Chapter 427: Troublemaker Customer

In that one moment, I almost forgot myself... forgot that I was in public, forgot that I was a guy on his shift. Sera just breezed in and like a big bad nasty wolf, blew away all the layers of normalcy I cocooned myself in.

Seriously, I thought Amanda’s was the worst it could get when it came to her waltzing into places I’d never expected. Is she trying to one-up herself? It’s like a half hour’s walk from the park to here, not to mention the rush hours. If she’s just out for a morning jog, then frankly she picked the worst place to stop at for a refresher.

That look in her eyes, that subtle twitch when meeting mine. I remember that, can’t forget that – annoyed, huh? Irritated. Like telepathy, I could practically hear her words in my head ringing aloud.


Give me a break, I’m not obliged to brave the evening chill every night for you just so my shirt and pants can get ripped and torn by bushes and thorns. Didn’t I say I’ll look for you when I’ve decided? Stop looking for me for God’s sake.

I tried to convey to her through eye contact alone that right now was not a good idea to talk about business while I was doing my business, but either she didn’t care, or she didn’t understand, maybe both, whatever the case, it didn’t stop her march.

Without Ash holding on to her leash, she was like a stray dog creeping in, unknowing of manners, of etiquette. It was better with Ash, ’cause at least a Knight knew social norms, but when it came to the Half-Fey living a life in seclusion, well... even here, in a premise made for the bizarre and mythical, she stood out boldly.


I got my bearings, lips barely moving, “Later, leave. I’m busy. Talk later.”

Her eyes twitched again, her brows furrowing. She wasn’t going anywhere. Oh boy...

“Look,” I began. “You can’t be here, I work here. I know, okay – I know, the deal! I didn’t forget, just wait for me, okay? Just – !”

Another whistling chime interrupted me, and at once, I snapped my eyes forward, smiling on instinct, sounding a warm welcome on habit. Great, actual customers this time, the morning rush has started... who’s the God of good timing, ’cause I swear to God I’m going to break his watch.

“Don’t move,” I whispered firmly, before I scurried away to deal with the rush.

Five, six, and then lastly I counted seven, that’s how many rolled into the cafe, occupying places on the counter and tables. One by one, I took their orders, skimping the small talk and rushing the indecisive ones, and before long I was back at the counter rousing it to life with clinks, clanks, and whirrs of orders, all the while having Sera under one eye.

She was doing her own monitoring too, watching the patrons scattered around. Why? I’ve no clue, my best guess is curiosity... proven right, when suddenly she started to move about, exploring the place.

Mute, not deaf right? So why the hell doesn’t she listen?!

Oh, I really do not like the idea of her running free here... luckily, it seems I wasn’t alone in that. With a violent screech, Amanda speed-walked all the way over to stop the loose necromancer in her tracks.

“Hey... uh, remember me?” there was a really audible waver in her voice, which Amanda tried to hide by forcing a smile. “C-come here... why don’t you sit here with us, okay?”

She reached out for Sera’s cloak where a bit of finger was exposed, I spared one second to grab some condiments, and when I looked back again, surprise, surprise, Amanda was cowering back to her seat, and Sera had a glare to her gaze before promptly resuming her blind wander which for some reason led her into the men’s restroom. Why?

Anyway, good try, Amanda.

I redoubled my efforts, hastened my pace, pretty much making drifting streaks as I raced around the place, serving drinks, presenting cakes, at one point I passed by Amanda’s table again, where I briefly skidded to a halt thanks to someone slamming on my brakes, or more accurately, grabbing hold of my arm.

Sammy, gaze seemingly permanently affixed to the restroom, slowly uncurled her fingers from my wrist.

“Evil necromancer,” spoke the suppressed panic in her voice. “Her? Where on earth did she come from? You jump into hell and pluck the first creepy person you see?”

“No, I summoned her.”

She turned her neck so fast, frankly, I’m surprised her head was still attached. Her reaction was appropriate, her shock very understandable... but I got customers to serve, goddamnit.

“Yeah, I’ll deal with her, don’t worry,” I said, going back to serving orders. “Got questions, ask Amanda... or google.”

Once the last of the seven was satisfied, I immediately excused myself into the men’s room only to replace... nothing. Sera wasn’t there. I walked out, and there she was, exactly where I left her by the counter... but instead of standing there unmoving like a doll, she took a seat atop one of the stools.

Guess monkey see, monkey do...

She kept her eyes tethered to me as I silently trudged back behind the counter. In my haste, I lost count and accidentally made extra for a single serving. I was planning to take it for myself, but...

“Here,” I lifted the saucer holding the cup, sliding it across the counter below her questioning gaze. “Look, it’s just a drink, you do drink, don’t you? It’s coffee, try it. The bitter taste isn’t poison by the way, just... fair warning beforehand.”

A few more moments of her intense scrutinizing stare before she decided to lift the cup, her purple cloak pooling over the counter as she did, raising it up to her violet veil, where she let the wafting aroma soak through the fabric, and that’s when the revelation struck me –

She’s gonna have to lift the veil if she wants a sip, expose her lips, her nose, her face.

I’ll get to see how she looks beyond just her golden eyes and violet locks, I’ll be the first to see her unmasked, I’ll be – ah, no – she found the straws, she knows how to sip, nevermind.

Sera took a small sip test, paused, then took an even longer sip. Guess she likes it.

Seeing my chance, and not wanting any more sudden interruptions, I began to speak, “You need to wait a bit longer, Sera. We can’t talk in public, you’ll definitely cause a scene if you take over my – mmph, shit!” I clamped my mouth shut, stifling my voice, pain dispersing across my chest, a familiar pain. “Oh, come on, you can’t – !”

I had to try my damndest to pretend all was well, my knees were buckling wanting to fall. I placed both firmly on the counter, practically burying my nails into the woodwork, concentrating to keep my face as blank as can be. Deep breaths, deep heavy breaths.

My eyes snapped back to hers, and I heard my voice slip out from gritted teeth.

“I waited. And I waited,” Sera nudged the now empty cup over at me. “No more waiting.”

By now, the pain was somewhat tolerable, manageable enough that I wasn’t completely immobile like in prior instances. I could move my head around, look around, make sure no one was thinking suspiciously muttering to myself while wearing my best constipated look, Sammy especially.

“I am not patient. I cannot wait. I tried to wait. I cannot wait. When will you say yes? When will you say no? I don’t know. I want to know. Tell me. I want you to tell me. Tell me.”

Restless was the word that sprung to mind hearing the things she had to say.

I took over temporarily, spinning around so no one could see the struggle twisting my face muscles. “Just a bit longer, wait a bit longer, I’ll – !”

“How much longer?” She seized my voice back. “How many more laters? How many more waiting? I want to know. I need to know. When? When? When? Whe – ”

“Tonight!” I whirled around again slumping down onto the counter, my face buried in my arms, except for my eyes. I lifted them, I looked at her. “I’ll visit... tonight. I’ll give you my answer, you’ll have it, I promise you.”


That voice, that ear-grating tone all too familiar. Oh no, Sammy... no, Sammy! Stay out of this!

“I can feel that, y’know? You’re doing something to him,” her loud steps, her defiant voice drawing nearer and nearer. Her striking blue eyes in the corner of my peripheral view as well as a couple of turned heads my way. “Stop that, stop – whatever you’re doing! Leave my brother alone.”

Suddenly at once, the pain ceased, instant relief leaving loud with a heavy breath, and immediately I raised myself, stretching my hand out.

“Sammy, it’s okay,” I coughed. “We’re just... we were just talking. I’m fine.”

“Talking?” Upon closer inspection, Sammy looked pale, hands trembling, a fact she tried to hide by tucking them under her arms. “You looked like you were dying, that’s not talking!”

“Samantha,” Amanda caught up, assessing the situation and briefly we exchanged glances. Then hands on Sammy’s shoulder, she began trying to calm her down. “He’s not lying. Don’t freak, okay? I know it’s bizarre, scary... but, I’ll explain. Come, let’s head back. Let’s not cause a scene here for your brother, alright?”

Her still tense expression told me Sammy was far from being at ease, but yet nevertheless, she allowed Amanda to escort her back to their seats – lingering her gaze warily at Sera, one that the necromancer reciprocated with a silent, curious stare of her own.

“Anyway, you will get an answer, alright,” I said, drawing her attention back. “Same time, same place, I’ll meet you there. You won’t have to look for me anymore. I’ll do the walking this time.”

For the first time today, I heard her grumble. Annoyed.

“Just...” I breathed out. “Just trust me, okay?”

Like my sister, there was just no loosening that glare of hers, but also like Sammy, in the end, she still complied. She left the stool, left the store, all without even giving another of her signature groans.

Didn’t even pay for her drink...

Honestly, I was hoping maybe I could deal with Sera after I was done dealing with this other mess I have... but apparently, life has other plans on the table for me.

Tonight, huh? Well, good news is I have all day today to finally come down to a decision.

Let’s just hope I end up picking the right one...

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