My Daughter is a Vampire
Chapter 37 Daddy’s Bestfriend is not a Human

Brian stared at him with confusion and asked “What do you mean?”

“Don’t lie to me! I can smell it in you. You should be just like me. Look, remember when you tried to drag me here, you felt like dragging the rock. That’s what I am talking about. What kind of changes did you feel when you reach the age of twenty-five?” James rolled his eyes and asked once again.

Brian slapped his forehead and said “I didn’t feel any specific changes after I reach twenty-five. So, can you please explain? Why do I smell like you? What the hell is wrong with you?”

James looked at Brian with suspicious eyes and muttered “You are not the type of person who would beat around the bushes but you don’t smell like normal humans.”

“Well, I don’t understand this situation clearly but hear me out, okay? This might sound crazy but I don’t think I am a human.”

Brian narrowed his eyes and said, “Are you suggesting to me that you are some kind of an alien?”

“That’s why you are the smartest person I met. You really guessed it on your first try.” James patted Brian’s shoulder but when he did that, Brian felt so hard that he almost fell to the ground.

“Damn it! Don’t do that again. Are you seriously an alien? Are you sure it’s not a superpower?” Brian grunted in pain and shouted at him.

“No! I am pretty sure it’s not a superpower. I mean this has been happening since I was eighteen. Remember when you got beaten by a gang of fifty people and when I saw that, I got angry and beat the shit out of them.”

“That’s my power. I don’t think it is a superpower. I did some research and it is said that those who awakened superpowers have Zero-Point Energy merged in their bodies and it remains stagnant.”-ɴ(0)ᴠᴇʟ.

“But, my powers are growing. Now, if I get angry, I can destroy the whole building. Dude, I almost did that. And after I reached twenty-five, there are more things that I can do now.” James excitedly explained.

Brian also thought about this seriously. At first, he didn’t believe it but he does remember James beating the shit out of fifty gangsters by himself. Not to mention, he didn’t suffer a single injury during that battle.

But, he just thought of it as a normal coincidence. Never did he think that his best friend is actually an Alien.

“Alright! Lie down on that table. I will do some quick tests. As for your previous question, I haven’t felt any changes.” Brian decided to hide the fact that he could talk with the technology.

He had tested his DNA and his parent’s DNA. His parents were completely human and their DNA matches perfectly. So, he doesn’t believe that he was an Alien. He feels this is an ability that he awakened from his birth.

That’s why it has remained stagnant. After all, he can’t do more than talk with the technology.

James didn’t bicker with his friend and lay down on the table.

“Lily, scan his body with Divine Sense!”

Divine Sense was basically a fun name for the amalgamation of different scans which can scan different kinds of energies and waves MRI, X-Ray, Ultrasound, Infrared, Gamma-Rays, and Zero-Point Energy. ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ

It was a technology he built to specifically scan the superheroes. It allows him to understand the biological changes of a superhero after his awakening.

While the scan continues, Brian keeps his eyes on the screen.

‘The gamma rays in his body are massive but it has been contained by Zero-Point Energy. His anger draws out the gamma-ray from the Zero-Point Energy and it makes him stronger.’

‘But, there is one side effect. If his gamma rays take control of his body, it wouldn’t evolve anymore. So, he does have the body that absorbs the Zero-point Energy and evolves like other races.’

‘Thankfully, there is no such thing as going berserk or losing his mind due to the effects of Gamma rays. It’s just that anger helps him awaken the potential of gamma rays.’

‘But, something doesn’t add up. Why did Gamma rays enter his body? He didn’t fall into any Gamma Explosion. He had been living his normal life. Does that mean there is a race in the universe who are born with Gamma Rays in their bodies?’

‘Normally, Gamma-Rays can destroy someone’s body but because his cells are different. It feels like the whole structure is created to remove the harmful effects of the Gamma-Rays.’

‘It’s like our White-Blood Cells. Interesting! I have never done any research on James but now it feels like I can learn a lot. If I can recreate a cell that can kill the harmful effects of Gamma-Rays, then I could possibly create this new race on the earth.’

‘But, there is one problem. The reason why Gamma-Rays do not destroy his body is mainly aligned with Zero-Point Energy. And, even till now, I haven’t figured out a way to help humanity absorb Zero-Point Energy without entering the New Gods.’

‘Wait a minute! Before I only experimented on superheroes which is why I couldn’t replace a way. But now, I have James who is an alien. I have Ely who is a vampire and I also have Charlotte who is a werewolf.’

‘I could replace a clue.’

“Hey Brian, is it done? What’s the result?” Suddenly, James’s voice woke him up.

“You were indeed correct. You are not a human. Your cell construction is completely different from humans. It’s like your whole body cells are just white blood cells transformed to contain the Gamma Energy inside your body.”

“And, don’t worry, you won’t transform into a giant monster just because you have Gamma Energy. Zero-Point Energy in your body will keep you the same except there might be some minor changes whenever you get truly angry.”

“And, you might lose your mind even if you do get angry. So, you don’t have to fear this power. There are two things that you must remember though. Once you get angry, your Gamma Energy will destroy Zero-Point Energy and if it happens on a large scale, you might just create nuclear fission inside your body.”

“I am sure it will give you some kind of extraordinary powers but it will have some insane side effects as well. You should use that ring to control your anger as much as possible.” Brian responded.

“Don’t worry, I have been working on my anger. I have been meditating and learning yoga to control my emotions.” James nodded his head and excitedly stood up. But, Brian pushed him onto the table and said.

“I still have one more thing. It’s kinda a favor that I need. I want some of your cells so that I can study them properly. Do you think it is feasible?” Brian asked.

“Well, I also wanted to test if I have regeneration or not.” James smiled and lay on the table.

Brian changed the equipment. It had a small glass tube on the edge which connects with James’s body. It was hanging on a mechanical arm. Inside the glass tube, a white laser cuts James’s skill and that part gets sucked inside the mechanical arm.

It comes out inside a box, fully sealed and dozens of small mechanical scanning devices emerge inside that box and start analyzing it.

The glass tube mechanical arm also seals the blood flow. After that, Brian moves it away and James looks at his arm. In just a minute, that part where his skin was cut off was healed.

“It seems you do possess superb regeneration. But, I guess it would be even better if you activate it when you are truly angry. Anyway, thanks for the help!” Brian nodded his head after seeing the regeneration speed.

“Well, no thanks in friendship! Anyway, let’s return back to your apartment. I want to talk to my niece. Hey, I can her niece, right? I mean we are like brothers.” James started mumbling as they finally returned back to the elevator.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

But, at the same time, a voice rang on his watch.

“What happened?” James asked.

“Damn! A group of vampires appeared in our community and they are heading straight toward our apartment. Hey, wait a minute!” Brian instantly leaves the elevator and rushes towards the table at the corner.

There was a massive gun on it. It looked more like a scientific cannon because of its size. Holding this gun, he ran back to the elevator and clicks the button.

The elevator shot up towards his room.

ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ Ding! Dong!

The bell of his apartment rings. Charlotte walked towards the door while mumbling “Were we expecting someone else today?”

Just as she opens the door, a fist moves toward her. But before it could strike her, she dodges it and slams a kick on the face of that man standing in front of the door.

The next moment, she slams her body on the door and pushes everyone down from her apartment. Nearly all of them except two people fall down including her.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

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