[I see. So thats why the second Princess of the kingdom is here]

Teckil, who was brought to Judoms hiding place, was surprised to replace the Second Princess of [Victorias].

Although she did not lose her life from the failure of the Hero Summoning, but still she continued to absorb information while she was sleeping for more than a year due to the .

Even so the fact that she was walking on the ground of her own will, the impact of seeing her with Tekils own eyes was still very large.

But the thing that was quite unexpected was that she had been woken up by Judom. When Avoros attacked the country, he (Judom) probably prioritized things that should be protected.

Even though King Rudolf is no more, the fact that Judom and Rudolf are Best Friends is absolute. That must be the reason why he tried to protect Rudolfs family.

While escaping from Avoros and his comrades, the first thing he did was to head to Faras room. Then left behind all the maids that he met along the way along with Queen Maris and the First Princess Lilith.

Originally Judom wanted to save all of them, but he was not strong enough to escape with the three of them. Thats why he decided to save the one closest to his location. The fact that Fara had woken up was a huge surprise for Judom and a God send, but as a result he could only save Fara.

[If only the Queen and the First Princess was in the Dungeon then we could have brought them along as well]

Apparently Maris and Lilith were not in the dungeons, they must have been confined to other places, or they might have already been killed is what Judom said.

It was unfortunate but Teckil was not aware of their whereabouts since he was unable to get any kind of information from the dungeon.

[Uum, I still have one question]

[What is it?]

Inside the Hut was Teckil and the others Judom, Fara, Tendoku the three of them were sitting on a chair. Teckil did not have a reason to worry and asked the question he was going to. {TN: Tendokus name is under revision}

[How did you know where I was held? And how did you know that I was caught?]

I dont think Avoros would voluntarily tell Judom my location. Even if he knew that I was caught, how was he able to come and help me while being able to pinpoint my location ?

There is only one passage which acts as both the entrance and the exit to the dungeon. Moreover there are multiple dungeons, the closest one is near the entrance, but recently it had been changed from a normal prison to a somewhat different kind of prison.

Additionally, not many days have passed since then. Even if he was to know about my whereabouts this was just too early. Thats why, it was quite natural for me to question Judoms actions, it was as if he knew that I would be there from the beginning and exactly which way to move after the hole in the wall.

Ahh so its about that said Judom and reached into his bosom and took out a piece of paper. And opened it and showed the contents to Teckil.

[Th-that is...the map of the dungeon?]

Yes, it was without a doubt a composite sketch of the dungeon where Teckil was imprisoned. If you looked closer you could see that the location where Teckil was marked in red and the words written on it was Teckil.


[Yes~, although all of this looks like a lie, but all this absolutely true]

Judom starts to re-tell his tale from then. He tells me the truth from his own mouth.

[Firstly, all of this was given to me by that woman]

[.....that woman?]

[Ahh, that woman is a fortune teller; its from her that I found out that a person named Teckil was imprisoned in the dungeon. I thought it was all a hoax]

Judoms cheeks were slightly puffed. He might have really been dubious. But I was amazed at the thought that he still came to help. Teckil now understood that it was quite reasonable for him to not allow his companions to accompany him.

[......Who was this person?]

Feeling something shady behind the scenes Teckil asked with a frown.

[Well, she asked me to refrain from mentioning her as much as possible, so if you really want to know who that was then you would have to check it yourself, or ask her about it in the next meeting]

[.......Understood. Well, its not like I have any complaints, it was thanks to that person that I was able to escape from there.]

That was the truth. If I remained where I was then, I had a feeling that I would be incorporated into a part of Avoros plans. So no matter the circumstances, I am grateful towards Judom and that woman for helping me escape.

[Why, you know that I was friends with Rudolf since we were kids. I mean the king and you were on good terms right?]


[When we (Judom and Rudolf) were kids, we explored all corners of the castle and once we found a crack in the wall and, it seemed there was a hidden passage to the Dungeon from there. We found this passage a very long time ago though.]

[........is that so]

[Well, the only one who found out about that place was me and my best friend Rudolf]

At that moment, Teckil could see the nostalgia in his eyes, as well the loneliness lingering behind. Teckil had wished to know what happened to that friendship, but since it would be over-stepping his position he chose to not open his mouth.

[Did you not know that there is a waterway which runs through the entire castle? There is a valve mechanism on that waterway, which leads to a hidden passage through which you can get inside the castle]

[I came in through the walls last time. Which was pretty much the same way we came back.]

[Oo, I really went in with the intention of saving if you were really imprisoned in the prison]

[Wa-Wait just a moment! Did you just come without even knowing what she said was the truth and whether the information was even worth trusting?]

The doubt that Teckil had for a while was confirmed. Fara and Tendoku who were around were amazed at his actions as well.

[Seriously desu~, you would have tried to go even if we tried to stop you. I am seriously worried that you might have possibly hit your head somewhere..]

[You still have the same stupid attitude of confirming things that you always did like from way back]

[Oioi, Isnt that going a little overboard?]

To Fara and Tendokus rebuke, all that Judom could do was make a sour face.

[Well isnt it fine that everything worked out. It was a good thing that I had gone ahead to confirm it myself.]

[Is Oira here by any chance?]

[Oh, that is, I dont know if you can trust that person or not.but]

I understood instantly that this was from the fortune teller. Certainly it might be true if she was the one who said it. But..

[What if what I said was all a lie? Would you not feel too scared to do it?]

[No, rather, wouldnt that mean that the person who said is unreliable?]

Isnt that quite obvious? To my remark to Judom, a sigh could be heard from the surroundings.

[We-well that certainly might be the case, or it might even be a trap entirely?]

[Fuu~, Do not worry. I have been very good at hide and seek since I was a kid yo.](Judom)

[........A hide and seek with Hidden risks involved ne~.](Teckil)

Somehow the man who helped me out seems to be a bad influence, both in a good and bad way.

[Moreover, its not like that person is dead just yet.]

[.....the fortune teller?]

[Aa, in the meantime I can concentrate on searching for this brat which that person told me of yo~]

[Search? search for who?]

[First of all, I shall tell you all that that person told me]

It seems that before the fortune teller left this cabin, that person said a few words to Judom.

[Hey Judom, Ill advise you one last time before I leave.]

[.....What is it?]

[.....if youre ever going to fight make sure to do it along with that person in your company]

[That person?]

[Aa, rather than that person.that boy.]


[Im sure that person will add to your strength. If its that boy.]

And then Judom learned the name of the boy while listening to persons words.


Or so it was.

And lastly that person took a paper from her bosom and threw it towards Judom.

[You can confirm for yourself whether that is the truth or not]

So she said before she left. The thing that was thrown towards me was, of course the map of the dungeon where Teckil was imprisoned.

[So It was like that, I dont really know if you will believe with just that or not, and so I went ahead to the castle to confirm these thoughts with my own eyes.]

[Haa~, this person is really quite troublesome. Just for such a reason..]

[Oioi, Isnt it a good thing that all this is already in the past. Moreover, Im gonna look towards the future now]

[Whats the matter?](Teckil)

[What I mean is, the reason she that she helped you was so that you could escape safely and since I did not believe her fortune telling, she gave me that map]

[So that was the real reason, huh](Teckil)

Although it was disgusting, Judom said it with a serious face.

{TN: refers to the sentence below}

[Moreover you said that you would help me, didnt you?]

[Eh? Well, that is so, of course. Since its my monster benefactor]

{TN: Its sarcasm referring to a slave driver}

[And also, your ability is very helpful in looking for people]


And that's when Teckil understood what Judom was saying. Teckil eyes glowed as he gulped while staring at Judoms eyes.

[........................I want you to help me replace, a boy named [Hiiro]]

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