My Three Yandere Wives
Chapter 19 Arius And Supreme System Shocked!

Arius and Eva ran through the slave paradise towards the slave shop that held Eva's mother.

"We're almost there!" Arius panted.

"O-O-Ok" Eva could barely speak while running at full speed.

The two ran through the town ignoring the gazes of others. After running for a straight 5 minutes they finally arrived in front of a broken down shop that could barely hold a sign up.

"Were here" Arius glanced at Eva.


Nodding her head Eva emotionally prepared herself to see her mother no matter what state she was in.

Seeing Eva nod, Arius held her hand and walked into the shop.


Arius opened the skinny busted wooden door slowly making it almost fall off due to the pressure of being pushed.

Entering the shop it was empty no living beings besides the captured slaves downstairs that were locked in cages only cobwebs and old weapons were laid around while the tables and armor were destroyed.

Arius looked around making sure no one was hiding waiting to ambush them. After searching for 2 minutes he didn't replace anyone.

"No one is here?" Arius scratched his white hair in confusion.

Eva tiptoed towards Arius. "Um, Arius, did you replace anyone?"

Arius looked up at Eva before speaking. "Nope, I looked around everywhere in this small shop no living beings are here besides the ones downstairs"

With a sigh, Eva placed her tiny snow-colored hand on her chest in relief.

"Your mom should be downstairs. We have to be careful though, pay attention to your surroundings and stick close to me, got it?" Arius looked into her blue eyes.

"Got it I won't leave your side" Eva grabbed the back of Arius's shirt showing a small smile while her heartbeat rapidly.

Badump, badump, badump.

Eva could only clench her unoccupied hand together in annoyance. "It's this feeling again! every time I touch or look at Arius my heart beats at a rapid pace!" Eva thought to herself.

Arius walked toward the door which led to the basement and opened it. Walking down the basement stairs Arius activated his awareness senses which detected any threat that would come his way.

Arriving down the stairs Arius's eyes shot open at the scene of hundreds of dead bodies stuffed in a corner. "What the fuck..." Arius covered his nose trying to block the smell of decaying flesh.

If it wasn't for him serving in the U.S. navy seals and seeing dead bodies because of war in Syria and Afghanistan he would have thrown up at the sight.

Eva untied her hand from Arius's back and placed both her hands on her mouth while crouched down trying her hardest not to throw up.

Seeing poor Eva crouching on the ground desperately trying not to puke Arius could only rub her small back.

"Take your time Eva..." Arius said encouraging words to the poor elf.

Did it help nope, Eva only found it making her situation worse. "What if I throw up in front of him after he said these words to me!?" Eva's head spun while she thought of herself throwing up in front of him.


Eva swallowed down her throw-up after thinking of Arius seeing her throw-up. She would never allow that to happen.

"You ok?" Arius asked, watching Eva stand up slowly.

"I'm ok, I've never felt better in my life don't mind me let's continue forward my mother is behind that metal door. Eva pointed her skinny pointer finger at the metal door.

Arius wanted to speak but decided not to and kept walking toward the metal door.

Arriving in front of the metal door Arius noticed that the lock was broken.

Arius took a step back. "Eva be careful the lock is broken" Arius warned her.

Eva walked up behind Arius and looked over his shoulder at the metal door. "Arius, should we enter?" Eva asked while examining the area around the door.

Hearing Eva's words Arius decided to toughen up and enter. Arius walked to the metal door and slowly opened it which caused a loud screech to echo around the basement.


Arius entered the darkroom followed by Eva. They both activated their night vision enhancement to their eyes to look around and they both saw more dead bodies from earlier which included mostly female elves and dwarfs. The room was deserted with only broken metal cages and food on the ground and a strange liquid.

Walking deeper into the room Arius's awareness senses start alerting an incoming sharp object.

"Shit!" Arius grabbed Eva who let out a yelp and threw her to the ground and himself. Seconds later a sharp rusted knife bolted above them and passed them stabbing into the wooden barrel behind them.

[Host that was a close call huh...]

"Shut the fuck up..." Arius responded in his head while sweat dripped off his head.

Arius sprung up from the cold ground and lifted Eva up.

Eva tugged on his shoulder. "Arius we have a problem..." Eva warned.

Arius looked back at Eva, still paying attention in front of him. "What's the problem?" Arius asked in a quick voice.

"The rusted knife that was thrown hit a barrel right..." Eva began to sweat.

"Yeah?" Arius has a confused expression on his face. What is this girl trying to say at this point Arius could only listen.

"Well, that was an explosive barrel... but for some reason, it's not blowing up. I'm guessing it's old but still it could go off at any time," Eva told Arius about the predicament they were in.

Arius felt his mood worsen at her words. "Really" Arius felt like punching the person that placed an explosive barrel in the shop.

"Will leave when we have your mother worst-case scenario I block the explosion with magic or something ill be sure to think of something if it happens!" Arius patted her golden hair.

"Ok" Eva responded.

Arius began to walk forward this time more cautiously knowing someone was hiding here. "Apex vision" Arius's vision turned from night vision to a bloodthirsty vision only seeing red.

Looking around Arius only saw dried up blood from the dead bodies but when he walked a little more forward he saw a fresh bloodstain behind a stone pillar.

"Found you" Arius showed a small smile. Lifting up his hand he silently spoke like a mouse "Grass confinement" multiple long whips of grass came out of his hand and slithered on the floor toward the person behind the pillar.

A couple of seconds later a scream could be heard from behind the pillar. "AHHHH" A woman's voice screamed.

Arius showed a sly smile before walking to the person behind the pillar who sounded like a girl. Arriving in front of the pillar he felt his whole jaw fall to the ground. What he saw was an elven woman with clean white skin and ripped clothing, and she had long blond hair that reached the floor and a dagger in her mouth.

"What's wrong?" Eva walked up to Arius.

Arius could only feel his little dragon rise to the sun.

When Eva arrived next to Arius her eyes shot wide open and her whole mouth fell to the ground in shock. "MOTHER!"

Eva's mother was on full display with her most secretive parts showing while being held up by Arius's grass confinement.

"Ara ara, Eva my baby peanut is that you?" Eva's mom had a voice that had a heavy dose of motherly love.

"Yes, mom it's me!" Eva felt tears coming down her white cheeks.

Seeing her daughter cry made her tear up as well but... the way she was still being held up right now... well she isn't into this type of thing...

Arius, seeing he had Eva's mom tied up, felt guilty and immediately canceled the grass confinement causing the elven mother to fall on her caboose.

"Ara ara, am I being treated this roughly by a younger boy" Eva's mother showed a hint of blush.

Arius felt his whole body shiver.

[Host don't tell me... she is a-]

"Ara ara it's rude to talk about someone like that" Eva's mother interrupted the Supreme system.

Arius stepped backward with a shocked face. "You...You can hear her voice!?" Arius felt the disbelief enter his whole body.

Eva's mother showed a smile. "Of course, you have an interesting system"

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