My Three Yandere Wives
Chapter 58 Jealousy...

A portal appeared in the Holy Kingdom's palace's garden causing a huge amount of wind pressure to blow the plants and flowers around.

Multiple guards who were stationed in the garden all pulled out their swords and got into an attacking formation ready to attack anything that came out of the portal.

The wind blew against their body's which had metal armor from head to toe.

A single foot stepped out of the portal causing shock to the guards when they noticed who it was.

The person who stepped through the portal was none other than Arius who was engaged to their beloved princess Jasmin.

All of the guards put away their swords and bowed their heads to Arius.

"We welcome sir Arius!" They all spoke at the same time.

Arius raised his right hand motioning them to raise their heads.

"Please don't be so formal with me, raise your heads." Arius's voice resonated through their bodies as if he was a king.

Soon after the guards raised their heads Lyria, Juna, and Luna all stepped out of the portal with happy expressions.

All three girls pulled their suitcases along with them as they took in the beautiful garden.

"I must say this is a beautiful garden." Luna commented while gazing at the flowers.

Lyria and Juna both nodded their heads in agreement.

Arius looked over at the three girls with a plain smile.

"You guys don't have to worry about your suitcases." Arius pointed his finger at the suit cases causing them to float in the air.

"Oh my, impressive!" Luna gasped with her right hand covering her mouth in a little shock from seeing the suit cases float.

"I must say big brother you are amazing with magic." Lyria complemented Arius with a bashful smile and a cute little flushed face while twirling her fingers.

In response to this compliment Arius did a small wink at her.

Juna strolled over to Arius.

"Arius, where is Eva? I haven't seen her in over a month." Juna wanted to see her daughter as soon as possible.

Arius looked over at the palace.

"Last time I saw her she was inside the palace's dining room." Arius responded while pointing toward the entrance that led into the palace.

"I see..." Juna mumbled before disappearing out of thin air.

Seeing Juna disappear Arius only shook his head a little while showing a small smile.

"That woman misses her daughter that much..." Arius commented.

Lyria ran up to Arius and tugged on his sleeve.

"Big brother, can we head inside now? I wanna see what a palace looks like!" Lyria asked, jumping up and down.

Arius looked down at his little sister and placed his right hand on her head.

"Yep, let's go in." Arius began to walk inside followed by Lyria and Luna.

Entering the palace they were greeted with a line of maids and butlers who were all bowing their heads in respect to Arius.

Alfred quickly entered the room and went straight toward Arius.

"My son-in-law, are you back already?" Alfred asked.

"Yep, I brought my mother and sister with me." Arius pointed toward his mother and little sister who were smiling.

Alfred looked over at the two girls and smiled.

"It is an honor for our kingdom to have you two as our guest." Alfred told the two girls.

"Ara, ara please don't be like that you are a king I am merely a baron..." Luna spoke in an awkward tone.

This was Luna's first time meeting such a high ranking noble so she was nervous.

She didn't want to mess up or cause any disrespect.

Alfred shook his head.

"No, please don't act all formal your son is the reason why my kingdom can stand so you have a higher ranking than me when it comes to social class." Alfred spoke with a serious tone.

Luna took a small fan from a maid and placed it in front of her mouth.

"I see... I must get used to this then if my son is above a king or emperor!" Luna stuck out her chest in pride.

Alfred changed his focus from Luna to the little girl who was holding Arius's sleeve.

"And, you must be Lyria, Arius's little sister?" Alfred asked getting on one knee to look her in the eyes.

Lyria shyly nodded her head.

​ "Yes, my name is Lyria, it is an honor to meet such a person as yourself." Lyria did a small courtesy bow lifting up her dress.

Alfred was taken back for a moment seeing such a formal greeting from a girl her age.

"It is an honor to meet you as well." Alfred patted her head gently.

Once he was done greeting the two women he looked at Arius.

"By the way, Arius, my people have been requesting to throw a parade with you in it to thank you for defending our kingdom..." Alfred told Arius.

Hearing this Arius was a little taken back.

"Sure, I don't mind." Arius shrugged his shoulders.

Alfred clasped his hands together.

"Great, then we must start preparing!" With these words Alfred ran out of the room to set up the parade.

Seeing Alfred head somewhere else out of nowhere caused Arius to sigh.

"Well, anyways, let's go and see how the girls are doing." Arius mumbled to himself.

Grabbing Lyria and Luna and holding them tightly against his body Arius's eyes turned golden and all three of them disappeared.

The maids and butlers all stared in shock seeing such a young boy being able to use advanced magic on multiple people at the same time.

"I must say the princess is very lucky to have him as her man..."

A maid quietly spoke in jealousy.

Another maid looked over at her.

"I agree, if I had such a man I would be on top of the world..." She whispered.

A young butler who was eyeing the two girls gawked at the scene.

"I have to disagree he is a young boy who is spoiled!" The young butler growled.

The two maids looked at him with disgust.

"How is he spoiled!?" Both maids asked with their right eyebrows raised.

The young butler rolled his eyes.

"He is spoiled because he already has the princess as his wife but he still adds women to his harem like it's as easy as breathing!" The young butler stomped on the red carpet.

The two maids burst into laughter at his words.

"So, you're jealous?" The maid said, wiping her tears from laughing too hard.

The young butler's face went red in embarrassment from being called out.

"I AM NOT!" The young butler yelled.

Ok, he might be a little but come on it's not fair this small brat has multiple beautiful women surrounding him everyday while he has to work as a mere butler...

The young butler clenched his fist.

'It's not fair, that brat is too lucky in life, what if I embarrass him at the parade it won't be a big deal right he needs someone to tame his ego...' The young butler thought to himself trying to come up with how he'll make Arius embarrassed in front of everyone.

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