Chapter 503 Chapter 503

Why–? He swathed a wet lock of hair away from his face; Why did that feel so damn good? Wasn't this supposed to be strictly for healing purposes?!






No way.







Nexus chuckled under his breath;

"Well, that was certainly unexpected. . .there's really nothing my semen can't do- can it?"

"WHAT?!" Mary thundered; "HOW?!"

Raw lightning- charged with a thousand volts, cackled through Mary's eyes. Around her throat, fury pulsed in the network of throbbing veins. To say she was 'not pleased' was simply understating it.

"No one knows how it happened, but it has been confirmed. Tiffany Reaves has done the impossible. . ." The vassal answered her, bowing her head lower; ". . .she has somehow managed to suppress the toxin in her body. . ."

Mary scoffed; "This better be a fuckin' joke. . ." she swallowed; "Tiffany could?be selling rumors. . everyone knows she's a beast. . .she can't control it!"

The vassal chirped on; "The family's butler is a regular customer. Last night, in bed, he told me she was seen trotting around the estate in good cheers. Tiffany has it under control my Lady."

"Under control my ass," She replied.

Her fiery eyes glazed under the direct sunlight. The hem of her black gown drifted- swaying with the shifting wind. She cursed inwardly;

Fuck-fuck fuckity fuck!!

'How the hell did this happen?!'

Her thick brows arched; The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to /n/o/vel/b/in.

'This changes everything. With Tiffany back in the equation. . .'

She let her treacherous thoughts run loose. Both her eyes twitched sporadically. Her small hands curled into fists by her side. And her lower lip quivered.

'All their gold. . .all their land. . .it was so close, I could practically taste it. . '

Tiffany's image suddenly filtered into her mind. And like a demolition, the entire picture came crashing down.

'NO. . .' her thoughts thundered; 'I can't let this happen. . .I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN.'

On her slender neck, her head swiveled to the right. Glowering at the vassal, she asked;

"This butler, did he say anything else? Did he say who she has been hanging out with lately? Does any strange person come to see her?"

The petite girl, still with her head bowed, shifted slightly on her feet. Both her hands were tucked under her dangling sleeves. But clearly, her fingers were twitching with nervousness.

"For heaven's sake girl- spit it out!"

"I'm sorry Madam," she stuttered; "But he did mention someone. . .a certain young man- tall, broad shouldered, grim faced, and with a deep set of broody eyes. But I do not know his name."

Mary blinked. She blinked again- exhaling with a heavy sigh;

"I do. Fetch me Angel. NOW."


Half a dozen minutes later, down the stony path, Angel floated over the older succubus;

"My Lady," she bowed; "You sent for–"

"It's Nexus isn't it?" Mary scowled; "That self righteous prick. He's the one meddling isn't he? Fuck, I can smell him all over this mess already."

Confusion bloomed on her face; "N-n-nexus?"

Mary turned away from the shimmering fountain, flashing a look of impatience;

"Keep up you dumb cow! Your lover boy is the one behind this fuckin' mess! A hundred gold coins says he's behind Tiffany's miraculous power!"

Now it was Angel's turn to blink. Her lashes curled and re-

curled. Her steely eyes cut into the succubus and her breaths seized. How did she know about my crush?

"Oh please," Mary waved her off; "I do not give a rat's ass fuck about your stupid crush. You know what I want. . ." She narrowed her eyes into tiny slits; "Don't you?"

Angel, clad in a velvet-red gown, with her dyed blonde hair dangling in curls, stood in the middle of the path like a fairy. Her perfectly trained face remained frozen. Like strobes of light, understanding streaked through her eyes.

She nodded- stilling her breath;

"You want Nexus. . .you want him out of the way. . .you want me to take him out. . ."

Suddenly, the older succubus' eyes melted in amusement. Her jaw dropped, her tongue uncurled, and a dry hoarse laughter erupted;

"Ha!" she shrieked; "HahhHaha!!"

Her shoulders heaved and fell in rich vibrations. The echoes of her mocking laughter sliced through the atmosphere. On the heels of each peal, scorn followed in deriding tones.

Genuine tears of amusement welled in her eyes.

Angel was stunned.

"You?" Mary quipped; "You? You think you can–?"

Her rich bubbly laughter erupted again, invoking tremors of annoyance from the younger succubus. Angel stood still, waiting for her to land.

"Don't be stupid girl," she finally said through her hoarse voice; "You CAN'T take on Nexus. Not alone anyway."

Mary's eyebrows shot upwards. What did she mean by that? What could possibly be the–

"Oh, my sweet sweet songbird," Mary chaffed; "Come now, we've got a tiger to catch."


Half a day later, Wood the playboy, whipped through the city's streets. His face was flushing with nervousness. His upturned lips was twisted in a tight snarl;

Hiyahhh!! He shrieked at his horse; Hiyahhh!!

In clouds of dust, the black stallion pounded on the dusty streets. Its nostrils flared- opening and closing in dilating progressions. With its powerful neck, it raged forward- blazing in swirling clouds of dust.

On either sides of the road, pedestrians recognized the mad man coming. At once, they scurried away in quick dashes- fleeing from Wood's rampage. Under his wide hat, his eyes blazed in his sockets. His coat flapped noisily behind him.

Wood was in a hurry.

His neck arched westwards- stealing a nervous glance at the setting sun.

'Almost sunset. . .' He scowled, huddling his brows together; 'Move it Woody! You can't afford to be late!'

He dug his heels into the horse's sides- urging it forward with sharp juts;

Hiyahhh!! Hiyahhh!!

"Come on!! Move it!! MOVE IT!!! Out of my way you bloody peasants!!"

Giddy with excitement, he gripped the reins tightly, trying to stifle his anxiety. Today was the day. In pictures painted with vivid colors, his mind kept playing his sick fantasies in orgiastic loops-

'ANGEL. . .' He muttered to himself; 'Angel the blonde dragon. . .the fairest of them all. . .all to myself? Shit, I must have done something good in my past life to deserve this. . .'

His dick swelled in his pants. He pictured the bulge of her luscious boobs- and he began to virtually salivate. Half an hour ago, Wood was bent over a kitchen maiden, literally about to rape her bloody. Suddenly, a messenger came- gifting Wood the best news of his life.

'Angel, the Princess of Heaven on Earth, requests the pleasure of your company for tonight by eight–'

Before the messenger could finish, the young man was already half way to his horse-before racing to his horse.

'She literally has the whole city lining up to fuck her. . .' he bellowed with his swelling head; 'Yet, she chose me. . .I really must be some kind of god. . .'

At the edge of the horizon, towering above the cluster of buildings, three words bloomed at the top a three-storey building; HEAVEN ON EARTH.

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