My Werewolf System
Chapter 521 The Trio Acts!

Numba had been told that he was to stay in the hospital one more day. His wounds had mostly healed up, but it was just to make sure that there was nothing else wrong before continuing his regular activities. After all, this was a fighting academy so just being well enough to walk wasn’t good enough.

The others had eventually left, Gary being the first, then Izzy and Ian leaving together. One would think that the two of them were a couple based on how much the two stayed together, but it was clear to Numba that she had certain feelings for another, which was why he didn’t say who had actually stopped the students that had attacked him.

‘Why were the two of them together at that time? And they were both walking at the back of the academy?’ Suddenly, a few lewd thoughts entered Numba’s head which caused his face to go slightly red.

‘I knew he said the two of them knew each other, but to know each other that well. I wonder, could the two of them possibly be dating?!’

While thinking this, there was a slight knock on the door. It was quite late, but he assumed one of the others probably had something else to say that they had forgotten.

“Come in!” Numba called out., making sure he was cozy in his sheets.

That's when he could see a smooth skinned delicate hand push open the door, and grey hair flowing down. One of the people he was thinking about seconds ago, was now right in front of him.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Numba Cardenez. My name is Xin Clove, I believe the two of us met during the debut match.” Xin politely said as she gave a little bow.

Immediately, Numba bowed back.

“Yes, I remember you, but please there is no need to be so formal with me. You were the one that saved me, back there. So please don’t bow your head.” Numba replied back as he started to bow down, three to four times.

Xin couldn’t help but giggle and as Numba saw this face his heart started to throb.

‘Well, I can see why you fell for this girl.’ Numba smiled. ‘But I would never do anything to get in the way of the two of you. I wish the best for both of you.’

Numba prayed in his mind for the success between the two.

“I actually came to speak to you.” Xin stated as she approached the bed. “The students that attacked you. I have reported them to the teacher, who will have a review with the professors as to what to do with them.

“They will look into this matter further, but I wanted to just tell you that, you will certainly be safe. I have a bit of sway with the teachers being the number one student and I can safely say that you won’t be getting in trouble.” She smiled.

It was a worry in the back of Numba’s mind. What would happen to him for fighting outside of the school. Although the academy was the last of his problems he was happy to know that at least this was off his mind.

“I have something else to tell you, something that the teachers don’t know.” Xin explained as she looked to her left and right. “The one that had ordered the attack was a student named Sty. I’ll give my opinion but a student usually doesn't have that much power to force others to risk getting kicked out of the academy, which means someone else got involved most likely. I thought you should at least know this much.”

This had confirmed Numba’s suspensions, the one that was behind everything, was the Scatterbugs. Beating up Sty or confronting him about it wouldn’t do anything though, as this was a matter between their groups.

“Thank you Xin, and thank you again for the help. I hope things go well for you.” Numba said and shortley whispered. “And I wish you good luck with Gary.”

With Xin leaving the room there was a lot for him to think of. The thought of leaving the academy all together and then heading back to help his dad had crossed his mind.

Even though his father said it was pointless, sitting here doing nothing was also pointless.

When the next day arrived, Numba was still in the hospital bed until the lessons had come to an end, and Numba had been given the clear to leave as well. As he changed and exited the door, he was surprised to see two people standing there waiting for him.

“Look at you, you look as good as new!” Ian shouted, hitting the side of his arm to check if there were any pains.

As for Izzy, she was looking behind Numba at the door and into the room.

“It's good to see you. Is Gary with you?” Izzy asked.

“No…why?” Numba raised an eyebrow.

Both Ian and Izzy looked at each other.

“Because Gary didn’t turn up to one lesson today. We thought that he went to see you and maybe stayed with you the whole day.” Izzy explained.

The three of them went to his room knocking on it hard, but after five minutes of knocking and no answer, it didn’t seem like there was an answer.

“So he’s not in his room, and he didn’t turn up for lessons. Unless he’s taking a big dump, I don’t think he’s here guys.” Ian shrugged his shoulders trying to look for an explanation..

Numba was already storming off as he went to one of the professor's offices, professor Humfree, who was in charge of taking time off in the academy. After a knock and bursting into the room.

The three had entered what looked more like a library rather than a professor's office as both sides of the wall were filled with books.

“Professor Humfree, we can’t replace Gary Dem anyway. Did he request time away from the academy?” Numba asked.

The professor was a little startled but he knew who Numba was due to the special lessons he had been taking and also knew he was close to Gary as well.

“Hmmm….Yes.” Humfree answered, stroking his beard. “Yesterday night, he requested time away from the academy. Although it is none of my business I will say this. If he didn’t tell you why he has taken time off, then perhaps there was a reason for it?”

Numba already knew what the reason was for. After what happened yesterday, it couldn’t have been a coincidence as to why he wasn’t here right now.

“No way! Do you really think Gary left to help Numba’s situation? That's crazy! I thought he was going to ask help from the gang he was in, not go himself!” Ian said.

“Well, I mean if the gang said they woudln’t get involved, you know what type of person Gary is.” Izzy repleid. “Most likely he decided to take matters into his own hands. I know Gary is strong, but I think he might be underestimating their power a little bit.”

The professor was carefully listening in on the panicked students' situations. Unfortunately it wasn’t the first time cases like this happened. In an academy where groups from all sorts of different places arised, it was more common than one thought.

The worry could be seen all over Numba’s face, and he remembered Gary’s last words before leaving. Talking about how they were an alliance and how they were going to help him.

‘He’s doing all this, just because I helped him during that assessment. You idiot, you already paid off that debt a long time ago, there is no need for you to do anything!’ Numba thought.

“We….we are an alliance.” Numba finally said. “Professor, please may I ask for immediate leave from the academy. I don’t know when I will be back but I have some family issues to take care of.”

“Numba!” Izzy said, grabbing his arm. “There is no need for you to get involved in this, if you stay in the academy. Then they won’t be able to touch you, but if you go outside then there are no rules out there.”

Numba shook Izzy’s hand off.

“I have to.”

“Then, I’m coming with you to your city!” Ian shouted. “Like you said we're an alliance so we need to do this together, and we can just talk Gary out of this crazy idea.”

Izzy shook her head, but in the end, gave in and smiled.

“You two are idiots, which is why you will need me to look after you.”

All three of them had asked for leave from the professor all for the same reason.

“Okay, I will take note of that.” Professor Humfree replied. “And, I expect to see you all come back to the academy soon.”


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