My Unconventional Delivery System!
Chapter 51 - A Sick Joke?

See the new wallpaper of this novel? The guy that was hugged by Esdeath is Kyle's closest reference.

And If you're too lazy to look at the wallpaper you can see it. (Here) ​​


Tuka entered the battlefield and immediately started firing arrows at the dragon in rapid succession, she targeted multiple areas in search of a weak spot, hoping that she would be able to replace, at the very least, one place where she could injure it. If she could injure it, it meant that they had a chance to kill it, no matter how miniscule that may be.

Sadly, reality was more often than not disappointing. Her arrows didn't replace any spot where it could damage the dragon, either bouncing off or breaking after coming in contact with the dragon's scales, she couldn't even put a scratch on said scales, just like her fellow elves from earlier; unlike them however, she didn't despair and lose hope. She kept on firing and thinking of multiple ways and methods to injure the damnable creature.

Overworking her consciousness to its utmost limit she finally had a thought, the eye, if she could aim at the eye she should be able to injure it, blind it even, at least she hoped she could. As soon as she came to that conjecture, it didn't even take her an instant to act on it, she knew that, every second mattered, for this was a battle of life and death, each second converging it towards results that would only lead to their complete annihilation.

She halted at a tree top, closest to the dragon's head, closing her eyes, she took a deep breath gathering her concentration, the dragon was occupied by the other elves and didn't notice her or maybe it did but it didn't feel that just another tiny elf could do anything to it when a battalion of them was unable to even hurt it, that's where it made its mistake; opening her eyes Tuka nocked an arrow on her bow aiming for its eye and fired, it was a bullseye! Her arrow precisely penetrated the right eye of the dragon making it screech in pain. This scene gave the despairing elves see the light of hope that they needed, a method that could allow them to defeat it and get out of this predicament!

They started attacking its other eye, the dragon was extremely enraged, the pain he felt along with the realization that a puny elf had permanently crippled its right eye made it seeth in rage and anger, it let out a loud reverberating roar, so loud that everyone in its range had to cover their ears or else they would've become deaf from their eardrums getting ruptured.

The enraged dragon didn't stay in the sky above anymore, locking onto its targets he dove on the ground from where the rest of the elves were shooting from, it would've gone after that damnable elf who had crippled its eye but the little pest had changed locations so it settled for the next target. The dragon landed, dust scattering everywhere as a deep crater was formed due to its landing, most of the elves were able to run and scatter in different directions but some were not so lucky and got caught in that shockwave, losing their lives; the remaining elves didn't stop shooting their arrows even as they scattered and ran.


The elves fought bitterly, many lives were lost, their attempt at penetrating the other eye of the dragon turned out to be a failure; the first time the dragon had been careless, it didn't now and the inevitable failure transpired, only a scant few elven males were able to survive the dragon's vicious barrage of flame attacks, wing attacks and sweep attacks, but they were now incomparably tired, merely tapping on the very last reserves of their energies to put up the last effort of survival; they were crestfallen, waiting for the inevitable arrival of their doom.

Meanwhile even though the females and children who survived were in the dozens, which being the majority of the said group of individuals, they couldn't escape from there. The dragon at one point had put down an encirclement of fire around the village which had effectively trapped them from going further, some tried even then, only to be burnt to death. They were wailing and waiting, awaiting for the inevitable arrival of their demise and be done with it all, they had already lost almost everything dear to them, they just wanted the serene peace that death would bring putting a stop to all the suffering that they were constantly being subjected to.

Despair; the only thing etched on everyone's mind even Tuka's, for even she had finally lost hope. Her swollen blue eyes filled with endless agony and pain kept looking at the flame dragon, frame by frame she watched helplessly as it continued to burn the Koan forest and everything inside it, as it slowly destroyed everything she held dear. 'Is this really our fate? Are we going to get wiped out here?'

Her eyes slowly dimmed, losing the last twinklings of the light of hope she had clung onto till now, but now, she had finally lost hope. Her dulled eyes spoke of her thoughts, that it was all over for them, she had tried everything she could, even praying to the deities for help, alas, it seemed that they had forsaken them, maybe it was their destiny after all, doomed to be massacred.

In the midst of this spiralling dredge of despair the elves were feeling and the continuous flow of chaos created by the dragon of flames, a weird almost mechanical noise was heard, it was loud and weird enough to draw everyone's attention to look at the source of that strange sound, even amidst this apocalyptic scenario.

It wasn't a sound that they had ever heard before, but it didn't lessen their worries. On the contrary it made them fall into a deeper pit of despair than before, if there were some who had held onto hope even that was lost. They thought of it to be another wild animal and from the strange and loud roar-like sounds it was emitting 'it' was definitely a huge creature, maybe even on par with the cataclysmic creature that was currently busy in delivering their annihilation.

Tense moments trickled by ever so slowly and finally the culprit had shown itself for all to see, what followed however wasn't more despair but a deep shock because it was something that they had never imagined to appear at a moment like this, for it was…

"A human?"

"No! No, you idiot! You're wrong, can't you feel it?!"

"Feel whaaaaa?! D-d-divinity?!"

"A God! It's a God!"

"What is a God doing in a place like ours?"

"That God is riding on that metallic horse? Ah, sk It was that thing which made that strange sound!"


That God was naturally our friendly, Dimension Hopping Delivery Boy Kyle, the sight greeting his arrival was a chaotic and harrowing one; the village as he saw it had almost completely burnt down to ashes, merely one-fourth of the original population of the elves were left, he felt somewhat responsible for this, guilt could be seen on his face, it wasn't his fault though and he consoled himself by reminding his conscience that, at least, he had come in time to save the rest of the survivors. His goal for this delivery was clear now, he had to slay the flame dragon, the obvious cause of this hellish scenario.

He glanced at the map and pinpointed his customer, the said person being a beautiful woman of the high elven race. He couldn't recall her name but he knew her from his memories, her appearance suggested so.

Kyle left his motorcycle, slowly approaching the girl, all the eyes in the surroundings were locked on his moving figure, even the dragon's, it became silent after it had sensed Kyle's presence. It was ostensible that the dragon of flames was wary of him, why wouldn't it, since it could feel the divinity flowing around Kyle's form.

It didn't dare to attack, not for now at least, seeing that Kyle was approaching her, Tuka panicked, she didn't know why this God was coming towards her? Had she done something wrong? Was the dragon destroying everything and everyone she endeared wasn't enough? Did she now even have to receive the wrath of a God? What did she do? Why did everything bad have to happen only to her? Why couldn't they just leave her alone and let her die in peace!??

Dark thoughts swirled in her mind in a spiral of tumultuous negativity, she kept looking at Kyle blankly, devoid of emotions, too tired to even care, as he approached her. However, the endless spiral disappeared the next moments as he heard Kyle's soft voice, gently speaking words of hope she so badly required currently, pulling her out of the sea of despair she felt herself drowning in.

"You made a wish right? To help you in this situation? I'm sorry, that I was late, but don't you worry anymore, leave everything to me, I'll keep you and your people safe, now go to a safe place with them."

Tuka's tears were falling from her eyes in thin streams, yet her face adorned a hopeful smile. Yes, she had wished, with all her faith, with all her heart and devotion to the Gods, to send someone to help them out of this situation, she had wished for a saviour, but what she got was God himself descending to help her.

Never did she expect that her wish would be granted by God Himself making an appearance. This was unbelievable.. no, now was not the time to be in awe of the situation, the important thing was to save the survivors of her tribe. She was just immensely glad that someone was willing to save them.

"Please! Please.. save us!" She whispered in a broken tone, full of melancholy and despair, yet rimmed in the edges with hope. Her tone was able to make anyone's heart ache for her. Her eyes were a broken dam as tears kept falling, her desperation and grievance ostensible for all to see.

Kyle felt extreme pity for her, he couldn't say that he understood the emotions she was going through now, but he knew he didn't want to experience them. He just felt bad for the elven girl.

He raised his hands and softly patted Tuka's head, as if coaxing her to not be sad anymore, like a father coaxing his daughter to stop crying.

In the eyes of the rest of the elves it was an extremely normal situation, a God was patting and soothing a child, since obviously to them he was a age-old existence, much older than anyone could ever fathom, despite having an obviously young appearance.

In Kyle's case however, it was a case of extreme awkwardness. Why it wouldn't be? Since he already knew that Tuka was at least a century older than him, appearances could be deceiving he thought, clearly demonstrated by this elven girl who had the appearance of a sixteen year old, yet was already more than a century and a half in age.

Patting someone who could be qualified to be his great great great great grandmother felt exceedingly awkward.

Why he still did it however, was because he felt like she needed this, this gesture of gentleness at this moment to get herself together and he was right. Feeling his warm hands patting her, she revelled in this warmth, a warmth that made its way to her heart and made her feel incomparably secured, the likes of which she had only felt when she was with her father.

This gesture was enough to calm her down and reign in her emotions, making her composed. The dark thoughts accumulating inside her had finally started subsiding as she kept baskin in his gentle warmth, soothing her being in its entirety.

"There, there now, have you calmed down?"

"*Sniff~ *Sob Mmmm…. I have.."

"Good then, now go to a secure location, I'll take care of this, alright!?" He smiled reassuringly at Tuka, she obeyed his words and after gathering her remaining fellow elves hurried towards the safest place she could replace, which happened to be a huge tree that was relatively unscathed amidst this scene of apocalypse. Crowding under the tree, every single one of the elves kept looking over at Kyle worryingly, silently hoping for his safety and his triumph.

"Hey, Tuka do you think that this God could help us survive?"

"Yes, I believe in him."

"How are you so sure?"

"It's because he was there... when no one else was… he came… when everyone else abandoned us.."

"...." The elven elderly couldn't retort, he knew she was right, at this critical time of their survival, someone was still willing to help them, and that someone was also a God. All they could do now was to believe in the unknown God and hope for his success. They themselves were useless, they couldn't help him, if they tried they would only add to his burden, so they could only leave their hope, their beliefs and their survival to this God and just believe in him.

None of them were aware of his strength, but they all held the uncanny feeling that he was far stronger than all of them combined.


Kyle slowly and leisurely approached the wary flame dragon, trying to probe him a bit, he inquired. "Hey, big guy, what's wrong with you? These elves were just living peacefully, why are you trying to exterminate them? They didn't cross your path right, then why are you being so cruel to them?"

The flame dragon roared at him, it refused to communicate, dragons were very intelligent beings of existence, at least in this world; they were incapable of humanoid speech, but they still could understand humanoid languages to some extent, it was just that their vocal cords were not developed to speak humanoid languages, only to speak the draconian speech, even if they were able to he was sure that this particular unruly dragon would just tell him to f*ck off. "I see, so that's your answer then… you leave me no choice but to kill you."

Hearing Kyle's words, the dragon roared out a flaming breath of destruction in rage, it's destination Kyle, this made the elves scream in panic, all except one, Tuka never left her eyes from Kyle's figure firmly believing that nothing would happen to him. She was right, which became apparent as Kyle instantly disappeared and reappeared above the dragon's head, smiling at it mockingly, his tone was also one of undisguised mockery. "Provoking the enemy is as effective as always it seems."

He perfectly landed at the dragon's head, and smirked, his smile stretching from ear to ear. "Even though you're quite an intelligent creature, you were still dumb enough to let me land atop your head, welp, whatevs, sayonara dragon san~."

Kyle gently tapped on the dragon's head using his forefinger, moments of silence ensued and then...


..the dragon's head exploded, it's blood and brain splattering and dying the ground red with its blood and cerebral fluids! It's body slowly fell and made a loud thud on the ground along with a deep crater. The elves witnessing such a scene of irrationality screamed, their eyes almost popping out of their sockets!


They felt complicated, very very complicated… countless amounts of their fellow elves had died because of this damned dragon, the best they could do was blind one of its eyes, most if not all of their efforts in injuring it were in vain… yet, a God descended from who knows where and killed this legendary undefeatable dragon of flames and destruction with just a tap of his finger? Just like that? Just like that!?? JUST LIKE THAT!!!????

Is this a sick joke!!!?

( `END` )

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