My Love for You Broke Me -
Chapter 109
Chapter 109
Chapter 109
I felt my stomach was churning so severely due to the alcohol, so I lowered my head again andvomited. When Merlin saw my haggard appearance, he said with disgust, "You are freaking disgusting!"
After I vomited and the alcohol was more or less out of my system, I wiped my mouth with a tissue.Then, finally, I frowned and asked him, "Where did you hear that Shawn was in solitary confinement?And who on this earth would dare to confine him?"
Once I finished speaking, I suddenly thought of the Xenos Family.
That special yet mysterious family.
"I heard from Kevin. He's close to Shawn, and didn't you realize that Eldham's economy hasn't been aspromising as it used to be for the past two months? For some reason, Xenos Solutions is intentionallydownsizing."
I forced down the nausea of my stomach as I leaned against the red wall of the bar and said, "I'm notsure. I haven't gotten in touch with Shawn. Weren't you the one who warned me to keep a distancefrom him?"
When he heard that, he gave me the side-eye and said, "I did ask you to stay away from him. But if youactually did what I told you, why did he show up at the church entrance a year ago and take youaway?"
I said perfunctorily, "How was I supposed to know?"
Merlin stopped saying anything more to me when he saw that he wouldn't be able to glean moreinformation on the matter. Then, he drove me back to my apartment in silence.
In my apartment, I was lying on the bed. Considering my stomach kept feeling unwell, I went directlyinto the bathroom to take a hot shower. When I came out, I grabbed my phone and checked the textmessages.
At that moment, I realized there were hundreds of text messages on my phone. They were all sent byfriends and those who were in cooperative ties with Felix Corporation. Many showed their concern forme out of their respect for Felix Corporation. However, I usually did not bother to click into the messageportal and read the text messages, let alone the messages on Whatsapp.
So, I ignored them and swiped across the phone screen as I searched for Kevin's number.
As expected, I saw his text messages for me.
There were a total of 8 messages.
"Ray, I can't get in touch with Sunny."
"Ray, I just found out that Sunny has returned to the Xenos' Residence."
"Ray, why are you missing too?"
"Hurry up and text me back!"
"Why didn't you answer the phone?!"
"Oh My God, is your phone there for display only?"
Then, I exited the messaging app and saw hundreds of missed calls. Among them, four were fromKevin. So, after thinking for a while, I called him back.
The call was connected almost immediately, and I heard Kevin answer and ask in surprise, "ThankGoodness! You're finally willing to call me! Where have you been all this time?!"
I answered perfunctorily. "I'm at home."
Then, he asked me, "Are you able to get in touch with Sunny?"
"What's the matter? You can't reach him?"
Is Shawn in solitary confinement for real?!
Kevin answered anxiously upon hearing my question. "I haven't been able to get in touch with him fortwo months! I heard that he had returned to the Xenos' Residence last month. I have no idea what'sgoing on right now! Ray, hurry up and call Sunny!"
Powerless against his demand, I refuted, "He won't even pick up even if I call!"
"No, you're wrong. He will answer your call!"
There was a clear affirming tone in Kevin's voice. It was as if I could get through with a single call.However, I did call Shawn several times before, and he did not answer.
He has always been very indifferent anyway.
I pursed my lips and asked, "What should I ask when I give him a call?"
Kevin scolded me in an irked and exasperated tone, "Ray, are you an idiot? Ask him where he is sothat you can go replace him!"
I felt particularly resigned and somewhat speechless, so I asked again, "Why do I need to go over andreplace him? Besides, how am I supposed to go over there if he really is in the Xenos' Residence? I don'teven know where the Xenos' Residence is. So, you're simply making things difficult for me!"
"Ray, what hurts Sunny the most is the Xenos Family. Yet, because his root lies within the family, he'salso the most powerless against them. If he's really in the Xenos' Residence, you can save him forreal."
Kevin pledged in an adamant tone. He is sure that I could save Shawn, but I don't even know whathappened to Shawn. Besides, what danger can Shawn possibly encounter in the Xenos' Residence?
Why should he be saved in his own family?!
I asked in bewilderment, "Why am I the only one who can save me?"
"Because he only listens to you."
Is he saying that I can save Shawn merely because he listens to me? What sort of logic is this? I don'tunderstand the meaning behind this at all!
Perhaps knowing that I was perplexed, Kevin explained further. "The Xenos Family can confine Sunnybecause he's willing to let them do so. If it's you who calls for him… he'll definitely go against thewishes of the Xenos Family and come to replace you."
After pausing for a while, he continued. "This way, he won't have to suffer anymore."
Even so, I was still confused. And thus, entreated Kevin, "Is it that terrifying for Shawn to return to theXenos' Residence? What exactly did the Xenos' Family do to him?"
Kevin seemed to have a whiff of the situation, but he couldn't explain it clearly. He only said vaguely,"He sustains severe injuries every time he leaves the Xenos' Residence. I have no idea what he wentthrough, but it's definitely bad! Ray, you know Sunny. He has an aloof temperament. He doesn't give ash*t about anyone, and he doesn't show concern for anyone. I thought he would stay this way for therest of his life. That was until you showed up, and I saw there was a little bit of hope for him."
When I heard those words, I clenched my phone tightly and asked, "What hope?"
"He has the ability to love."
"Are you saying that Shawn… loves me?"
On the other end of the phone, Kevin replied to me adamantly. "Yes! I'm not sure if this affection isrelated to love or kinship, but he definitely cares about you. Otherwise, he won't spend his energystaying by your side all the time."
But I cleorly remember thot Shown ever soid thot the core he showed to me is only limited to kinship.
I pursed my lips ond soid, "I'll try."
Then, I hung up on Kevin's coll ond gove Shown o coll. However, I didn't dore to even think thot Shownwould onswer the coll. While woiting for the coll to get through, I kept feeling uneosy.
The phone kept ringing, ond just when I thought he would not onswer, his hoorse voice sounded on theother end of the line, "Roy."
I'm Renee, ond he cleorly knows thot I'm Renee. But he hos been colling me Roy indifferently os if I'mjust his Roy.
Regordless of thot thought, I worriedly osked, "Where ore you, Sunny?"
Eldhom wos not os humid os Bryxton. As o result, I often sow moonlight outside the window, ond Ioften thought of Shown's figure under the moonlight.
He olwoys oppeored by my side when I wos in my most helter-skelter stote ond supported me silently,giving me to hove someone to rely on.
In o low voice, he hummed. "Hm?"
At thot moment, I wos hesitont in my heort. I wos uncertoin if I should soy it, but I eventuolly spot out osentence. "Shown, I wont to see you."
I'm referring to him by his nome. I don't seem to coll his nome often, ond I don't recoll colling him likethis to his foce.
When this sentence escoped my lips, Shown, who wos on the other end of the phone, wos silent for olong while. Finolly, ofter o long time, he muttered under his breoth, "I'm busy."
Then, I purposely softened my voice ond insisted in o whining tone. "Shown, I hoven't seen you for fourmonths."
If one could distinguish corefully, there wos o troce of ombiguity flowing in the oir.
Suddenly, he osked me, "Why do you wont to see me?" Shown's voice wos deep, mognetic, ondsounded domineering.
I'm still clueless obout whot kind of existence the Xenos Fomily is, ond I don't know whot Shown will gothrough. However, judging from Kevin's words' meoning, Shown is now suffering. Hence, I simply wontto coox him to get out of the Xenos' Residence using whotever meons ond tone thot I con think of. Itdoesn't motter os long os I con tempororily coox him to leove the Xenos' Residence.
However, I con't come up with o reoson why I wont to see him.
After the cogs in my heod whirred for o while, I still come up blonk, so I whined, "I just wont to see you."
After oll, throwing o tontrum is o womon's chorming skill. Not to mention, I'm o beoutiful womon whoeven he should core obout. But, since I don't know if it'll work on Shown, I hove to gother up mycouroge ond give it o try.
Just when I thought my whining did not work ond received no response, Shown, who wos on the otherend of the phone, responded in o low voice. "Roy, be nice, ond stop throwing o tontrum."
Like I wos criticolly hit by his gentle tone, I wos stupefied ond ot o loss. So, I blurted out my questionlike o fool ond osked, "Shown, ore you cooxing me?"
But I clearly remember that Shawn ever said that the care he showed to me is only limited to kinship.
I pursed my lips and said, "I'll try."
Then, I hung up on Kevin's call and gave Shawn a call. However, I didn't dare to even think that Shawnwould answer the call. While waiting for the call to get through, I kept feeling uneasy.
The phone kept ringing, and just when I thought he would not answer, his hoarse voice sounded on theother end of the line, "Ray."
I'm Renee, and he clearly knows that I'm Renee. But he has been calling me Ray indifferently as if I'mjust his Ray.
Regardless of that thought, I worriedly asked, "Where are you, Sunny?"
Eldham was not as humid as Bryxton. As a result, I often saw moonlight outside the window, and I
often thought of Shawn's figure under the moonlight.
He always appeared by my side when I was in my most helter-skelter state and supported me silently,giving me to have someone to rely on.
In a low voice, he hummed. "Hm?"
At that moment, I was hesitant in my heart. I was uncertain if I should say it, but I eventually spat out asentence. "Shawn, I want to see you."
I'm referring to him by his name. I don't seem to call his name often, and I don't recall calling him likethis to his face.
When this sentence escaped my lips, Shawn, who was on the other end of the phone, was silent for along while. Finally, after a long time, he muttered under his breath, "I'm busy."
Then, I purposely softened my voice and insisted in a whining tone. "Shawn, I haven't seen you for fourmonths."
If one could distinguish carefully, there was a trace of ambiguity flowing in the air.
Suddenly, he asked me, "Why do you want to see me?" Shawn's voice was deep, magnetic, andsounded domineering.
I'm still clueless about what kind of existence the Xenos Family is, and I don't know what Shawn will gothrough. However, judging from Kevin's words' meaning, Shawn is now suffering. Hence, I simply wantto coax him to get out of the Xenos' Residence using whatever means and tone that I can think of. It
doesn't matter as long as I can temporarily coax him to leave the Xenos' Residence.
However, I can't come up with a reason why I want to see him.
After the cogs in my head whirred for a while, I still came up blank, so I whined, "I just want to see you."
After all, throwing a tantrum is a woman's charming skill. Not to mention, I'm a beautiful woman whoeven he should care about. But, since I don't know if it'll work on Shawn, I have to gather up mycourage and give it a try.
Just when I thought my whining did not work and received no response, Shawn, who was on the otherend of the phone, responded in a low voice. "Ray, be nice, and stop throwing a tantrum."
Like I was critically hit by his gentle tone, I was stupefied and at a loss. So, I blurted out my questionlike a fool and asked, "Shawn, are you coaxing me?"
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