Keiko could barely breathe. Her chest felt constricted, her throat so tight that she nearly struggled to inhale. The mere presence of the being in front of her was enough to do this to her. 

Musano Hasashi.  She thought.  He... This is him.  Shaking, she glanced up at his spiritual figure once more. Despite his head holding no eyes, she felt him staring into her being. 

Some of the stories of the man's life passed through her mind in brief flashes. One where he singlehandedly defeated three Zayama masters of similar levels through skill alone. It was said that he reached Sword Proficiency 10 while training under a waterfall, after isolation for a month. And, of course, the same story that Keiko found out was being sold in Onyx was one she'd heard. How he held off 50 demons while helping citizens escape an attack. 

And of course, those were just some of the feats she could remember at this time. The list of accomplishments he held was enough to fill multiple pages of the largest books in the world. So, one question came to her as she knelt in front of him. 

How is anyone supposed to beat this? 

She looked at his level again. 

Level 50

MP: 500/500

The numbers mocked her. Her existence was akin to an ant compared to his. However, she knew for a fact she wasn't alone in this. Generally speaking, as far as she knew, the way levels worked once you reached 20, you were considered an experienced warrior, having seen some amount of death in your time. Level 30+ was what others generally considered "high level". Even Satsuhiro, a Savior who had served the realm for multiple years and then retired, was level 35 by the time his duties came to a close.

Simply put, people whose levels reached this height were no longer considered human. 

They were more akin to angels watching over the gods' lands, in Keiko's mind. 

How is this a test that anyone can beat?  She thought. 

"I ask again," Musano started, "which of you is here to prove herself?" 

"Both of us, siya," Haruna replied. Keiko usually only ever heard her use that word, 'siya', when addressing her grandmother.

"Hm. At once?" Musano asked. 

"N-No, one at a time. However," Haruna's voice was close to quivering, "we... We may wish to step away from the test." 

"Hm? And why is that?" Musano asked. 

"Your strength... Neither of us could hope to match it." Haruna explained. 

"No one could hope to match it," he replied, emotionlessly. There was no arrogance in his voice, nor scorn. He simply spoke a matter-of-fact tone, his eyesockets still aimed at Keiko, specifically. "The power I acquired was given to me as a gift by Alkoth, the day he chose me. Do not lament the fact that your feet do not tread grass in my realm, for few do."

And then, the spirit himself knelt in front of them. He did not bow, rather, he placed his hands on his thighs and kept his back straight as he continued. 

"This test is one of life or death, but not of the body," he said, "but of your spirit. Your ambitions."

Keiko slowly raised herself. 

"What do you mean?" She asked softly.

"Although Alkoth gave me the means to attain power, my legs moved to acquire it through my own will. No one pushed me, dragged me, or held my hand as I gained the experience I needed to get to where my journey concluded. I had to do it for myself. What I am here to test is whether you have that will within you, as well." He stated. 

"This... is a test of willpower?" Haruna asked. 

"Yes. Do not misunderstand, I will fight you, and if you are not prepared, you could very well die. However, the path that led you to this floor has already tested your skills in combat sufficiently to know that you are a cut above the rest." 

He raised a gauntleted finger. 

"Kazuha Zayama," he said, "the Whirlwind of Amber. A soldier who won many battles and was defeated in only a handful, he was the person you fought at the first floor. "Irina and Irino, the Enlightened Ones, warriors who would only ever fight together and were a devastating duo for it, they were at the second floor. Jun Zayama, the Witch of Wind and Thunder, held a limited arsenal but mastered it to such a degree to where not many could beat her in her prime. She was on the third floor, and on the fourth, finally, you faced the Twin Dragons." 

And, as soon as Keiko heard that, her mind went blank. 


"Iriko and Keina Zayama. The lovers whose passion for battle was only matched by their adoration of each other," she almost heard a chuckle come from him, "they were the challenge you met at the fourth floor." 

Her parents. It had been her own parents that Keiko fought so dismissively to get here. The floor she and Haruna cheated through to reach this point was a piece of this castle dedicated to her own family. 

And she'd completely disregarded it. 

This was, by far, the most dishonorable she'd ever felt. 

She nearly teared up as Musano finished. 

"Your skills are not in question. However, I ask, do you possess the spirit necessary to progress beyond this point? I will be the judge of this. Now, I ask again, will the two of you prove yourselves?" 

Keiko, still reeling from the revelation, failed to respond for a moment. Haruna however, did. 

"I will not, siya," Haruna said. "Thank you for the opportunity." 

Musano did not reply to her. Instead, Haruna stood and began to walk away.

Wait, what?

Keiko stood up and followed. Haruna stopped when she was a few meters away from the room, standing at the center of the wooden bridge that led to it. 

"Haruna," Keiko started. "What...?" 

Her teacher shook her head. 

"The path to power is not one I need to tread," Haruna stated. "I am here on your behalf, Keiko. Should you choose to continue, that is your choice, your journey. As for me, getting to see these trials and helping you through them was enough. I have no interest, at all, in what glory awaits past Musano Hasashi." 

"But, we've come this far, are you really going to just throw the progress away?" 

"Not yours," Haruna said, "seiyo, the rest of this is your trial. Your task to complete. As for me, I will be here to congratulate you should you succeed, and console you should you fail, but, as I said," Haruna shook her head, "The acquisition of power is not something I care for. I am a teacher, it is as simple as that. When we leave this place, I will go back to Jade and I will teach. That is all. I am not interested in whatever the rewards are for beating the fifth floor. Besides, some of it is likely to be magic, and you know I don't care for that at all." She shrugged. "My job is done." 

"I... I see..." Keiko looked away. 

"That is not your situation though, right?" Haruna said. "You need more power so that you can help your friends? Stand by them as you face the dangers of this world together, no?" Haruna put a hand on her shoulder. "Your journey does take you through this room. So, go ahead. See it done." 

"..." Keiko turned towards the room. "So, I'll do it alone?" 

"Yes." Haruna nodded. "You want to prove that you're capable, right? That is something one can only accomplish alone. I don't know what Musano Hasashi's spirit has in mind for this test," Haruna added, "but if this is a willpower test then the question is simple, do you seriously wish to assist your friends?" 

"Of course," Keiko replied quickly. 

"Then you will pass. It is that simple. I'll be back in a moment, I need some fresh air after... meeting that man like this." 

Haruna continued down the wooden bridge and disappeared behind the door at the end. 

Keiko was alone. Ahead, the door where Haruna had just gone through, behind her, the door leading to the final trial. She took a deep breath and nodded to herself.  Ash... Kaori...  She thought.  Saviors. I need this. I need to prove that I can stand with them, without dragging them back. 

She turned back towards the final room. 

I will come back a better version of myself. Them, my parents, my family, I'll make them all proud. 

And so, Keiko walked back in. Musano Hasashi's spirit was still there, his legs crossed as he remained in the center of the room. Keiko stepped forwards. 

"... You returned?" He asked. "So, you will take the test?" 

"Yes," Keiko nodded. "I will." 

"Hm... How long has it been since I've drawn my sword?" He asked himself, a nostalgic tone in his voice. "So many times has the sun rose and fell since then, surely the last Zayama to see my blade has turned to dust. This is your test, but I thank you for this opportunity, child of the Twin Dragons." 

Keiko's eyes widened. 

"You... What?" 

"Their spirits are attached to this place," Musano said. "As we speak, I hear them reaching out to you, saying your name. They have not done so for anyone else, it makes guessing what you mean to them fairly easy." 

"I..." Keiko shook her head. "When does the test start?" Changing topics.

"Good. Focus on the task at hand, it begins now." Musano nodded. 

He drew his sword, a black katana almost as long as Keiko was tall. 

"Prepare yourself." 

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