Your levels do appear to be quite high know, the battlefield isnt a playground. With that degree of resolve, do you really think that youll really be able to return safely? From what Ive seen, you dont appear to have even seen people die before? (Ornoth)

.. (Chika)

Chika froze as though she was at a loss for words.

Or could it be that the king who sent you all simply treated you as pawns to be thrown away? (Ornoth)

Th-theres no way that could be true! (Chika)

She vehemently raised her voice in denial.

Then why are you here? It should be easy to figure out so long as you think about it a little right? Exactly what would happen if all of you were sent here. Honestly speaking, for all of you who are unaccustomed to being soldiers, what other reason is there for the king to send you here? (Ornoth)

To Ornoth, that was an honest question. Yet, to Chika, it was one that gave her an extreme shock. Now that he mentioned it, just why did King Rudolf elect to send them, who had never killed a person before, along with the small battalion here?

If he truly wanted to assault the Demon Capital, then he should have prepared a greater force. It wasnt like they had completely trusted the beastmen either. Even so, why did he send such a small number of people here?

I dont get it! I dont get it! No matter how much I think about it, I dont get it!(Chika)

Chika (Taishi)

It was Taishis voice who pulled her confused self back to reality. Thanks to the pain, he had become somewhat calmer. Yet, based on his expression, it could be derived that he would no longer perform any reckless attacks.

Taishi! Are you alright? (Chika)

Ah, yeah. My stomach hurts but..he probably was holding back. (Taishi)

Eh? (Chika)

Taishi held his stomach as he glanced towards Ornoth.

He didnt use his full power at all. Probably..his level is way higher than ours. Not only that, but I feel that he specializes in physical attacks. (Taishi)

Hou, unlike before, thats a good analysis. (Ornoth)

Ornoth was impressed with Taishi for the first time. To be able to see through his opponents physical capabilities after receiving just a single hit, Ornoth felt that it truly was as expected of one holding the title of hero.

Magic is not your only weapon. I, at least, can understand that. (Taishi)

Looking carefully, Ornoths body was dangerously ripped. Taishi understood that he had simply thrust his fist at him, but it had felt as though he had been hit with steel. Having trained and forged his body, as soon as he had regained his composure, Taishi had become capable of analyzing that in his head.

Now then, if you obediently surrender then your lives, at least, will be spared. But if you plan to continue resisting any longer, then as one of the Cruel, I will see you all to hell. (Ornoth)

His terrible force of intent sent a shock rippling through him. Having become calm, Taishi once again realized what a monster-like existence the person in front of him was.

(Even so, if we were all to join forces we could beat him..but) (Taishi)

Indeed, at the very least, currently the only ones who could fight were Chika and himself. If they fought seriously, then they should at least be able to wound him, but as expected, to defeat him, magic was essential. However, even if they tried to use magic, Ornoth would likely stop the two of them.

That was exactly why it was necessary for Shinobu and co. to cover them from a distance, but that too would be too much to wish for.

Ta-Taishi.. (Chika)

Chika looked at him anxiously. He didnt know if she was thinking about the same thing as him, but, at the very least she seemed to feel that they had no chances of winning if they fought here.

Taishi closed his eyes and thought for a bit. And just as he opened his eyes determinedly and was about to speak,

I found you, Cruellllllllll! (Lenion)

The one who suddenly appeared was Lenion, the second prince from the Gabranth Capital: Passion. Not only that, but he appeared to already be in battle stance as a large tornado was being produced from the tip of his sword.

Defeating the Cruelhere will bring me another step closer to becoming the strongest! (Lenion)

Lenion brandished his sword and swung it down towards Ornoth. Taishi and co. were also nearby, but it seemed that he didnt take the slightest notice of them.

As the tornado left his sword, the area was attacked by a gale.

Kuh! (Ornoth)

Ornoth immediately attempted to evade it, but the tornado didnt stop. A wind containing vacuum blades began to attack Taishi and co.

Uwaaaaahhh!? (Taishi)

Kyaaaaaa!? (Chika)

Taishi and Chika, who took it straight on, were swallowed by the tornado and sent flying outside of the capital. And then, the ones who were a little distance away, Shinobu and Shuri, similarly received some damage.

The two of them were blown away by the wind and crashed into a building wall. Ornoth continued to dodge Lenions continuous stream of attacks as he ran somewhere else.

What remained was Nikki, who had hidden in a building unnoticed, and the two injured girls who had been blown away by the wind.

C-Could it be that they have d-died? (Nikki)

As Nikki quietly approached the two of them to check, Shinobus body twitched. Nikki also twitched in surprise, but became relieved after seeing that they were still alive. They wouldnt be happy seeing the corpses of young girls like them.

Uuo-oww (Shinobu)

As she rubbed her waist, it seemed that she was still conscious as she raised her torso.

Wh-what was that all about okay, Shuri-cchi? (Shinobu)

She glanced at the Shuri, who was lying on her side, as she said that. In the next instant, Shinobus eyes opened wide. The reason being that quite a bit of blood could be seen coming from Shuris head. It appeared that she had hit her head when crashing into the wall. She was also unconscious.

It might be expected that the worst possible situation would occur.

Shuri-cchi! (Shinobu)

Ahh, you mustnt do that! (Nikki)

Eh? (Shinobu)

As Nikki suddenly called out to stop her, she reflexively twitched and froze.

When theyve hit their head, its better not to randomly move them about, is what Shishou told me! (Nikki)

Raising their index finger, Nikki explained as their ahoge swayed from side to side. mean Okamura-cchi? (Shinobu)

Okamura-cchi? Is that some kind of spell? (Nikki)

Nikki asked as they cutely tilted their head to the side.

Ah, sorry. Umm, I mean Hiiro Okamura. (Shinobu)

Ohh, thats right! So you knew Shishou! (Nikki)

They smiled happily. Shinobu reflexively smiled back, but her expression darkened as she did so.

Thats true, but I cant just let her sleep here like this (Shinobu)

Then how about having her rest a bit in the inn over there? (Nikki)

..excuse me? (Shinobu)

Nikki pointed towards the inn that Hiiro came out of.

We should put a towel on her head and neck to be safe, but I dont think there should be any problems if we carry her slowly. From what I can see, there is some bleeding, but her breathing seems to be steady after all. (Nikki)

Shinobu stared dumbly as Nikki spoke smoothly and took a towel out from her bosom.

Hm? Whats wrong? (Nikki)

Eh? Ah, no, its just, I was wondering if you really were a child. (Shinobu)

Certainly, for them to be that knowledgeable, it was difficult to see Nikki as a child.

Mufufu~ even though I look like this, Im an adult! (Nikki)

Having felt that they were complimented, Nikkis chest swelled.

Heh, how old are you? (Shinobu)

Im 10! (Nikki)

youre a child. (Shinobu)

Mumuu! Its mean to treat me like a child! (Nikki)

Ahh, sorry, my bad. Then like an adult..umm, your name was Nikki right? (Shinobu)

Its Nikki! For those close to me, I dont mind if they call me Ni-cchan either! (Nikki)

Alright, then its Ni-cchi! (Shinobu)

..umm, were you listening to what I was saying? (Nikki)

Having been called Ni-cchi even though they said to call them Nikki, Nikki became dejected.

Maa maa, dont mind the small details! For now, help me carry Shuri-cchi. (Shinobu)

This is also a way of saving people! Leave it to me! (Nikki)

And so, the two of them carried Shuri to the inn.

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