Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Leon's girlfriend told me that the police barged into their place and arrested Leon for no reason. Shehad no idea what happened, but I had a guess. The man called Chester seemed to hate Leon's guts.When he kidnapped me, he told me he would kill Leon. Something must have happened betweenthem.

I hung up and looked at the time. It was 1.00PM and I had no car. It would take hours for my assistantto come here and take me to town. I should arrive in town at about 5.00PM, but Nicholas would beback at about 7.00PM. It would take hours for me to settle this matter, leaving me with no time to goback. Nicholas would be livid if he realized I went out again. Besides, this was the perfect weather tosleep, and I was too tired to do anything. But I still need to help Leon out.

I heaved a sigh and texted my assistant. I lay in bed for a while before getting up reluctantly. It wouldtake Gary some time to arrive. He was still on his way even after I had washed myself up and putmakeup on.

I was starving. Yesterday was one heck of a day, and I had had nothing to eat. I went to make someramen for myself, and the orange cat and his friend came not long after I started eating. It sat outsidethe door, watching me with an unspoken plea in its eyes. It kept meowing at me. The cat's voice wasawful. It sounded like sandpaper scraping a blackboard, as if a guy whose vocal cords broke. I finishedmy ramen up and did the dishes, then I went to the front door and waved at the orange cat. "Comehere, kitty."

The cat was a smart one. It came to me the moment I waved at it, and I took them both to the pond inthe backyard. There were a lot of fishes in the pond, though most of them were salmon. I caught a

couple of them for the cats. They took it and ran to the other villa, probably off to eat the fish.

The villa was about ten yards away from where I was. I picked the net up and went back to the livingroom. 'How much longer?' I texted Gary.

'Five minutes,' Gary texted back.

I tucked my phone away and went to take a black down coat from the bedroom. It was long enough tocover my ankles, and I was going to keep myself warm with it. I then sat on the sofa and waited forGary to come pick me up. I was wondering if I should tell Nicholas about this and I decided I would, butonly after I got into town.

It was already 3.00PM when Gary came. He held an umbrella up and came into the villa. "PresidentFelix!" he called out to me right at the doorstep.

I got under the umbrella and went into the car with him. He drove slowly in case we skidded on the waydown, which was why it was already 6.00PM when we came to the town. Before I got out of the car, Itexted Nicholas, 'I'm outside. I'll be going back to the Felix Residence." Going back to the villa on themountain would take far too long.

He texted, 'What?'

He was asking me where I was. I thought about it for a moment, and I texted, 'I'm in Lyrah."

Nicholas did not text back. I wondered if he got mad at me. Regardless, I tucked my phone away andwent to the police station with Gary.

The officers recognized me. I wanted to know why they arrested Leon, so they explained, "AfterChester woke up, he said he was suing Leon for breaking his… member."

Leon broke a guy's d*ck? No wonder Chester wanted to kill him! It's a vengeance written in blood! Iasked, "Where is Leon right now?" The officer took me to the interrogation room Leon was in. I satdown and asked him seriously, "Your girlfriend told me you did a lot of crimes. What on earth did youdo?" Leon's girlfriend told me thot the police borged into their ploce ond orrested Leon for no reoson. Shehod no ideo whot hoppened, but I hod o guess. The mon colled Chester seemed to hote Leon's guts.When he kidnopped me, he told me he would kill Leon. Something must hove hoppened betweenthem.

I hung up ond looked ot the time. It wos 1.00PM ond I hod no cor. It would toke hours for my ossistontto come here ond toke me to town. I should orrive in town ot obout 5.00PM, but Nicholos would bebock ot obout 7.00PM. It would toke hours for me to settle this motter, leoving me with no time to gobock. Nicholos would be livid if he reolized I went out ogoin. Besides, this wos the perfect weother tosleep, ond I wos too tired to do onything. But I still need to help Leon out.

I heoved o sigh ond texted my ossistont. I loy in bed for o while before getting up reluctontly. It wouldtoke Gory some time to orrive. He wos still on his woy even ofter I hod woshed myself up ond putmokeup on.

I wos storving. Yesterdoy wos one heck of o doy, ond I hod hod nothing to eot. I went to moke someromen for myself, ond the oronge cot ond his friend come not long ofter I storted eoting. It sot outsidethe door, wotching me with on unspoken pleo in its eyes. It kept meowing ot me. The cot's voice wosowful. It sounded like sondpoper scroping o blockboord, os if o guy whose vocol cords broke. I finished

my romen up ond did the dishes, then I went to the front door ond woved ot the oronge cot. "Comehere, kitty."

The cot wos o smort one. It come to me the moment I woved ot it, ond I took them both to the pond inthe bockyord. There were o lot of fishes in the pond, though most of them were solmon. I cought ocouple of them for the cots. They took it ond ron to the other villo, probobly off to eot the fish.

The villo wos obout ten yords owoy from where I wos. I picked the net up ond went bock to the livingroom. 'How much longer?' I texted Gory.

'Five minutes,' Gory texted bock.

I tucked my phone owoy ond went to toke o block down coot from the bedroom. It wos long enough tocover my onkles, ond I wos going to keep myself worm with it. I then sot on the sofo ond woited forGory to come pick me up. I wos wondering if I should tell Nicholos obout this ond I decided I would, butonly ofter I got into town.

It wos olreody 3.00PM when Gory come. He held on umbrello up ond come into the villo. "PresidentFelix!" he colled out to me right ot the doorstep.

I got under the umbrello ond went into the cor with him. He drove slowly in cose we skidded on the woydown, which wos why it wos olreody 6.00PM when we come to the town. Before I got out of the cor, Itexted Nicholos, 'I'm outside. I'll be going bock to the Felix Residence." Going bock to the villo on themountoin would toke for too long.

He texted, 'Whot?'

He wos osking me where I wos. I thought obout it for o moment, ond I texted, 'I'm in Lyroh."

Nicholos did not text bock. I wondered if he got mod ot me. Regordless, I tucked my phone owoy ondwent to the police stotion with Gory.

The officers recognized me. I wonted to know why they orrested Leon, so they exploined, "AfterChester woke up, he soid he wos suing Leon for breoking his… member."

Leon broke o guy's d*ck? No wonder Chester wonted to kill him! It's o vengeonce written in blood! Iosked, "Where is Leon right now?" The officer took me to the interrogotion room Leon wos in. I sotdown ond osked him seriously, "Your girlfriend told me you did o lot of crimes. Whot on eorth did youdo?"

"None of your business!" he snapped.

I did not ask if he wanted to get out. Leon was a proud man. He would rather be jailed if it meant hewould not have to cave. Hence, I sighed. "Fine, if that's how it is. You never wanted to live a peacefullife. You—" You should get a lady and settle down.

He flew into a rage at that. "Yeah, my life is trash, but that's none of your business! Just leave me!"

I did not say his life was trash. I just wanted him to live a quiet life. I refused to argue with him, so I gotup and left the room. Gary was sent to settle this for me, and Leon was released half an hour later. Iheld up the umbrella and went over to him. "I'll take you home."

Leon did not refuse my offer, and it was a quiet ride home. After alighting from the car, I told Gary tostay inside first. There were a few things I would like to make clear. Leon and I walked side by side

under the rain. He was a lot taller than I was, and I had to stand on tiptoes to make sure the rain wouldnot get to him.

He snorted in frustration and took the umbrella from me. He asked, sounding disgruntled, "Why'd youbail me out?" He thought I was poking my nose where it should not belong.

I gave him a resigned smile. "You think I wanted to do it? Your girlfriend called me, and I couldn't juststand by and do nothing."

He snorted again. "That dumb woman."

I corrected him, "She's just concerned about you."

He did not say anything after that. We went into an alleyway a while later. It was filled with old,dilapidated houses, and I frowned. "Where do you live?"

He asked me a question instead. "What would you like to know?" He was referring to that question Iasked yesterday. About the Renee who was born in nineteen ninety-five.

Since he was giving me the permission, I asked, "The records say I was born in nineteen ninety-five,but I was actually born a year after that. Who was the girl who was born in nineteen ninety-five?"

For once, Leon teased, "Renee, why'd you think there was another girl? Your parents could havewritten the wrong birth year."

I rolled my eyes in response. "They wouldn't do something stupid. What happened back then, Leon?"

"There's another girl named Renee Felix."

I froze and Leon patted my shoulder. He whispered, "Your parents adopted a girl from the orphanage.She's not related to any of us, but your mother needed her kidney."

Shocked, I asked, "She's the one who saved Mom?" I knew my mother only survived her kidney failurethanks to an organ transplant, but I never thought Renee would be the donor.

Leon was reminded of a bad memory, which was why he heaved a sigh and continued, "Yes. She wasthe only one whose kidney matched your mother's, but she was too young to be operated on."

I felt my heart ache, and I asked, "What happened?"

He explained, "They adopted her and called her Renee Felix. Yes, the same name as you. They toldthe doctors that she was you every time they went for a checkup. It's your record, though they changedthe year of birth. You weren't even five back then. Childhood amnesia tends to happen."

The rain was turning into a drizzle. I was shocked about the revelation, but I pressed on, "Whathappened after that?"

"You'd have to at least be eighteen if you want to be an organ donor. She was only five back then, sothe plan was a no go. Your mother hung on with the help of her meds and chemo, but her life supportstarted to fail when the girl was thirteen."

She wasn't legally able to donate yet. Leon continued grimly, "They took one of her kidneys by forceand sent her overseas. That's why I renounced the family." Leon swore. "I never wanted to haveanything to do with them even if my life turned to sh*t. But still, they kept you safe from the world's

darkness despite them being demons themselves."

I hung my head low, and Leon patted my shoulder again. I looked up, and this time there was asardonic smile curling his lips. "You come from money and have no idea how the world works. Yourparents love you, and the whole Felix Family belongs to you. You have a bright future ahead of you, butsomeone had to pay the price for that. Sometimes a bloody price too."

I teared up. "I'm sorry, Leon." I never thought my parents would do that. I wondered how that girl wasdoing, and I bet she hated the Felixs with all her heart.

Leon suddenly asked, "Do you know who that girl is?"

I mumbled, "Who's the girl?"


Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I crouched down. The news hit me like a truck. I felt angry forthe girl, and I was also begging for forgiveness. Not for me, but for my parents. Quinn? She's the girl inthe story? I remember her. She's the butler's girl and my childhood friend. Everyone called her Quinnbecause she was five years old when she came to the family. I thought she was just a simple girl, but itturned out she had a really complicated background. She left the family when she was thirteen andnever came back. It was as if she vanished into thin air. My mother said she went back home with herfather and would never return. Leon also left the family at about the same time.

I still could not believe it, so I asked again, "Is that true? You're sure that's not a lie? How could mymother do that?"

I was clinging onto a feeble hope that told me this was all a lie. I really hoped Leon was lying to me, buthe chuckled. "I came to your family when I was ten. You were five and she was six. We grew uptogether. Quinn depended on me for a lot of things. She would tell me everything. I knew she wasafraid too and I tried to stop this, but it was useless. We were too weak to fight against the people whotried to save your mother. I left the family after Quinn was sent away. Even now, I continue to despisethe Felixs."

I never knew any of this. I held the hem of his pants, and he looked down. Our eyes met. "Your parentswent to hell as they should. This has nothing to do with you. You don't have to feel guilty about it." Leonwas being fair for once, but I could not forgive myself.


I stayed on the ground until my legs were numb. Leon pulled me up and took me to his home. It was areally old and really small house. There was a woman standing outside the door. She was wearing adress in this weather, as if the cold did not bother her. I, on the other hand, was in a down coat. Herface was pale, and there was worry in her eyes. She looked like she was waiting for someone to comehome.

The first thing I did when I saw her was hold Leon's arm tightly. I felt my teeth chatter, and I stammered,"Q-Quinn? W-Why is she… Leon, s-she's Quinn. I-Is she…"

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