Naruto: Child of Chakra
Chapter 52 - 52. MILK!

Singing various made-up songs, catching fish and eating them, they merrily travelled the sea and in 2 days reached Dama Country's capital city's port. It was as always bustling with activity, proving that the country was indeed rich now.

It was proof that the equality and non-segregative form of countries could also succeed. You don't need a shinobi village that only thinks about what's inside its boundaries ignoring the rest of the world. ​​

"WOAH! The city is so big, so pretty..." Haku exclaimed, seeing the big buildings on the coast with coloured matching roofs. The port was full of big ships coming in and out. People hastened to move here and there keeping busy.

"Ah... I didn't know... that such a place existed," Utakata gasped in shock.

"Okay, don't have an orgasm here. Let's go." Shiroken steered the boat to a wooden dock. But he looked around and noticed that the wooden docks didn't look as beautiful and actually lessened the beauty of the city. ~Hmm, must make the docks with strong stones instead of wood.~

The managers of the port were from Nidama Clan. As this was a job where a lot of corruption could occur, Jin never allowed anyone other than his most trusted people to do it. Because corruption at the port would directly hurt the economy.

"HEY! YOU CAN'T TIE YOUR BO... OH! LORD DAMA! WELCOME BACK!" The man was about to shout as the place was reserved for big ships, but his attitude changed as soon as he recognised Shiroken, their beloved mighty lord.

"Don't worry, I will remove the boat, just a second," Shiroken assured him. Once everyone had deboarded, he dismantled the boat and set the planks on the side.

"Use the wood however you want. Is Jin at the palace?" He inquired.

The man replied respectfully, "Yes, Lord Daimyo is at the palace with everybody."

Shiroken nodded and proceeded to the palace, "Thank you for your hard work."

They could have hired a carriage from there to reach the palace but they were all ninjas and decided to just run through the roofs. There was a reason why all the roofs in the city were made to last. Nidama clan members often ran over them.

"When did this country come into existence?" Utakata asked.

"When all the others were being ignorant. Dama country has existed for years now and only now did they announce it to the world. Let's go in, I will take you to the Daimyo of this land. Then we will start the process of extraction." Shiroken decided and sped up.

Initially, Utakata was against letting him take the Bijuu out of him, but Shiroken bluntly told him that he can either cooperate or be forced, Saiken was not going to stay locked inside him no matter what. He just told him that there is a very high chance that he will survive the extraction process.

It was a flight or fight response from him then, he wanted to fight Shiroken, but he just got slapped into oblivion. He couldn't even use Saiken's powers as the tailed beast refused to fight Shiroken even if Utakata died.

In the end, Utakata had no choice but to agree with whatever Shiroken told him to do. That was the only way for his freedom.

"JIN!" Shiroken happily entered the large hall where Jin would sit and hear the pleas of people. Although there was already a well-developed justice system with people appointed as judges, some cases still need to be judged by Jin.

Jin quickly got up and came to give Shiroken a hug. But while hugging he grunted, "Dammit, you've grown taller than me."

"Also muscular. Hehe, look at my biceps, look at my triceps, my shoulders, and my abs. Hehe, you've been slacking it seems." Shiroken boasted.

"Hmm, thanks for bringing back the depression. Well, who are these two?" He asked, looking at Utakata and Haku.

Shiroken happily introduced Haku, "This is Haku, from the Yuki clan. But the poor boy never got to hone his skills. I have decided he's going to be part of the clan now. So send him to our shinobi school."

Jin warmly ruffled Haku's hair, "Welcome to Dama country, child. You will love it here."

"And this one is Utakata, Saiken's jinchuriki." Shiroken revealed and abruptly touched Jin's temples.

Jin immediately heard Saiken's happy voice, "HELLO! JIN-CHAN! Hehe... I heard you have a son now. Don't worry, I will be the best nanny in the world."

Jin laughed, "Haha, you have not changed, Saint Saiken. Welcome back. We all missed you so much."

Utakata shuddered, ~They totally don't care about if I live or die.~

"Shisui, you stay with Haku and maybe show him the city. I have some important work." He ordered. Shisui silently accepted the orders.

"WHERE IS SHIRO?" Monari suddenly came running and hugged him. Then she kissed his forehead. He may have grown very big, but she still treated him like her little brother.

"Come on, Monari. People are watching here." Shiroken complained.

She pouted, "So what? Let them know I have such a strong little brother, so nobody dares to replace trouble with me."

~Wait, isn't this the reverse of what she should say?~ He wondered.

"Welcome back, Lord Dama." Izumi greeted, now in a white and red dress, with a sword tied to her back.

"Okay okay, let's party later, first I shall free Saiken and Isobu." He announced.

Jin and Monari's eyes widened. Monari asked, "You mean... you found a way to get them out without killing Jinchuriki?"

He denied, "It's only an idea right now, I will try it with Utakata here."

"So I am the guinea pig. Good." Utakata snarkily grunted.

Shiroken patted his shoulder, "Come on, I am confident about it. Let's go."

~Yes, confident, not sure. Big difference.~ Utakata thought.


The operation room was readied, a few high-ranking Uzumaki clan members were asked to put seals around the whole room so that nobody can interfere, or if Saiken becomes too violent he can't get out.

Learning from the previous time, they made the seal extend its protection even inside the ground.

"Everyone stays outside, I will do it all myself. There isn't much you can do to help anyway. I don't know how much time it will take but stay calm no matter what you hear." He advised everyone.

Then he shut the door and went to Utakata who was lying on the table shirtless, with his head, hands and legs tied. Shiroken patted his bijuu seal, "Don't worry, you won't be dying today."

"I hope so." he sighed.

Shiroken put his palm on the seal and immediately opened it. The concept behind what he was doing was simple. At the moment, Utakata's body was like a balloon, inflated because of Saiken's massive Chakra. But, Saiken's chakra was not his own, so when Saiken comes out, the balloon will suddenly deflate, which kills the Jinchuriki due to their body not adapting and their body's original chakra trying to spreads around in order to fill up the empty space. But the chakra density becomes too thin due to this, leading to chakra exhaustion in the Jinchuriki, further leading to death.

Shiroken was going to replace Saiken's chakra with a small portion of his own massive Natural Energy reserve. Then, he would slowly take back the natural energy while also healing Utakata's body. This way, Utakata's body will return to how it should be without the beast.

"It's going to hurt like hell, are you sure you don't want to fall unconscious?" he asked Utakata.

"No, I'd rather stay awake if there is a chance of dying. Dying even without knowing you're dying seems not really exciting." Utakata replied and clenched his teeth to prepare.

Shiroken connected with Saiken, "Saiken, try not to be angry, okay? You should have already exhausted all the anger and hatred stored in there while fighting the attackers earlier."

"YES! I will be calm and nice, don't worry." Saiken assured.

"Here it goes," Shiroken started. He completely unsealed the seal. Normally, the tailed beast would try to jump out with this, but Saiken knew better than to do this.

"AAA..." Utakata screamed a little but quickly clenched his teeth and breathed out loudly with a loud humming noise. His eyes were widened and his forehead showed many veins popping up.

Shiroken slowly started taking Saiken out of Utakata's body. This slowness was resulting in more pain. He at the same time sent his own natural energy in his body to take the place left by Saiken.

"ARGH... HOW LONG?" Utakata asked with a hoarse voice.

"A little more." Shiroken didn't really know.

1 Hour Later,

Saiken was 25% taken out and Shiroken had filled the void with Natural Energy.


5 more hours passed, Saiken was completely out and the big slug immediately made himself slightly smaller in order to not break the roof of the building which was already tens of metres high.

Saiken didn't want this human to die because of him either. Utakata was a good boy, but he was forced to become bad by his teachers, telling him to never run away from a conflict, while Utakata believed in stopping the conflicts instead of looking for benefits from them. That was one of the reasons why he left his village because he couldn't agree with their ideology.

Saiken saw this boy's whole life, and he was in no way deserving death for something Hashirama and his fellow Kage of other villages did. The current Jinchuriki were just sad kids who were forced into this situation.

"SHIRO! Can I help?" He asked worriedly.

Shiroken glanced at Saiken, he was feeling very warm in heart seeing Saiken's form in front of him. He wanted to jump and hug the big slug, but first, he needed to save Utakata.

"No need, Saiken. He's fine. I am actually healing him now. The most dangerous phase has already passed. He's not screaming as loud anymore." Shiroken assured him.

"Umm... what if he's too tired to scream now? Oh, poor child. He will be too weak after all this. YES! I know what he needs." Saiken exclaimed.

"What?" Shiroken asked.

"Hehe, he needs some milk." Saiken chirped.

Shiroken laughed, "Haha, yeah, I think the whole world needs some chilled milk and relaxation."

"Then... I shall create the world's biggest dairy farm and give milk to the whole world. Hmm hmm... a good dream to have." Saiken planned and affirmed his own idea at the same time.

Shiroken chuckled. As long as they could live happily, he didn't care if Saiken even supplied milk to the whole Universe.

Slowly, 5 more hours passed and Shiroken was done with his work. He had taken back all the Natural Energy he had given. The body of Utakata was also healed, making him just like any other Shinobi. But he had fallen unconscious due to so much pain and tiredness.

Tiredly, Shiroken fell back on the belly of the giant slug. The wobbly body of Saiken was the perfect soft bed. "Ah... I am tired now. Not physically... mentally."

Saiken ruffled Shiroken's head with his tiny hands, "Hehe, you've grown lazy. I remember how active you used to be when you were small. The whole day every day someone from the village either one of my siblings or a villager was running after you."

Shiroken relaxedly smiled, "Those were good times."

"Indeed. I miss those days." Saiken replied and sighed.


Shiroken got up and patted Saiken's fat belly, "Don't worry, now I know how to safely get you all out. We will be a family again. And this time, nobody can come and mess with us. Ah, I just hope some Jinchuriki are bad so I can just kill them immediately."

"Yes, that Hashirama was a fool. He did all that for peace, and peace is the only thing lacking in the world." Saiken muttered, remembering the last time they saw Hashirma before being sealed in their first Jinchuriki.

Hashirama ranted about being thankful to the bijuu siblings. Now he wondered how Hashirama felt when his peace failed.

Shiroken agreed with him, "He's dead now. But his village still stands. After taking Kurama out from there, I am going to turn that village to rubble, of course, without killing the people.

"They destroyed our Dama village, my people had to face so much hardship, sadness. The world should know their actions have consequences. I will remind the world of the crimes of Hashirama."

*BONK* Saiken lightly patted Shiroken's head.

"SHIRO! calm down, come, I will milk a cow from the new farm and give you tasty milk." Saiken picked him in his tiny arms like a doll and proceeded to go out of the building and also greet everyone.

[You can see the Dama City, Monari and Saiken on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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