Legend of Legends
Chapter 338 Hero 3

Junhyuk bit his lip as he ran away from his enemies. He was stronger than ever before, but he was sure that he wouldn’t be able to deal with the two of them alone. If Nid and Kilraden combined their powers, he wouldn’t even come close to making a dent. "Can’t I fight them inside the castle?" Within the castle, his enemies had a place to hide. When they entered the castle’s force field, they regained health relatively quickly. If he wanted to fight them, he would have to keep them outside of the castle, but that wasn’t easy to do. With the exception of Kraken, the other two enemies had a method to bypass him and get inside the castle. From where he stood, he couldn’t hold them down. To do that, he had to have a stunning power like his enemies, which he did not have. Sarang could paralyze them, and it worked from long range, but it only lasted a short while. Junhyuk couldn’t kill them within two seconds. He would have to kill his enemies in the castle. Thinking and worrying about it, he raised communications with Artlan. It had been a while since he’d heard the hero’s voice. "Things are looking terrible, which is why I called you." "Yes, I’m watching it now. You are scrapping like a mutt." Junhyuk knew that the heroes had bet on the Champions’ Battlefield battle, but he hadn’t known it was possible to watch it live. "Do you have any advice for me?" "Advice?" "For instance, how to become a hero." After laughing heartily, Artlan asked calmly, "Have you assimilated the living spirit?" "Yes." The hero had not expected that answer, so he fell silent for a moment before speaking again. "Since you’ve assimilated the living spirit, you now have the basic components to become a hero." Junhyuk agreed with Artlan. After getting the living spirit, the way he moved had changed, and he could spend a lot more mana on things. Once he returned to Earth, he would be able to feel the difference much better. "But I haven’t activated a new power." "About that, when heroes sign contract, they can choose what powers to bring to the Dimensional Battlefield. However, when minions become heroes, the process is entirely different." Junhyuk knew about that too. Powers rose from passion, but the last power couldn’t be triggered by danger or passion. "And your powers concern space, which I heard is not something humans can control. So, you won’t activate an ultimate so easily." He nodded heavily in agreement. "But you must keep one thing in mind." Junhyuk listened attentively as Artlan continued, "Envisage the power you want." "You mean I can activate any power I want?" "If you could see through your subconscious, it would be better, but you can’t do it yet, so I’m telling you this. Also, look back to how you activated your other powers." Junhyuk thought about his powers. He activated the force field when a wolf attacked him. He had wanted to protect himself from the wolf. He got the teleportation while fighting Minota. Junhyuk had dived away but had come up short. He had wanted to live and he had wanted a little more distance, and that’s how he got it. The Spatial Slash, he got while protecting Sarang. To save her, he had had to kill Killa. His powers had activated whenever he had wanted something done. Junhyuk didn’t realize it, but something he wanted desperately shaped itself within his subconscious. He was still thinking about it when Artlan gave him one last piece of advice, "Now, you have the tools to activate a new power, and if you do so, you’ll become a hero. May luck be with you." "Thank you." Artlan was like a teacher to him. The hero had taught him how to survive the battlefield, and Junhyuk thought of Artlan and then of his own powers. Junhyuk wanted a stunning power. If he could stun Kraken from range, he could change the flow of battle. A stun as an ultimate would be nice. It would change the flow of any battle. Nid had a counter, Kilraden had a shockingly strong ultimate, and Kraken had a stun. Every single one of them could change the course of a battle. Junhyuk thought about Artlan and started trying to give shape to the power in his head, but he started getting a headache. Just because he wanted something, it didn’t mean that he would get that thing. That’s not how it worked. But, he thought he should exert himself even more to get what he wanted, so he did. So far, he had trained only the basics of becoming a hero, but now, he had to practice activating a new power so that he could, in fact, become a hero. Junhyuk thought about many things before he reached the first tower and saw his group. Sarang was carrying Gongon in a hug, and Gongon looked extremely serious as he saw Junhyuk. "Did you kill any of them?" Junhyuk shook his head. "They all escaped inside the castle’s force field." Gritting his teeth, Gongon asked, "What do we do?" "The golem is nearly destroyed, so we’ll finish it off and start?" Gongon nodded and said, "OK. Let’s go." Even though Sarang was hugging him, Gongon spoke seriously and menacingly. That made Junhyuk less nervous. After that, he told them about his conversation with Artlan. Sarang decided to call Vera, as Vera could help Sarang better. Gongon moved over to Junhyuk’s neck and complained, "The Dragon Lord told me to roll some more!" "Does the Lord like you?" Gongon smirked. "What are you talking about?! The Lord told me I am a candidate to succeed him." Junhyuk laughed a Gongon. Gongon was powerful enough that his statements shouldn’t be questioned. He had acquired new equipment since getting dragged to the Dimensional Battlefield and should, in fact, be considered a successor of the Dragon Lord. The group followed the road and reached the castle’s gate, but they saw no one. As they walked, they found quickly that their first tower was under attack. Junhyuk turned to them. "Let’s destroy the golem before we return." "If possible, yes." The group ran quickly inside the castle and saw the giant golem by itself. The enemies, on the other hand, destroyed the first tower and kept on advancing. Returns took a few seconds, but within those few seconds, they could kill the giant golem. Junhyuk ran ahead first and used the Spatial Slash on the golem. Previously, it had been difficult to create a single-point explosion with the Spatial Slash, but things were different now. The single-point explosion destroyed the golem’s head. Gongon had already beaten it up quite badly, but the Spatial Slash had also gotten stronger. With a single hit, the golem lost its head. Gongon came running and kicked the golem’s chest. As the golem fell back slowly, Junhyuk smiled with satisfaction. The allies had kept their distance from the castle’s force field, and when Junhyuk turned to look at it, he saw the enemy heroes coming out. Junhyuk wanted to tell the allies to retreat since he had already used the Spatial Slash, but as Kraken came forward, the hero pierced the ground with its tentacles. There was still some distance between Kraken and the allies, which meant that Kraken must have misjudged the distance. However, Junhyuk teleported further back with Gongon and Sarang. Then, Kraken pulled its tentacles out of the ground and walked toward them slowly. Junhyuk had been fooled by Kraken and wasted a teleport. He gritted his teeth in frustration. The allies would’ve been able to kill Kraken with the Spatial Slash and the Thunderstorm, especially after Gongon had joined the fight. They could kill Kraken still, but now it all depended on keeping the hero from getting back into the force field. Junhyuk retreated, and Kraken smiled. "You’ve already used the Spatial Slash." Because Junhyuk hadn’t used the Spatial Slash on it yet, Kraken smiled, satisfied with its guess, and ran toward him. The other heroes were following Kraken, and Junhyuk said calmly, "We should run." Junhyuk wanted to lure the enemies out of there, so he wanted to run away. Meanwhile, Kraken rushed toward them. Kraken was sure Junhyuk had used his Spatial Slash, so the hero rushed. Seeing that, Junhyuk clicked his tongue and looked back. He had to get out of range of Kraken’s stun. Junhyuk was still wondering if he should use the force field or teleport when Kraken spit black ink at them. As he saw the ink approaching, Junhyuk touched the others and teleported. Kraken had now used two powers, so he teleported right in front of the octopus. Junhyuk was standing right under Kraken’s nose. He had decided to kill Kraken. Kraken’s ultimate could change everything, so the octopus had to die. As he showed up, Junhyuk stabbed at the hero. He didn’t have the Spatial Slash, but Sarang used her Thunderstorm. Craaack! After getting hit by the lightning, Kraken was paralyzed. Realizing that, Junhyuk swung at the hero again. Junhyuk saw that his sword was ignoring Kraken’s defense and damaging him terribly. Because the hero was paralyzed, his second attack became a critical hit, and Junhyuk dealt a total of 32 percent damage to the hero. The Thunderstorm took off another 36 percent from Kraken. So, a total of 68 percent of damage was inflicted on the octopus. Once Kraken could move again, it tried to grab Junhyuk with its tentacles. Nid and Kilraden had already close in and were swinging their weapons. That’s when Junhyuk raised the force field. Kraken’s tentacles bounced off of the force field, and Sarang shot two electric blasts out. Kraken and Nid were paralyzed, which made Junhyuk ecstatic. "Well done!" Gongon transformed and attacked Kraken with Junhyuk. Another critical hit landed, which ignored Kraken’s defense, and Junhyuk dealt another 20 percent of damage to it. Once Kraken could move again, it tried to retreat, but Gongon exited the force field and headbutted the hero. [Gongon killed Kraken.] Before Junhyuk had a chance to celebrate, Nid howled. Gongon was stunned, so Junhyuk ran toward him quickly. He had already used his teleportations, so Nid and Kilraden started attacking Gongon. Junhyuk was fast getting to him, however, and Gongon entered the force field again. The enemies retreated, and Sarang took the opportunity to heal Gongon to full health. The hatchling cracked his neck left and right and smiled. The allies were unhurt, and they had killed both Kraken and the golem. They would win. At that point, if their enemies retreated, the allies could pound against the castle’s force field and finish the fight. Junhyuk walked ahead and the other champions followed him. "I told you to wait and see!"

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