Martial Online.
Chapter 117 Golden Cage

Chapter 117 Golden Cage

"Howl..." The howls of Hell Beasts faded away as the piercing light enveloped their burning bodies.

Crash—Yughragh crashed into a side of the building with a deafening thud, causing bricks and debris to rain down onto the street below.

He coughed up green blood, but he still stood up effortlessly with a blood-stained grin.

"Finally a worthy opponent!" He raised his mace, the veins on his arms bulging with power. "Fatale..."

At that moment, his mace dissipated into a green smoke, as did the rest of his body slowly.

"Haha." Yughragh disappeared, leaving behind a lingering laugh as his summoning ended abruptly.

"Who is he..." Redheart looked at the glowing figure in the sky with a mix of shock and confusion. "...and what just happened? My Hell Beasts got defeated so quickly..."

Amidst the chaos, Ambrose finished applying Restoration Gel to his wounds.

A slimy substance flew out of his leg and arm stumps, eventually growing into limbs.

"Finally..." He heaved a sigh of relief and turned his gaze to the red-haired woman. "Now, I can finish her off."

After taking a single step, a piercing light appeared above them.

They didn't even have time to react as suddenly a golden cage appeared around them, locking them inside.

God's Paladin softly fell from the sky and landed on the street.

He looked at the two captured individuals with his piercing gaze, ready to deliver divine justice.

"Free me right at this instant!" Redheart screamed and tried punching her way through the golden cage. "Bastard! Asshole! Cunt!"

"Silence." Mikael commanded, his voice echoing with authority.

The red-haired woman grew silent.

It wasn't that she didn't want to speak, but she couldn't!

"That cage is my "Divine Palace" and all my commands are absolute there." Mikael declared with powerful confidence. "If I wish you to stop breathing, you would do so without hesitation. Therefore, don't test my patience."

Redheart gritted her teeth and kicked the cage one more time before sitting down in the corner.

At another cage, Ambrose sighed and leaned against the golden bars.

Even though he didn't die, this didn't seem like a good outcome.

"What about you, Orc Summoner." Mikael walked over to Ambrose's cage and commanded. "Why did you summon that orc?"

Ambrose wanted to tell the truth but doubted the God's Paladin would believe, but then his lips moved without him wanting to.

"To... defend myself... against Hell Beasts... to buy enough time... so I can kill her."

"Who attacked first?" Mikael questioned.

"She... did." Ambrose replied robotically.

"Why did you attack him?" Mikael turned to the red-haired woman and questioned her.

Redheart gritted her teeth but couldn't do anything against the commanding voice and replied.

"He... stole from us... we chased him... all the way from Yatagarasu... to make him suffer."

"Typical." Mikael scoffed and looked at the two players with disdain. "None of you care what happens to innocent bystanders.

"Players are only focused on revenge and greed.

"They'll stop at nothing to satisfy their own desires."

Ambrose opened his mouth but couldn't speak.

"You may speak." Mikael said coldly.

Ambrose let out a deep breath and quickly said. "I am really sorry, but I summoned the orc to also stop Hell Beasts from killing anyone from this town!"

"That is a naive way of thinking." Mikael replied with a scoff. "The evil creatures destroy everything on their path. That orc's and Hell Beasts fight would have caused even more destruction and chaos than them alone."

"What happens to us?" Ambrose asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Transport is already ready. We usually ship criminals to Amaterasu, where they are judged and sent to serve time in prison. That is also your fate." Mikael said and waved his hand.

The golden cages suddenly started flying, then disappeared into thin air.

Redheart and Ambrose saw the scenery change from the street to the inside of a wagon.

Creak—the door of the wagon opened, showing Mikael with Lowceiling Town in the background.

They somehow teleported out of town straight into the transportation wagon!

"This wagon is pulled by a team of Chrysalis Horses. They are the strongest horse breed in all of the Light Continent. With their help, you will reach Amaterasu before the Crimson Moon shines in the sky.

"You will be judged based on the severity of your actions. The judge will then determine how much time you have to serve." Mikael then closed the doors.

However, it still wasn't dark inside the wagon because the cages glowed with golden light.

"This is your fault!" Redheart screamed at Ambrose and tried to reach out to the neighboring cage to grab his arm.

However, Ambrose backed off to the corner, further away from her.

"How is this my fault?" Ambrose retorted with a mocking laugh. "You attacked me in a bustling town and expected there to be no consequences? How is it any different from attacking me inside Amaterasu or Yatagarasu?


"Hahahaha!" Redheart laughed crazily and opened a chat window.

She then sent a message to Cerberus, filling him with information.

"I just sent a message to Cerberus. They will intercept this wagon and free me and then we will drag you to nearest tree and skin you alive!"

Ambrose narrowed his eyes and silently listened as the wheels of the wagon started moving.

However, the sound soon disappeared, but the neighing of the horses and the sound of lashing were still present.

'This seems to be a very high quality wagon as well, if there are no other sounds.' He thought to himself.


On the streets of Bridgewater, Cerberus came to a halt and opened his chat window. He had received several messages from Redheart.

He opened those messages, and the more he read, the colder his expression got.

Bump—a drunken man bumped shoulders with Cerberus while holding a half-empty bottle of rum.

"Stupid kid—burp—don't just stand still in the street! Burp, kids these days."

The drunken man shook his head and continued walking, but then he felt a strong yank at the back of his head.

Cerberus grabbed him by the hair and slammed him head-first on the nearby brick wall.

The drunken man's face shattered, and he fell to the ground—dead.

"That stupid bitch." Cerberus venomously said while all the townspeople screamed in horror and escaped after seeing the drunken man lay in a pond of pool.

Turning around, Cerberus began to run to the exit of Bridgewater while sending messages to every Zahhak member.

Their only goal was to replace the main road that led to Amaterasu and intercept the prison wagon!


A few hours had passed since the wagon left Lowceiling, and Redheart was growing more anxious.

"Where are they?!" She shouted, her heart pounding in worry. She had sent several messages to Cerberus and others.

Yet they said that they didn't replace any wagons on any of the main roads.

She turned around to look through the gap in the golden cage and saw a small hole in the wagon wall.

She wanted to take out her bow and arrow to blast a bigger hole, but inside the golden cage, she couldn't use any of her weapons.

Neither could Ambrose, even though his weapon was inside the scabbard. He couldn't unsheathe it.

Mikael had done another command without their knowledge.

Redheart reached out to the hole and smashed her fist against it.

She managed to expand the hole, and she then moved her head closer to catch a glimpse of the surroundings.

What she saw truly shocked her.

"A-are those clouds?!" She screamed in shock.

"Hmm?" Ambrose lifted his gaze and turned to the hole in the wall.

He had to move closer to catch a proper glimpse, and then saw an unbelievable scene.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

'No wonder the wheels of the wagons didn't make any sound. We are flying.' Ambrose backed away to his corner and laughed while looking at Redheart. "I guess we won't be seeing Cerberus today, too bad!"

"Grrr..." Redheart growled with bloodshot eyes and then sent a message to Cerberus to meet at Amaterasu instead.

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