My Daughter is a Vampire
Chapter 138 Descendants of God

“Is something wrong?” Zila asked with confusion as she looked at him.

“No! He was just surprised. Are you serious? We are in the territory of Invincible Race?” Brian immediately covered him and asked.

Zila did replace it a bit suspicious, but then she shook her head and explained.

“Of course not! The descendent of our God lives in the holy land at the center of our universe. We are not allowed to set foot not those lands without their instructions.”

Hearing his words, Brian got even more curious and asked.

“Previously, you said that no one is allowed to leave this universe? Does this also include them?”

Zila suspiciously looked at him and asked, “Now, I am inquisitive about your curiosity.”

“Well, I met one of them when I was in my universe. He told me that he was from Invincible Race, but he seemed no different than humans. And, later, I learned that Invincible Race has a bloodline that allows them to transform with their anger physically.” Brian answered.

“Ohhh! Then, what you have learned is correct. We have maintained peace because we don’t want our god’s descendants to go berserk every day. As for their appearance, they do have a human appearance.”

“In fact, our god was also a human who managed to create a new bloodline for himself by combining the bloodline of several people. It was said that he found a special treasure from the creation of the universe and used it to merge the bloodline of several creatures.”

“Finally, he formed a new bloodline for himself and called it ‘Invincible Bloodline.’ Our God was the strongest being in the universe below Only One. And, he also fought Only One until he severely injured Only One and died during the battle.”

“He had nine wives. Their children slowly grow and start reproducing. In the millions of years of lifespan, their population has grown tremendously.” Zila explained.

“Aren’t you telling too much to some strangers about your god?” James asked.

Zila chuckled and shook her head. “This is just common knowledge among the people. Since you can’t leave this universe with your strength, you would eventually learn about these things.”

“You mentioned Only One? Are you talking about Universal Spirit?” Brian asked. He had once seen the rumors about the Universal Spirit being called Only One.

After all, he was indeed only one of its race. And it was also the strongest making it the strongest among others.

Zila’s cheerful expression changed a bit, and she got deadly serious as she nodded.

“Can you tell me about the previous question I asked? Do the descendants of gods get punished if they leave the universe?” Brian asked.

Zila kept her serious expression and nodded her head.

At this moment, James’s hand trembled a bit. Brian quickly held his hand and calmed him down. He understood James’s excitement, but he couldn’t do anything stupid right now.

He had to keep things calm right now.

“Since we are stuck here, we got to replace some way to earn money. Do you know anything we can do to make a living here?” Brian asked.

Zila thought for a while and answered, “Well, that depends upon you. If you have the power of Water Element, you can apply for Irrigation Profession. But considering how low your strength is, I don’t think your Elements would be much of a help.”

“You can do something else, though. You can try to get work in restaurants or other shops.”

Hearing her words, Brian rolled his eyes. No matter how broke he might be, he wouldn’t start working in a restaurant with his level of intelligence.

He quickly pondered over this matter and asked.

“Miss Zila, do you know it is possible to talk to your relatives no matter how far you might be, even if you don’t have the power?”

Zila widened her eyes and asked.

“Are you serious? Is that even possible?”

“It is possible. Well, the main way to earn money is by solving the problem people have. Julia, let’s get to the work. We are going to build the smartphone.” Brian spoke to his daughter as he stood up.

He looked at Zila and slightly bowed.

“Miss Zila, thank you for the meal! Once we complete our first smartphone, we will surely give it to you.”

Saying so, Brian and others swiftly left the restaurant. Brain decided to go back to the hill and build his base there. He wanted to buy food, but since he had no money, he decided to make the phone first.

“Brian, are you sure you can build a phone here? I don’t doubt your ability, but you don’t have equipment.” James asked as they moved toward the hill.

“Hehe! Uncle, you are wrong.” Julia giggled and took out small cubes. When he saw those cubes, he suddenly remembered the small spaceship.

“Don’t forget we use Nano Tech for most of our items. And, nothing is more convenient to keep with you than nanotech. Anyway, we will build the smartphone as soon as possible.”

“Since we don’t have food or any other kinds of supplies, we need to make sure that we can impress the head of this city. My plan is to use their money to create the business, giving them some shares over our business.”

“Once our business blooms, I will start focusing on a way to leave this universe.” Brian explained.

“Brian…..” James called out his name but after that, he couldn’t continue.

Brian patted his back and said “Don’t worry, we will replace out about your parents. Since they are punished, they must be somewhere in the prison. And, prison is the only thing that isn’t hard to replace.”

“But right now, we have to move as per my plan. Unless we get a strong foothold in this universe and an escape route, we absolutely can’t mess with the force beyond our strength.”

“I know. I know. So, while you do your techno things, I think I should do something else. How about I go back and search for a new job? After all, creating a smartphone would take a few days.”

“You, Ely, and I might hold on with ease but Julia will have some trouble. So, let me go down there and work. I can easily replace and do some job may be in the restaurant as she suggested.” James said as he tried to move back.

Brian knew James wasn’t doing this just for the job. But, he didn’t stop him. He wanted James to be more curious about his parents. After all, he knows the feeling of not caring about the other person.

He didn’t want James to do the same. After he agreed, James immediately left.

“Daddy, we can easily create the smartphone within a day, right? Why did you let uncle leave?” Julia asked with confusion.

“He has something else to do. While he does his things, let’s focus on our job. Currently, we have the entire toolset to build almost anything but there is one problem.” Brian shook his head and spoke.

“Amount! The number of phones we can create is extremely low. So, we need to replace the alternative.” Julia replied to his words.

Brian nodded his head and continued “Most of the parts should have the alternatives from this place but we might have to explore some of the unique parts.”

“I am not planning on wasting my time exploring the new resources.”

Suddenly, Ely interrupted “Then, why don’t we make these phones exclusive? We can sell them at a fairly high price and sell fewer phones.”

“After all, we aren’t planning on establishing a true business here, right?”

Hearing her question, Brian felt guilty in his mind but that guilt disappeared when he remembered his planet. Currently, they were somewhere else in the universe and have no connection to the earth.

They need to get back to the earth as soon as possible. And, if they can’t replace their way back, it would be more than troublesome.

“Alright! We will do it your way. We will build the phones in an exclusive manner and save enough money for us to survive until we replace a way back home. But of course, we have to make it truly admirable as well.” Brian nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, Ely brightly smiled and they started moving uphill. Julia quickly got tired and Ely had to hold her up. Brian was also getting tired and embarrassed to ask his daughter to lift him up, he decided to transform.

He transformed into a Vampire. The only thing that changed in him was his hair and eyes. They continued their journey and after nearly six hours, they finally reached the peak of the hill.

Since Brian had used transformation, they tried running but since the path was still too long, they still took a long time. After reaching the peak, they took out the tent and a large compartment with a lot of equipment in it.

But just when they started working, Brian suddenly thought of something asked himself.

‘Wait, why didn’t we use Elden’s Teleportation?’

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