Ash explained to the others that she needed to head to the temple for a moment. Now that the demons were dead, she wondered if she could take a moment to speak to Magia again.

Satsuhiro was a bit confused but he and the others waited at the center of the ruins as Ash walked toward the temple.

As before, the closer she got, the more intense she felt. Just like what happened before, she wasn't able to make it all the way before she fell on her face.

When she opened her eyes and found herself in a dark world, she wasn't too surprised anymore.

Can we talk a little more now that those demons are dead? Ash thought, knowing Magia could read her mind here.

Soon, the usual colors emerged, surrounding Ash as she waited patiently for the goddess to manifest. When she did, she found Magia looking at her with a grin. The goddess got closer, placing her hands on Ash's cheeks and leaning in like she was going to kiss her, but Ash turned away. Magia pulled back.

"Ah, have I displeased you?" Magia asked.

You made that fight way harder than it had to be, knocking me out in the middle of the town like that. Ash thought. She got even more annoyed when Magia's reaction was to chuckle at her.

"Hm. My apologies, my love." Magia bowed. "In the end, everything was fine, was it not?"

Ash rolled her eyes, but as Magia came and placed her hands on her face again, it was far too hard to reject her a second time.

Magia's tongue dragged over Ash's lips and the goddess cackled.

I kind of came here to talk. Ash thought.

"Try as I do to empathize with you on that," Magia said as her right hand traced a path down Ash's body, "I am a goddess after all. I cannot help but be greedy, darling. You'll understand. You have me in you, after all. In more ways than one."

Magia's hand found Ash's vagina, the half-demon bit down on her bottom lip, shaking her head.

I didn't really come here to get fucked, Magia. She thought and the goddess stopped.

"Very well, then." Magia laughed, licking her fingers with a grin as she looked into Ash's eyes. "What do you want to know?"

"I mean, where the hell do I start?" Ash took a few breaths, calming herself down. "Uh, before, you said you made me? What does that mean?"

"Exactly what I said." Magia shrugged. "In more detail though, I made you to be my embodiment. Of course, you are still your own person, but all of my ideas, my passion, my lust, it manifests in you in different forms."

"W-Wait, is that why I have that lust trait?" Ash asked. "Because of you?"

"No, as for your lust trait, I believe that is because the demon that planted its seed in your mother was a Lust Demon."

"What do you mean?"

"There are three kinds of demons, that I have seen from this space anyway." Magia conjured images of them. "Wrath Demons, the most dangerous kind and the most common. Gluttony Demons, like the one you fought in Jade, and finally, Lust Demons. The weakest, but also the rarest." She explained.

"So, if it had been a Wrath Demon or whatever that had, uh, done my mom, I would have had a Wrath trait?"

"Probably," Magia replied with a shrug.

Hm. I wonder if I got lucky, honestly. A wrath trait sounds... way more dangerous.

"It was when I saw how you were turning out, your origin, your surroundings, that I went to work with you," Magia told her. "You are still your own person at the end of the day. All us deities can do... We can influence. Suggest. That's all, at least, for now."

Ash looked down.

"So, where am I supposed to go next?" Ash asked. "What now?"

"Your first step is easy to point out, walk into the temple completely. Place your hands on the altar, and that should be enough. However," she continued, "This war against Niven's forces, it is not the kind of conflict you can end with the death of one creature or with one battle. Not to mention if all demons were eliminated, there is still the matter of the sites of power. However," Magia held a finger up, "if you restore the sites of power, it will make the fight against the demons far easier, as we the deities will be able to assist you more effectively."

"About that," Ash asked. "So, am I the only, uh, champion?"

At that, Magia scowled.

"I know for a fact Alkoth and... Lumina," she said as if just saying her name disgusted her, "have their own chosen Saviors. If you want to look for them, that's on you. I, personally, have no idea who they are. I cannot see their interactions with the humans they choose, and I could not care less. The farther away Lumina stays from me the better." She muttered.

Wow, so even gods have drama? Ash thought.

"Drama?" Magia scoffed. "Making promises you can't keep does tend to lead to dramatic results. Yes. Anyway, is there anything else on your mind?" Magia asked.

Before Ash could respond, the world started to fade.

"Actually, bringing that woman up has soured my mood, goodbye," Magia mumbled. But, at that moment, Ash thought of something. Something that didn't quite make sense.

Wait, wait! But Magia still sent her back.

Soon, Ash found herself back in the ruins.

Ash sighed as the question formed in her mind.

Why would Niven bother making three kinds of demons? Why would he make Lust Demons specifically?

Alas, she received no answer.


Ash walked into the temple. It was so dusty inside that she started coughing immediately. However, it didn't take long to replace the altar. There were multiple statues of Magia surrounding it, in different poses. Ash paced forward. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hands on it.

Violet lightning emerged from Ash's being. It flowed into the altar, which then began glowing. A burst of power erupted from the altar, and Ash was pushed back.

When she stood back up, she certainly felt a difference. Before, it was like Magia was calling me. Now, it feels like she's literally all around me. Ash sighed, standing up and walking out.

The walk back home was tiresome, but they made it as night came. On the way, Satsuhiro had explained what led him and Keiko to come running to the ruins. There were candles lit inside, so Ash figured Metsumi was in the process of making dinner for herself and Opah. Satsuhiro was in front of them, the older Savior leading them back to the farm.

Ash's thoughts remained on everything that had happened in the fight.

So, if I use my Demon Form, I gain a lust stack, and I put everyone around me at more risk. But, when I'm in my Demon Form, I'm even stronger than I thought. She nodded to herself. It's too useful not to use. She came to that conclusion. Maybe I just need to practice my self-control and deal with it.

Of course, there was also the matter of herself having leveled up, but she figured she'd sort out her points tomorrow. All she wanted to do right now was take a long bath and go to sleep.

As Satsuhiro opened the door to his house, Metsumi looked back at him and grinned. She stopped what she was doing in the kitchen and ran over to him, giving him a firm hug.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm home." Satsuhiro hugged her back.

"How'd you all do?" Metsumi asked the group.

"Fine." Ash shrugged.

"Great!" Metsumi smiled at them. "Ohhh!" Excited, she walked towards them and pulled them all in for one wide hug. "My talented Savior girls! You're all going to be so cool in the future!"

Kaori giggled and Ash sighed.

"Yeah? Maybe."

The group went in and one by one, they occupied the bathroom.

Ash was the last one to take a bath. She dropped all her armor, breathed in, and stepped into the water. Slowly, the blood started to wash off of her skin.

We actually did it though. Ash thought. Sure, there had been another Nightmare, but between me and Kaori, we beat the ones we thought were there when we agreed to take the mission. She leaned back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling.

Then, she remembered how it felt to have Kaori's lips on hers. Reaching up, she felt her own as she imagined the moment again.

Something inside of her felt strange. She had gotten to know the feeling of lust quite well. This wasn't it. This was something different.

Whatever. She thought.

Eventually, she was done, and soon, she was walking back into her bedroom. It was empty, as Ash could hear Keiko and Kaori talking in the living room. Ash had the moment to herself. Or, so she thought.

As she closed the door behind her, she heard a knock.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"It's me," Satsuhiro said. "Let me know when you're dressed, I want to talk to you."

"'Kay." She replied.

As soon as she was decent enough, wearing an oversized white shirt and some shorts, she opened the door.

Satsuhiro came in and sat down at her bed.

"Hm? Why does it smell so weird in here?" He asked.

"Uh, it's nothing," Ash replied. I... I haven't washed this place too many times, have I?

"Okay… Anyway." He started, "I just wanted to let you know you did a good job. Keiko will be sending back a report to the Council, letting them know you succeeded. That means they'll be sending you some money."

"Oh?" Ash chuckled. "Not like I can really use it though. With, uh, everything that happened to Kaori, we can't go back there, right?"

"No, but Metsumi can." Satsuhiro indicated. "You can probably just write a little list of things you want her to buy you and she'll gladly go and do it. Shouldn't take more than five or six hours."

"Oh." Ash nodded. "Alright."

"So," Satsuhiro continued, "how'd the actual fighting go?"

"Weird," Ash responded. "So, it turns out my Demon Form and Moonlight Nature trait mixed. Whenever I'm in Demon Form, it makes my spells stronger."

"Hm…" Satsuhiro paused for a bit. "Can you describe to what extent?"

"Uh, I nearly got cut in half and I was able to heal myself up a little. Using just the basic healing spell."

That made Satsuhiro's eyebrows go up.

Silence spread between them, as he was clearly thinking about something.

"That changes things," Satsuhiro said. "The kind of healing you're describing is pretty impressive if just the basic spell did that. It means you've basically got access to mid-tier healing already, at least, while you're in Demon Form. Still, that also makes me think that if you were to learn more advanced spells, your ceiling is fairly incredible. That makes you leaving soon all the more likely, I'd say." He stated. "But, at the same time, since Kaori has a fire affinity, you'll have to stay a bit longer while I train her."

"Uh, can't I go alone?" She asked, not that she was intent on doing so, but she wanted to know if she could.

"Hm?" Satsuhiro looked at her. "If you leave, Kaori will absolutely want to go with you."

"What? And miss out on training? Of course, she wouldn't."

Satsuhiro blinked. He stared at her with disbelief plain to see in his eyes.

"... How dense are you?" He asked.

"What?" Ash replied. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"Whatever." Satsuhiro sighed. "You'll get it soon enough." He stood up. "Anyway, rest up. Tomorrow, we'll get right back to training. No reason to waste time."

"Okay," Ash replied as the man walked out of the room.

She took a moment for herself. Breathing in and out without a thought in her mind, the same memory of Kaori's kiss played back. She stood up, walking out of the room.

Outside, Kaori and Keiko had moved away. She found them outside, in the fields, together, looking up at the twin moons.

Ash looked at them for a little bit, hearing Kaori chuckle at something Keiko said. Then, she took a few steps closer. What am I doing? She wondered. In truth, she didn't have anything to say to them, and yet her legs were still willing her forwards.

When she reached them, Keiko turned back first, and then Kaori did.

"Oh, hey!" Kaori shifted, putting some distance between herself and Keiko and then she patted the ground between them. "Come on, sit with us."

"Sure." Ash nodded and did so.

She looked up. The two moons were as bright and beautiful as ever.

For a second, no one said anything. Then, Kaori turned to look at Ash.

"I was, uh, telling Keiko about how glad I was to have met everyone."

"Hm?" Ash looked over at her.

"You, her, Satsu, and his family." Kaori sighed with a smile. "You've all made this so much better for me than it would have been otherwise."

"Well," Ash started, "we're kind of all you have, right? Liking us is your only option."

"Even if you weren't!" Kaori stated. "I'd still think you're all incredible."

"I think you're way better," Keiko said from Ash's left. "Than me, at least. You're bright and so energetic. You're honestly a pleasure to be around."

"No, no, you're so kind and so thoughtful!"

"Is this just gonna be us taking turns telling each other how awesome we are?" Ash asked. "You can go ahead, lay it on me. I'm ready."

Kaori grinned.

"If I start giving you compliments, I won't stop." Ash felt a little embarrassed hearing that. "I mean, you're brave. You're strong, you're kind." Kaori lied down beside her, getting closer. "I don't know what I'd do without you here."

"… At first," Keiko started, "I saw this as a punishment. I thought the gods had placed you in my care as a means to mock me over my lack of talent. But," she continued, "now, I think you were a blessing. I don't know where we'll go from here," she said, "but I am glad to get to share this time with you. Both of you."

"Awww~" Kaori reached over and placed a hand on Keiko's cheek. Then, to Ash's surprise, she gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Mwah!"

"O-Oh." Keiko put a hand up to her own. "Uhm…"

Kaori looked at her and then down at Ash, who was watching this with surprise in her eyes.

"I… I really do like you two a lot. Thank you for everything."

"Heh." Keiko's reaction turned into a smile and a chuckle. "I-I see. Thank you as well."

The two of them laid down by Ash's side. She looked up at the sky and sighed.

Magia, huh? She thought as Kaori reached for her hand and took it. Ash let her but did turn to look at her and found Kaori smiling with eyes gleaming up at the night sky. How much did she influence with all this? Ash wondered. She said the gods aren't omnipotent, but still. How much power does she actually have?

Closing her eyes, Ash let the question go away, instead, appreciating what she had at that moment.

If nothing else, for the first time in her life, she knew she had friends by her side.

And, as strange a feeling as it was, she was glad to be there.

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