Due to the abrupt change in subject, Hiiro could only show a dumbfounded expression in face of it. However, Cruzers eyes were definitely not joking. There might be a meaning to this if he showed him his katana.

He brought out the sheathedZangekitied around his waist and passed it to Cruzer. Thereupon, a shadow appeared on Hiiros shoulders.

You there! I wont forgive you if you do something weird to Zangeki-chan! (Tenn)

It was Tenn. Since he had fused with Zangeki, he might be worried something bad might happen to the katana.

.this is surprising. Are you perhaps a Spirit? (Cruzer)

Hee~ for seeing through my identity with just one look, not bad! Hm? Wait a minute, are you telling me this guyis (Tenn)

Tenn quietly stares at Cruzer with dubious eyes. Did he notice something? He was grumbling some words which made Hiiro anxious about his strange behavior.

(Though I wish he would stop grumbling while on someones shoulders.. haa)

In any case, he would have to hear from Tenn later. Hiiro once again returned his gaze to Cruzer.

eh!? T-this isI see. (Cruzer)

Ignoring Tens mumblings, Cruzer held the katana and look at it with appraising eyes. His gestures were as if Cruzer was having a conversation with the katana.

It is as you can see. That guy can talk to swords as if it was natural to him. (Liliyn)

It was Liliyn who answered his doubts.

Cruzer inspected the newly born Zangekiin various different angles. At first, he had a shocked expression, then as he continued, he nodded many times.

fufu (Cruzer)

Whats so funny? (Hiiro)

All of a sudden, Cruzer laughed. Hiiro who felt bothered by it, asked him, however Cruzer shook the concern away and slipped the katana back to its sheath.

Apparently, this child seems to have grown to something I cannot call my own anymore. (Cruzer)

.? (Hiiro)

This child said that you are his current master and Tenn is his contractor. (Cruzer)

Ah, he said my name (Tenn)

It seems Cruzer understood Tenns name from the katana without him saying it. So the story about him being able to talk was true after all? Amazing.

At any rate, what happened to this child is really unexpected. For the sword to grow into aSpirit Blade no, this is already in the realms of evolution. (Cruzer)

Aw, thats sweet lad. (Tenn)

Tenn puffed up his chest with pride as he said that.

Whats more this molding its very beautiful. Zafu seems to have improved his own skills. (Cruzer)

I see. So what did you talk about with my katana? (Hiiro)

Since it had been a long time since we last saw each other, I had fun talking to it with a lot of things. (Cruzer)

And those were? (Hiiro)

Most of it is me being scolded by this child about Winkaa. I shouldnt have done such a terrible thing on her or so it said. (Cruzer)

Everyone silently looked at Cruzer who had awry smile on his face.

.I certainly didnt imagine it would become like this. (Cruzer)

Cruzer murmured while staring at the katana.

Zangeki told me a lot of things. What kind of person is his master? Is he really worth trusting? And also his proactive support on Liliyn-sans dream. (Cruzer)

Thats natural! Hiiro is my subordinate after all! (Liliyn)

Keep your jokes in your dreams. (Hiiro)

Mu! You still dont understand the position you are in, huh? (Liliyn)

Spare me that. I dont want to become a servant of a little girl like that perverted butler over there. (Hiiro)

Dont call me a little girl! (Liliyn)

Nofofofofo! You should be honored to be a servant of alittle girl! Nofofofofo! (Silva)

It was obvious chaos was about to ensue but,

fufu. (Cruzer)

Hiiro and Liliyn glares at Cruzer who gave off a faint laugh.

Whats so funny? (Hiiro & Liliyn)

Both of them spoke in sync as they threatened Cruzer, but the latter only took a natural attitude and shrugged it off away.

Its nothing. I now understand why Liliyn was able to pursue her dream again. (Cruzer)

He directed a gentle smile without any malice to Liliyn which made her cross her arm in displeasure.

If I remember correctly, you once called Hiiro-san as a non-standard person? (Cruzer)

She said such things behind my back? Not that he disagrees with it, though.

And you have a problem about that? (Liliyn)

To tell you the truth, my opinion of him right now wont change even if that was true. (Cruzer)

.. (Liliyn)

Your dream, A place where everyone can enjoy, I thought that was just a fleeting dream. That even if I reach my hands out to it, it would vanish so easily, which is why I have declined many of your invitations. (Cruzer)

Everyone listened carefully to Cruzer as he continues his words.

The world today had fallen intodisorder unlike the distant past. Antagonism occurs because of race difference, and then this antagonism causes them to fight one another, and then they will seek an even greater power in order to win their war. And those who were defeated will connect this sadness to their love ones, which leads them to hatred, and the fight is extended once again. Just knowing my childrenare involved in these disputes crushes my heart with remorse. (Cruzer)

It was obvious that power is needed to win a fight. And in order to attain that power, strong weapons are needed. It seems he had his share of experience on that.

Weapons are not just for decoration. And I understand that very well. I wanted them to use my weapons in order to protect those dear to them. However, I was a fool. Such foolish ideals of mine did not come true. I did not understand why at first. But after my loved ones were killed by the weapons I made, I understood it then. So I decided to disappear. I swore to myself not to make any weapons that would kill another persons life. (Cruzer)

The weapons he made back then might exist still now. And it was surely being used by a lot of people even now. But what Cruzer did was turn his eyes away from reality.

.youre full of complaints, arent you? (Hiiro)

Only Hiiro spoke those cold words while everyone kept silent.

To begin with, weapons are tools to fight no matter how you treat it. Thats the reason why you make one anyway. (Hiiro)

.yes. (Cruzer)

Whatever ideals you put into such a weapon, it is still up to the person who uses it that decides its purpose. (Hiiro)

.youre right. (Cruzer)

In the end, you just hate that person who betrays your foolish ideals, dont you? (Hiiro)


And then you turn your eye away from the reality and keep running away from your past. That goes the same with your daughter. (Hiiro)

Eh? (Cruzer)

Your ideals were naive since the beginning. Havent this guy informed you as well about that? (Hiiro)

As he said so, Hiiro pointed at Zangeki

You are a father. Whatever you do, wherever you hide, as long as you are Cruzer Jio, then you are her father. And as a father, dont allow your daughter to live in solitude. (Hiiro)

Hiiro-san. (Cruzer)

Running away isnt that bad. There are important reasons by doing so. But,stillrunning away from your past is a different matter. (Hiiro)

!? (Cruzer)

Cruzers was wide-eyed by the impact of his words.

What you really have to do isnt to confine yourself in such a place. If you really have such power, then why dont you use that to move forward? (Hiiro)

fufu (Cruzer)

Whats so funny? (Hiiro)

Ah, sorry, my bad. As I said before, I had no intention of leaving this place no matter how many times you tell me about it. Because I might become an existence that causes a conflict again in this era . (Cruzer)

Certainly, if his existence was revealed, then it wont be funny if that King Rudolph would scheme a kidnapping against Cruzers will.


Liliyn-sanI lost. (Cruzer)

Eh? (Liliyn)

.this boy is full of surprises. (Cruzer)

Havent I told you before? This guy will surely overturn your ideals if you meet him. (Liliyn)

Hiiro knit his eyebrows in displeasure as Liliyn pointed a finger to him.

Yes, you were exactly right. Who could have expected that he had been in contact with my daughter in the past and made Zangeki evolve? It was shocking. And to even get lectured by him without any means of refusal truly shocking.

Cruzer fixed his eyes on Hiiro and then smiled.

Whats with that creepy smile? (Hiiro)

Its nothin..can I ask a question? (Cruzer)

as long as I can answer it. (Hiiro)

Thank you. (Cruzer)

Cruzer fixed his posture and sat up straight. Instinctively, Hiiro sat cross-legged in return. They faced each other face to face.

That child, Zangekitold me that it trusts you completely as its long-life partner. (Cruzer)

Thats natural. Tsuranukiwho is now called Zangeki was Hiiros first companion in his adventure. Longer than any of his companions right now.

However, I dont want my weapons to be used in a war. Thats why I have been collecting my children scattered around the world. (Cruzer)

Hiiro had heard this before from Liliyn, so he accepted his words.

Zangekias well, is originally my creations. What would you do if I said to stop using that child in the war? (Cruzer)

Is that a question? (Hiiro)

Yes. (Cruzer)

Hiiro quietly stares at Cruzers eyes. It was clear eyes testing his resolve. He understood that he wont accept a half-baked answer.

.unfortunately, I cant do as you ask. (Hiiro)

May I know the reason why? (Cruzer)

Because this guy is already mine. (Hiiro)


Thats why I cannot do as you ask me to do. (Hiiro)

that child as well told me that it would become independent from me. But weapons can easily hurt people. If you make a mistake on its usage, it can easily take a persons life, which leads to a great amount of sorrow and sadness. And eventually causes a war. Still, will you wield that child? (Cruzer)

Of course. I will subjugate my enemy because thats my intention. And besides, weapons are not only for hurting people, isnt that right? I told you earlier that the weapons purpose is entirely based on the prudence of the wielder. And thats to protect the things important to you, you said so as well. (Hiiro)

.it seems Ive lost my rights to claim that child. (Cruzer)

At the very least, this guy has been helpful a lot of times, piercing every hindrancein my path. (Hiiro)

I seeyour path. (Cruzer)

Yeah, even I am not fond of cutting people for leisure. However, if it prevents me from reaching my path, then I will have to push through with all my strength. (Hiiro)

Even if you are going to kill a person? (Cruzer)

I have already prepared for that. (Hiiro)

Cruzer stared at him without batting an eyelid.

To protect the path Im taking, I will swing this guyZangeki

Youre right! Me and Zangeki-chan will stay with Hiiro for a looong time. (Tenn)

Tenn shows Cruzer a victory pose. Hiiro doesnt care what hes doing but instead wishes that monkey would come off from his shoulder. Then as if he read his mind, Tenn jumped from his shoulders and,

Besides lad,Zangeki-chan isnt sad when Hiiro is fighting you know. That alone I can assure you of my words! (Tenn)


Ouch! What was that for! (Tenn)

Dont come out all of a sudden you Yellow Monkey. (Hiiro)

(TL Note: Apparently Hiiro calls Tenn with nickname, (Kizaru). Tell me if Yellow Monkey is wrong or not.)

Whats so wrong about that! I have fused with Zangeki-chan! So isnt his story, my story too! (Tenn)


Why did you hit me again! (Tenn)

Tenn takes a distance from Hiiro as he rub his head with teary eyes.

Just be quiet. Even without you telling me, I will continue to believe as long as this sword believes me. (Hiiro)

In that moment, Cruzer opened his eyes brightly and entrusted a kind smile to them.

I see, it seems Zangeki has apparently found a good master. (Cruzer)

Then he turned his directions to Liliyn as he quietly lowered his head. At first, Liliyn was bewildered by such action, but immediately relaxes her face when she understood its significance.

Liliyn-san, the dream you want accomplish, let this foolish one be a part of it too. No, let me assist in it too. (Cruzer)

..umu. Then I expect you to do your best Cruzer! (Liliyn)

Liliyn also smiles in delight as she made a satisfied nod. Silva and Shamoe similarly nodded as if they felt Liliyns happiness as well.

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