King Of Chaos
Chapter 356 Ch 356: Dao Fruit of Hundred Rules

Chapter 356 Ch 356: Dao Fruit of Hundred Rules

Offered by Yu Mengfu, the leader of the Dao Ruling Sect, Shi Tian was unable to reject it. He immediately agreed to become the disciple of Yu Mengfu and the successor of the Dao Ruling Sect.

Shi Tian's life took a fateful turn when he joined the Dao Ruling Sect, becoming the sole disciple under the mentorship of Yu Mengfu. Under the guidance of Yu Mengfu, he rapidly progressed in cultivation, reaching the formidable status of an Origin Fusion Sovereign Realm warrior.

However, amidst his promising cultivation, tragedy struck.

Shi Tian received a letter that delivered devastating news; the Shi Family, his kin, had been ruthlessly wiped out overnight. The perpetrator of this heinous act remained shrouded in mystery. No one knows who exterminated the Shi Family.

What was clear, though, was that the assailant sought a specific and precious possession: the Heart Blood of the Shi Family's Bloodline. In the aftermath of the massacre, every discovered corpse shared a haunting commonality; the absence of their Heart Blood.

The goal of the killer was very clear. They killed every single member of the Shi Family just to extract the Heart Blood for some unknown reason.

The enormity of the tragedy struck Shi Tian with a force beyond comprehension. The Shi Family, once thriving, now existed only in the painful echoes of memory. The abrupt loss of his family left Shi Tian grappling with a maelstrom of emotions – anger, sorrow, and a profound sense of loss that defied expression.

The unknown assailant had not only extinguished the lives of Shi Tian's family members but had done so with a ruthless purpose. The targeted extraction of the Heart Blood hinted at a sinister motive.

Shi Tian found himself teetering on the brink of madness, consumed by a potent wine of grief and fury. The magnitude of the loss was overwhelming, and the unanswered questions surrounding the massacre fueled his torment.

In the wake of such devastation, the once-promising cultivator was left with a void that cultivation alone could not fill.

Despite the turmoil within, Shi Tian swore an oath to unravel the mystery behind the extermination of his family and exact revenge for the atrocities committed. The fire of vengeance burned brightly within him, providing a beacon of purpose amid the shadows of despair.

In the face of the harrowing aftermath of his family's extermination, Shi Tian found solace in the unwavering support of his master, Yu Mengfu. Amid the despair, Yu Mengfu became the pillar of strength that Shi Tian desperately needed.

Upon learning the grim reality of the Shi Family's fate, Yu Mengfu, with a solemn demeanor, approached Shi Tian. Master and disciple stood together in the shadow of tragedy, and Yu Mengfu offered insights on the account of Shi Family's annihilation. He revealed that the assailant who had annihilated the Shi Family must be a very powerful warrior. His goal is very clear, that is the extraction of the Heart Blood of the Shi Family's unique bloodline.

Yu Mengfu cautioned Shi Tian about the imminent danger he might face. If the killer somehow becomes aware that there is a survivor of the Shi Family who might become a threat to him or her in the near future, they will definitely target Shi Tian in every manner they can.

In a somber conversation, Yu Mengfu advised Shi Tian to take a drastic step. He wanted Shi Tian to change his surname. The purpose behind this recommendation was clear: by severing the familial tie reflected in his surname, Shi Tian could potentially evade detection by the relentless killer.

Initially resistant to the idea of severing his last connection to the Shi Family, Shi Tian grappled with the emotional turmoil of such a decision. The act of changing his surname represented a definitive break from the remnants of his shattered past. The thought of abandoning the familial identity he had carried throughout his life weighed heavily on his heart.

However, the harsh reality remained. His family was no more and the pursuit of revenge required him to stay alive. The prospect of revenge was like a flame that flickered within him. It could only be realized if he survived the relentless pursuit of the enigmatic killer.

Yu Mengfu's persuasive words echoed with both concern and practicality. Changing his surname, while symbolically painful, emerged as a crucial strategy for self-preservation. It was a choice rooted in the cold logic of survival in the face of an unknown adversary.

In the end, swayed by the reasoned counsel of his master and the undeniable need to ensure his own survival, Shi Tian made the decision to change his surname. The once Shi Tian became Yu Tian, adopting the name bestowed upon him by the master who stood as his guiding light in the darkest of times.

The act of changing his surname was a gesture that seemed to sever the last tie he had with his family. However, Yu Tian did not regret this decision. This decision lets him live and gives him time to look for the killer.

Under the new identity of Yu Tian, Shi Tian dedicated himself to rigorous training. Guided by his master, Yu Mengfu, and the resources of the Dao Ruling Sect, his strength started increasing crazily.

Enduring countless challenges over thousands of years, Yu Tian's unwavering perseverance bore fruit as he ascended to the rank of a Mystic Sovereign Realm warrior.

One fateful day, Yu Tian ventured into a perilous secret realm, navigating through a labyrinth of dangers that tested the limits of even a Mystic Sovereign Realm warrior. Confronting formidable Chaos Beasts, evading treacherous traps, and traversing hazardous terrains, he exhibited unparalleled resilience.

His journey reached a climax as he ventured into the secret realm's core, engaging in a monumental battle against thousands of fellow Mystic Sovereigns. The prize at stake was entry into an ancient inheritance ground, a coveted opportunity that only ten individuals, including Yu Tian, could attain.

Among the chosen, Yu Tian stood out as one of the strongest contenders.

Within the sacred confines of the inheritance ground, Yu Tian faced a series of harrowing tests that pushed him to the brink of death. Miraculously surviving each trial, he emerged with the priceless inheritance left behind by ancient warriors; it was the Dao Fruit of Hundred Rules.

This extraordinary liquid, unlike a fruit borne by a tree, was a collaborative creation of thousands of formidable ancient warriors. Crafted through their profound understanding of the Rules of Chaos, the Dao Fruit of Hundred Rules bestowed upon Yu Tian a unique opportunity for rapid strength enhancement.

The essence of this inheritance lay in its capacity to facilitate the comprehension of a hundred Rules of Chaos. To be precise, Yu Tian had the chance to comprehend all 108 Rules of Chaos, including the Rule of Space that he had already mastered. His mastery over the Rule of Space deepened and became much stronger than ever before with the help of the Dao Fruit of Hundred Rules.

The Dao Fruit of Hundred Rules became a catalyst for Yu Tian's ascension, propelling his understanding of the chaotic forces that governed Chaos. Each drop of the liquid carried the collective essence of ancient warriors, creating a synergy that accelerated Yu Tian's mastery of the Rules of Chaos.

To initiate the process of comprehension, Yu Tian approached the Dao Fruit with a mindset attuned to receptivity and focus. The liquid, with its ethereal glow, seemed to pulse with the very heartbeat of chaos. Each droplet held the potential to unlock a realm of understanding, a key to unraveling the intricate dance of a hundred and eight distinct Rules of Chaos.

As Yu Tian ingested the Dao Fruit, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, a subtle infusion of ancient knowledge that resonated with the chaos within him. The liquid, though seemingly ethereal, possessed a tangible effect as it mingled with his spiritual essence, creating a harmonious union between Rules of Chaos and himself.

The process was not instantaneous; it unfolded gradually, akin to the blooming of a rare flower that unfurls its petals one by one.

The Dao Fruit was like a reservoir of insights. It exposed Yu Tian to the underlying principles of chaos in a structured manner. It was as if he traversed a labyrinth of enlightenment, with each twist and turn revealing a new facet of the chaotic tapestry.

lightsnοvεl One by one, the Rules of Chaos unveiled themselves to Yu Tian's consciousness. The liquid acted as a catalyst, accelerating his comprehension and allowing him to grasp the essence of each rule with unprecedented clarity.

As Yu Tian delved deeper into the ocean of knowledge brought by the Dao Fruit of Hundred Rules, he encountered challenges that tested his resolve. Some Rules of Chaos proved elusive, shrouded in a veil of mystery that required extraordinary insight to penetrate. Yet, with each challenge, the Dao Fruit responded with an intensified infusion of energy, urging him to persist in his quest for understanding.

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