My Daughter is a Vampire
Chapter 49 Fifth Floor Part 1

“Shouldn’t we do something?” Brian turned his head at George and asked.

“Let’s not get involved. Sorry about this!” George bitterly smiled and shook his head.

“You don’t have to apologize every time. By the way, congratulation on becoming a hunter!” Brian was helpless against his apologies. He didn’t understand why George was being so polite.

“Thank you!” George responded.

“By the way, what kind of monster did you face on the Fifth Floor?” Brian asked seeing the non-ending battle between Sherly and Dave.

Hearing his question, George’s expression turned serious.

“We encountered the wolves. At first, we thought they were normal wolves at lvl.15. But, none of those wolves were normal. Every wolf had an elemental power. And, the leader, we didn’t even get a chance to face him. We almost died once but thanks to Tempest, we managed to escape.”

Brian was surprised. As he expected, the Fifth Floor had lvl.15 monsters but he didn’t expect them to be elemental wolves. Unlike normal wolves, elemental wolves are much stronger due to their elemental control.

Then, he quickly glanced at Tempest. He looked the same. He was wearing a white robe and holding a book in his hand as usual. But, Brian could feel a little difference. He couldn’t help but ask.

“Did you improve your physical capabilities?”

Tempest nodded his head and lowered his head “I bought Body Strengthening Potion and used it.”

“That’s great! Your class will make the disparity between physical strength and mana larger. If you don’t keep improving your physical strength, you will one day die by using simple words.”

“The more mana you gather, the stronger body you need. Your bookworm class is amazing but you need to replace other ways to improve your physical strength.” Brian liked Tempest a lot, especially his idea of becoming a bookworm.-ɴ(0)ᴠᴇʟ.

Tempest’s eyes shone when he heard Brian’s response. He quickly nodded his head.

“You seem to like this class a lot.” George couldn’t help but feel curious about Brian’s interest in this class.

“Bookworm is one of the three choices I have for Sub-Class. This class is very strong and if you can somehow manage to fill its disadvantage, you will be invincible.” Brian chuckled as he walked towards Tempest.

“I have one short tip for you. I don’t know how you exercise at home but from now on, you can start exercising. Bookworm Class increases your mana exponentially. You should have already felt it.”

“And, it also gives you affinity to all magic and elements. This means you can easily use fire magic or healing magic outside as well. But, if your outside world’s body is weak, then the consequences would be the same, no, it would be dire.”

“Because you won’t die for real in here. But, you will die for real in the real world.”

Hearing his words, Tempest got frightened to the point he trembled for a while but he quickly bowed his head in front of Brian and responded.

“Thank you for giving me the advice!”

Brian chuckled and walked away. At the same time, the conflict between Sherly and Dave ended.

[Party Warrior can start from the Fifth Floor.]

[Would you like to start from the Fifth Floor?]

[Yes] [No] ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ

Seeing this, George looked at others, especially Brian. Everyone nodded their heads and the next moment, their bodies disintegrated into pixels as they entered the dungeon.

Their pixels were rearranged when they appeared on the Fifth Floor. If the Fourth Floor was a small forest, then the Fifth Floor was a bigger forest. They appeared in the middle of the forest.

“So, let’s make a proper plan before we fight Elemental Wave. DragonRider97, do you have any suggestions?” George turned his head at Brian and asked.

“You can call me Brian. It’s a lot easier that way. And, yes I do have a plan. Currently, I am lvl.10. What about you guys?” Brian asked.

George blinked his eyes and said “I am currently lvl.14. Sherly is lvl. 14. Dave is lvl.13 and Tempest is lvl.12. As for our skills, I have unlocked another close-range attack. Sherly has unlocked a long-range attack.”

“Dave has a stronger defensive skill and Tempest can heal every faster now. What about you?”

Brian nodded his head and said “I also have a long-range attack and short-range. Since our enemies are at lvl.15 and also have the elemental powers, we can’t simply charge forward.”

“How many elements have you seen using them?”

George turned his head at Tempest and stared for a moment.

“Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Wind!” Tempest replied.

Brian nodded his head and said, “Although Elemental wolves are powerful due to their elemental powers, they are also easier to defeat because of those elements.”

“For example, Fire Element Wolf would be weak against the Water. Wood and Wind element wolf would be weak against fire. Water is weaker against the wind and earth.”

“But, the earth is also weak against wind. Since we don’t have more than one mage, we need to break this situation into a different way. George will handle every Earth Element Wolves.”

“Sherly and I will handle Wood, Water, and Wind Element Wolves with our long-range attacks. Finally, Dave will fight against the Fire Elemental Wolves. Tempest will stay behind and support us with healing abilities and other elements supports.”

“Since he can manipulate all kinds of elements, if we run into a situation where someone needs to interfere, he will be the best choice. Since we don’t know which wolf has which element, I will use AOE Spell to replace out their element.”

“Once we select our target, all of us will attack at once. By the way, Wolf Leader won’t appear till the end, right?”

George shook his head.

“We didn’t see him during our battle. It means he will appear at last since we didn’t even reach that point.”

“That’s good then! We can attack without any worries about the leader.” Brian brightly smiled.

“But, are you sure Sherly and you can handle three different elements of wolves? There are almost more than twenty wolves from each element. You two would be facing against more than sixth wolves of lvl.15.”

“And, your lvl is only 10. Don’t get me wrong. I know how strong you are but I am not sure if this is a good idea.” George hesitated for a moment before asking Brian and confirming with him.

Brian shook his head and said “Don’t worry! As I said before, if we have a perfect element to counter, then we can easily win. The level doesn’t matter that much especially when the gap is only five levels.”

“And, even if we do get overwhelmed with numbers. We still have Tempest. I put him in support in case such situations occur.”

George was still worried but Sherly tried to calm him down.

“Don’t worry George! Didn’t he just say that we can win if we follow this strategy?”

“Miss Sherly, I never said we will win. I only say this is the best way to fight against the elemental wolves.” Brian shook his head and chuckled.

“Can’t you see I am helping you?” Sherly shouted at Brian and folded her arms while looking away.

“This game is risky. There is nothing you can earn without taking risks. So, we must go with this strategy unless you have something better.” Brian chuckled and responded to George.

George took a deep breath and nodded his head.

“Alright! Let’s fight. Follow me, the wolves are a little far from here.”

ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ George walked at the front as he lead the entire team towards the pack of wolves. They walked for five minutes until a status panel appeared in front of them.

[Floor Quest Activated]

[Quest No.5- Defeat the Wolf Leader

Reward- 5000XP, 500 God’s Coins, and Skill Upgrade Rune

Punishment- (-10000 EXP)]

“Wait, the punishment isn’t death or kicked out of the dungeon?” Brian looked at them and asked with confusion.

“Death and kicked out of the dungeon? No, it has always been the EXP problem. Thankfully, it cuts EXP from each of us, or else, our loss would’ve been huge.” George shook his head and explained.

Brian touched his chin and thought ‘Maybe it is only applied to solo players. No wonder Party Hunt is always less risker. Not just from the perspective of the player but also from the game.’

“Alright! Let’s get ready. Once the quest is generated, the wolves will appear.” George looked around him with alertness in his eyes.

Grr! Grr! Grr! Grr!

Slowly, the wolves started coming out from behind the trees. These wolves were nearly one and a half meters tall and three meters long. They had ferocious expressions on their faces.

And, each of them had the virtual lvl projection above them. And, all of them were lvl.15. But, since all of them were grey, it was hard to say which wolf had which element.

Brian walked to the front as his mana slowly flowed out in his palm. Upon reaching a certain distance, an overwhelming amount of mana flowed into his palm.

“Dark Magic Skill”

“Slaughtering Crows!”

He slapped the ground and a symbol appeared around him. Slowly, crows started emerging for the symbol. In a few seconds, nearly nine crows appeared around him.

Brian raised his hand towards the wolves and said.


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