Mary's Path Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Mary's Path novel. A total of 56 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is May 13, 2024
Latest Release: A final goodbye
- The beginning
- The shop
- The offer
- Erik
- The market
- New business acquaintances
- Finding the Lady
- A leap of faith
- An ending
- The Lady
- Kopa
- Leaving
- Goodbye and hello
- A new life
- Kitchen life
- A foe?
- Or friend?
- The butcher
- How to read
- Back at the marketplace
- An old friend
- The accusation
- The invitation
- Family dinner
- Learning a new game
- Going back
- A second offer
- Stood up once again
- Time flies
- Church
- The gardens
- The birthday party
- Lady in lilac
- Letting out the tears
- Lady Sarah
- You are beautiful
- A clandestine meeting
- Tea with Anna
- You are never too old
- A solution
- Giving back
- One step forward, two steps back
- Lock down
- Life is hard
- A love story
- The slap
- Old fiends are back
- A reunion
- Back in the tower
- Mending a broken heart
- What do you want?
- A decision
- Tying loose ends part 1
- Tying up loose ends part 2
- Leaving everything
- A final goodbye