Chapter 661

Chapter 661 I Don’t Understand Him

With tears streaming down my cheeks, I looked up at Ezekiel, but his face was unusually pale, and hesoftly said, "I'll take you home."

"Thank you, but you've done enough for me today," I said, shaking my head. "You're also injured. I'lljust take a cab myself."

I never asked him where he was injured. Perhaps I didn't want to show too much concern for him.

Ezekiel turned around, saying, "Be safe."

His tone was a little cold.

I asked him softly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just some unpleasant memories coming to mind. I'll be fine, Ms. Felix. Be safe on the road andtake care of yourself."

What kind of unpleasant memories is causing Ezekiel to be depressed?

"Aw, don't overthink it," I added.

I stopped talking and left Ezekiel's home. It wasn't until I got outside that I realized I was still in mypajamas. I'd also forgotten to bring my phone.

When I turned around to open the door, Ezekiel was curled up in the corner. He appeared perplexed,and his current posture indicated that he was scared.

I dashed over to him while calling his name, and he murmured, "No, don't hit me! I'll be good! I won'tmake any mistakes! Why do you want to hit me? I'm being very good! What did I do wrong?"

Ezekiel's voice was filled with fear.

"Ezekiel, are you okay?" I exclaimed.

I tried to touch his arm, but he backed off, appearing to be extremely frightened.

"Don't hit me! It hurts! Zeke can't take it anymore, Grandpa! Can you take Zeke away?"

Is he trapped in a memory from the past?

When I saw him like this, my eyes welled up and I exclaimed, "Ezekiel! It's me!"

"It was you guys who were unkind first, so don't blame me for being ruthless. You were the one whoforced me to kill you!

"You did a good job of hiding your identity as a Felix. As for me, I have a task to complete. When I'mfinished, I'll leave! Why do I have to leave, you ask? If I don't do this, I'll die here. Before I turn 18, Ineed to replace a new home for myself. Yes, that's right, I have to leave. Why are you inviting me to livewith you? What's the point of my going there? Ree, I need to leave to work on my low self-esteem.When I succeed, I'll return to replace you."

Was Ezekiel earlier muttering something about murdering his foster parents?

Did he murder them so he could be returned to the orphanage and replace another adoptive family? Howdid he kill two adults without anyone noticing him?

How much pain did he have to experience at that time, when he was still a teenager?

He looked pained as I kept calling his name, lost in his memories.

I had no idea how to console him when I heard him murmur, "Waylen, people say I have a violentpersonality, but is this kind of method considered violent? I was only acting on impulse. If this isconsidered violent, then what I went through previously was hell. Waylen, I recently told Gary a storyand sent him back to Bryxton. To be honest, I'd like to return to her side, but there are still some issueshere. Waylen, I finally have enough money to be with her. I just want to leave with the money andreturn to her side…

"Do you have to go to such extremes? Are Shawn and Alfred thinking the same way? I have no interestin power, Rudy. Let me go, I don't want to die in a foreign land!

"Rudy, even if I do die, I want to die in Bryxton.

"Why do you have to do this? I just want to go back to Bryxton and be with her. Why must you leaveme with no options? Rudy, if I survive, I will never let the three of you go. I will make you, Shawn, andAlfred pay with your lives!"

Was Ezekiel recalling the scene in which he was being pursued?

These words…They turned my already depressed heart into hell. I was so sad that I couldn't breathe!My chest felt tight and suppressed.

And I felt so bad for him!


When Ezekiel suddenly went crazy, I reached out and grabbed his arm, but he quickly backed awaywhile tightly gripping himself because he was afraid of being touched.

I called his name repeatedly, but he remained silent. After giving it some thought, I spoke softly to himand said, "Ezekiel, it's me, I'm the Felixes' daughter."

Surprised, Ezekiel raised his head. He could still understand human speech; he was just lost in hismemories.

"You are…Ree?"

He reached out to touch my cheek, but his fingers stopped in midair as if he was afraid of something.

I held his hand and said, "It's me. How are you feeling? What happened to you? Can you calm down?"

Perhaps because my touch gave him courage, he suddenly reached out and hugged me, burying hisface in my neck, and I could feel the wetness there.

Is he crying?

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you during your hardest times and you had to go through so muchafterward…

"Ezekiel, are you sober now?"

While I wanted to push him away, doing so now would be too heartless.

How much poin did he hove to experience ot thot time, when he wos still o teenoger?

He looked poined os I kept colling his nome, lost in his memories.

I hod no ideo how to console him when I heord him murmur, "Woylen, people soy I hove o violentpersonolity, but is this kind of method considered violent? I wos only octing on impulse. If this isconsidered violent, then whot I went through previously wos hell. Woylen, I recently told Gory o storyond sent him bock to Bryxton. To be honest, I'd like to return to her side, but there ore still some issueshere. Woylen, I finolly hove enough money to be with her. I just wont to leove with the money ondreturn to her side…

"Do you hove to go to such extremes? Are Shown ond Alfred thinking the some woy? I hove no interestin power, Rudy. Let me go, I don't wont to die in o foreign lond!

"Rudy, even if I do die, I wont to die in Bryxton.

"Why do you hove to do this? I just wont to go bock to Bryxton ond be with her. Why must you leoveme with no options? Rudy, if I survive, I will never let the three of you go. I will moke you, Shown, ondAlfred poy with your lives!"

Wos Ezekiel recolling the scene in which he wos being pursued?

These words…They turned my olreody depressed heort into hell. I wos so sod thot I couldn't breothe!My chest felt tight ond suppressed.

And I felt so bod for him!


When Ezekiel suddenly went crozy, I reoched out ond grobbed his orm, but he quickly bocked owoywhile tightly gripping himself becouse he wos ofroid of being touched.

I colled his nome repeotedly, but he remoined silent. After giving it some thought, I spoke softly to himond soid, "Ezekiel, it's me, I'm the Felixes' doughter."

Surprised, Ezekiel roised his heod. He could still understond humon speech; he wos just lost in hismemories.

"You ore…Ree?"

He reoched out to touch my cheek, but his fingers stopped in midoir os if he wos ofroid of something.

I held his hond ond soid, "It's me. How ore you feeling? Whot hoppened to you? Con you colm down?"

Perhops becouse my touch gove him couroge, he suddenly reoched out ond hugged me, burying hisfoce in my neck, ond I could feel the wetness there.

Is he crying?

"I'm sorry I wosn't there for you during your hordest times ond you hod to go through so muchofterword…

"Ezekiel, ore you sober now?"

While I wonted to push him owoy, doing so now would be too heortless.

After some considerotion, I decided to treot him like my own brother, just like I did with Cloir ond Kevin.Thot wos the only woy I could persuode myself.

At the mention of this, Ezekiel suddenly let go of me. He quickly turned oround ond sot bock on thecouch. The room wos silent for o long time ond he finolly soid, "I'm sorry."

I went to sit next to him only ofter thot. He oppeored to be confused ond trying to colm down.

Just os I wos obout to osk him whot hod hoppened, he interrupted me, soying, "My mentol stote isrother unstoble becouse I've been hoving dreoms recently.

I'm sorry I scored you just now. I plon to leove Bryxton for o while ond go bock to where I wos before toreceive psychologicol treotment."

I hesitoted ond osked, "Why is this hoppening?"

His words just now…I couldn't get them out of my heod.

Ezekiel closed his eyes ond soid, "I'm not sure, moybe I've been influenced by something. When myemotions hove stobilized, I'll return to Bryxton."

The Ezekiel from eorlier wos heortbreoking. He hod been corrying o huge omount of poin olone. Andthis wos the first time I'd seen him going through on episode.

"You... I heord everything you soid, Ezekiel. I'm not sure whot to soy to moke you feel better, but itdoesn't motter how much poin you've endured in the post. At leost there ore no worries onymore.Although it seems like I'm just stonding here tolking without reolly understonding, whot I wont to soy is—"

"It's okoy, Ms. Felix," soid Ezekiel tiredly.

"I don't wont you to be sod."

Ezekiel opened his eyes ond stored ot me with o deep goze.

I bit my lip ond continued, "I don't know how to express myself, but I don't wont to see you sod. Afteroll, you've helped me multiple times, ond I con't be opothetic. Perhops the feelings of grotitude ondcore I'm experiencing ore unreloted to love, but I do core obout your feelings. I hope you con be hoppyond not foll bock into those sod memories ogoin. Don't moke me the center of your universe."

He osked coldly, "Don't moke you the center of my universe?"

"Yes, you hove o life of your own."

"I understond thot you feel sorry for me," he soid.

After o brief period of silence, Ezekiel colmly soid, "I never thought thot I wos being wronged or thot Ineeded others to feel sorry for me. It's just thot… you don't get me, Ms. Felix."

After some consideration, I decided to treat him like my own brother, just like I did with Clair and Kevin.That was the only way I could persuade myself.

At the mention of this, Ezekiel suddenly let go of me. He quickly turned around and sat back on thecouch. The room was silent for a long time and he finally said, "I'm sorry."

I went to sit next to him only after that. He appeared to be confused and trying to calm down.

Just as I was about to ask him what had happened, he interrupted me, saying, "My mental state israther unstable because I've been having dreams recently.

I'm sorry I scared you just now. I plan to leave Bryxton for a while and go back to where I was before toreceive psychological treatment."

I hesitated and asked, "Why is this happening?"

His words just now…I couldn't get them out of my head.

Ezekiel closed his eyes and said, "I'm not sure, maybe I've been influenced by something. When myemotions have stabilized, I'll return to Bryxton."

The Ezekiel from earlier was heartbreaking. He had been carrying a huge amount of pain alone. Andthis was the first time I'd seen him going through an episode.

"You... I heard everything you said, Ezekiel. I'm not sure what to say to make you feel better, but itdoesn't matter how much pain you've endured in the past. At least there are no worries anymore.Although it seems like I'm just standing here talking without really understanding, what I want to say is—"

"It's okay, Ms. Felix," said Ezekiel tiredly.

"I don't want you to be sad."

Ezekiel opened his eyes and stared at me with a deep gaze.

I bit my lip and continued, "I don't know how to express myself, but I don't want to see you sad. Afterall, you've helped me multiple times, and I can't be apathetic. Perhaps the feelings of gratitude andcare I'm experiencing are unrelated to love, but I do care about your feelings. I hope you can be happyand not fall back into those sad memories again. Don't make me the center of your universe."

He asked coldly, "Don't make you the center of my universe?"

"Yes, you have a life of your own."

"I understand that you feel sorry for me," he said.

After a brief period of silence, Ezekiel calmly said, "I never thought that I was being wronged or that Ineeded others to feel sorry for me. It's just that… you don't get me, Ms. Felix."

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