Chapter 406 Chapter 406 All Planned Out

Despite Reaves' formidable display of power, the assailant's escape left an air of uncertainty lingering in the room.

As the luminous aftermath of the confrontation dimmed, Reaves surveyed the room, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of concern and determination.

With the assailant's escape, Reaves, still simmering with annoyance, chose not to pursue but instead focused on the immediate well-being of his daughter.

Reaves, his stern countenance softened by paternal concern, rushed to Tiffany's side, the remnants of the shattered glass beneath his feet. "Tiffany, are you alright?" he questioned urgently, his eyes scanning her for any visible injuries.

Tiffany, still recovering from the shock, managed a wry smile, "I'm fine, Dad. Just a little shaken." Reaves, however, wasn't satisfied with a mere verbal assurance. His years of experience as a leader and father propelled him to meticulously examine his daughter.

He gently took her hands in his, inspecting for any signs of trembling that might betray hidden trauma. "Did he hurt you? Any scratches, bruises?" Reaves inquired, his fingers delicately tracing the contours of Tiffany's arms. He checked her face, ensuring no hidden injuries lurked beneath her composed exterior.

As Reaves examined her, he asked about her mental state, "Tiffany, tell me, are you feeling any pain or discomfort? Don't hold back; I need to know." His eyes, a mix of concern and determination, searched for any hints of distress in her expression.

Once satisfied with Tiffany's well-being, Reaves turned his gaze toward Nexus. Inquiring about Nexus's condition "Are you alright, Young Man" he asked in his authoritative yet caring manner, he sought assurance from the young man, Nexus.

Nexus replied subtly "Yes, I am good. Just a little injuries."

"That does not look little, can you hold on?" Reaves asked with concerned tone. Nexus, with a nod, conveyed his capability to manage the situation.

Reaves couldn't help but feel a surge of protective anger. "Who was that assailant, and why did he target you?" he demanded, his voice firm.

Nexus shook his head in ignorance, "I don't know who it is, the assailant just appeared from the shadow and attacked us."

In the aftermath of the skirmish, the once lively ballroom now bore the scars of the confrontation. Broken glass and displaced furniture painted a chaotic tableau. Amid this disarray, Madeline swiftly made her way to the scene.

Reaves had hurt and sent the assailant flying when she got there, the assailant had left a trail of chaos in his wake. Madeline, upon assessing the situation, felt a mix of shock and annoyance at the audacity of the assailant.

She glanced at Nexus and the wound on his arm shocked her to the core, it is an unwelcoming view "Oh Nexus" she said silently but full of emotions and worry. As she approached Nexus, whose arm hung limply, severed in the brutal assault, a blend of worry and frustration colored Madeline's eyes.

Madeline's steps quickened as she approached Nexus, her heart pounding in sync with the urgency of the situation. Her eyes, usually composed and commanding, betrayed a mixture of shock and frustration as they locked onto Nexus's injuries.

"Nexus," she uttered his name with a tone that carried both worry and exasperation.

Her gaze shifted from Nexus's injuries to the surroundings, a quick survey for any sign of the assailant's return. Madeline's sharp mind processed the potential threats while simultaneously ensuring Nexus's immediate safety. "Where is a healer?" she called out, her voice cutting through the din of the party. The urgency in her tone spurred those nearby to action.

Spotting an advanced healer in the crowd, Madeline wasted no time. With a commanding gesture, she beckoned the healer toward Nexus. "Quickly, we need your expertise here," she directed.

Turning her attention back to Nexus, Madeline's concern manifested in the furrow of her brows and the tightness in her jaw. "Hold on, Nexus. Help is on the way," she assured him.

The healer arrived, their hands glowing with the soothing light of restorative magic. Madeline watched with a mixture of hope and trepidation as they began their work. The intricate dance of magical healing unfolded, mending Nexus's severed arm. Madeline hovered close, her watchful eyes tracing every movement of the healer's hands.

As the healing progressed, a visible sense of relief washed over Madeline's features. Her shoulders, previously tense with concern, eased ever so slightly. Yet, the underlying worry lingered in her eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the dangers that lurked beyond the glamorous facade of the celebration.

With the immediate threat abated, Madeline turned her attention back to Nexus, her voice gentle yet firm. "You're going to be alright, Nexus. We won't let anything happen to you."


In the aftermath of the failed assassination attempt on Nexus, Mike retraced his steps back to Angel's room in the brothel, a whirlwind of shock and conflicting emotions enveloping him.

Entering Angel's room in the brothel, Mike found himself in a state of agitation, his mind a tempest of conflicting emotions. The room's dimly lit ambiance reflected the shadows of his thoughts as he paced back and forth, replaying the failed attempt on Nexus in his mind.

"Damn it," he muttered to himself, frustration etched across his face. The disappointment of the unsuccessful assassination attempt gnawed at him, intensifying his inner turmoil.

"How could it go so wrong? I had it all planned out."

"This was supposed to be my moment," Mike muttered, his jaw clenched with frustration. The anticipation of success had fueled his every move, and now, faced with failure, a bitter taste lingered on his tongue. "Nexus may have survived tonight, but he won't escape forever," he vowed to himself, a glint of determination in his eyes.

Mike's negative sentiments toward Nexus had deepened over time, fueled by a perception of Nexus's recent behavior as flashy and ostentatious.

"Why does everyone fawn over him? What makes him so special?" Mike questioned aloud, the rhetorical nature of his query echoing in the room. In his eyes, Nexus had become an emblem of everything he despised – a symbol of arrogance and excess that deserved to be brought down a notch.

As he paced the room, Mike's mind concocted a narrative where Nexus's flamboyance had earned him enemies, making him a target for those who sought to cut him down to size. This line of thought served to validate Mike's own vendetta against Nexus, the failed attempt only amplifying his determination to see Nexus fall.

The dim glow of the room's lights cast shadows on Mike's face. He ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous tic betraying the tension beneath the surface. In the shadows, Mike's thoughts took a darker turn. "He thinks he can play this game without consequences. Well, he's got another thing coming," he mused, a sinister smile playing on his lips. The anticipation of Nexus's heightened vigilance weighed on him, but at the same time, a sinister satisfaction lingered.

With a frustrated sigh, Mike leaned against a wall, contemplating his next move. The failed assassination had not dampened his resolve; instead, it fueled his desire for revenge.

The failed attempt had set the stage for a more intricate game, a game Mike was more than willing to play.

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