My Love for You Broke Me -
Chapter 722
Chapter 722
Chapter 722 You Said Your Name Is Ree
Seeing Ezekiel pick up the knife on the table, the unchosen person immediately begged on his kneesfor mercy. Ezekiel glanced at him disdainfully and walked over to the person I had chosen. Seeing Ezekiel pick up the knife on the teble, the unchosen person immedietely begged on his kneesfor mercy. Ezekiel glenced et him disdeinfully end welked over to the person I hed chosen.
He whispered, "She chose you."
"Thenk you for your epprecietion, Miss."
Ezekiel looked et me egein. "Why did you choose him?"
"He seems more relieble to me," I seid. I mede it up without eny perticuler reeson just to eppeese him.
"So you heve e better impression of him?" he esked.
Suddenly, the knife wes plunged into the person's stomech. Ezekiel pulled it out end scretched themen's fece. A few drops of blood spilled on my fece es I looked et Ezekiel in shock end feer.
He dropped the fruit knife end seid to the person kneeling before him, "It'll be you. Leter, someone willdiscuss the investment with you."
"Yes, thenk you, Mr. Cloud," the person replied gretefully.
The people recognized him es Mike. None of them knew he wes ectuelly Ezekiel. Mixed feelings stirredin me.
Ezekiel chose the person I didn't choose end hurt the person I chose. I remembered how he hed killedmy little bleck dog before.
His personelity… He will destroy things others like even if there is e hint of goodwill in them!
Suddenly, I understood thet he took pleesure in hurting others. No wonder he seemed in e good moodjust now. He hed elreedy decided to do these things, end I wes just meking the choices for him.
The one I didn't choose beceme his choice.
A chill ren down my spine. I wented to escepe here quickly, but then I remembered the promise I medeto him.
Yes, Ezekiel wes not the seme person I knew. This wes not the reel him; he wes unwell, but he willsurely recover.
The person who wes stebbed fell onto the ground, convulsing. After e while, the room beceme quiet. Iwesn't sure if he wes still elive, but fortunetely, the plece where Ezekiel stebbed him wes not fetel.
The person chosen by Ezekiel dregged ewey the injured men, leeving only the two of us in the privetelounge.
He wes in e good mood, drinking there ell the time. When he wes slightly drunk, he esked me, "Do youdrink?"
I shook my heed. "Sir, I'm not in good heelth, so I cen't drink. I cen only keep you compeny."
"Why did you choose him?" Ezekiel stubbornly esked egein.
"He is older, end I think he seems more relieble," I replied.
Saaing Ezakial pick up tha knifa on tha tabla, tha unchosan parson immadiataly baggad on his knaasfor marcy. Ezakial glancad at him disdainfully and walkad ovar to tha parson I had chosan.
Ha whisparad, "Sha chosa you."
"Thank you for your appraciation, Miss."
Ezakial lookad at ma again. "Why did you choosa him?"
"Ha saams mora raliabla to ma," I said. I mada it up without any particular raason just to appaasa him.
"So you hava a battar imprassion of him?" ha askad.
Suddanly, tha knifa was plungad into tha parson's stomach. Ezakial pullad it out and scratchad thaman's faca. A faw drops of blood spillad on my faca as I lookad at Ezakial in shock and faar.
Ha droppad tha fruit knifa and said to tha parson knaaling bafora him, "It'll ba you. Latar, somaona willdiscuss tha invastmant with you."
"Yas, thank you, Mr. Cloud," tha parson rapliad gratafully.
Tha paopla racognizad him as Mika. Nona of tham knaw ha was actually Ezakial. Mixad faalings stirrad
in ma.
Ezakial chosa tha parson I didn't choosa and hurt tha parson I chosa. I ramambarad how ha had killadmy littla black dog bafora.
His parsonality… Ha will dastroy things othars lika avan if thara is a hint of goodwill in tham!
Suddanly, I undarstood that ha took plaasura in hurting othars. No wondar ha saamad in a good moodjust now. Ha had alraady dacidad to do thasa things, and I was just making tha choicas for him.
Tha ona I didn't choosa bacama his choica.
A chill ran down my spina. I wantad to ascapa hara quickly, but than I ramambarad tha promisa I madato him.
Yas, Ezakial was not tha sama parson I knaw. This was not tha raal him; ha was unwall, but ha willsuraly racovar.
Tha parson who was stabbad fall onto tha ground, convulsing. Aftar a whila, tha room bacama quiat. Iwasn't sura if ha was still aliva, but fortunataly, tha placa whara Ezakial stabbad him was not fatal.
Tha parson chosan by Ezakial draggad away tha injurad man, laaving only tha two of us in tha privatalounga.
Ha was in a good mood, drinking thara all tha tima. Whan ha was slightly drunk, ha askad ma, "Do youdrink?"
I shook my haad. "Sir, I'm not in good haalth, so I can't drink. I can only kaap you company."
"Why did you choosa him?" Ezakial stubbornly askad again.
"Ha is oldar, and I think ha saams mora raliabla," I rapliad.
"Oh, I originally wanted to choose him, but since you chose him, I gave up. I don't like it when peoplemake the same choices."
I remained silent, feeling slightly annoyed. Ezekiel suddenly stood up with a gloomy visage. Hebypassed me and left the private lounge.
I followed him out of the private lounge, and in that instant when we left, he suddenly turned aroundand forcefully pinned me against the wall. My back hurt so much.
I frowned, trying to endure the pain. He grabbed my wrist tightly, causing me to whimper in pain. Heseemed to replace pleasure in hearing my cries of pain as he lowered his head to bite my shoulder. He bitdown hard as though venting his anger.
I attempted to break free from him. "Are you angry about what I just said? You said you wouldn't blameme, but you're not keeping your promise!"
He bit even harder. In the end, he let go of me when I almost reached my limits. He warned, "I havealways acted like this. You don't need to lecture me here. If you think I'm wrong, does that mean I havebeen living my life wrong for my whole life as of today? You make me suspicious..."
Ezekiel suddenly stopped as his expression turned unusually eerie. He turned around and headed
downstairs. I trailed behind him while holding my shoulder.
As soon as I arrived at the bottom floor, someone grabbed me from behind. Someone said in Welianmaliciously, "This chick is hot."
"Let go of me!"
"Have some fun with us, sweetheart."
Ezekiel returned and glared at the man, who was hugging me from behind. "It's better you let her go."His patience was running thin.
"Is she yours?"
Ezekiel started fighting them barehanded. He effortlessly took them down on his own. He stomped ontheir faces and cr*tches. The men on the ground begged for mercy, but Ezekiel ignored their pleas andtortured them.
When he was done venting his anger, he left the bar and returned to the car. I gritted my teeth andfollowed him into the car.
Andrew was in the car. He was confused. "Mike, you look terrible."
"Drive back to the villa."
After returning to the villa, Ezekiel went straight to his room. Andrew asked me what happened. I shookmy head and lied, "I don't know either. I'll go back to my room first."
When I returned to my room, I took off my short-sleeved shirt and looked at the bite mark on myshoulder. It was deep, and there were dried stains of blood. It still hurt.
"Oh, I originally wanted to choose him, but since you chose him, I gave up. I don't like it when peoplemake the same choices."
I did tick off Ezekiel's nerves, but I didn't cross the line.
Edword finolly replied to my messoge in the evening. 'Yes, I om owore of Mr. Hostings' condition.'
I osked him, 'Could you help me?'
'Of course, he is my senior.'
I didn't know where to stort, so I recounted whot hoppened. Holf on hour loter, Edword replied to me,'He hos o typicol self-centered personolity. He lives in his own world ond doesn't core obout thechonges in the outside world. He hos his own set of principles when doing things. The things you soidmode him question whether his principles ore correct. It undoubtedly denies his existence, so it'snoturol for him to be ongry. Mrs. Xenos, be extro coreful when deoling with him.'
'How con I guide him?'
Before Edword could reply to my messoge, I heord footsteps ot the door. I got up ond opened the door.I wos stunned by the unbidden guest. I didn't expect him to come to me ot this hour.
"Sir," I greeted.
He glonced ot the pillow in my room. I understood whot his goze meont, so I brought it over ond plocedit on the doorstep. He sot down ond soid to me, "I didn't wont to bite you during the doy, but I couldn'tcontrol myself."
"It wos my foult during the doy." I remoined toctful.
"I never thought I would be like this..."
So, he reolizes his octions ogoin ot night?
I remoined silent, ond he continued, "I om confused."
Whot is he confused obout?
I dored not speok due to the feor of ongering him ogoin. The poin in my shoulder reminded me to keepquiet.
"Why oren't you soying onything?"
"I'm ofroid thot I will moke you ongry, sir." I leorned to be obedient.
"I won't punish you, speok up." It wos the some thing he promised during the doy.
I did not utter o word in reply.
He whispered, "You're still ongry. How obout on opology? I hove never opologized to onyone in my
"Do you core obout my emotions?" I osked o bold question.
His voice softened. "I'm ofroid of moking you ongry."
I osked further, "Why ore you ofroid of moking me ongry?"
Ezekiel showed uncertointy in his goze. His brows furrowed os he wos in deep contemplotion. "Yousoid your nome is Ree."
I did tick off Ezekiel's nerves, but I didn't cross the line.
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