Martial Online.
Chapter 131 Ambrose Vs. White Inquisitors

Chapter 131 Ambrose Vs. White Inquisitors

A brown-maned horse leaped over a fallen trunk, and after landing on the ground, it galloped away into the distance with grace and power.

Thump, thump—three horses jumped over the same trunk and chased after the brown-maned horse.

The three White Inquisitors looked determined to catch up with the brown horse.

"Neigh!" The brown-maned horse leaped past the trees and disappeared into the dense forest, leaving the Inquisitors behind. They, however, didn't stop the chase and followed right behind.

'Where should I go?' Ambrose looked around but couldn't see anything through the dense, jungle-like forest. He knew he had to keep moving to elude the relentless pursuit. However, he knew he couldn't keep doing that forever.

A White Inquisitor dodged a branch by ducking, and after lifting his head, he narrowed his eyes and glanced sideways. "Throw me!"

Next to him, a White Inquisitor glanced at him briefly before nodding. He stood up on top of the horse and leaped a small distance, then perfectly landed behind the White Inquisitor on top of his horse, who made a rather strange request.

He then grabbed the White Inquisitor by his robe and pulled him off the horse. However, he didn't let go, and instead, his muscles bulged as he suddenly lifted the White Inquisitor and hurled him across the dense forest!

The flying White Inquisitor opened his mouth to gasp, but simultaneously, alongside the wind, several mosquitoes entered his mouth. He coughed hoarsely but didn't forget his goal and pulled out his magnificent white-handled longsword.

During airborne, he crossed the distance to the brown-maned hoarse and shouted. "Cross Slash!"

Swoosh—the blade scratched the horse's back leg.

"Neigh!" The brown-maned horse neighed loudly in pain and suddenly tripped over its own hooves, sending the rider flying through the air.

"Shiiiit!" Ambrose covered his head and crashed back-first into a thick tree.

The brown-maned horse crashed into the ground and whimpered in pain.

Thud—the White Inquisitor landed on the ground but did a quick front roll to reduce the damage and then stood up as if nothing had happened. Then he swung his sword and separated the horse's head.

"Ugh..." Ambrose stood up and saw his horse die before his eyes, its head severed from its body. His eyes turned cold as he turned to look at the White Inquisitor. "Was that necessary? Bastard."

"When hunting a prey, a necessary thing is to cut off his escape routes." The White Inquisitor said while keeping his distance from the black-haired young man. He was waiting for his comrades to arrive so they could team up to defeat him.

And it didn't take long.

The horses, one manless, arrived beside the dead horse. The two White Inquisitors unmounted their horses and then drew their swords before turning around and also killing their horses.

Now, there were four dead horses, spilling the ground with their murky blood.

The scene was a macabre display of violence and death.

Ambrose coldly drew his Red Sword from his inventory. He held his glorious Black Sword with his right hand and the Red Sword with his left.

The White Inquisitors circled around him, their eyes filled with malice and determination. They were never the kind to go easy when hunting a rabbit. Their battle-scarred bodies were a testament to that.

They would have never survived their torturous training and endless battles if they were kind or merciful.

"Basic Slash!" Ambrose saw the predicament, and to escape it, he planned to kill one of them, quick!

The White Inquisitor watched as the blade approached and effortlessly deflected it. He then immediately took a step forward and slashed repeatedly diagonally before changing to the horizontal. He launched all kinds of random attacks from strange angles.

That looked like the swordsmanship of an amateur, but Ambrose was completely helpless and had to defend himself using both of his swords to block the onslaught.

From the side, another White Inquisitor launched forward and drove his sword onward. The blade stabbed through the air with a swift and deadly force, aimed directly at Ambrose's chest.

"Basic Parry!" Using his Red Sword, he quickly parried the attack, but that left his other side vulnerable, and from there, the third White Inquisitor slashed through his waist, causing a sickening sound.

"Ugh!" Ambrose groaned and saw a flash of decline in his health.

[-35 HP!]

[HP: 275/310]

Ambrose leaped backwards, hoping to catch some breathing room, but it was a naive way of thinking. The White Inquisitors launched their attacks from all angles, making it impossible to block them all.

Ambrose didn't even have time to exhale as he again had to push his arms to the limit of their speed and try to block the strikes.

Clang, clang—the swords clashed, but then a longsword bypassed the defense and cut through Ambrose's shoulder, leaving behind a deep gush spilling with sticky blue blood.

[-40 HP!]

[HP: 235/310]

Ambrose winced in shock and tried to counter-attack with his Black Sword, but it was parried by his opponent's silver blade. The White Inquisitor then stabbed his sword through his bicep, slightly below the right shoulder.

[-60 HP!]

[HP: 175/310]

"Haaah, haaah, haaah!" Ambrose breathed heavily and tried to cut through the throat of the person who stabbed him in the arm. However, the White Inquisitor acted quickly and pulled his sword from his arm before taking a step back to dodge the black blade.

Two other longswords appeared from the side. The White Inquisitors looked emotionless and ruthless. They hadn't relaxed even for a moment, even though it looked like they were going to crush their opponent.

"Dual Basic Parry!" Ambrose screamed and parried both swords, but he gravely lacked strength as that skill hadn't reached 100% yet. 'I should have pushed it 100%, but I kept delaying it as I thought I had better things to do!'

[Dual Basic Parry - Completion Rate - 25%]

Smack—a steel boot slammed into his waist, sending him flying through the air. Ambrose crashed into a tree and coughed up blue blood before collapsing on the ground.

[-15 HP!]

[HP: 160/310]

'Fuck, so weak!' Ambrose gritted his teeth and stood up, only to see three White Inquisitors surrounding him with their sword blades touching his throat.


Ambrose gritted his teeth. 'Death is better than capture!'

His grip tightened on the swords, and it was instantly noticed by the White Inquisitors. They also saw his unyielding eyes, with which they were very familiar. Their opponent would rather die than get captured.

However, they couldn't allow that to happen.

Thus, they slammed Ambrose to the tree while the other two grabbed his wrists. They knew they had to keep him restrained at all costs. Then the third White Inquisitor pulled out his shackles.

"Nooo!" Ambrose screamed and tried to swing his swords, but then the grip on his wrists became too tough, and he had to let go of his swords. Without further ado, they locked his arms with shackles and tossed him to the ground.

"Let's wait for the Sir Brown Inquisitor to arrive." The White Inquisitors breathed and sheathed their swords. They didn't even sweat during the fight. "Another payday is coming."

They were very satisfied, as their biggest income came from hunting and collecting the bounty. Their Inquisitor pay was amazing, but they wanted to be wealthy enough to retire and live a life of luxury.

Ambrose bit his lip strongly, but was utterly helpless. One of the White Inquisitors pressed on his back with his foot, stopping him from having any idea of escaping.

'Such an immense gap. I didn't even have time to use any of my skills because I knew they wouldn't work. I was overpowered, just like I was a kid trying to win a fight against his older siblings...'

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