
Spectating her master's battles with the Zayama Mage had allowed Keiko to understand its capabilities, albeit at the cost of Haruna having to sustain a few surprise injuries that were promptly healed away later. For one, the Zayama Mage had three main offensive tools at its disposal. 

Those were, a type of wind-based weapon it could produce, and a bolt of lightning that it could launch. As for its defensive capabilities, it could produce the same wind-based wall that the Zayama Warrior made at the first floor, and it could teleport. Although these tools may have initially seemed like a small amount to Keiko, there were two things that made them feel downright oppressive. 

Firstly, their seemingly low mana costs, with each ability only costing 10 and 15 mana, and second, their short one-word incantations. It allowed the Zayama Mage to spam its abilities a way regular mages simply couldn't do. 

As Haruna attempted to maneuver around it, the creature was able to cast three to four spells consistently before any openings presented themselves.  It's certainly a difficult target to pin down... But, as long as I use my Spirit Eye, I should be able to take it down eventually. 

That was how the latest fights were going, between her teacher and the creature. As Haruna got better at reading its fighting patterns, she struggled less and started landing more hits, leading to cleaner kills. 

"So," Haruna turned to her. "Are you ready?" 

"I won't know unless I try, right?" Keiko asked.

Haruna nodded, and then closed her eyes as she went over the facts.

"The lightning spell, the wall, the weapon spell, the teleportation spell. These are the tools your opponent will look to use against you. Remember, even when fighting a mage, reading your enemy is possible. These creatures," she gestured at the pieces of armor at the center of the room, resting until the next combatant approached, "are shells of former warriors. Those people had tendencies, habits, and fight philosophies, all of which present themselves in these creatures. The more you fight, honestly, the more it feels like you're getting to know the person who this creature is based on."


"Mhm. As far as I can tell, this was a very cautious individual, who preferred to do everything it could to keep an enemy at range, but did not lack the ability to fight up close. Must have been a particularly reliable warrior in their youth. Anyway, when you start, keep your wits about you and trust your instincts. You'll need a bit of prediction, on top of what your Spirit Eye tells you, in order to win against this." 

As her teacher said that, Keiko felt her heart begin to bit a little faster. Her hands felt cold, and her sword felt heavier at her waist than it normally did. But, she nodded and walked forwards. 

The only way I'll progress is if I tackle this challenge head-on. Better to try and see what happens.

So, she drew her sword and waited for the message to pop up above. 


[Yes] [No]

With her mind, she tapped the  Yes and of course, the armor was brought back to life. 

Level 25

MP: 200/200

Without a weapon, as it materialized into its humanoid form, the creature quickly jumped back and lifted a hand, aiming it at Keiko. 

"Shiron." It muttered, pulling a hand back and pushing it forwards, propelling lightning out of its gauntlet's palm, in Keiko's direction. 


Unlike before, Keiko couldn't wait to test the creature herself before activating her Spirit Eye. Besides the 3 level gap between them, it was just a fact that spells moved faster than material weapons, and so, she needed every warning her Spirit Eye gave her. 

She barely managed to get her head out of the way in time, leaving the bolt of lightning to crash into the grey wooden wall behind her. Keiko's hands shook as the girl was frightened by the attack, but she couldn't stop now. At this range, it would only invite the enemy to-


As she expected, it launched another bolt. She ducked under this one and charged forwards, looking to close the gap completely. 


And yet, as soon as she got within range to strike, it teleported away from her. Keiko took a deep breath, turning quickly to face it, as she understood that although she could no longer strike it, the same could not be said for her opponent. 

I feel like this is going to be annoying,  Keiko narrowed her eyes at it. The creature got into a fighting stance but wasn't casting a spell just yet.  I'm not as fast as my master, so this thing has more room to work with than it did against her. Keiko tightened her grip on her sword as the creature pulled a hand back. 

I need to give this everything I've got if I'm going to win against it! 


The creature cast its lightning, but Keiko's Spirit Eye let her know that wasn't all it had in mind. In her 2 second vision, she saw the creature then teleport to her left, materialize a wind weapon, and strike her. 

When the vision was over, Keiko's eyes widened as she stepped to the right side. narrowly avoiding a slash from a wind sword. 

It happened so fast, she hadn't even heard the incantation for that spell. Then, the creature teleported back to where it had been originally. 

Wow,  Keiko gulped,  that was too close. It actually surprised me, it knew I needed to strategize and looked for a kill in that moment. Whoever this was, they were very smart. 

It's mana hadn't even gone down that far. 

Level 25

MP: 145/200

Hm. At this rate, it would take a few more exchanges like that for its mana to go down all the way, but it'll likely kill me before that happens.  Keiko thought.  I need to change my strategy. It's clear what I'm doing isn't working, but... 


Another lightning bolt was sent her way. Again, Keiko dodged it, but she didn't move up to attack. Instead, she waited. She had to think of a way to catch it off guard. Unlike her teacher, she was too slow to just walk in and kill it, normally, at least.

I just need to try harder. Keiko thought. Next charge, give it 100%. 

So, as the creature raised a hand, Keiko leaned forwards. 


And, as the bolt of lightning was sent her way, Keiko willed her legs to run up with as much power as she could muster, ducking out of the way of the attack feeling heat pass by the side of her face as she narrowly dodged the spell. 

"Ahhh!" She ran up and pulled her sword back, ready to strike. 


The creature teleported, but Keiko's Spirit Eye let her know where it would go.  Behind me!

She spun and ran again. This time, pushing herself even harder.

And yet, it wasn't enough. It teleported again and this time, Keiko had put so much momentum into her sprint that she wasn't able to dodge in time. I... I can't...!


But the creature didn't get to finish its incantation. Instead, Haruna threw her sword in much the same way she had during her first fight, and killed the Zayama Mage, before it could harm Keiko. 

It collapsed, and an EXP message appeared above Keiko, as she had gained some of the EXP for the kill by fighting the creature. 

EXP Gained: 30

EXP: 90/240

Keiko dropped her sword and fell to her knees, tired. 

That was,  she breathed heavily,  exhausting. 

"You did well," Haruna walked over to her. "The creature was too fast this time, but as you get used to its patterns, you will be able to catch it eventually." 

Everything she said went in one ear and out the other. 

I lost. Keiko thought, lowering her head. 

"I guess I'm not ready." 

"Not at this moment, but it's not about beating it on the first try. Just keep at it." 

Keiko sighed, then nodded. 

"I guess." 

She stood up with the help of her teacher and the two left the room, sitting on the stairs that led up to it. 

"Breathe," Haruna told her. "Calm down." 

As Keiko replayed the battle in her mind, a question came to her. She hadn't thought of this before, but now that she lost, and she was mad, she did. 

"Where did it get its spells from?" She asked. "Those don't seem like normal spells to me." 

"You're right, they aren't," Haruna crossed her arms and told her. "They're Zayama-specific spells. Much like the Spirit Eye, actually." 


"Let me explain," Haruna said, "at the Compound, in Jade, magic is generally looked down upon. Something I agree with," Haruna said. "Personally, I think the use of magic is cowardly. So, we don't teach about it. However, outsiders have long since discovered other spells that come from our bloodline. The spells the creature was using were of that nature." 

"I... What?" Keiko asked. She was baffled. 

"I hadn't expected to run into this kind of person," Haruna said. "Zayama mages are a scarce group. There are barely any, and they're very secretive, as they know no one back home particularly likes them. If anything though," Haruna said with a careless shrug, "this fight proves what I suspected. Cowards. It's no wonder they're shunned." 

Keiko though, couldn't agree with that sentiment. 

Maybe... She thought. Maybe I should try to replace more information on this. Though, she looked over at her teacher, it looks like that information wouldn't come from her. So, who else could teach me about Zayama magic? 

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