The fifth match resulted indraw; however no one in their minds thought that it would end like this leaving them dumbstruck. Especially on the[Gabaranth]side since King Leowald himself participated, everyone was sure of their victory, but due to the result being draw they were unable to believe it. But only Rarashiku approached towards the arena grinning while Leowald was carrying Regulus under his arms.

This results is due to that bad habit of Leowald isnt it?. As for this


UnintentionallyBaridraises his voice so that Rarashiku words couldnt be heard by many people, but,

Sorry.Suman ai..

Surprisingly, it was Leowald who spoke the words of apology.


Not onlyBaridbut everyone present directed their attention towards him.

We might have kept it under the fifth game if we had gone all out from the beginnings

So. Leosamabecame so engrossed in trying to measure the unexpected ability of the other party that you lost the game. Are you saying this is the reasonofyour loss?

..fuuu, Even though everyone in the[Gabaranth]fought with their everything I the king was unable to give you the victory

Leowald remained silent without knowing what everyone might say.

Leosama, but it hasnt finished yet right?


Rule of<>. even if the five games have finished without a conclusion, we can still take a representative from each camp and a final game can be performed. That is the rule

Leowald slowly lowers Regulus to the ground.

Please heal him.

Seeing thatKukuriaand Mimiru came to his side and nodded slowly. Leowald also reacted after seeing everyone in front of him by slightly rubbing his chin with his hands.

This timeit was my mistake that it resulted in a draw. But since we can still recover victory can I have the final chance in order to assure our victory?

After hearing the word,silencewas overflowing until someone shouted The Beast King after that everyone shouted outtheresupport for him.

We believe in you Leowaldsama!

Right! our king is the strongest!

The destiny of[Gabaranth]is in the hands of our king!

Voices of praise were heard by Leowald unanimously. Hearingthishe couldnt control his emotion. Seeing this much confidence and trust towards him by his people he felt really grateful towards them

But is it really okay? for Leowaldsamawho was already participated in two games, you should have exhausted a considerable amount of strength and magic?

I have some time until the representative game begins in the mean time Ill recover as much as possible please call the healing group

..I shall look after you Leosama


And Leowald pumped his fist high when he didcheeringerupted and roars shaking the area were heard.

By all means victory shall be in our hands!


Everyones feelings were unified. Leowald steeled himself in order to assure victory in the next game.

Its bad Rara, to pull me away when everyones morale is finally so high

nahaha!NoI have already seen enough

While saying so she caught Muir and Arnold who were staring at them. She was able to confirm the growth in her disciple.

But do you get it? the opponent in the final game might be.

aayesitll probably be that guy

..Leosamayoure grinning too much..

Oh!! is it so visible?

Unintentionally he tries touching his face. However looking at Leowald Rarashiku couldnt help but smile.

Your feelings are clearly visible on your facene. but hes strong you know.. Hiiro that is

.. I know that

Both of them turn their gaze towards that[Evila]which is on the other side. People from the[Evila]had already rushed towards whereEveamhad fainted. As forMarionehe lowered her quietly


It seemed thatEveamhad somehow recovered her consciousness

Her consciousness still wandering and thenmarioneand the rest of the[Evila]appeared in front of her eyes.

Thereexpressions gradually changed from being worried to that of cheerfulness. After grasping thecircumstancesshe looks around to replace herself out of the crater, lifting herself.


Howevershe felt tremendous pain throughout her body due to which she was unable to take another breath.

Your majesty please dont pushyourself

Marioneafter hearing her words which included grievousness shakes his head in disapproval. Looking at thecircumstancesher face is warped to that of despair. Gripping her fist tightly her whole body was shaken with regret and rage.

What is it.Iafter all this..defeated.

No, your majesty


She was staring atmarionewith a blank look on her face.

It is true that we were not victorious, but there is no defeat either.

Huh! what do you mean?

Changing her toneinstantlyEveamwas so shocked that she forgot to blink her eyes while waiting patiently for the reply.

It was a draw

Draw is it..?

Yes, your majesty

During the gameEveamwho was about to unleash the demon king magic was interrupted by Regulus which ended in failure and exploded as a result. All four participant of the game were involved in the explosion which happened at that time.Eveamand Regulus who were nearby were blown away instantly whileMarioneand Leowald fainted simultaneously resulting the game being a draw. still have some

Many of them had a relieved face, but even though its still a fact that she was unable to gain victory with her own hands.


Enduring the pain she once more lifted her body. Although still being told to have some rest byMarioneshe shook her head in refusal and tried to stand by clinging onMarionessupport


She apologized to everyone by lowering her head. Silence dominated the surroundings.

If possible .iwanted to attain victory for everyone..however that doesnt seem possible anymore.

Her tone had already changed to that of a normal girl but everyone was fascinated by her sincere attitude.

Im sorrygomeannasai.

Shublarz hugged her gently.

Your majesty its okay.


ufufu, even thoughiwas also defeated in the game buuu..t you majesty you did say to me to do your best.


And also, the game hasnt finished yet entirely. the last game forrepresentativeis still remaining

Everyones face hardens at that word. So that the duel hasnt concluded, with this the final game is yet to start.

That is why please dont cry anymore

Shublarz persuadesEveamwhile seeing her face.

Lets cry after winning with everyone okay? right?

After seeing the warm smile on Shublarz face that looked like that of a mother,Eveamsmind settles down.

iget it. As you say Shublarz

After settlingdownEveamdirects her gaze towards a certain person.

There was Okamura with his arm in arm and eyes closed.

Hiiro.canialso depend on you?

Whats with that tone of yours?

Ea? huh..

She finally noticed, that her tone had changed and blushed slightly,

Now is, now is not the time to call each other like that!

Somehow it seems that she was able to change her tone back somehow. And took a large breath,

However Hiiro it seems that Ill have to depend on you for the [Humas] as well..

.duration of the time.


Her jaw dropped after hearing the response from Hiiro which she was unable to understand immediately.

During the duration of my stayidesire the cooking of that woman chef. you only desire that much?

Just that? it is an important thing to me

AsEveamglared at him he involuntary opened his eyes. He was unable to ignore the dishes with rice that the cook made.

So? how about it? Ill stay at [Haouse] can you promise me to provide me with a satisfactory meal? {#i dont know what it means#}

its a promise

aa, after this duel is over please see to it thatican also visit and use the library soon. Those are the condition

.ialso promise to do that.

yosh, then Ill be back in a bit.

As if he was going for a walk in the garden he left for the ring.


Lily there stops him.

What is it, Aka loli?

..dont be careless

aa, Ill be sure to win

Then Nikki, Mikazuchi and evenShamoetoo approached Hiiro.

Shisho! if its shisho thenitseasy victory right!

Mikazuchi will also cheer for master!

ga,gagagagaganbattekudasai..![be,bebebebebest of luck..!]


Originallyishould have asked her majesty to go there but the present me it is vexing but asking the present her to defeat that person is unreasonable


But since her majesty has enough faith in you to believe that you can win theniwant you to respond to her expectation

Ill definitely win

Shublarz seems to also say a word withOrnorth.

HiiroKun it might be a bit heavy but we entrust you our destiny with all our good will.gomenne

If our majesty and Aquinas believes you and have recognized you then we also will believe in you. Ill ask that of youboya.

After giving her an understandinglookI begin to walk towards the ring. The shout of the soldiers is also audible from the back. At thattimeifelt that someone was pulling the hem of my clothes. When I looked back.


Ionisusaid. And next to him was Haburido his eyes shining wildly.

Hiirodono!!ibeg of you please! hiirodono!onegaishimasu!

After seeing everyone and thinking about my contract withEveamand the request from Aquinas. I cant possibly expect to give them anyhalf assedresult. There is also the compensation in that case. There was no intention of losing from the beginning but after this losing is not an option.

Andipoint my fingers towardsEveam. {sfx bishi}

When this ends. do good to give me rice!


And with this Hiiro began to move forwards with everyones cheering in the back.

Fofofofo! well this is as if Hiirosamais the hero of the[Evila]right?

The hentai butler was grinning at the crater.

Its just a joke. dont compare me with such a hypocrite. To the last this is just a request.

nofofofofofo! so it is like that! then lets do it like that from now onwards!

Since there was still time before the final game began. Hiiro and the hentai butler were chatting when they moved to glance at the absurd spirit that theyfelt,as if glancing towards the source of the spirit a ferocious beast was seen walking towards them.

hoho, korewakorewathis is the perfect place for someone like you isnt it?

If its just someone elses problem its easyjiisan.

fofofofofo!hora Ive come brat

There was an overwhelming difference in their physique. The one in front of him had a body just like that of a monster. The body of the beast king that had been polished to that of the ultimate, and it was incomparable to that ofHiiros .#some joke here where the ultimate body is that of the outer shell of tortoise andhiirosis the inner one.#

I kept you waiting. matasetata na.

Huh, so? are you in perfect physical condition?

gahaha! Ill show you that in the game

Both of them glared at each other while waiting for the game to start.

I can finally fight you Hiiro

A deep voice with a dignified presence resonated in the area. It was as if Leowald was the child and Hiiro was the adult if one looked at them, however as the conversation between them continued the smile on Leowalds face grew larger.

Ill fight you with my all. and will win this

No, Ill be the one to win

Both of them were glaring at each other not backing down in the slightest. Even Silva was overwhelmed by them.

Oye Hiiro why dont we make a bet?


aa. of course there is benefitforyou.

.canihear it just in case?

Ifiwin then youll belong to me.

I refuse with all power

The atmosphere between them hardens instantly. Leowald also didntthoughtthat he will refuse so blatantly.

wh. why?

Im straight. but if you are so keen about it thenican introduce you to someoneiknow.

When [valentine] heard Hiiro a chill ran through his back and he shivered instantly. Both hentai butler and lolicon arnoldwherebeing looked at by Hiiro. The hentai butler was twitching but the lolicon had no idea what was happening.

I.. idiot! whos a gay!ididntmeantto say that way!

Even for Leowald, such a misunderstanding was disgusting and he desperately denied it.

If that is the case then dont talk in a way that one might misunderstand

Then. ifiwiniwant you to come to[Passion]

It seemed like an invitation somehow or the other. Looking atLeowaldit looked as if he wanted this but since I have not decided to settle down permanently.

And ifiwin?

Then Ill give you Mimiru.

I dont need that fool

It seemed that his words fell on deaf ears as Leowald decided to ignore his words.

Then tell me what you desire

So being saidipondered on it, but

nothing at the moment .naina

In particulariwas unable to think of anything.

..Is our country so unattractive to you?

Leowald slightly dropped his shoulder

Hmmm how about you owe me a favor? ifiwin


aa, yes Ill come back to the city sometime in the near future to take back the favor that you owe me, so how about it?

.you really are a strange man


This is the first time that someone asked me to owe them a favor. Until now everyone came back with me to the country and demanded wealth and livedtherelife leisurely.

nofofofofo! its becauseHiirosan cant be measured by ordinary means!

Shut up hentai butler damare!konoerojiji


After looking at them talking Leowald loosens up.

gahahaif thats the case then the bets on. Ill definitely win this game and make you come with us to[Passion]

Try it if you can do it

The verbal warfare seemed to have ended somehow. Silva too could feel that the air between them had tensed up.

Thenare the preparations complete?

Both of them nodded at the same time.


Both of them jumped back in order to get some distance between them.

Then let the final game begin!

The Gong for the last battle between[Evila]and[Gabaranth]which would decide their faith had started.

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