Chapter 227 227 Intervene

Thrashing about wildly, it shot out white webs sporadically- left, right, center- trying to entrap its assailants. But by her sides, the gigantic white wireworms remained as unmovable as mountains. The rocks broke apart under its frantic jerking- spilling dust, and sand sendiments rolling down the hill.

Above, the sun dipped further down- leaving barely a quarter of its circumference- dangling above the hill.

Lying on the ground, and watching the forces of nature, Nexus' fists tightened and tightened. His lower lip was twisted in a snarl- and he heard the outer walls of his skull pounding violently.

For some reason, he was riled.

Almost a hundred yards out- across the ravine, on the other side of the hill, the Black Widow's movements began to slowly dull.

Under its torso, Stacy observed closely as it kept its two front legs huddled together- protecting its bulging pregnancy. In sickening crunches, and in a pool of slime, the two massive wireworms opened and closed their massive jaws- biting, cutting, and chewing the spider's furry legs.

"It's running out of fumes," Stacy whispered. "Look!"

The York girl's eyes gleamed with interest. Her shoulders, neck, and back all tensed- screaming against her beige cloak- as she kept her gaze trained forward.

Lying beside her in the dust, Nexus whispered back;

"It takes a whole lot of protein to make that amount. . ." its screams came again cutting him off; ". . .considering just how pregnant it is, I'd say it has exhausted its limits. . .or at least, close to. . ."

From the sinking cuts, there was no blood.

Maybe the wireworms were gobbling up its blood- Nexus wondered; 'Through those huge fuckin' jaws, anything was possible!'

Meanwhile, the third wireworm managed to break free.

With a plop, it slid foward- pulling out the Black Widow's curved sharp claw.

Immediately, it doubled around- sliding with a quickness- raging towards the Black Widow's backside. Nexus' veins turned to ice as he watched it open its mouth. The hinges of its jaws widened- separating the heavy moulds of flesh- revealing a jagged formation of triangular shaped white teeth.

With a violent snap, it jabbed its jaws shut- slicing into its rectum.


The scar-riddled body of the furry monster screamed its lungs out!!

Its red eyes bulged unnaturally- moistening- darting back and forth hopelessly, searching out anything- to bite- to claw at. Suddenly, Its two free legs shuddered- jerking spontaneously. 

Sensing its own defeat looming, it threw its head to the sides in a bout of desperation- thrashing wildly- shagging its fur in the wind- trying to slam itself into the massive lumps of disgusting whiteworms. 

But its fruitlessness screamed louder than its squeals.

Unable to support its weight any more, its frontal torso buckled dangerously- collapsing to the earth.

Through the waning light above, Nexus watched as the monster sank its claws into the ground- struggling to keep its pregnancy from crashing down. Its desperation echoed in the air as it tossed its head back and forth- trying to slam into the huge parasites eating her alive.

With each shake of its head, its shots of white silk began to come out in slower and slower streams- in meagre strands- turning from brilliant white, to milky white, and finally to red- the color of bloodstained phlegm.

"Yep," Nexus rasped observantly; "It's running out of silk threads. . ."

"This doesn't look good," Stacy whispered hoarsely.

"Yes. But its not giving up. You gotta commend its fighting spirit!"

Nexus could almost hear the praise in his own voice. Never had he though the day would come. He was admiring a Black Widow! Monica would hate him for this!

"Its fighting spirit is what'\ is still keeping it alive. Notice how its body's trembling?! That's cos' it wasn't built to sustain its entire body on just four legs. . .if her legs give under her, then–"

Stacy yelped as she figured it out;

"–then its pregnancy would slam into the rocky surface!" she cringed- inwardly and outwardly.

"Exactly," Nexus continued; "It might be a monster, but its doing its best to keep its unborn child safe- that's nature- that's maternal instincts."

Her eyes narrowed; "I'm guessing there's another lesson here master?"

The attitude in her tone was glaring. 

At this point, adding 'master' didn't make it any less snarky.

"Yes," he ignored the attitude- craned his neck forward- and whispered; "A person who doesn't have something worth dying for, is a person who hasn't started living. . ."

His words settled between them, as the raging screams of the Black Widow echoed in hills all around them.

"Stacy," Nexus called; "We're going to have to help her. . ."

The York girl's eyes flipped wide open;

"Help THE BEAST?" she stuttered; "W-w-why master?"

The astonishment in her eyes was genuine. Her brows cocked together- watching Nexus- as he watched the beast's struggle on the opposite hill.

"There's a reason we just so happened to be passing by. I don't believe in conicidences- especially ones that revolve around life and death."

She threw her head back;

"Hey, I respect the motherly here okay! Its commendable and all. But its just a beast! Why should we get involved with its issues? It's not even human!"

Nexus' body rolled in the dust- peeling his gaze away from the struggle- turning to face Stacy with an icy gaze;

"Listen," he growled; "The Black Widow is worn out and completely vulnerable. . .so if we decide to step in now, we have an advantage of weakening bothsides. All we have to worry about are the wireworms."

Slowly, understanding seeped into Stacy's eyes.

Her eyes flipped away from him, to the monsters, and back to him again. She whispered coolly;

"So. . .its better to have them fight and weaken each other. . .than for us to have to fight all four of them?"

Nexus nodded;

"As a neutral third party, we would only be in the position of strength. . .especially against two enemies that are bent on killing each other."

She nodded as well.

Nexus continued;

"This is just the kind of critical thinking I was talking about. . .it's not just always one hundred percent about the objective. . .it's about taking advantage of the situation at every given time. . ."

Her voice came out- a lot softer this time;

"Minimizing the risk, and at the same time, strengthening our profit margin. I like it. It sounds good."

Nexus relaxed- grateful he had been patient;

"Well, what do you think? Is it worth it- or not?"

"Definitely worth it," she chorused; "DEFINITELY. . .compared to my initial plan of storming all three of them. . .well, this sure sounds better. . ."

Nexus liked that.

She wasn't too conceited to not see the error of her ways.

"So, master, what's the play here?" she asked eagerly.

"Follow my lead."


Sliding down the steep slopes of the cliff, and with the evening wind rustling through the hilly pass, both of them silently side-stepped their way towards the hill before them. Their shadows fell silently behind them- as the western sun clung lazily to the last hour of daylight.

With Nexus in the lead, and Stacy three feet behind and close on his heels, they both placed one step in front of the other- necks craned forward

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