First off, it seemed like the stalemate would continue for a while.

This was the time to grasp the details of the enemy's strength.

Normally, one would judge that the Allied Army would be stronger since two races had combined their efforts with each other, but Avoros had a way to reverse this superiority situation into an inferiority situation.

Avoros could manipulate corpses as he wished.

The title that he heldThe Extremely Powerful Death Magic User - Necromancerwas not just for show.

If the dead corpses can be used as pawns, then there is no greater annoyance to the Enemy.

This was the ability that Eveam was the most scared of, the ability itself can be considered as

separate War Potential.

Fortunately, Avoros had remained quiet since the Declaration of War.

However, the silence brought about an uncanny Eeriness.

Most of the humans soldiers would immediately attack the Demon and the Beast Continents to

show off their military might but there had been no movement from the Human Continent.

Avoros did not have a cautious attitude and would not think of not moving, Eveam was extremely

alarmed by this and immediately tasked the forces to gather information.

A few days Later, Demon Country Xaoswas in state of unrest.

This was because the Beast King Leowald from the Beast Country would soon be visiting the capital,

and the Purpose of the visit was of course, to plan for War Counter measures.

Right now, near the East Entrance of Xaos stood the Upper Echelon of the Country along with the Demon Lord Eveam waiting to Receive the Beast King.

You have finally arrived Leowald-dono

Eveam welcomed him with a smile.

I am pleased to have been welcomed by you. However, it is best we start the meeting

immediately, Avoros might just start moving while we do this.

That is possible, right this way Leowald-dono.

Eveam took Leowald and their subordinates followed behind the two and turned their path towards the Demon Lord's Castle.

How did the surprise attack fare? I heard that certain information was obtained.

As the two walked Eveam asked Leowald.

Because we knew what we were doing, we were somehow able to survive.

That is certainly good news.

According to the story spoken by Leowald to Eveam, Beast Capital Passionwas also

attacked in the same way as Xaos but with the rain as the attack method.

And at the same time, just like how Eveam was aimed at, someone aimed towards Leowald in the same form fiercely.

However, unlike Eveam, Leowald was able to defend quite well and used his power to force them back.

According to the investigation, the person who attacked was a corpse which was being

manipulated by Avoros.

Eh, Aquinas here also came to same conclusion.

At that time, although Eveam was slow to notice, Aquinas was able to instantly notice it at a glance.

Behaviour as if impervious to pain, and as if pain could not even be felt and finally, withered away turning into sand.

This confirms with aspect of what happens after Avoros uses the dead as a puppet.

It was judged that, the person that was sent to cause trouble was definitely a dead person and was used as sacrificial chess piece.

But one thing is true Leowald-dono.I was safe because i was protected by my subordinates....

Leowald laughs heartily while Eveams smiles bitterly.

Even so that is way of the King.


I have always acted as the fighting king and always used force to grind the enemy into dust at the expense of my own body, but that is not necessarily how you should be.My path is my path and your path of king is yours and yours alone

Is this not what the lord always says. I want to be a king who can protect and lead everyone.


Moreover, there are various ways to protect.

Some lords like myself will protect everyone simply using their own strength.

But to support each other and keep the others from getting strayed away, and to make sure to take that one step ahead and shine the path, that is the path of the lord so that the people behind the lord do not hesitate to walk the same path together.


Certainly, ideals without strength is fragile.

But for a lord to come hand in hand with everyone to make everyone's ideal come true with the

power the people's hearts.

Is it possible for the strength of a single power to win against it?

Th-that.... Hiiro.....

Leowald who heard Eveams muttering smiled gently.

Certainly, it was Hiiro who had defeated me.

However, that happened only because you were able to form a bond with Hiiro.

Am I wrong?

.......I Understand.

Then the lord should make the bond grow stronger. And then you should become the lord that can everybody can depend on and be the lord that can lead everyone.

..... Yes!

Form the former dark expression Eveam and to the now smiling Eveam, it looked like all her

hesitation had been blown away.

Leowald also shook his head with satisfaction.

And the party soon passed through the castle gates and entered the castle.

When the beastmean entered the Demon Lord's Castle, the sun was seeping in and warming the beds of guests who were resting.

Various books were scattered around a Certain bed.

Even though the world was currently surrounded by unusual circumstances, Hiiro was the only

Lilyn, Silva, Shamoe, Mikazuki and Kuzel the five of them did not choose to live in the guest room but chose to stay in a residence in theDemon Capital Xaosbut due to Silva they had once again move their residence.

Nikki and Camus and TenSpiritlived along with Hiiro and therefore stayed in the same room.

But right now, the three of them were in the Military Grounds.

It seemed as if the entire ground were being energised by Ionis and Schublarz, they seemed to be refining and matching the regiments to the soldiers.

As Nikki and Camus also wanted to grow stronger, it was a good place to obtain experience for them.

Ten was there just to kill time.

That's why, Hiiro was the only one in the guest room.

The window slowly creaked open, the curtains lightly shook, and wind started to enter from the


..... hm?

Hiiro slowly opened his closed eyes, slowly raised his upper body and flexed while yawning then

stared at the open window.

(.........Was the window open?)

Although his memory was vague, he felt that he had definitely closed it before going to bed, because there was no wind up until recently.

(Did someone or maybe a maid came in and opened the window......)

When he went to lie down again without thinking too much, his eyes fell on particular book.

This is.....

This book, it was not the first time he saw it, but he found it funny that this book was here.

The book's title was Adventurers of Tinkle Vail.

It was the book that Hiiro had read before in the Flower Garden ofDogamuVillage.

Briefly said, it was the story of a Hero.

Once Hiiro reads a book, he does not read it a second time.

In other words, someone had put this book near his bed.

(Maid....? No, No-one has done anything like this before, so it is too unnatural)

Hiiro judged that there was no one in this castle with high enough stats to avoid his senses.

Because bluntly put, it was Hiiro.

Since there was noone in this castle who would feel unpleasant to talk to him directly although he appeared unfriendly.

As he was the person who had saved theDemon Evila, there was noo-ne who viewed him as a human, rather they thought of him as their own.

Therefore, the involvement of maids or soldiers placing the book here was negligible.

Then how about the ones close to Eveam such as Aquinas? After all he knew that I liked to read.

However, he has never done such a thing so far, even if he was going to, he would say something about it previously.

He could not understand who had put it here and Hiiro threw the book onto the bed with a *pon*

but it is fact that someone had entered the room.

Moreover, it seems that there was no malicious intent with regards to Hiiro and that person.

When Hiiro came to this world he had experienced various things, and somehow, he was able to

develop a feeling of understanding when a person had ill or malicious intentions towards him even when he was asleep.

Since Hiiro could not replace the existence of the person and neither any malicious intent, Hiiro was

able to infer that said person had no intentions of hurting him.

Then why, just why did he put this book here.....? Is it to return to the origin.

While looking at curiously, Hiiro took the book into his hand.

On the page next to the poster was a letter.

Hiiro looked through the contents of the paper within the letter multiple times with his eyes wide


Hiiro closed the book with a *Patan*, wide awake with a serious expression spread across his face,

he immediately put magic power into his finger and wrote the word Teleport.

In the next moment, Hiiro vanished from the guest room and only the light sound of wind was heard inside.

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