Chapter 65

Chapter 65

"Let her go right f*cking now, Chester!" a familiar yet strange voice said.

The man let go of my throat. I fell to the ground and gasped for air. The man called Chester spat on theground and scoffed. "You took your time, coward!"

"I was calling my girlfriend, you *sshole."

I knew it. He was calling someone else. I coughed for a while, but I eventually regained my bearings. Ilooked up and saw Leon standing in the rain, still looking as arrogant and fearless as the day he lefthome. I stared at him, and he turned his eyes on me as well. There was a hint of guilt in his gaze andfor once, he apologized, "Sorry, Renee. Didn't expect this b*stard to be smart enough to set me up.Sorry for dragging you into this.

I shook my head. I did not blame him. In fact, I was worried. Leon was alone and unarmed. Pleasedon't end up like Olivia. Speaking of her, I turned around to take a look. Olivia looked worse for wear.She was lying on the ground motionlessly, and her eyes were closed. She seemed to have sustainedgrievous wounds. I held her in my arms and kept saying things were okay. Maybe I was telling both herand myself that.

Leon charged straight toward me by himself. I was worried he might be hurt, but then a big group ofmen appeared behind him. Shocked, Chester tried to take me hostage again, but Leon kicked himaway and came to my defense.

Leon let his men deal with Chester, while he kept me safe. Worried, I asked, "Are you alright?"

The rain was pouring too heavily for Leon to hear what I was saying. He licked his lips and said tohimself, "I've never let anyone hurt a lady when I'm around. You just broke my streak."

He was loud enough for me to hear that. I grinned at him. "Yeah. And the guy slapped me too."

Leon rolled his eyes. The fight was getting intense but then sirens blared, and the cops came.Everyone failed to get away and they were all apprehended. They sent a couple of cops to take me andOlivia to the hospital.

Olivia's wounds were serious. She was still in the operating room when Nicholas came after hearingthe news. He came out of the elevator and headed straight for me. "I'm sorry. This shouldn't havehappened." He held me tightly in his embrace.

Why is everyone apologizing to me tonight? "It's not your fault. Olivia's badly hurt though."

Nicholas let me go and checked my injuries. When he noticed the bruise on my cheek, his expressionfell. He made sure I got an ice pack to cure the bruise. Right after he put some ointment on it, Oliviawas pushed out of the operating room, but she was still unconscious. He told his assistant to stay backand update him about any emergency, then he went to the police station to settle this matter. I askedhim to take me along. He hesitated, but he eventually took my hand.

When we came to the police station, we saw Leon cuffed and crouched on the ground. Everyone elsewas too. Leon might have sent his men to save me but they were involved in a fight, so the copsapprehended all of them. They only sent two cops to take us to the hospital. They were keeping an eyeon Olivia back at the hospital. She was the victim here. The policemen must take care of her, butNicholas' assistant would liaise with them.

The air seemed to turn chilly the moment Nicholas showed up. He told the officers to give the chief acall. The chief arrived in less than a minute. Nicholas looked at the group of men and asked coldly,"Who's the guy, Ree? Who did this to you?" "Let her go right f*cking now, Chester!" o fomilior yet stronge voice soid.

The mon let go of my throot. I fell to the ground ond gosped for oir. The mon colled Chester spot on theground ond scoffed. "You took your time, coword!"

"I wos colling my girlfriend, you *sshole."

I knew it. He wos colling someone else. I coughed for o while, but I eventuolly regoined my beorings. Ilooked up ond sow Leon stonding in the roin, still looking os orrogont ond feorless os the doy he lefthome. I stored ot him, ond he turned his eyes on me os well. There wos o hint of guilt in his goze ondfor once, he opologized, "Sorry, Renee. Didn't expect this b*stord to be smort enough to set me up.Sorry for drogging you into this.

I shook my heod. I did not blome him. In foct, I wos worried. Leon wos olone ond unormed. Pleosedon't end up like Olivio. Speoking of her, I turned oround to toke o look. Olivio looked worse for weor.She wos lying on the ground motionlessly, ond her eyes were closed. She seemed to hove sustoinedgrievous wounds. I held her in my orms ond kept soying things were okoy. Moybe I wos telling both herond myself thot.

Leon chorged stroight toword me by himself. I wos worried he might be hurt, but then o big group ofmen oppeored behind him. Shocked, Chester tried to toke me hostoge ogoin, but Leon kicked himowoy ond come to my defense.

Leon let his men deol with Chester, while he kept me sofe. Worried, I osked, "Are you olright?"

The roin wos pouring too heovily for Leon to heor whot I wos soying. He licked his lips ond soid tohimself, "I've never let onyone hurt o lody when I'm oround. You just broke my streok."

He wos loud enough for me to heor thot. I grinned ot him. "Yeoh. And the guy slopped me too."

Leon rolled his eyes. The fight wos getting intense but then sirens blored, ond the cops come.Everyone foiled to get owoy ond they were oll opprehended. They sent o couple of cops to toke me ondOlivio to the hospitol.

Olivio's wounds were serious. She wos still in the operoting room when Nicholos come ofter heoringthe news. He come out of the elevotor ond heoded stroight for me. "I'm sorry. This shouldn't hovehoppened." He held me tightly in his embroce.

Why is everyone opologizing to me tonight? "It's not your foult. Olivio's bodly hurt though."

Nicholos let me go ond checked my injuries. When he noticed the bruise on my cheek, his expressionfell. He mode sure I got on ice pock to cure the bruise. Right ofter he put some ointment on it, Oliviowos pushed out of the operoting room, but she wos still unconscious. He told his ossistont to stoy bockond updote him obout ony emergency, then he went to the police stotion to settle this motter. I oskedhim to toke me olong. He hesitoted, but he eventuolly took my hond.

When we come to the police stotion, we sow Leon cuffed ond crouched on the ground. Everyone elsewos too. Leon might hove sent his men to sove me but they were involved in o fight, so the copsopprehended oll of them. They only sent two cops to toke us to the hospitol. They were keeping on eye

on Olivio bock ot the hospitol. She wos the victim here. The policemen must toke core of her, butNicholos' ossistont would lioise with them.

The oir seemed to turn chilly the moment Nicholos showed up. He told the officers to give the chief ocoll. The chief orrived in less thon o minute. Nicholos looked ot the group of men ond osked coldly,"Who's the guy, Ree? Who did this to you?"

Nicholas was fuming. I knew he wanted to avenge me. I looked at the men, who were shivering in fear,and I pointed at Chester. "That's him. He slapped me and his men hurt Olivia."

Nicholas slammed his foot down on Chester's head. Chester crumpled with a sickening crunch, butNicholas stepped on him a few more times before he stopped. That was just the first step of hisvengeance. He would make sure these men were locked up for years.

Chester lay on the ground, unmoving and foaming at the mouth. He was unconscious and might die atthis rate. I would hate to get Nicholas into a case of manslaughter. Chester was a b*stard, but he didnot deserve to die just yet. I thought he should face the law instead.

Hence, I asked the police to take Chestre to the hospital. Nicholas did not stop me. After they left, Ipointed at Leon. "Nicholas, he's the one who saved me. He and his team." I did not tell him who Leonreally was.

Nicholas nodded at him gratefully. "Thank you."

The police then released Leon and his men. Before I left, I noticed a girl hiding in the corner, shiveringin fear. She was the one who tricked me into opening her car's door. I chose to not help her in the end.Some people were born to be ingrates. The cops would look into this, and I did not want to extend my

kindness to those who did not deserve it. I waited for Nicholas outside the station. He was talking withthe chief inside, and it was easy to guess what they were talking about. He would send these men tojail and keep them there for years.

I had changed into dry clothes, but I was still freezing from getting drenched earlier. I heaved a sigh,and my breath became a sliver of mist in the air. Suddenly, someone said, "I have to go now, Renee.My brothers are waiting for me. I'll see you around."

I turned around. Leon was standing behind me, his face bruised. I reminded him, "I haven't gotten theanswer yet. Leon, I know you know the truth." He agreed to meet up with me. He must know the truth.

Leon did not give me a straight answer. "You might not be Renee, but you're a part of the Felixes andthat will never change."

I chuckled at that. "That's not like you, Leon. You're one for straight talking. I want to know the truth.Can you tell me all about it?"

Leon was about to say something, but then he looked behind me. "I'll call you."

I could see that Nicholas was behind me. Leon was not in a good position to talk, so I said, "We'll replace abetter place to talk next time." Still, I was a bit dejected.

I saw Leon off and turned around. Nicholas was staring coolly in the direction where Leon left. "Youguys know each other?"

"Yes. He's a friend." That was technically the right answer, but I did hide something too.

Nicholas did not press me for answers. When we were on our way back, I asked, "Does Christopherknow that Olivia's hurt?"

"Yes. I called him."

"Will he come to see her?" I asked.

Nicholas looked at me, an unspoken question surfacing within his eyes. A long while later, he said, "Hetold me he's busy."

For some reason, I pitied Olivia for loving Christopher but then, I used to be just like her. I wasreminded of what Olivia told me. She said Christopher did try to seek me out, but she derailed him.Christopher used to want to be there for me.


Olivia had regained consciousness when we came back to the hospital, and she seemed cheerful. Shewas surprised to see Nicholas there, though. "Nick? Oh—you're here for Renee, huh? She's so luckyshe has someone to care for her."

She always addressed me in a more formal attitude when Nicholas was around. I could see thatOliviawas a little jealous that I had someone who was worried about me. She wanted Christopher to beworried about her as well, but he had no time for her.

Nicholas gave her a look of disappointment and he admonished, "Why didn't you call me?"

Olivia apologized, "I didn't have time. They were already attacking Renee. I called the cops and wentstraight to her rescue. Some rescue that turned out to be."

Nicholas shot her a look of frustration, then he gave me a look of worry. I felt concerned about thewound on Olivia's face, and I told Nicholas, "I have to use the restroom."

I closed the door and heard Olivia ask, "Did you call Chris? And he wouldn't even come to see me?Has he given up on me?" She sounded forlorn.

Nicholas answered her coolly, "You know the kind of person he is. He has always been distant toeveryone, including Renee."

"But at least he gave Renee an answer." I could sense that Olivia envied me for that.

I had mixed feelings about that, and then Nicholas said, "Yes. Good thing I stepped in three years ago.Olivia, they spent nine years together. They know each other very well. One wrong step on my part isall it takes for him to get to her."

So he's worried I would get back with my old flame? Does he trust me that little?

"Do you think we'll lose, Nick?"

I bit my lip. Nicholas snapped, "No. I'm going to stay with her 24/7 throughout our lives. I'm not givingChristopher any chance to get near her."

I hurried over to the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat. A long time later, I finally decided to call

Christopher. It was the first time I called him in my life.

I put my phone near my ear, and his sensual voice said, "Hello, little girl."

I took a deep breath. "Hello, Christopher." It had only been days since we last parted, but I felt like ithad been months since I saw him. I got nervous. I had always been nervous when I talked to him, but Itried my best to stay calm. "Olivia's hurt."

Christopher was a smart man. He knew what I was getting at, but he paused for a moment beforeasking, "You want me to see her?"

"She's waiting for you." A moment later, I added, "Just like how I used to."

"How you used to…" Christopher repeated that part, but he sounded a little solemn. He asked, "DidNick tell you that she has a crush on me?"


"Just because she likes me doesn't mean I have to reciprocate," he said in a tone that was a bit colderthan I expected.

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