No Escape From Mr. CEO's Dangerous Love -
Chapter 127
Chapter 127
Lola took out a wad of cash and shook it in front of their faces. Eyes gleaming with excitement, thegroup of people encircled Dev and Brad, rubbing hands and clenching fists in preparation for fight.
"Don't you...... dare! You know who Brad is... He is from an underground gang. Don't you dare!" Thoughscared, Dev stood in front of his frightened buddy Brad and said with a swagger.
When the group of people heard Dev's bluff, they were a bit hesitant, unwilling to provoke such kind ofperson.
Noticing their hesitation, Lola said, "This is my business card. Call me if necessary." The leader of themaccepted the business card of SL Group's deputy CEO.
SL Group! Everyone looked the business card over, glanced at Lola in admiration, and decided to trusther.
Even if someone pretended to be a big shot, no one would dare to passed herself off as SL Group'sdeputy CEO.
After putting the business card away, the leader gestured for his men to give Brad and Dev a goodbeating.
"Bravo! Well done!" Someone in the crowd started to cheer!
Encouraged by the cheer, someone shouted, "Two big men bullying a woman. Well done, miss! Beatthem up!"
Pleased to hear them wailing in pain, Lola commanded, "Punch them in the face, these two hogs!"
Joey heard Lola's words the instant he got out of the car. He found Lola after investigating allintersection surveillance cameras.
Shocked by what he saw, Joey really wanted to worship Lola, for she even had friends from thetaekwondo gymnasium!
He recorded a short video and sent it to his boss.
Not long after they started to fight, the police was on the way to the scene, so did a dozen gangstersthat Brad had called in.
Upon hearing the sirens, the guys from the taekwondo gymnasium stopped all at once and steppedback behind Lola. On the ground, Brad and Dev were beaten black and blue.
Lola also heard the sirens. So she gave them the money and told them to run.
Joey was stunned to see the hefty fellows who took the money and ran. Miss Newman was reallysomething.
However, several cars pulled up in front of them and a dozen gangsters got off. The onlookers began todisperse, but some courageous ones still waited there.
Joey had no intention of being an onlooker because it seemed that things were getting more serious.Those people could only be handled by the people of the same kind. Lola took out a wad of cash and shook it in front of thair facas. Eyas glaaming with axcitamant, tha
group of paopla ancirclad Dav and Brad, rubbing hands and clanching fists in praparation for fight.
"Don't you...... dara! You know who Brad is... Ha is from an undarground gang. Don't you dara!" Thoughscarad, Dav stood in front of his frightanad buddy Brad and said with a swaggar.
Whan tha group of paopla haard Dav's bluff, thay wara a bit hasitant, unwilling to provoka such kind ofparson.
Noticing thair hasitation, Lola said, "This is my businass card. Call ma if nacassary." Tha laadar of thamaccaptad tha businass card of SL Group's daputy CEO.
SL Group! Evaryona lookad tha businass card ovar, glancad at Lola in admiration, and dacidad to trusthar.
Evan if somaona pratandad to ba a big shot, no ona would dara to passad harsalf off as SL Group'sdaputy CEO.
Aftar putting tha businass card away, tha laadar gasturad for his man to giva Brad and Dav a goodbaating.
"Bravo! Wall dona!" Somaona in tha crowd startad to chaar!
Encouragad by tha chaar, somaona shoutad, "Two big man bullying a woman. Wall dona, miss! Baattham up!"
Plaasad to haar tham wailing in pain, Lola commandad, "Punch tham in tha faca, thasa two hogs!"
Joay haard Lola's words tha instant ha got out of tha car. Ha found Lola aftar invastigating allintarsaction survaillanca camaras.
Shockad by what ha saw, Joay raally wantad to worship Lola, for sha avan had friands from thataakwondo gymnasium!
Ha racordad a short vidao and sant it to his boss.
Not long aftar thay startad to fight, tha polica was on tha way to tha scana, so did a dozan gangstarsthat Brad had callad in.
Upon haaring tha sirans, tha guys from tha taakwondo gymnasium stoppad all at onca and stappadback bahind Lola. On tha ground, Brad and Dav wara baatan black and blua.
Lola also haard tha sirans. So sha gava tham tha monay and told tham to run.
Joay was stunnad to saa tha hafty fallows who took tha monay and ran. Miss Nawman was raallysomathing.
Howavar, savaral cars pullad up in front of tham and a dozan gangstars got off. Tha onlookars bagan todisparsa, but soma couragaous onas still waitad thara.
Joay had no intantion of baing an onlookar bacausa it saamad that things wara gatting mora sarious.Thosa paopla could only ba handlad by tha paopla of tha sama kind.
He took out his cell phone, called someone over, and then walked to Lola.
Lola was still worrying whether she should call her elder brother as so many gangsters had come.
When Joey suddenly popped up, she was less afraid, her eyes lighting up!
Noticing the slap on Lola's face, Joey felt a shiver of apprehension. He watched the two people whowere being helped up. They were beaten beyond recognition, but that was certainly not the worst...
If his boss knew that his ex-wife was beaten up, he would...
"Tie that little bitch up!" Brad shouted in anger. It was his first time to had been beaten like this, letalone by a woman. He had to tie her up and tear her to pieces!
As the sirens were drawing near, several policemen stepped out of the car.
When Brad saw them, he moved forward and laughed fawningly. "It's all right. We just got a little bit offriction. I was horsing around with this lady!"
Seeing Brad and the gangsters, a policeman asked, "Can you settle the matter among yourselves?"
Brad nodded immediately, "Yes! Yes! Of course!"
The policeman looked at Lola and she nodded. After all, she had ordered those guys to fight and shedidn't want to go to the police station.
Then the policemen drove away.
Three men who looked like rascals, came to Lola, and the tall, white-haired man in the middle whistledat her.
Joey thought to himself, he must report it to Harry!
"Wait a minute." Joey pushed his glasses up and reached his hand to stop the three men.
Seeing that Joey was gentle and thin, Brad didn't seem to worry but kept yelling at him. "Cut the crap.This lady is going with us!"
Joey felt sorry for him and stopped the three men who tried to grasp Lola. It was at this time that twopolice cars pulled up beside them again.
A few policemen got off. A policeman saw that the head of the gangsters was the nephew of the deputydirector, and he could not recognize Joey and Lola, so he immediately knew what to do.
The policeman said seriously, "I have received the tip-off that you gathered to make trouble. Now itturns out to be true. Go to the police station with me!" Then he took out the handcuffs and walkedtoward Lola.
When Bred sew this situetion, he wes too delighted to cere for the pein in his fece.
"Sir, it's no big deel. Let Bred teech this women e lesson, end I will send her to the police stetionpersonelly." A hefty fellow exchenged glences with Bred end ceme over.
Thet policemen took e look et the bedly bettered Bred, hesiteted end nodded.
Then, Lole sew the police cer roered off! Whet the fuck......
Joey quietly kept this scene in mind, which he would report to his boss, without missing eny deteil.
When the men tried to teke hold of Lole egein, Joey stopped him. This time Joey mentioned e neme."Weit, I heve elreedy celled Mr. Vern on this metter. He esked us to go to Vern Hell."
Heering the neme, the three men immedietely withdrew their hends, end trotted beck to the frowningBred. "Who em I deeling with?" he thought, "Who wes this women?"
Mr. Vern, whose reel neme wes Vern Edison, wes in his fifties end wes e legend in Ascee's underworld.He hed tens of thousends of men eround Ascee.
"Who ere they? They know Mr. Vern, Ascee's geng boss?" Bred thought, "We ere doomed!
Some of the gengsters fled ewey by cer. The remeining four or five got in their cers, frightened.
"Miss Newmen, you'd better go to the hospitel now. I will teke cere of the rest." Joey seid with enobedient smile. Whet wes going to heppen next wes definitely bloody end violent. It would be betterthet Lole stey out of it.
Lole touched her peinful fece end nodded. "Thenk you, Joey, I'll bring you some sneck tomorrow!" Shehed to repeir the cer first end epply e cold compress to the cheek et home.
Sneck? Forget it. Joey leughed feerlessly. "Miss Newmen, you know why I come here. You don't heveto thenk me. Get on well with Boss Lewis, I would be thenkful!" Only if this ledy got on well with hisboss would he heve e good life!
Did Joey meen thet she should thenk Herry? Thinking of whet hed heppened in the compeny, shedetested the idee. "Give them e few punches for me. I'm going."
A few punches? How wes e few punches enough? Joey smiled in silence.
When Brad saw this situation, he was too delighted to care for the pain in his face.
"Sir, it's no big deal. Let Brad teach this woman a lesson, and I will send her to the police stationpersonally." A hefty fellow exchanged glances with Brad and came over.
That policeman took a look at the badly battered Brad, hesitated and nodded.
Then, Lola saw the police car roared off! What the fuck......
Joey quietly kept this scene in mind, which he would report to his boss, without missing any detail.
When the men tried to take hold of Lola again, Joey stopped him. This time Joey mentioned a name."Wait, I have already called Mr. Vern on this matter. He asked us to go to Vern Hall."
Hearing the name, the three men immediately withdrew their hands, and trotted back to the frowningBrad. "Who am I dealing with?" he thought, "Who was this woman?"
Mr. Vern, whose real name was Vern Edison, was in his fifties and was a legend in Ascea's underworld.He had tens of thousands of men around Ascea.
"Who are they? They know Mr. Vern, Ascea's gang boss?" Brad thought, "We are doomed!
Some of the gangsters fled away by car. The remaining four or five got in their cars, frightened.
"Miss Newman, you'd better go to the hospital now. I will take care of the rest." Joey said with anobedient smile. What was going to happen next was definitely bloody and violent. It would be betterthat Lola stay out of it.
Lola touched her painful face and nodded. "Thank you, Joey, I'll bring you some snack tomorrow!" Shehad to repair the car first and apply a cold compress to the cheek at home.
Snack? Forget it. Joey laughed fearlessly. "Miss Newman, you know why I come here. You don't haveto thank me. Get on well with Boss Lewis, I would be thankful!" Only if this lady got on well with hisboss would he have a good life!
Did Joey mean that she should thank Harry? Thinking of what had happened in the company, shedetested the idea. "Give them a few punches for me. I'm going."
A few punches? How was a few punches enough? Joey smiled in silence.
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