Meteorite Jade Scandal
Chapter 118 - Save Lord Jack (II)

"Come in here, Sifeng!!" The King of Dreams shouted for Sifeng to hear his voice.

Finally, the King of Dreams came up with a solution. He told Spirit Sifeng to enter into the Dream King's wand.

"Ha ha, your brother is so innocent, Yushen?" said the King of Dreams. This time he laughed, not just as smugly as before. However, also laughing in the cool sense of 'ha ha' only, not to 'hahahahaha'.

"Hmm, I think it's more appropriate to call it stupid than innocent. Because innocent and stupid are very thin," said Yushen with a cool smile.

After a few hours of traveling, Yushen and the King of Dreams finally arrived at their destination.

Zhang Yushen looked around in all directions. Well, Yushen is currently on a high cliff next to the Black Sea. On the other side of the cliff, there was a very large black rock.

"Yes, this is what is called the Black Mountain. Indeed, we are the highest Gods for humans. But, Gods can also be imprisoned if he commits taboo and forbidden actions," explained the King of Dreams.

"Then, what caused Lord Jack to be cooped up here, um?" Yushen asked. He saw the mountain that resembled a cliff was so high and looked steep.

"His Majesty Lord Jack was willing to give all the energy of his Fire-Water elemental power to resuscitate Vin who was dying at that time. It was because King Feu'er had absorbed all of Vin's energy.

"And Lord Jack's actions have violated the rules of heaven. Therefore, Lord Jack is trapped in this Black Mountain," said the King of Dreams.

A moment later, the Dream King raised his wand and took out a Sifeng Spirit.

Spirit Sifeng looked around, but his gaze caught something strange.

He drew closer to the Black Mountain.

The Sifeng Spirit drew closer to that Black Mountain.

"Yushen Ge, here is a bloodstain!" exclaimed Spirit Sifeng as he turned his head towards Yushen.

The King of Dreams and Yushen approached Spirit Sifeng, just after hearing Sifeng's scream earlier.

Zhang Yushen touched the bloodstain, but the blood couldn't go away, it might have dried up. That was what Yushen was thinking at the moment. The bloodstains were profuse and flowing from above.

"Yes, it is the blood of the previous 'holy and pure blood possessor'. That spot is the same as the one on your square thing that can emit fire, Yushen. And it is the Eternal Blood that will never disappear forever," said the King of Dreams. .

"You mean Lao Yushen's ancient lighter?" asked Spirit Sifeng to which his older brother gave him a cold stare.

It seemed that after this Yushen would mock Sifeng back because his younger brother had been referring to Yushen's favorite object as an ancient object.

But in fact, it was the object that witnessed his grandfather in saving God at that time. And now, Yushen will repeat the heroic actions of his grandfather.

"Yes, this thing. I don't know its name." The King of Dreams took out a lighter from his pocket.

Dream King Vassilias got Yushen's lighter from Vin, a few days ago. It was left in the Tranmoz Imperial Palace a few months ago the last time Yushen came to this God Realm.

Zhang Yushen grabbed his beloved lighter, and said, "So what should I do to free Lord Jack?"

Sifeng's spirit caught something odd in this situation. He thought of the possibilities that he would regret afterwards.

"Wait! Don't tell me that my brother had to sacrifice his life to help someone like the ones in the movies, huh?" Sifeng asked, panicking. He stared suspiciously at the figure of the King of Dreams, who was still standing beside his brother.

The King of Dreams smiled briefly and said, "There's no need to sacrifice your life, Sifeng. Yushen only needs to bleed from above to get past the ancient writings above."

While saying those words, the King of Dreams pointed at the black rock. There were ancient writings there, but Sifeng couldn't read them. Perhaps the inscription was some kind of magic incantation in this God Realm.

"What?! You guys are kidding?! I would never have the heart to see my brother's blood wasted in vain. Especially from the top of the mountain to the writing."

Spirit Sifeng shouted, excited. After that, Spirit Sifeng stared at Yushen.

"Haiyoo ... this mountain is huge, Lao Yu! How many liters of blood will you bleed to reach the writing, heh? We'd better go home for now, Lao Yu! Come on!" shouted Spirit Sifeng, looking disapproved.

Sifeng really didn't expect this to be the rule for releasing Lord Jack. Knowing that, Sifeng would never again ask his beloved brother for help. Sifeng was really sorry. Sifeng couldn't possibly allow Yushen to sacrifice too much anymore.

"Let's just go home, Lao Yu!!" bring Spirit Sifeng back. If only he could touch Yushen, Sifeng would have dragged his brother back home. Sifeng didn't want to be in this place anymore.

"Lao Yu! Why are you silent! Let's go home!" shouted Spirit Sifeng back.

"Shut up, Idiot! I'm determined!!" Yushen replied while looking at Spirit Sifeng, who looked very worried.

'I will do anything to bring you back, A-Feng. I will save you, My Brother,' continued Yushen in his heart.

A moment later, Yushen turned to the King of Dreams. "Is that all I have to do, Vassilias?"

"Scorch your palm with the sharp angle of the lighter cover, Yushen. Then, let your blood flow through the 'Scripture'!" Dream King Vassilias ordered.

Well, strangely enough, there are requirements for all of that. Even Yushen and Sifeng thought so. However, the reason for that was only the King of Dreams knew and Yushen wouldn't ask, 'Why? What? How?' because it would inflame the King of Dreams.

After all, the reason the King of Dreams would say would probably not be acceptable to the minds of mortal beings like Yushen and Sifeng.

"Okay, I understand!" Yushen responded to the King of Dreams' words.

Zhang Yushen took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. Beside him, Spirit Sifeng continued to forbid Yushen from doing so. Spirit Sifeng even threatened to leave if Yushen kept doing this.

However, for Yushen Sifeng's current ban was useless. Yushen was determined to save Lord Jack, after which Yushen would ask Lord Jack for Meteorite Jade Flakes, to save Sifeng.

Zhang Yushen began to climb up the black rock which was so large and tall that it resembled a mountain. Yushen began to climb the mountain. Yushen lifted his body with his legs to reduce the burden on his hands.

Yushen held tightly onto the rocks and slowly started to climb. Yushen didn't feel scared at all. He thought of it all as rock climbing as usual, but this cliff was bigger and steeper.

The mention of this Black Mountain is a rock that has a height of about 2000 meters above the surface of the Black Sea. Pretty big rock. However, Yushen would do anything for the life of Sifeng, the only younger brother Yushen had.

"Lao Yushen! Don't be crazy! I said, go home now, Lao Yu! I'd rather die than see you sacrifice like this! Lao Yushen, did you hear me, huh?!" shouted Spirit Sifeng as he followed Yushen's steps up.

However, Yushen did not pay attention to his brother's spirit cry. This was the only way for Yushen.

After Lord Jack was freed, Yushen would ask for the 'Meteorite Jade' Shard that Lord Jack had been keeping, as compensation for what Yushen was doing at this time.


shouted Spirit Sifeng which shocked Yushen to the point that he almost fell off his footing.

"Gosh! You can shut up, can't you, idiot! You almost killed me before I got to the top, Damn it!" Yushen snapped as he turned his head towards Spirit Sifeng, who was beside him.

Yushen was surprised to see Spirit Sifeng looking disheveled at the moment.

Spirit Sifeng's eyes were teary. He cupped his hands together and said, "Please don't do all this, Gege! Come on down quickly and go home! There are still many people who need you by their side. Don't mind me anymore, okay?" asked Spirit Sifeng, pitifully.

"Calm down, A-Feng! I won't die just from losing a few liters of blood!" Yushen spoke casually.

"Gosh, no kidding, Lao Yu! What if you bleed out, huh?"

"Hahaha, I'll suck your blood, you idiot!" Yushen's charming grin displayed. "Didn't you donate blood for me a few years ago, um? Do it again when you wake up, A-Feng!" Yushen said again as he continued to climb.

"Yushen Ge, you've sacrificed too much for me. Please don't sacrifice anymore just for a useless little brother like me, okay?" As he said this sentence, Spirit Sifeng's cheeks were already wet with tears.

Zhang Yushen was silent, as if thinking of something. Yushen looked sadly at Sifeng who had been begging him all along to stop this.

Did Yushen follow Spirit Sifeng's advice to get down and return to Beijing immediately? Or will Yushen still continue his struggle to save Sifeng?

To be continued .....

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