Legend of Legends
Chapter 347 Inspiration 2

Junhuyk washed himself clean of the Wolf Warlord’s blood and walked out. Major Jiro was waiting for him. Once he saw Junhyuk, he walked over and whispered, "Guardians called for you." "Where should I go?" He followed Jiro and was guided to the command tent. Inside, there was a large monitor turned on. On the screen, he saw Eunseo, and next to her, there was a smaller monitor with five faces on it. They were the people from the U.S., China, Russia, England and France. Junhyuk shook his head lightly. They were all looking at him like he was wearing his armor, but he was actually in casual clothes, and his hair was still wet. He took a seat and asked, "Why have you contacted me?" Everyone looked at Eunseo, and she said, "I saw video of the battle today. People want to know how long the training will last." Junhyuk answered, "As you can see from the video, the team can’t attack a dimensional tear right now. They have to be ready to deal with A-ranked monsters without me. Until then, I won’t order an attack on a dimensional tear." Everyone frowned, and Steve, the American, spoke up, "I hope you realize the situation. Every day we’re delayed by training, the world falls into more peril. How about intensifying the training?" Junhyuk shook his head. "You are mistaken. I must minimize accidents and injuries, so I can’t intensify their training." The tactics of the last Wolf Warlord had been completely unexpected. The Warlord had sent a few monsters to lure them in and blocked their retreat, totally surrounding them. Without Junhyuk, they would’ve been annihilated. He continued calmly, "Considering their psychological stress and physical exhaustion, I want to give the team two days of rest after each monster area advance. You should give them psychological counseling during that rest." Eunseo nodded and answered, "We have already prepared a medical team for that purpose. We’ll send them out right away." "We’ve already signed a contract for the destruction of dimensional tears, but the contract doesn’t say anything about the corpses created during training. We have a collection team, so how about giving 70 percent of the income to the trainees?" It was called training, but without the team, people wouldn’t be able to do anything against the monsters. The army could hunt, but they would only be able to kill a few. His team, however, had killed dozens of monsters. Even if the team were to only earn 30 percent of the income, it would still be a lot. Steve smiled. "OK." Steve had already received a report from Junhyuk, so he wanted to maintain a good relationship with him. If that relationship soured, Steve would only lose. Junhyuk got up and said, "I would appreciate if I could rest somewhere." Eunseo answered calmly, "The Japanese government has prepared a hotel nearby. The Dark Knight and his trainees can rest there." Junhyuk turned to the five people on the screen and said, "I don’t want to hurry things because I want to avoid losing every powered person we have, so just be patient." They all nodded with some hesitation. They had learned that day that only Junhyuk could stop the dimensional tears. He had killed B-ranked monsters by himself, along with a massive number of C-ranked monsters and an A-ranked monster. As he walked out of the tent, he looked at Jiro, who smiled back. "I’ll guide you to your hotel." Junhyuk had only wanted to see the dimensional tear. It had been something he had needed to do for his training. But now, he wanted to see it again. To do that, he had to kill the Black Turtle, and that wouldn’t be easy. But he would. He would talk to Agenchra about it. Jiro prepared a few cars for him, the experts and the novices. They were all glad to be heading to a hotel. Junhyuk looked out of the window of his car. The Tokyo Tower had been a landmark of the city, but it had been destroyed by the Black Turtle. It wouldn’t just be the Tokyo Tower. How many other landmarks all over the world had been destroyed? Junhyuk closed his eyes. Soon, the car stopped, and Jiro opened the door for him. "You may rest here." As he walked out, he saw a tall building, the hotel. He entered it, and people crowded around him. The Japanese ruling class had already contacted the hotel, and the people guided him to his room. He had received the VIP room, and as he entered, he said aloud, "Agenchra." After he called for the manager, he felt time stopping. A dimensional tear appeared, and Agenchra stepped out of it. Junhyuk also sensed the dimensional wall closing after getting torn. Agenchra had made a hole through the dimensional wall to create the tear. Junhyuk saw Agenchra with even more awe. The manager could send monsters through tears and stop time. Junhyuk had thought that only God would have had such powers, but Agenchra had them too, and he was once again impressed by that. "I have a favor to ask you," he told the manager. "What favor?" Agenchra seemed to already know what the favor was and simply stared at him. Junhyuk chuckled and said, "You can see me." Agenchra was able to see through his armor, and he nodded nonchalantly. "You are wearing casual clothes." Junhyuk had just showered. He continued, "The training facility you made for me, can you make another entrance for it." "Do you need two entrances?" Junhyuk nodded. "If I allow someone to enter, I want that person to be able to enter without me." Agenchra grabbed his chin, thinking about what Junhyuk had just asked of him. He was wearing his usual trench coat and fedora combo, and the pose made him look like The Thinker. "There are a lot of steps every time I allow someone to enter the facility. They have to ask for permission first, and I can’t do anything right now." Agenchra showed him a finger. "I’ll allow one person aside from you to enter. Is that OK?" "Can I choose that person?" Agenchra shook his head. "Only a champion may enter that facility." "The facility is for champions only?" "Yes, I made it for you because you were a champion." "Can Sarang enter?" "Aside from you, only Sarang can enter that place." Junhyuk nodded. "OK. I’ll choose Sarang to enter without me." "I’ll give her the right to do so." "Can Sarang take someone else?" "That is not possible." Junhyuk nodded and said, "OK. Can I enter from here?" "Yes, but I can’t make you another entrance." "You don’t have that power?" Agenchra shook his head, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. "Fine. Nothing I can do about that." Staring at Agenchra, he added, "Thanks for looking out for me." Agenchra smiled at him. "Your growth is shocking. You now have a 50-percent chance of becoming a hero." "That’s it?" Agenchra shook his head. "In reality, champions are all different, but on average, any individual champion has less than a 5-percent chance of becoming a hero." Junhyuk was shocked, but he also knew that novices had a very low chance of becoming experts. However, he was curious. "How about Gongon?" "Gongon has an 85-percent chance of becoming a hero." He sighed. "That’s a surprising rate." "Gongon is special even among the Dragon Tribe." Junhyuk laughed at Agenchra and said, "Gongon told me he’s a candidate to become Dragon Lord." Agenchra nodded and agreed. "Gongon was being modest. There are less than five Dragon Lords in all dimensions." Realizing that Gongon’s bloodline was extremely rare, Junhyuk smacked his lips. "OK. I can enter from here, right? I have a question. How many A-ranked monsters are inside a dimensional tear? I killed one, and another came out." Agenchra shrugged. "I am not so sure about it myself. Dimensional tears spawn with one A-ranked monster, but as time passes, more appear. I don’t know the interval in which they do." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. He had no idea of how many A-ranked monsters were in a tear and he could only kill one at a time by himself. He needed to put more thought into destroying the tears. "Thanks for your kindness. If I have any more questions, I’ll call upon you." Agenchra took off his fedora and bowed, disappearing into space. Junhyuk sensed the dimensional wall opening up like a zipper, creating a tear that opened and closed as the manager went away. He thought about how space had changed when Agenchra showed up and felt like he was on the verge of learning something else about space. He could sense it, but he couldn’t quite figure it out. "As long as I activate it." He would activate a new power.

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