Martial Online.
Chapter 413 The Immortal Sword

Chapter 413 The Immortal Sword

?Dragon eyed the hallway with a wary gaze.

It had tons of doors, and Dragon was wary of what could be lurking behind each one.

He saw that there was a broken vase on the floor, adding to his unease. It had shattered into countless pieces, scattering fragments across the hallway, and there were blood stains on some of the shards.

He motioned his hands towards the doors, commanding others to investigate the rooms.

While they started searching, Dragon approached the broken vase with a pistol in hand. He bent down to examine the shards; his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

A trail of blood led towards one of the doors.

Dragon motioned for everyone to come to him as he slowly approached the room.

He grabbed the pistol tightly, put his body against the wall, and carefully pushed the door open.

His subordinates rushed inside the room with guns in hand and surveyed the area for any potential threats. However, it was empty, and the bathroom door was open, showing an empty room.

One of them turned to Dragon and shook his head.

"…" Dragon narrowed his eyes and pressed his radio phone. "Gnome, do you copy?"

Bzzz—the radio phone crackled with static, but there was no response.

At that moment, a figure jumped out of the ground behind Dragon, as if he were a ghost, and tackled him to the ground.

"Urgh!" Dragon's eyes widened in surprise, and he reached out to his gun, but the figure was too quick and knocked it out of his reach.

"Boss!" All the armed figures inside the room sprang into action and pointed their guns at the assailant.

"Tell them to drop their guns." Jesse pressed the knife against Dragon's throat. "Or this will go through your throat."

"Ugh…" Dragon rolled his eyes and said, "Drop your guns, men."

The members of the Pale Eye looked disgruntled and slowly lowered their weapons to the ground.

"So, you are the one, huh…" Dragon chuckled and moved his head to catch a glimpse of the person. "Only one? I expected a challenge."

"You are the one being held at a knife's point." Jesse said and looked at him coldly. "I suppose acting tough against children and women made you feel more formidable than you really are."

"Oho, I am going to enjoy this." Dragon cracked his neck and laid peacefully on the floor, not having any intention to move.

"You have handcuffs, don't you?" Jesse looked at the armed men and said, "Cuff your friends and go sit in the corner."

The members of Pale Eyes scoffed but reluctantly obeyed Jesse's command. They cuffed each other and reluctantly went to sit in the corner.

Dragon looked casually and motioned to his subordinates with his eyes that everything was under control.

Jesse kept the knife close to Dragon's throat and locked the door with a key he found. Then, he broke the key inside the lock.

"You have now locked my friends. What is the second part of your master plan?" Dragon asked sarcastically.

"This." Jesse snatched his radio phone and smashed it into the ground until it shattered into pieces.

"Wow, nice plan." Dragon would've clapped if he could. "What about now? Will you take me to the police, and I'll get arrested?"

"A few questions first." Jesse chuckled. "Code 1. I suppose that gave away that the previous guy was being forced to say something."

"Yeah." Dragon replied and glanced at him. "Mind if I ask something, what happened to everyone?"

"Would you believe that I knocked them all out?"

"They are only normal humans, after all." Dragon sighed. "However, one day, we will all be gods among men. Just a matter of time."

"How lofty." Jesse replied sarcastically. "I have another question."

"Go on."

"Who hit the black-haired woman?" Jesse's voice dripped with anger. "The one dressed in black."

"Hydra." Dragon didn't bother to lie and then smiled. "But I ordered him to."

Jesse formed a fist and tightened his grip, his knuckles turning white, and then punched Dragon in the face.


The sound was hideous-sounding, echoing throughout the hallway.

"Ugh…" Dragon groaned and clutched his bleeding nose. "Oho, a nice punch."

"Huh?" Jesse frowned and looked at his hand.

One of his fingers was broken, and the punch should have been powerful enough to knock Dragon out. However, he only had a bleeding nose.

"No wonder they got knocked out; you are pretty powerful for a human." Dragon grinned with bloodied teeth. "However, I am a God!"

He jumped from the ground, throwing Jesse across the room with an incredible force.

Jesse crashed into the wall, struggling to get back up.

"Ugh!" Jesse coughed blood and clutched his injured ribs. 'W-

what? What the hell is this strength?'

"You are still able to stand?" Dragon turned over to him with a bloodied grin. "Not bad, human."

'Shit, what the hell…' Jesse held his injured ribs, wondering whether some had broken. 'I can't use Self-Possession anymore, as I used it quite a bit to wait for them under the floor.'

"Well, then, human." Dragon motioned for him to attack him. "Come."

"Ptui!" Jesse spat out blood and rushed towards Dragon with a crazed scream.

He lunged forward and threw a powerful punch, but Dragon effortlessly dodged it, used his leg as a whip, and struck Jesse's leg.


"Aargh!" Jesse screamed loudly, writhing in pain on the ground.

His leg had a purple bruise forming rapidly, and a small trickle of blood began to seep through his torn trousers.

"Heh." Dragon formed a fist and slammed his fist down.

Jesse quickly rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding another blow, and then sprang back to his feet.

'T-this strength cannot be real… Am I having a nightmare?' He paled visibly.

Dragon jumped towards him and swung his fist with even greater force.

"Mortal Style, Nachbilder!" Jesse used dizzying footwork and evaded the attack with grace and precision.

"Huh?" Dragon stumbled forward, losing his balance.

"Argh!" Jesse grabbed Dragon by the back of his shirt and threw him to the ground.


The floor cracked from the impact.

"Ugh!" Dragon coughed out and threw a sharp kick towards Jesse, briefly catching him off guard.

But then Jesse grabbed the leg and twisted it, causing Dragon to scream briefly in pain.

Dragon used his other leg to launch a powerful strike at Jesse, but Jesse dodged it with a swift sidestep.

Jesse then quickly backed away with Formlessness, sliding across the floor beautifully.

"Whoo…" He breathed heavily, but with slight relief. 'The pain and shock of seeing his strength made me react too late to his previous attacks, but I am getting over it now.

'This won't be an easy fight. If I don't take this seriously, I might die.'

"Ugh…" Dragon climbed back to his feet and looked at Jesse with a profound gaze. "You… are another god among men?"

"I am the same as you." Jesse replied with heavy breathing.

"…" Dragon frowned. 'We should've expected that bastard would sell this headset to someone else, but knowing this, we aren't as invincible as we thought, Fenrir.

'I have to kill him and everyone else who possesses this power!'

Dragon pulled out a hidden knife from his pocket, a sinister glint in his eye.

'I… have to prepare to kill him if needed.' Jesse's hands trembled at the thought. 'Can the police keep him locked without knowing what he is capable of?

'I have to prepare to kill him… it's different from Martial Online. This is real life, but if I am not prepared to kill him, he will kill me.

'From what I've learned, viciousness and decisiveness are important traits in fights.'

Jesse put both his hands forward, and a sword made of golden light manifested out of thin air.

"What the hell?" Dragon's eyes widened in surprise. 'How did he do that? How did he create a sword out of nowhere?'

Jesse took a deep breath and said, "The Immortal Sword."

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