Naruto: Child of Chakra
Chapter 101 - 101. By The River


Shiroken threw her in the cold water of the river without a single care. Shizune who was silent all this while was now shocked and finally realised her Lady Tsunade was thrown into the river.

"LADY TSUNADE!" She cried and went to help.

*WAAA* Tsunade started to vomit out all the sake she had drunk. It was humanly impossible to hold that for too long.

Shiroken waited at the side on the shore. Tsunade surely woke up from her deep trauma-induced semi-sleep. She was soaking wet and looked left and right.

"W-What happened?" She asked Shizune who had been helping her.

"Oh, we were attacked b..."

"Not that, I remember until then, what happened after... I saw blood?" Tsunade asked.

"Well, that man over there helped us, he healed my injury too and beat the assassins. Then he held you in his arms and brought you here." Shizune explained truthfully.

"Then... why am I in the river?" Tsunade inquired as she squeezed her hair dry.

Shizune blushed, "Umm... well... when he was holding you, you started touching his face and calling him Dan."

"Why would I do that?" She wondered and looked at him. She paused, "H-He... does look a bit like him."

"Yes, lady Tsunade, I was taken aback too. But he's very different at the same time." Shizune said.

"What's his name?" Tsunade asked her.

But then it hit them both. It was basic decency to ask for a name. Shizune embarrassingly looked down, "I forgot to ask."

Tsunade got out of the river and walked to Shiroken. She was a proud woman, with a somewhat goofy and brash personality, but she was still kind natured. For someone who helped her, she would show her gratitude.

"Thank you... I was too drunk it seems." She muttered, with a blush on her cheeks. This time not due to alcohol but because of his face. Shiroken was a tall, muscular and handsome man. Getting this reaction was normal for him, he's been getting that his whole life.

He smiled kindly, "No problem. It seems someone really wants you dead. Let me help you dry up."

He raised his palm towards her and a strong gust of wind blew over Tsunade's whole body. Her hair fluttered in the air for a few seconds and by the end, she was already dried up.

Surprised, she asked, "How did you do that without using hand seals?"

He smirked, "I'm a man of many abilities some even consider them to be unnatural."

"All right, keep your secrets. So, who are you? I don't see any ninja band on you." She asked him. Obviously, her natural ninja instincts had taken over, trying to replace his identity.

Shiroken waved his hand, something not needed, but just for the show. All of a sudden tree branches came out from the ground and tangled themselves, resulting in the making of 3 chairs and a table.

"I can say the same, miss Tsunade. You have no ninja band." Shiroken bounced back the question and took a seat. Then he took out his small storage scroll and prepared a plate of tasty dumplings and tea.

Tsunade, however, was extremely shocked. ~HE... HE JUST USED WOOD RELEASE! HOW?~

The wood release was one of the strongest Kekkei Genkai in the world. But it was never reported to have been found in anybody except Hashirama. Even all the Senjus tried to somehow activate this power but it did not happen.

"H-How did you do this?" She asked, pointing at the table and chair.

He shrugged, "Oh, I told you, I'm a man of many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Besides, the Wood release is nothing but a combination of Earth and Water Release. Though it's very hard to combine these two for a common man."

She was taken aback. He so lightly shrugged it off. So one thing came to her mind, "A-are you a Senju?"

Shiroken although didn't like the Senju and didn't have beef with them anymore either. He sounded cold but not hateful, "No, I'm not. I am Shiroken Dama, Lord and Patriarch of the Dama and Nidama clan. I am also the Supreme Daimyo of the Dama Country, Wave Country, and Water Country."

His name struck a memory in her mind. "I remember hearing about you. So many people are talking about some powerful lord who has brought prosperity to the Water Country and Wave Country while making the Dama Country the richest in the world. I never thought I'd see you personally. Who knew there was someone even above the Daimyo in this world."

Being able to use wood release, being the leader of three countries. She saw the man in a different light now. He was obviously a man with a superior brain. The Daimyo was already like the king, what did that make Shiroken then?

Shiroken shrugged, "Well, I try to do my best, to create a peaceful world where no wars occur. Anyway, come, sit. I assure you, once you taste these dumplings, you will plead for more."

Shiroken, despite being too strong, always had the air of an approachable and kind man. Shizune and Tsunade sat down and took some to eat.

He happily and slowly turned them towards his small cult of dumplings. And once Tsunade ate one, her face glowed, "This is... tasty. Where did you buy these?"

He laughed proudly, "My clan's people made them and packed them for me."

"I must visit the Dama country once at least. I heard it is very prosperous and there are many good foods, tea and drinking shops." Tsunade muttered.

Shiroken nodded, "Of course. You can come to the Dama city, the capital of the country. The best things can be found there. We even got more than 1000 brands and flavours of alcohol. There is even a big gambling district."

There were stars in Tsunade's eyes as she heard the word gambling. "I shall head there immediately."

"Lady Tsunade, we have no money." Shizune quickly reminded her.


Tsunade's head fell and slammed on the table. "WHY... WHY DO I NEVER WIN?"

Shiroken was alerted by this statement. He was about to offer her a loan from the bank. But... ~If she never wins, then it'll be a bad loan, better shut my mouth.~

"Maybe you should stop playing games that are based around luck and instead play games that are based around skills. After all, in Dama city, in gambling houses, there are card games that will be easy if you have a smart brain. You can even bet on boxing, horse racing and many more. All you need is a good brain to analyse the stats." He advised her.

She became cheerful again, "SHIZUNE! I have decided. We will be heading to Dama City immediately."

"But... what about money?" Shizune asked.

"We will do missions for a few villages, normal things such as helping them with building something. Once we have money, we will leave."

It seemed she had developed a plan already. Shiroken stayed silent, not wanting to help her with money.

He changed the topic, "What's that mark on your forehead?" He asked this since he felt a lot of energy coming from it.

Tsunade knew better than to tell about her secrets to strangers, "Nothing, just a simple tattoo. I got it when I was small."

~Must be a pretty powerful technique for her to lie like this.~ He thought to himself.

He sighed and got up, "Anyway, I want to eat grilled fish this evening. I'm gonna go and catch some. Do you two want some?"

Tsunade immediately nodded. She didn't want to leave for some reason. So she turned to Shizune, "Light the fire and prepare the spices."

Shiroken happily made himself a fishing pole with wood and sat by the shore. He just used meat from a dumpling as fish food.

Tsunade also followed him and sat beside him. She actually wanted to know more about him, his wood release and the possibility of making him a friend. Having friends in high places was never bad.

Shiroken asked her something without looking at her, "Do you know Senjutsu?"

She was taken aback again. But since he didn't seem very serious, she answered, "No, I don't"

He sighed, "What a waste of talent then. You are clearly talented at Chakra manipulation. I can sense you controlling your chakra so it stores in that simple "Tattoo" on your forehead. Senjutsu requires good control, so you can balance the two types of chakra and spiritual energy."

Tsunade was first of all embarrassed, as Shiroken caught her lying. But his words intrigued her, "How did you sense that? Wait... you can also use Senjutsu?"

Shiroken nodded, "Something like that."

Tsunade fell into thought. She could ask her summon to help her since she lived in the Shikkotsu forest and knew about natural energy. "I might give it a try."

"But first you have to treat your hemophobia. As that is the biggest source of imbalance in you right now. AH! CAUGHT ONE!" He advised her.

Tsunade was silently watching Shiroken pulling the fish out. His words resonated with her mind. As they were not that simple. Imbalance in her didn't just mean an imbalance of chakra, but also her mind. She looked down at her hands in sadness.

"How... do you suggest I can heal this fear?" She asked him. But she herself didn't know why she was asking him. She had just met him, yet a sense of trust developed as if Shiroken was some kind of an old sage who had answers to everything.

"Face it. Face what actually caused you to be afraid. Once you overcome that, blood won't scare you. AH! I CAUGHT ANOTHER." Shiroken exclaimed and happily pulled the second fish, uncaring about the woman beside him.

"But they are dead, how..."


Tsunade was interrupted. Out of nowhere a huge cloud of smoke appeared. And from it came an extremely loud and heavy voice. "Shiroken, I have made a decision."

[A/N: Advance answer to your questions: Yes, he will learn she is a Senju very soon.]


[You can see Tsunade on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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