Chapter 84 Chapter 84 Battles VII

The humor was lost on Nexus.

She couldn't see him, but his face was twisted into a problem solving mask- reflecting his iron will decision to not die here.

"Snap out of it Monica. . .!"

It was the first time he had taken that tone with her. And Monica, despite herself, was a little bit shocked;

". . .you're really goin' to throw in the towel here?!" he rasped as her.

"Look around you Ni Yang," she retorted back; "There's no way we can fight our way out of this. Not even if I had the power of the sun! I can managed to take a few down, but its only a matter of time before they–"

"We're not dead yet," he stopped her; "–we ARE NOT dead yet," he stated more assertively.

She paused, taking in his words in the heat of the moment;

"You have a plan?"

"The plan is to stay alive at all costs."

Her face contorted in anger; "That's not a fuckin' pla–"

"Take care of yourself Monica. I know you're strong. . ." his head tilted towards the right flank;

". . .I'm going after the B-rank leading wolf."

Anger rippled through her; "Am I supposed to be impressed?! What? You wanna go down and negotiate with it? Is that your fuckin' plan?!"

She kicked the earth in anger.

But Nexus' eyes had a faraway look in his eyes- he was way too far gone to be with her in her current state of mind;

"Remember, stay alive."

"Oh come off–"

But he didn't let her finish. Nexus' form blitzed by in the darkness. With an energetic blast, he surged forward- towards the edge of the rock. Her brain had barely registered his movements when Nexus shocked her even more.

In a split second, he blasted forward, running at top speed, arms swinging by his sides, nostrils flaring, and eyes up ahead- Nexus' calves tensed, as he launched himself off the ledge with the whole of his might.

Under the waning like of the indecisive moon, the outline of his body soared high into the air- off the edge, and towards the ground where he rolled in a neat roll to break his eight feet fall.

The blood rushing wildly to Monica's ears temporarily numbed her senses.

Her round eyes went even wider as she gawked at Nexus. That crazy son of a bitch! Did he say he was going after the B-rank wolf?

She instinctively edged closer to the ledge, and saw Nexus' lithe form under the midnight moonlight, dashing straight in a straight line- right at the demon wolf itself! It was a glorious sight. She sighed sadly.

He was a good guy. It was too bad he was rushing to his death.

With the wind in his face, his feet thumping hard against the earth, and the crazy rush of adrenaline pumping through him, Nexus closed distance between himself and the wind wolf.

Having made the wolf his prime target, the whole elements of creation melted in the background of Nexus' vision. He didn't see the rest of the wind wolves scowling in the background. He didn't see the lay of the land, neither did he see any barrier. He only saw the leading wolf.

And it was huge.

Fucking huge.

Despite seeing him charge at them audaciously, the vassal wind wolves did not charge at him.

Like the reserve infantry of an army in a battlefield, they remained in formation- rigid, unmoving, waiting patiently, right behind their boss.

Twenty yards out.


The towering, ten foot tall, mass of muscle, flesh and teeth suddenly stopped its advance. It inclined its shaggy head and brought it's vaunted nuzzle low towards the earth- waiting.

Nexus might have been wrong, but he could have sworn that the demon wolf looked happy to see him. Suddenly, its bulky frame shifted. The black demon wolf spread out its legs, and balanced its humongous frame between all four of them.

In that position, it looked like a swing at a playground- only with muscular flesh, a strong framework of bones, and a loud desire to not just kill Nexus- but to tear him from limb to limb.

'Seriously,' Nexus wondered; 'What does this thing even eat to sustain this bulky build?!'

It was a valid question.

But the timing was terrible.

Of course the demon wolf ate pesky little humans that were stupid to charge right at it!

In that moment, the wind suddenly shifted. Nexus, still at full speed, watched with shocking disbelief as the air all around the wind wolf began to swirl. The swooshing sound of rushing wind suddenly rose up like from- just about everywhere!

The north, the south, east, and west all contributed to the rich gusts of wind twirling, and gathering momentum right in front of the wind wolf.

Hot and cold air gathered together, and began to rise, like sand currents in a desert storm. Nexus' insides churned as the violent winds howled like banshees- and began to take the form of a swirling funnel!

Like a tornado, it spun wildly, forcefully picking up pieces of debris all around, and hurling them into the air flippantly. The whirring noise of its energetic churning, screeched through out the terrain like a funeral dirge.

The vigorous funnels of wind tore up the ground with blasts of swirling air, and rose up the heavens, provoking a kind of mini storm, distorting the peace of the environment.

The big bad wolf remained behind the tornado- unflinching, unmoving, looking every inch like a villain. Behind it, the smaller (but still big) wind wolves retreated backwards in nervous shuffles.

Nexus, tried to skid to a halt, but was already going way too fast to slow down. To his horror, he watched at the tornado split into two. One on the menacing wolf's right, and the other on his left.

'What in the fuck–' Nexus swore out loud; 'This isn't fair! This never happens in the novels!'

While he was still moaning about it like a little bitch, the wolf made its move.

Out from the raging tornado on the right, the demon wolf unleashed a wind blade right at him! The hot blast of compressed air, raged through the void, and sliced through the atmosphere like an invisible scythe!

The hair at the back of his head stood at attention! Mid-stride, out in the open, with nowhere to hide, Nexus knew he had to counter, or risk having his body sliced to bits.

In a split second, the tips of Nexus' fingers began to burn- at first with a hot, bright orange, and quickly metamorphosing into an incandescent glowing red.

Insitnictively, Nexus' chest swelled, and his head arched upwards towards the sky- as if tapping power from the heavenlies. Quickly, both his arms shot forward towards the rapidly encroaching wind scythe.

Without any incantations, without any enchantments, Monica's eyes nearly dropped from her sockets as violent flames suddenly burst forth. Right from his shoulders, down to his elbows, and finally to his palms and tips of his fingers, a scourge of bright red flames suddenly erupted!

Monica jaw dropped.

The span of Nexus' entire arms were enveloped in the sexiest, deadliest, and most destructive color of flames known to exist. They roared with a deafening blare- screaming to be let loose.

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