Chapter 468: Changing Room

It’s been quite a while since I went for an actual swim; between mob bosses, verging bankruptcy, and what else – oh right, averting magical catastrophes one after another by the skin of my teeth, there really wasn’t much time to indulge into leisures times.

Well, so long as you overlook all the other time I’ve indulged in leisure times... shopping, bumper-car riding, restaurant hopping, convention going, yeah, other than those things and some other things I probably forgot to mention – I’ve been the busiest busy bee, indeed.

When I got back to the front yard, I stumbled onto a crowd of three just only then passing through the porch. That crowd dwindled down into a pair, as the snowy-haired figure of the three instantly spurred forward at the sight of me. Luckily I came prepared and planted myself firm on the ground before those slender arms could coil themselves around me and make the both of us fall.

“Master~” Ash mewled, so soft, so earnest, you’d think I had been gone for a millennium, then she sighed, and I could feel a tension oozing away from her body. “Ahh, now I have returned to where I truly belong again...”

I gave her long, silky hair a long stroke, kinda like petting a pet, and I swear I actually heard her purr.

In contrast, Adalia was a little more subtle, a little more discreet. I didn’t even see her move and all of a sudden – there she was – two wispy eyes staring right by my side. Her blank face seemingly expressing just a little more.

“So, the both of you fit for ocean travel now?” I asked.


“Yes...” Adalia answered first. “Terestra... gave gifts...”

“Indecent gifts, Master!” Ash interjected, outraged, her twitchy pointy ears glowing a little red. “Mmm, so kind, so generous! And yet... so very, very indecent! I’ve never... so much skin... I could never... but how am I to deny ever your parents’ albeit unconventional kindness?”

So mom did go out of her way to get swimsuits before. This freaking woman seriously goes above and beyond for the most strangest of things.

What did she have them wear, what did she choose? Oh great, now I have this stupid thought on the mind, and I bet if I ask, I’d be answered by that sly smile again.

Their clothes were still the same. Ash’s long blue dress still fluttered with the breeze, nearly hiding her feet on tiptoe reaching up to me, and Adalia was still more frills and laces than actual skin. Well, no duh, what was I really expecting here – for them to catwalk all the way to the lake wearing nothing but the skimpiest excuse for a swimsuit?


“Don’t worry about lunch, or that guy you kidnapped in the barn,” Mom chimed in, waving a hand by the porch. “Your father and I will take care of it.”

Usually, I’d second guess that statement, but I feel like the trip’s already been detoured and delayed long enough. I don’t know if Adalia could feel impatience, but I rather not test that theory right now.

“We’ll be back soon,” I said, turning tail and beginning our journey into the woods. “I hope anyway.”

Once again, Mom’s sinister chuckle continues to haunt me even in goodbyes. “I’m not.”

There were multiple obstacles to overcome before we were to reach our destination. The first of which was a small climb over a broken precarious fence, then a nest of overgrown weeds that rustled loudly with every step, then after that it was just a brisk walk across the forest grounds before we reached.

Alone, by myself, my shortest time was probably around six-seven minutes... but being accompanied by a rather ditzy Elf and a sunstroke-prone Matriarch, let’s just say I won’t be breaking any personal best anytime soon.

In fact, speaking of the sun...

“You’re not bothered?” I asked Adalia, who has been silently trailing my every step without any noticeable struggle. “Around now, I actually expect you to start clinging onto my arm for comfort.”

Not that that’s an actual possibility, what with Ash currently occupying both with every near stumble and fall she manages to trip herself into. Even now, my eyes were always set on her frolicking further on ahead.

Adalia continued to walk unbothered, evidently not replaceing her pristine condition as strange as I did.

“Protection...” She said under a breath. “A spell... sunlight... it doesn’t hurt... as much... when I use it...”

“You vampires have a magical sunscreen spell?” I said, stifling a disbelieving snort. “Y’know, I can recall some past instances where a spell like that would have been very convenient for you.”

She slowly shook her head. “Needs constant... flow... too... draining... exhausting... not worth... it...”

“You say that, and yet you’re using it now.”

Adalia paused, her misty eyes staring deep in contemplation, as if only just noticing the contradiction herself.

I decided to give her a way out. “So, I’m guessing it’s a special occasion type of thing. Reserved only for emergencies?”

“Reserved...” She blinked, her attention coming back to the present, and looked at me. “Yes... emergencies...”

“Is this an emergency?”

“No...” was her first response, then when Ash nearly stumbled again, and I caught her awkwardly only in the nick of time, briefly, I heard her faintly amend her answer. “Yes...”

Not long afterward, the thick vast swarm of branches, bushes, and barks gradually began to thin down the deeper we went. After almost a year, I was worried I might make a misstep somewhere down the line, but everything was exactly as I remembered it.

That moss formation on the tree to the left, toadstool clumps wrapped around a nearby stump, very last, I felt the ground ease into a small downward slope, and then there it was – still as expansive and as pristine as ever, not even a single ripple forming in its still serene, cool blue.

All it took was a single glance, and every ounce of fatigue I felt just vanished in an instant. Sometimes I feel as if I spend more here than I do my own home.

There’s a dry, arid spot by the bank where I used to put all the stuff that I occasionally brought along with me, lunch, homework, clothes... get me a tent, and sometimes I’d even sleep in if I felt like it. Naturally, that’s where I guided us to next. I took off my shoes, my socks, and for a moment, I just let my bare feet acclimatize once more to nature’s touch.

After I got over the sentimental stuff, I proceeded to take my shirt off, folding it in a neat square next to my shoes, then I realized, turning around, that I was the only one that took off my shoes, or shirt... or even anything at all.

Ash, Adalia, neither of them seem like they knew what to do next, which was weird, considering I only just gave a demonstration not even a second ago, either that, or the greatest plot twist was their clothes now really was their choice of swimwear all along.

“If you’re embarrassed...” I began slowly, putting on my most amicable, understanding tone. “Totally cool. I can go behind a rock, a tree, or make a blindfold with twigs, and if you catch me peeking, you’re welcome to gouge my eyes out with the twigs, I promise.”

Ash was... distracted. Her hands clasped, folded, squirming uneasily against her chest. I could see her eyes were drifting, straying, it’s like they were replaceing it hard to look at me directly. Suddenly she wasn’t as boisterous as she was before. This drunk phase has seriously got her switching moods like the flick of a switch.𝐢𝚗𝚗re𝐚𝚍 𝘤𝘰𝒎

“Master...?” I heard her slur, half-closed eyes struggling to replace mine, then she did something I haven’t seen in the longest time – Ash bowed her head, a little clumsily at that. “I am under a serious suspicion, seriously serious, if you will, that I may not quite be feeling much of myself at this current moment in time.”

“Really now?” I frowned, urging her on. “I hardly even notice a thing myself...”

“Indeed, it is a subtle change,” She affirmed, nodding feverishly. “I am not surprised it went beyond your notice, but rest assured, my claim holds only truth. I am... mmm... I think it is wise that I abstain for now from any such... rigorous activities... um, swimming, for example, yes, perhaps that is best.”

Wow, that’s a really convoluted, impractical way to say that you’re too embarrassed to show yourself in front of me, but hey, I’m not one to judge. Still, I won’t lie though, I am rather interested in seeing what exactly she’s hiding beneath the navy blue of her dress.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

She thinned her lips, hissing in an indecisive breath, before beaming a smile that looked none I’ve ever seen from her, at least genuinely. “Maybe in a while?”

Then wobbling a little, she slowly nestled herself down next to my stuff, wrapping her knees with arms, and hiding most of her face behind it, save for eyes, which shimmered a bright green upwards.

“For now, Master,” She said, tilting her head a little at me. “I’ll be quite content with simply just admiring you.”

“Understood,” I replied, then tilting my head right back, spoke, “Just keep in mind... I would also really like a chance to admire you too.”

Her ears gave a twitch, burning red, and she buried her face even deeper. “U-Understood.”

I flashed a smile, before turning around again, coming face to face, with unblinking, misty eyes.

“And how about you?” I nudge my chin at her. “Having a chance of heart too?”

To my slight surprise, instead of the nod that I half-expected, Adalia slowly shook her head.

“Still want to swim?”

Now a nod, making her intentions quite clear. So why the heck wasn’t she doing anything?

“Ah, right...” I began to move, catching sight of a suitable rock nearby. “When you’re done just... throw a pebble or something, or call me... that works too.”

Not even a step, I felt a shiver, a cold, shooting from my arm and spreading everywhere else. An icy grip, freezing to the touch, I looked back, and Adalia slowly uncoiled her fingers, her claws from my wrist, lowering them back down at her side.

“Help... me...” She softly muttered, shuffling about, until her slender back was facing me, revealing an intricate set of criss-cross laces.

My mind went blank, confused. “What?”

“I can’t... do it... myself...” She explained. “So please... help me... undress... myself...”

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