Debbie tiptoed inside her house, careful not to make any noise.

As she closed the door behind her, she was enveloped by the luxuriousness of her modern home. The hallway stretched wide before her, adorned with intricate designs etched into the walls. The plush carpeting beneath her feet seemed to massage her tired soles, while the ornate chandeliers cast a warm glow over the entire space.

Everything about her home screamed elegance and sophistication, but the grandeur of the house was merely a mask for what lay within.

"Why are you late?" An ominous voice echoed from behind her.

Debbie turned around slowly to face a striking woman, whose features almost mirrored her own, except for the short straight hair that framed the woman's face.

"I just went out with a friend, Sister Denise" Debbie stammered, her fear evident in her voice.

"You're lying to me again." Denise's voice remained even, but it was laced with an unspoken warning.

Debbie knew better than to argue with her sister. She was aware that Denise can see through her lies using curses.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

"You're always causing trouble," Denise snapped. "You have no innate ability at all, and you're just endangering yourself. Don't you remember when you almost died because you hung out with that teen werewolf and his nerd friend? It was thanks to me that you're alive now."

"I didn't ask you to save me." Debbie's eyes narrowed , she liked that boy a lot but Denise erased their memories about her.

"But I did saved you," Denise's voice was as cold as ice. "And I expect you to follow my rules. No more hanging out with supernatural beings. It's too dangerous."

"You have no right to dictate my life!" Debbie's frustration boiled over, and she let out a piercing scream. She couldn't bear the constant control her sister wielded over her life, treating her like a helpless child.

"I am the one with power, and you must listen to me," Denise replied in a cold, detached tone. "The supernatural world is treacherous and unforgiving. Why can't you be satisfied with a normal life?"

"I hate you!" Debbie shouted, her voice cracking with emotion as she turned and ran away from her sister. She knew deep down that Denise only had her best interests at heart, but she couldn't stand being treated like a fragile porcelain doll.

Denise did not chase her, understanding that her sister needed space to process her emotions.

"I only want to keep you safe," she whispered to herself, watching as her little sister ran away.

And with that, she let her body dissolve into a pile of dust, disappearing into the air.


Texas Nevada

Denise opened her eyes and took a deep breath, not showing any signs of exhaustion despite having used a considerable amount of energy to send a projection to her sister.

"Are you alright, Denise?" a bulky and furry creature asked while holding a massive Gatling gun in his hand as if it were a toy.

"I'm fine, George," she replied curtly, dismissing him with a wave of her hand.

"You could have just used a phone, you know? Do all witches like to make things complicated?" George chuckled.

Denise merely arched an eyebrow at him, unamused by his attempt at humor. "Does all Bigfoot like to talk out of their asses?" she retorted with a smart remark.

"Hey, that's racist!" George protested.

Denise's cold demeanor remained unchanged, giving him a stern look. "We have work to do. Let's get to it.".

"Yeah , Yeah , Yeah ," George replied with a bored expression.

"Very well," Denise said in a cold voice, not bothering to hide her impatience. "Do not interfere with my reconnaissance. We are here to rescue our client."

"I'm not an idiot," George grumbled defensively, taken aback by Denise's sharp tone.

"Silence, fool," Denise snapped, her eyes flickered with a dark intensity as her other personality took over. The curse of the witch was a powerful one, and she was no exception. Her voice lowered to a dangerous growl as she snapped at George.

"Your prattling is distracting me. Keep watching and wait for my signal."

George wisely kept his mouth shut and nodded, his bulky frame tense with fear. He knew that Denise's other personality was an evil bitch he could not afford to offend.

"Spiritus venti, da mihi benedictionem tuam et virtutem et regimen mihi praesta," she intoned, the wind beginning to pick up around her.

As she continued her incantation, the wind grew stronger, answering her call. It rushed through the open spaces of the building, scouting the area for any signs of danger.

Denise remained still, her expression unreadable as she waited for the wind to report back.

The wind seemed to take on a life of its own, swirling and dancing as it passed through the building's open spaces. It was as if it was searching for something, its ethereal tendrils reaching out to map every inch of the area and commit it to memory.

She stood with her eyes closed, as the wind continued its dance around her. She knew that in order to execute a successful rescue mission, every detail needed to be accounted for.

"I found him " her eyes lit up with anticipation as she finally located the missing person. A cold, eerie smile crept across her face, revealing her twisted personality.

"He's ours now," she hissed, her voice laced with a mix of satisfaction and malice. Suddenly, her body began to scattered until she transformed into a swarm of buzzing insects.

"We'll make sure to ask that handsome rich boy additional payment for all this trouble," she cackled, her laugh echoing through the air as the swarm flew towards their target

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