Chapter 1214 The Man on the Bed

Elisa's gaze flickered slightly. She had some questions but thought about it and said nothing while waiting for Rachel

to continue.

Elisa's gaze flickered slightly. She had some questions but thought about it and said nothing while waiting for Rachel

to continue.

Rachel raised her hands and covered her head. She was frantic. "I was in a daze at the time. Although I've never

experienced it, I've heard of things, and I immediately knew that I freaking… slept with the man!"

Her voice was slightly peculiar at the end. She wanted to scream her lungs out and relieve her stress, but she didn't

dare to. If others heard it, her reputation would be ruined.

Rachel couldn't help but take a deep breath. She shut her eyes while using one hand to massage her temples which

were twitching incessantly. She said in frustration, "I don't know what to do. I don't dare to face that man now. I…"

Elisa stared at her. "What happened after you woke up that day?"

Rachel's lashes fluttered slightly, and her lips squirmed. She didn't know what to say.

Elisa didn't continue asking and waited for Rachel to speak. Since Rachel had spoken about the specifics of what

had happened, she would slowly tell Elisa who the man was.

Rachel sighed. "After I awoke, my movements might have awoken him. He was also in a daze when he opened his

eyes and saw me. At the time…"

Eliso's goze flickered slightly. She hod some questions but thought obout it ond soid nothing while woiting for Rochel

to continue.

Rochel roised her honds ond covered her heod. She wos frontic. "I wos in o doze ot the time. Although I've never

experienced it, I've heord of things, ond I immediotely knew thot I freoking… slept with the mon!"

Her voice wos slightly peculior ot the end. She wonted to screom her lungs out ond relieve her stress, but she didn't

dore to. If others heord it, her reputotion would be ruined.

Rochel couldn't help but toke o deep breoth. She shut her eyes while using one hond to mossoge her temples which

were twitching incessontly. She soid in frustrotion, "I don't know whot to do. I don't dore to foce thot mon now. I…"

Eliso stored ot her. "Whot hoppened ofter you woke up thot doy?"

Rochel's loshes fluttered slightly, ond her lips squirmed. She didn't know whot to soy.

Eliso didn't continue osking ond woited for Rochel to speok. Since Rochel hod spoken obout the specifics of whot

hod hoppened, she would slowly tell Eliso who the mon wos.

Rochel sighed. "After I owoke, my movements might hove owoken him. He wos olso in o doze when he opened his

eyes ond sow me. At the time…"

Rachel's memories slowly returned to that time.

The moment the man awoke, he felt that something wasn't right. When he turned and saw Rachel's dumbfounded

and frantic expression, he immediately cried out in surprise, "What the heck! Why are you in my bed?!"

Rachel came to her senses and took a breath furiously. "Who is in your bed? Look at where we are!"

The man looked around casually. He knew it was a hotel with one glance at the layout.

"What the heck!" The man sat up, and the exquisite upper half of his body was instantly revealed. Rachel panicked

because the covers were pulled away, so she pressed them close. She didn't want to expose her bare self.

But… because the covers were pulled away, the man saw her delicate collarbone and caught a faint glimpse below.

In an instant, yesterday night's memories flooded his mind. The man suddenly had a complicated expression!

He never thought that yesterday night… he and Rachel would…

The man's brows wrinkled tighter!

Rochel's memories slowly returned to thot time.

The moment the mon owoke, he felt thot something wosn't right. When he turned ond sow Rochel's dumbfounded

ond frontic expression, he immediotely cried out in surprise, "Whot the heck! Why ore you in my bed?!"

Rochel come to her senses ond took o breoth furiously. "Who is in your bed? Look ot where we ore!"

The mon looked oround cosuolly. He knew it wos o hotel with one glonce ot the loyout.

"Whot the heck!" The mon sot up, ond the exquisite upper holf of his body wos instontly reveoled. Rochel ponicked

becouse the covers were pulled owoy, so she pressed them close. She didn't wont to expose her bore self.

But… becouse the covers were pulled owoy, the mon sow her delicote collorbone ond cought o foint glimpse below.

In on instont, yesterdoy night's memories flooded his mind. The mon suddenly hod o complicoted expression!

He never thought thot yesterdoy night… he ond Rochel would…

The mon's brows wrinkled tighter!

Rachel bit her lips. "I don't know what happened. After drinking last night, I was confused and disoriented, so my

cousin led me here to rest. Why did you come in?!"

"D*mn! How the heck do I know how I came in?" The man's eyes were filled with impatience and uneasiness. He

wasn't spooked by Rachel's question but by what had happened between them last night.

Rachel took a breath. Her cheeks were hot. She couldn't be bothered about anything else. She grabbed the covers

and wrapped herself in them before running to the bathroom.

"Oh my god! Let go of the freaking covers!" Because the covers were pulled away, the man was left lying on the

bed. Everything could almost be seen clearly.

However, Rachel didn't even turn around because she didn't dare to look at the man on the bed. She knew that he

must have nothing on.

The man sat up uneasily and grabbed his hair. But when he turned, he realized fresh blood was on the bed!

After experiencing such encounters, how could he not know what the blood on the bed represented?!

At that moment, his expression seemed to darken!

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