181stEpisode If you think about it, she is just a little girl

No no way..(Kukklia)

It was just Kukklia murmuring, but it was like a cry inside the mind of every single one of theGabranthgroup.

In addition it was just to be expected. TheThree Beast Warriors, the pride and the greatest strength of theGabranth, were defeated without fighting in a matter of minutes. Moreover, it was done by only one person, a mere juvenile.

But as it didnt happen by mere chance, some of them werent surprised. Muir and co. knew Hiiros extra-ordinariness and the current situation just solidified their opinion.


Kukklia only shot those words into the air, not even looking at Leowald standing next to her.

Th-this is.. that persons.. strength?(Kuk)


Leowald just stared at Hiiro, making a stern face, not answering in the least.

. thats right.(Muir)

Thereupon Muir seriously answered her. Kukklia also turned around and faced her.

This is Hiiro-san now.(Muir)

However, Muir also admired just how much Hiiro seemed to have grown in the meanwhile.((Lib.))Then, the sound of deeply breathing in can be heard from Leowald.

Kukuku. Gahahahahahahaha! What a guy! To treat theThree Beast Warriorslike little children! Gahahahahahaha!(Leo)((seriously, that laugh gives me the shivers.))

And in his eyes, the face of Mimir still being befuddled is reflected.

Oh? Whats up, Mimir?(Leo)

(Mimi)((I know its Mimir but I shortened it. Deal with it))

Nh? Mimir?(Leo)

She certainly was mentally slowed down, but her cheeks were stained red as if she was totally impressed. And as his words finally reach her, Mimir returns to sanity.

Ah, father(Mimi)

What was it, Mimir? Admiring the brave figure of your future husband?(Leo)


She raised her voice as steam flows from her head. And as he slowly turns his attention towards Kukklia

Kukklia, you think it isnt your problem at all, do you?(Leo)((ED: found a double negative so I eliminated one))


If youre pleased with him, Im prepared to greet him as husband for both of you.(Leo)

Na-nanananananana!(Kuk)((honestly, I dont know no other way.))

In that Moment, Kukklia got a bright red face and started stuttering, helplessly opening and closing her mouth. Mimir also hung her head and made an embarrassed face.

And yet another girl felt uneasy inside as she was just a single person. This girl was Muir, and as he saw it


Arnold screamed unintentionally.((Lib: the last three lines were actually one full sentence without direct speaking, but its better this way.))


That was because a black aura seemed to emit from around her.

I know. So lets not put you under pressure. Moreover, maybe youll even fall in love with Hiiro? That being said, as youre a descendant of mine, I guess youre already a little bit attracted to him.(Leo)

As Leowald fixed his eyes on her with a smirk, Kukklia averted her face with apout.((TL: would be the pout here.)) - - - -

I dont know and I dont care!(Kuk)((Tsundere incoming.))

Gahahahaha!Well, that aside, the matter is already settled for Mimir and Muir! At this rate, wont they surpass you at their very young age? Gahahahaha!(Leo)

Hearing his words, Muir and Mimir once again became bright red and cast their eyes downwards.

And Arnold, watching this kind of conversation in silence, had his own thoughts.

Hiiro what an enviable guy.

Actually, the fact that he got the kings permission was quite shocking.((Permission for harem.))

However, Ill absolutely not let him have his way with Muir!)

As he looks into Hiiros direction he clearly emits thirst for blood, but suddenly his face got serious.

However, its entirely true, that idiot entirely surpassed us.

In no way he could believe how high he ascended in a mere half year, and thus he clearly received a shock. Even Arnold had been frantically training. And he was proud that he became stronger to that extent.

But as he saw Hiiros overwhelming strength, he dropped his shoulder heartbroken. Thereupon, a hand was placed on his shoulder. It was Rarashik.

Shi-shishou?(Arno)((means master as you should know already.))

I see, desperately trying to catch up.(Rara)

..thats how it is. Really, he runs ahead at ridiculous speed.(Arno)

However, continually being left behind, isnt it a reason to apologize?(Rara)((Lib))


His powerful gaze met her eyes. Thus, laughing

In that case it doesnt matter if youre strong or not. But if you truly want to stand next to him, having a half-hearted resolution wont work. However, you can say his magic is truly a habit of foul play.(Rara)

Haha, you can really say that.(Arno)

Staring at him with immobile eyes, without fail he determined to catch up with Hiiros strength.

This was a little surprising. He surely thought that they would be dissatisfied to some extend.

We certainly were defeated by a boy. Thats the result. And the result is everything that matters in battles.(Barid)

as one would expect from a man of the military.(Hiiro)

He said it and shrugged a shoulder at the sportsmanlike thought.

. can I ask you one single question?(Barid)

As long as it can be answered.(Hiiro)

In case your plot failed, and you hadnt been able to defeat us individually, when it had become a fight of 3vs1 what would you have done?

His question implied the two common soldiers were a force not to be counted in this matter. Certainly, Hiiro did not choose them for war potential.

Thats right, at that time.(Hiiro)

At that time?(Barid)

. just crushing you altogether would have been sufficient. With brute force, that is.

And you are able to do that?(Barid)

Aah, without any problems.(Hiiro)

Therefore Barid stared at him through narrowed eyes, but in return Hiiro only gazed at him with a feel of ease. Thus Barids face suddenly loosened.

I see. No, sorry, I just had one little regret.(Barid)


I just wanted to try and compete in an 1vs1 with you. Hitting each other with ones best.

Apparently he was dissatisfied with his share. But his intent wasnt to condemn Hiiro, but rather just a desire to seriously fight him.

Thats not particularly a problem.(Hiiro)


Barid was taken aback at the Hiiros unforeseen reaction.

Aah, but youd have to pay compensation.(Hiiro)


Of course. Who would work for free.(Hiiro)((Now here is were one would use a question ma- never mind.))

fufufu, I see, you have just the personality that Rarashik described.(Barid)

It doesnt matter, Im not up to choose an exact permanent residence somewhere yet anyways.

..is that absolute?(nyanko)

It is.(Hiiro)

Thereupon Crouch hung her head, and as her shoulders began to tremble


And suddenly she began rolling on the ground.

Nyo way, nyo way! Hiiro should come with me-nyaaaaaaa!

Again she acted just like a common spoiled brat.

Nofo this is exceedingly cute.(H-Butler)

Apparently the scene was rewarding for the Hentai Butler. But as Hiiro naturally didnt share his preferences, he solely was shocked by it.

Huh, Ill go back.(Hiiro)

As he tried to do what he declared and went to leave, his waist was firmly grasped.


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