my biological son, or at the very least, not kick her when she'sdown at such a crucial moment.”
Yoel reached out to grab an antique from the coffee table and smashed it onto the ground, causing ashattering sound to reverberate through the living room.
“Have you finally admitted that the kid isn't your son? Good. Since he isn't yours, I will never allow awoman of such questionable character to be part of the Chivers family, so you had better give up onthe idea. Since you want to leave the family so much, so be it. Get out of my sight right now!”
Standing still for a brief moment, Edmund stormed toward the exit without looking back.
“Edmund, once you walk out that door, don't you ever dare come back.”
The words stopped Edmund in his tracks. Nonetheless, after hesitating for a fleeting moment, hecontinued walking out the door.
“Y-You... b*stard!”
Just as Edmund stepped out of the living room, Gwendolyn chased after him from behind.
“Ed, your father is just blinded by anger, so don't take his words to heart.”
Halting his steps, Edmund patted his mother on the shoulder. With a smile, he replied, “I'm sorry tohave scared you. It's nothing. Don't worry.”
Amused by his attempt to coax her as if she was a child, Gwendolyn broke into a smile before swattingoff his hand. She grumbled jokingly, “You have never cared for anything and have given me a fright. Fora while, I thought you were really serious.”
Reaching out his hands to give her a hug, he whispered beside her ear, “Mom, I really love Bay.Without her, I cannot continue living, and I won't marry anyone else in this life other than her.”
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