When I woke up, it was already slightly past noon When I went to the dining room, I saw Silva preparing lunch with great timing as usual. It seems he knew that I up, and when I asked, he only responded, as usual, that it was because he is a butler.

It was useless to respond to him, so I let it be. When I was eating in silence, I sighed as I heard the sound of rain-drops splashing around the house

Then, I suddenly remembered. I wonder if Mikazuki is alright.. Mikazuki should be experiencing this weird phenomena for the first time.. Its bad if she panics and fall to the lake.

Because I used , the word I placed on Mikazuki disappeared, and I cant pinpoint her location. I think I will go check it out after finishing the meal.

Even though I can vaguely feel the location, I tried to ask Silva where the animal feeding ground is, it seems to be at the back of the mansion. After that, I quickly went out of the mansion and went to search for Mikazuki.

sfx : Zazazazazaza (Rain)

Even though it was raining in the vicinity, it was strange how it didnt rain here. This is really a different world, logic cant be used here. While thinking that, I continue to walk.

Just like Silva said, theres something like a shed behind the mansion. There, I saw something like a chicken with plump wings. Nearby, i saw Mikazuki sitting calmly while with her eyes close.

As for why she seems so relax, it was because theres a person grooming it.

Kui ! (Mikazuki)

When Mikazuki realize Hiiros presence, Mikazuki called over Hiiro many times as if he is trying to get noticed by him. But, unlike Mikazuki, the other person is wearing a stiff face and looking at him.

That person was the one that he fought last night. (TL Note : Not that kind of fight)

I-I-I am S-Sorry ! (Shamoe)

That person whos confused and keep apologizing is no other than this mansions maid, Shamoe, who certainly caused some trouble with him last night, Shamoe.

Kui ? (Mikazuki)

Mikazuki confused why Shamoe is apologizing to its master, and looking at back and forth between each of them.

E-E-Ehm.. (Shamoe)

Shamoe was panicking and dont know what to say. Watching such a scene, Hiiro only shrug his shoulder in amazement.

I wont just let it slide you know ? Since, I almost died last night. (Hiiro)

That night, if I didnt resisted, I would certainly died. Even if I survived, I would recieve a significant injury. I wont just let it slide like that.

Hearing that, she felt really bad. Shes shaking while holding both hand in front of her chest. She thought that Hiiro might be thinking of revenge.

Of course, Hiiro dont have such an intention. Even though last night, he drew his katana because of the danger, he didnt intend to kill people that are not hostile.

Can you remember? (Hiiro)

Y-Y-Yes ! (Shamoe)

Thats troublesome huh.. (Hiiro)

If she didnt remember anything, she wouldnt feel guilty. But, looks like she was conscious during the fight.

Since she cant do anything but watch, shes probably suffering since she has a weak heart.

I-I am truly sorry ! Shamoe have done such unforgivable action ! (Shamoe)

She keeps apologizing over and over.

Its true that she caused it, but Hiiro can only sympathize with her. Watching a girl apologizing over and over again, mad Hiiro feel bad.

What are you doing with this droolingbird ? (Hiiro)

Eh ? A droolingbird ? (Shamoe)

Kui Kui Kui Kui Kui ! (Mikazuki)

Mikazuki was licking her masters face as if she have not seen him for days.

Eit, I always told you to stop that, didnt i ? (Hiiro) (TL Note : Ice cream !)

Kuiiiiii ! (Mikazuki)

Mikazuki shook its head as if refusing.Then, Hiiro said,

This is why. (Hiiro)

After forcefully pushing Mikazuki away, he show his face full of droll to Shamoe.

I-I see (Shamoe)

Understanding that, she gave him something like a handkerchief from her pocket to Hiiro. Hiiro obediently took it and wiped his face.

Then, What were you doing with this guy ? (Hiiro)

O-Oh, Thats right, I was brushing it. (Shamoe)

Is that so ? Looks like, this guy have given you some trouble. (Hiiro)

Mikazuki bent its neck as if apologizing.

N-No, its nothing ! I can only do this much ! A-And, there was yesterdays accident. Im sorry because I wasnt able to apologize right away ! (Shamoe)

Looks like she intended to apologize last night. But since she cant replace him, she tried to atone it by helping Mikazuki. She tried to apologize indirectly. If she have prepared her heart, of course she would apologize right away, but seeing Hiiro come in suddenly, her head was spinning.

Seeing this girl trembling before him, Hiiro fold his arm and say,

What are you so afraid of ? (Hiiro)

E-Ehm, T-That is.. (Shamoe)

Hiiro dont care about race differences. Thats why he didnt know the problem of a half.

Thats because, half is a detested existence.. (Shamoe)

Hoh (Hiiro)

What shes saying is, not only in here, a Half is a taboo. Thats why they got despised by all race. (TL Note : I can see a flag in the distance.. Damn you Hiiro ! ) Thats why..

Unable to use both Magic and huh (Hiiro)

Thats right, the characteristic of a Half, is that they inherited the physcial characteristic from both race, but they didnt inherit the unique skill from them. Which is Magic and in this case. Since the blood cancel each other, they cant used.

Its the same with a cross-breed of and . Unable to use magic, the halfs are considered as a Taboo and a symbol of disaster.

Of course, cross-breeding is against the law. If the child is found, it will either get banished or eliminated.

Shamoes mother which is an was prepared for this when she gave birth to her. Her Father which is a decided to search for a way to cross the continent and move away from his family. He told his wife and daughter that he will replace it and definitely return.

But, when hes gone, the mother and young Shamoe lived in the shed the the father built. The nearby, notice this, and when they found out that Shamoe is a Half, they got banished.

They had nowhere to go and the father still hasnt returned. Because they have made a promise to wait here, they didnt want to leave this place.

Even though that the disagreed with this, no one touched them. But, sneers and disdain are a everyday thing. No one even bother to look at them and treat them as if it is natural to hate them.


Even though young Shamoe is fine, the mothers heart is gradually broke. When Shamoe turned to 5 years old, the mother cant bear it any longer and collapsed. Then, she died silently after. (TL Note : Ugh.. )

Shamoe is now alone, and dont know what to do. Seeing that her mother has passed away, the nearby use this chance to get rid of her. They burnt down the shed that her father built.

After she had nowhere to return, she dont know where to go. She have no choice but to wander the continent, but she cant use Magic. This continent is not a kind place for a young girl.

She was unable to gather enough food. She dont know how to replace a river to drink from. She was slowly dying. Reaching her limit, when she was about to accept her fate, something is looked down at her.

That was Ojou-sama. (Shamoe)

She didnt wear frightened face anymore, a small gentle smile can be seen.

That time, she lend her hand to me, and its Super Cool !! Ah~ Kya Kya~ (Shamoe) (TL Note : Shit. YURI ALERT !!)

Hah ? (Hiiro)

Shamoe had a sparkling eyes and approached Hiiro.

She said to me who was lying on the ground, If you want to live, come with me ! , Then then, she employed me on this mansion ! Ojou-same didnt even hate halfs ! Im very grateful to Ojou-same ! (Shamoe)

As if she forgot about Hiiro, she didnt realize she was approaching Hiiro. When she noticed, she quickly fall back and hang her head.

E-Eh, I-Im Sorry ! I-I-I have shown such indecent thing ! Argh, Shamoe is such an Idiot ! Idiot ! (Shamoe)

While Hiiro is thinking that he has seen scene like this before, Shamoe knocked her head over and over on the animal sheds wall. Hiiro shrugged.

Come on, I dont mind it. So, thats why you are working here huh ? Aside from that, is it okay to tell me that story ? Im just a guest you know ? (Hiiro)

Whether its Liliyn or her parents, they should be a precious memory to her. Hiiro doubt Shamoe because she told such a story to a mere traveler. She smiled a little and shook her head.

I-I heard from Silva that Hiiro is not a person that care about races. (Shamoe)

(That Hentai-jiji, saying unnecessary thing.) (Hiiro)

Hiiro clench his fist in his heart.

Th-Thats why, even though its an ugly story, I-I wanted you to listen. (Shamoe)

Is that so ? If youre fine with it, then its alright. I have no intention to reveal it to anyone anyway. Let me praise you for having a good eye. (Hiiro) (TL Note : Good eye as in good enough to know Hiiros a good guy.)

Th-Thank you so much ! (Shamoe)

Even though Hiiro was boasting, Shamoe still thanked him.

(Mu, if its Ossan, he would have fight back, but somehow shes too obedient that its a bit annoying.) (Hiiro)

Somehow, I miss how Arnold responds..

Well, whatever, Oh, thats right, i will call you Dojimeido (Clumsy Maid), hear me Dojimeido ? (Hiiro)

Shamoe was dumbfounded.

Dojimeido, of the full-moon night. (Hiiro)

Hearing that, she sighed.

Even though you cant control your own power, dont attack me next time okay ? (Hiiro)

E-Eh ? I-Im sorry ! (Shamoe)

You better search for a way to control it. Go ask the red loli. She should know some way since she lived for such a long time. (Hiiro)

A-Actually, I already asked and have been practicing it. (Shamoe)

It didnt go well, huh.. (Hiiro)

Y-Yes.. (Shamoe)

Shamoe dropped her shoulder and glanced at Mikazuki.

Well, I guess its fine as long as youre trying. (Hiiro)

Eh ? (Shamoe)

At least, I like people who try their best even if they failed. (Hiiro)

Eh ? (Shamoe)

Hearing Hiiros word, Shamoe blushed.

Fueeeeee !? (Shamoe) (TL Note : FIRO-TAN !!)

Hearing the sudden scream, Hiiro frowned.

E-Eh, I-Its just.. W-What do you mean by Like ? Fueeeee ! (Shamoe)

Shamoe put both of her hand on her cheeks. Hiiro is confused why shes so surprised. Hiiro frowned and stare at her.

(Wh-What should i do ~~~~ ??? He-He likes Shamoe ? That means, That means.. !) (Shamoe)

Shamoes eyes are rolling and something like a steam is floating from her head while her face is red like a tomato.

(What a weird girl, everyone on this mansion is a weirdo.) (Hiiro) (TL Note : Donkan Protagonists are Donkan.)

Unable to understand Shamoes wild delusion, Hiiro looked up at and wondering when the rain will stop.

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