Chapter 266 266 The Answer's Yes

Nora's eyes glistened with a mix of relief and gratitude, knowing that her feelings hadn't pushed him away but had deepened their connection.

Nexus continued, "After this is all over, how about we give dating a try? I promise that we'll make the most of our time together."

Nora's face lit up with joy and she nodded enthusiastically. It was a pact between two companions who had shared their hearts in the face of impending danger. They sealed their promise by intertwining their fingers, a symbol of the bond they would explore once the threat was dealt with.

Nexus leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Nora's forehead, a gesture of comfort and support. "No matter what happens, we're in this together, Nora. We'll face the challenge as a team, and we'll come out stronger."

Nora felt a renewed sense of hope and determination, knowing that Nexus had acknowledged her feelings and was open to exploring a deeper connection with her. Their heartfelt exchange had strengthened their bond, and they were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, hand in hand.


The very next day, as soon as Nexus counted a hundred steps out front, he darted behind a giant oak tree.

Eyes twitching around, and ears open for any sound, he issued a voice prompt out loud;

lightsnοvεl "System," he whispered quietly; "Activate secondary disguise. . ."

In the flash of an eye, Nexus was out- and a taller, blonder, and more muscular Ni Yang emerged. Nexus glanced down at his hands and chuckled- feeling the familiar tug of his long dark coat, and his 'sheriff' hat on his head.


From under the shadow of the tree, Nexus' long legs came striding out.

He hit the dust with forceful steps, bouncing and bouncing till he pulled up into the main road. 

'Damn it Nexus,' he chuckled to himself; 'You starting to like this adventure a tad too much. . .'

Through the bustling streets, after nearly knocking over a pregnant woman, and knocking over a street vendor's ware's Nexus (now as Ni Yang), stumbled into the bar in the eastern part of town.

Feeling like the bad guy in some cowboy western, he gently pulled on the door to the bar-letting its old metal hinges creak loudly as it swung open. The shadow of his tall form fell forward, darkening the floorboards. 

With his head down, and hat shrouding his face, the sound of his heavy black boots clacked along the hardwood surface, as he strolled into the bar. Two and a half steps in, he slowly, lifted his head upwards. His hardened eyes glazed under his hat.

Then, in dramatic intentional motions, he spun his head round and round, soaking up the bar in wide sweeping arcs- letting his eyes rove around. Nexus almost heard his own heart sink in crushing disappointment. Nobody had even as much as glanced in his direction. 

The bar was as large as three classrooms merged together- and several windows lined up the widths of the room. Rectangular tables were lined up in formations- with stools that rose up from the ground in cylindrical shapes.

Nexus' eyes swept through each booth. One or two lonely daytime drinkers- all men, all moderately dressed- stared dejectedly into the tall glass mugs in front of them. Nexus sighed, and thrust his foot forward, about to march towards the counter, when a familiar voice came streaking into his ears from the left;

"You'd better listen closely, because I really hate repeating myself- I AM NOT INTERESTED."

It was a feminine voice- full of confidence, full of attitude. He spun sharply to his left, and spotted the familiar locks of red hair.

"I don't mean any harm," a second voice echoed weakly; "I just wanted to–"

The lady retorted coldly-

"Leave now, and I won't burn off that hair line you're desperately trying to save. . ."

Nexus smiled as he watched the middle aged man lift his hand and touched his head- Insecurity flashed through his eyes. Shaking his head, and muttering to himself, he grabbed his drink, hoisted himself up- and slipped away into oblivion.

'Yep,' Nexus chuckled- as he strolled over; 'Still the same Monica. . .'

Coat flapping behind him, he came up behind her, and echoed in a polite voice;

"Excuse me ma'am," he said coolly; "I promised myself I wasn't going to do this, but your flaming curls were basically calling out to me. . ."

Monica, instantly recognizing his voice, smiled into her drink, as she lifted her head up to the 'stranger.'

"Why mister?" she grinned; "You got a fetish for redheads or something?"

Nexus placed his right hand on his chest- feigning hurt;

"Well, if I didn't before, I certainly do now."

"Careful," she answered with smiling eyes; "Red- they say, is the color of danger. . ."

"And of love. . .and of intrigue. . .and of the very substance that gives us life. . ."

Monica's eyes danced- lighting up her cheerful face with a resplendent glow;

"Awfully bold of you to speak of love and intrigue to a stranger."

"Oh, pardon my manners," he stretched out his hand for a handshake; "I'm Ni Yang. There, you know my name, so I guess we're no longer strangers."

Eyeing his outstretched hand mischievously, she turned away from him, faced her drink, and took a long swig;

"I don't do handshakes mister Ni Yang. Especially not from strangers with a fetish for- how did you put it? 'flaming curls.' "

Nexus closed his palms, and withdrew his arm with a smile on his face;

"Well played Monica," he boomed; "Well played indeed."

"Come on Ni Yang, don't be such a sore loser," she teased; "Your lines were only half bad. . ."

"Hahahaha," Nexus chimed; "You're a mean girl Mon."

Her eyes twinkled at the compliment;

"Have a seat Ni Yang. Today, you have the privilege of buying me a drink."

Nexus laughed again- chortling in low soft chuckles. When it came to charisma, no other woman came close to the youngest Russell. He stared at her- noting the way she fearlessly drank the yellow beer from her glass tumbler- not bothered about anyone else.

Monica was charisma itself.

Her confidence was her allure.

With a neat white napkin, she dabbed her lips wiping off the residual foam of the lager with a swipe of her hand;

"So, tell me," Monica asked; "How's the Lady Selina?"

Nexus felt his cheeks flush a little; 

"Well, I suppose Miss Selina is doing good."

She rolled her eyes;

"Oh come on Ni Yang, 'Miss Selina?' really? You must think I'm twelve years old or something?"

Fighting hard to keep a straight face, Nexus replied casually;

"She's a miss isn't she? I gotta respect my elders."

"Yeah sure," she snickered; "Respect them by fuckin' em raw you mean,"

"Monica!" Nexus exclaimed.

"Oh pish posh–" she dismissed, taking another huge swing; "You really going to deny you're not making love to that white haired goddess? Huh Ni Yang? Huh?"

She was slightly drunk- he could tell.

He shrugged; 

"If you're asking if Selina's my woman, then sure- the answer's yes."

In the background, the sounds of pouring beer echoed in slurp-slurp sounds. Half a dozen jugs shuffled across the surface of the wooden tables- and the steady thudding of horses' gallops outside filtered into the bar.

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