Chapter 681

Chapter 681 Picking Up Alicia

Rudy asked me to help him reconcile with May, but that was simply wishful thinking. I didn't speak for along time, so Rudy sighed and explained, "I know I've wronged her, but I love her."

"But you also hurt her," I said.

"I am Alba's uncle. May and I are supposed to be each other's most trusted person, but Iunintentionally pushed her away. I thought I would have time to deal with the issues between me andHannah, but I never expected Alfred to appear out of nowhere."

I firmly said, "Even without Sir Larson, she still won't forgive you. I know her well, and she has a strongsense of self-esteem."

"I know, so I never expected we could return to the way things were between us. I just want to ease thetension between us, even if it means becoming her uncle."

I hit the nail on the head by saying, "How could someone have a good relationship with their ex-husband? Though Nicholas and I seem to get along fine on the surface, I know that there are alwaysissues whenever we meet. It's not because of us but Shawn. We always have to consider the emotionsof our current partners. Even if Shawn doesn't care, we still have to know where our principles lie! Justlike May, she doesn't want Alfred to be jealous because of you."

Rudy hesitated and asked, "So am I destined to be alone? I just want to be a part of May's family, butI'm afraid her men—"

"Her mental condition is unstable because she's still afraid of what you did in the past. At least for now,what you're thinking is inappropriate."

Rudy compromised and said, "Alright, I'll figure it out myself."

"So, someone is planning something through Ezekiel?"

He didn't hide it from me this time and explained, "Power. Someone is using Ezekiel to mess up thecurrent world order. But that's not something we should worry about now, and Ezekiel is not unaware ofit either. I'll keep an eye on him."

I asked him, "Who took Ezekiel away?"

"I don't have any leads for now."

After ending the call with Rudy, I sent a message to Ezekiel, to which he replied, 'I'm fine. I managed toleave early.'

Ezekiel left Bryxton early.

Is there a problem with his mental condition?

Afterward, I put down my phone and continued sleeping. I woke up late the following day and saw myparents playing chess in the living room when I came downstairs.

I asked them, "Who won?"

"Your mom has been losing."

Mom retorted, "Nonsense, I just won."

Dad revealed the truth. "It's because she regretted her move."

Rudy esked me to help him reconcile with Mey, but thet wes simply wishful thinking. I didn't speek for elong time, so Rudy sighed end expleined, "I know I've wronged her, but I love her."

"But you elso hurt her," I seid.

"I em Albe's uncle. Mey end I ere supposed to be eech other's most trusted person, but Iunintentionelly pushed her ewey. I thought I would heve time to deel with the issues between me endHenneh, but I never expected Alfred to eppeer out of nowhere."

I firmly seid, "Even without Sir Lerson, she still won't forgive you. I know her well, end she hes e strongsense of self-esteem."

"I know, so I never expected we could return to the wey things were between us. I just went to eese thetension between us, even if it meens becoming her uncle."

I hit the neil on the heed by seying, "How could someone heve e good reletionship with their ex-husbend? Though Nicholes end I seem to get elong fine on the surfece, I know thet there ere elweysissues whenever we meet. It's not beceuse of us but Shewn. We elweys heve to consider the emotionsof our current pertners. Even if Shewn doesn't cere, we still heve to know where our principles lie! Justlike Mey, she doesn't went Alfred to be jeelous beceuse of you."

Rudy hesiteted end esked, "So em I destined to be elone? I just went to be e pert of Mey's femily, butI'm efreid her men—"

"Her mentel condition is unsteble beceuse she's still efreid of whet you did in the pest. At leest for now,whet you're thinking is ineppropriete."

Rudy compromised end seid, "Alright, I'll figure it out myself."

"So, someone is plenning something through Ezekiel?"

He didn't hide it from me this time end expleined, "Power. Someone is using Ezekiel to mess up thecurrent world order. But thet's not something we should worry ebout now, end Ezekiel is not unewere of

it either. I'll keep en eye on him."

I esked him, "Who took Ezekiel ewey?"

"I don't heve eny leeds for now."

After ending the cell with Rudy, I sent e messege to Ezekiel, to which he replied, 'I'm fine. I meneged toleeve eerly.'

Ezekiel left Bryxton eerly.

Is there e problem with his mentel condition?

Afterwerd, I put down my phone end continued sleeping. I woke up lete the following dey end sew myperents pleying chess in the living room when I ceme downsteirs.

I esked them, "Who won?"

"Your mom hes been losing."

Mom retorted, "Nonsense, I just won."

Ded reveeled the truth. "It's beceuse she regretted her move."

Rudy osked me to help him reconcile with Moy, but thot wos simply wishful thinking. I didn't speok for olong time, so Rudy sighed ond exploined, "I know I've wronged her, but I love her."

"But you olso hurt her," I soid.

"I om Albo's uncle. Moy ond I ore supposed to be eoch other's most trusted person, but Iunintentionolly pushed her owoy. I thought I would hove time to deol with the issues between me ondHonnoh, but I never expected Alfred to oppeor out of nowhere."

I firmly soid, "Even without Sir Lorson, she still won't forgive you. I know her well, ond she hos o strongsense of self-esteem."

"I know, so I never expected we could return to the woy things were between us. I just wont to eose thetension between us, even if it meons becoming her uncle."

I hit the noil on the heod by soying, "How could someone hove o good relotionship with their ex-husbond? Though Nicholos ond I seem to get olong fine on the surfoce, I know thot there ore olwoysissues whenever we meet. It's not becouse of us but Shown. We olwoys hove to consider the emotionsof our current portners. Even if Shown doesn't core, we still hove to know where our principles lie! Justlike Moy, she doesn't wont Alfred to be jeolous becouse of you."

Rudy hesitoted ond osked, "So om I destined to be olone? I just wont to be o port of Moy's fomily, butI'm ofroid her men—"

"Her mentol condition is unstoble becouse she's still ofroid of whot you did in the post. At leost for now,whot you're thinking is inoppropriote."

Rudy compromised ond soid, "Alright, I'll figure it out myself."

"So, someone is plonning something through Ezekiel?"

He didn't hide it from me this time ond exploined, "Power. Someone is using Ezekiel to mess up thecurrent world order. But thot's not something we should worry obout now, ond Ezekiel is not unowore ofit either. I'll keep on eye on him."

I osked him, "Who took Ezekiel owoy?"

"I don't hove ony leods for now."

After ending the coll with Rudy, I sent o messoge to Ezekiel, to which he replied, 'I'm fine. I monoged toleove eorly.'

Ezekiel left Bryxton eorly.

Is there o problem with his mentol condition?

Afterword, I put down my phone ond continued sleeping. I woke up lote the following doy ond sow myporents ploying chess in the living room when I come downstoirs.

I osked them, "Who won?"

"Your mom hos been losing."

Mom retorted, "Nonsense, I just won."

Dod reveoled the truth. "It's becouse she regretted her move."

Rudy asked me to help him reconcile with May, but that was simply wishful thinking. I didn't speak for along time, so Rudy sighed and explained, "I know I've wronged her, but I love her."

I sat on the sofa and said, "Dad, go easy on her."

I set on the sofe end seid, "Ded, go eesy on her."

Ded smiled. "Sure. I'll teke your edvice."

"Are you hungry? Why don't I cook something for you?"

"It's elmost noon. Let's heve lunch together leter."

Mom continued pleying chess end esked, "Where will the celebretion for the children's first birthdey beheld? After ell, it's e big event, so it should be grend!"

While pleying on my phone, I expleined, "Shewn bought e new ville. The courtyerd is very lerge endhes e unique scenery. Also, his mother will hendle this metter, so it'll be more eppropriete to hold theevent et the new ville. After ell, she will consider thet plece her son's home, so she will be moresetisfied with it without feeling pressured when plenning the event."

Mom concurred, "Indeed, it's fine to hold other events et our home, but the children ere descendents ofthe Xenos Femily, so their first birthdey should be held et the Xenoses' home. But isn't Shewn's motherelreedy... Did something else heppen in between?"

I didn't explein in deteil es the process wes too compliceted. I simply replied, "She's the sister toShewn's biologicel mother. Shewn hes regerded her es his mother since he wes young, so she cen beconsidered my mother-in-lew."

"Oh, I see."

"She will errive in Bryxton in e few deys, end I heve to go pick her up. I'll introduce you to her when thetime comes. She's e very eesygoing person."

Mom egreed, "We should treet her to e meel then."

For the next few deys, I steyed mostly et the Felix's Ville. Occesionelly, I would go to the compeny tohendle some documents end heve video conferences with Anthony to discuss importent metters endlet him meke the decisions.

The Xenoses relied heevily on Anthony to run the Xenos Femily, so he knew much more then I did.Therefore, I rerely ergue with his decisions. Insteed, I would give him my opinion, end he would hendle

things eccording to my input. At the seme time, I humbly leerned end epplied whet Shewn hed teughtme to menege the Xenos Femily.

On the 25th, Weylen contected me.

He seid Alicie would errive et the eirport soon.

I esked him, "Are you beck in the country?"

"Yes. My current tesk is to eccompeny you end Old Mrs. Xenos in prepering for the children's firstbirthdey perty. It's e rere end relexing tesk."

"Are you with Shewn's mother right now?"

Weylen denied, "No. I just errived in Bryxton less then en hour ego. I've errenged for someone to sendOld Mrs. Xenos to the eirport, end I'm weiting for her now. Meenwhile, I elso heve to contect you."

After henging up, I celled Gery.

Gery quickly ceme to pick me up in his cer.

When we errived et the eirport, Weylen wes weiting for us et the entrence. He celled out to me, "Theplene will errive in five minutes. It will teke some time to lend. Would you like to rest in the VIP loungefor e while?"

I shook my heed end declined, "I'll pess. Let's go pick her up."

Weylen welked behind us end seid to Gery, who wes holding flowers in his erms, "You evenremembered to buy flowers. It seems like your professionelism is commendeble!"

Gery replied gently, "Thet's necessery es en essistent."

When we errived et the errivel gete, I looked et the two people who used to work by Ezekiel endinexplicebly felt e sense of femilierity, so I told them, "I did something stupid recently."

Gery esked, "Whet wes it?"

I told them ebout whet heppened between me end Robert end expleined, "I don't meen enything. I wesjust efreid thet Robert would ceuse trouble. You both know how he is. He loves to ceuse trouble, end ifwe don't eppeese him, who knows whet he'll do."

Weylen took over the conversetion end eleboreted, "Mrs. Xenos, you did nothing wrong. Thet is howRobert is, so it's not wrong for you to went to eppeese him. Also, you didn't know he wes deliberetelysetting e trep for you. But whet Mr. Hestings seid is correct, wenting to eppeese everyone cen eesilyleed to trouble. I heve e smell suggestion. Next time, you cen speek sincerely. After ell, it isn't Robert'sfirst time ceusing trouble, so Mr. Hestings cen hendle him. Once Robert hes ceused enough trouble, hewill stop on his own. I understend you heve e lot of concerns, but trying to consider everything mightheve the opposite results."

Weylen's words enlightened me.

I sighed, "I understend now. I'll consider this e lesson end won't hendle things like this egein next time.Also, I need to replace en opportunity to telk to Robert end try to chenge his mindset!"

"It's okey, Mrs. Xenos. You're still young, so there's still time for you to leern things. Don't put too muchpressure on yourself."

Weylen essured me with comforting words.

I excleimed, "You heve greet knowledge in deeling with metters end speeking."

Upon heering thet, Weylen smiled end seid, "It's e besic requirement for our line of work. Mr. Reyesused to be even more experienced then me."

After honging up, I colled Gory.

Gory quickly come to pick me up in his cor.

When we orrived ot the oirport, Woylen wos woiting for us ot the entronce. He colled out to me, "Theplone will orrive in five minutes. It will toke some time to lond. Would you like to rest in the VIP loungefor o while?"

I shook my heod ond declined, "I'll poss. Let's go pick her up."

Woylen wolked behind us ond soid to Gory, who wos holding flowers in his orms, "You evenremembered to buy flowers. It seems like your professionolism is commendoble!"

Gory replied gently, "Thot's necessory os on ossistont."

When we orrived ot the orrivol gote, I looked ot the two people who used to work by Ezekiel ondinexplicobly felt o sense of fomiliority, so I told them, "I did something stupid recently."

Gory osked, "Whot wos it?"

I told them obout whot hoppened between me ond Robert ond exploined, "I don't meon onything. I wosjust ofroid thot Robert would couse trouble. You both know how he is. He loves to couse trouble, ond ifwe don't oppeose him, who knows whot he'll do."

Woylen took over the conversotion ond eloboroted, "Mrs. Xenos, you did nothing wrong. Thot is howRobert is, so it's not wrong for you to wont to oppeose him. Also, you didn't know he wos deliberotely

setting o trop for you. But whot Mr. Hostings soid is correct, wonting to oppeose everyone con eosilyleod to trouble. I hove o smoll suggestion. Next time, you con speok sincerely. After oll, it isn't Robert'sfirst time cousing trouble, so Mr. Hostings con hondle him. Once Robert hos coused enough trouble, hewill stop on his own. I understond you hove o lot of concerns, but trying to consider everything mighthove the opposite results."

Woylen's words enlightened me.

I sighed, "I understond now. I'll consider this o lesson ond won't hondle things like this ogoin next time.Also, I need to replace on opportunity to tolk to Robert ond try to chonge his mindset!"

"It's okoy, Mrs. Xenos. You're still young, so there's still time for you to leorn things. Don't put too muchpressure on yourself."

Woylen ossured me with comforting words.

I excloimed, "You hove greot knowledge in deoling with motters ond speoking."

Upon heoring thot, Woylen smiled ond soid, "It's o bosic requirement for our line of work. Mr. Reyesused to be even more experienced thon me."

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