No Escape From Mr. CEO's Dangerous Love -
Chapter 207
Chapter 207
Lola could recognized the voice. If it was not Yolanda, then who was that? She felt sadder and hereyes turned red. It was definitely Yolanda. She was too late.
As they were still together so late, had they already decided to live together?
If she allowed them to continue this way, would she really become the mistress? No, it can't be…
While she did not speak, Harry did not bother to press her into saying anything. They were silent andcould only hear the slight breathing of one another.
Lola gripped the chair on the balcony tightly with her right hand, took a deep breath, and opened hermouth.
"Boss Lewis, there's something I want to ask you for help tomorrow. I hope it's still possible for you tohelp me out."
Hearing that polite request, he frowned unconsciously and replied in a cold tone, "What happened?"
He was so cold and indifferent that she was embarrassed, feeling unable to speak.
"Well, I want to ask you not to mind whatever you see tomorrow. I want to ask you to just forget aboutsomething that will happen tomorrow morning." She lowered her head and said in an even lower voice.
He just replied, "It depends."
After keeping silent for a moment, she opened her mouth softly, "Okay, have a good rest, Boss Lewis.
Sorry for bothering you. Thank you."
When the phone was hung up, Harry kept looking at the phone in his hand, unwilling to put it down fora long time.
Wouldn't she say more? She had always told him about everything.
Lola directly hung up the phone and sent a message back to Lillian. "Send it, I'll handle every bad thingthat will happen. I will always be the one to blame."
As Harry gave her an ambiguous answer, Lola could only say that if he got angry, she hoped that shecould afford to live with his anger...
When Lola arrived at the company the next day, it was already in the peak hours of work. Hercolleagues, who came back and forth, greeted her.
But today, it seemed that they looked at her in a very different way. She became a bit cautious.
Were they feeling pity towards her? Maybe regretful? Or was it just sympathy? What the hell?
She thought about what she did last night. When she returned to the office, she immediately openedher mobile phone to check the Weibo news.
As she hoped, the name of Yolanda became the headline of Weibo in the hot red font. Her currentWeibo had also been fleshed out by others and became a hot topic with Harry.
She casually clicked on a piece of news with the headline: "Who is the victim of this love triangle?"
The picture she sent to Lillian last night was hanging below the news. Yes! It was the only photo of herpassport with Harry.
She had kept it and it finally came in handy. The wait was worth it. Lola could racognizad tha voica. If it was not Yolanda, than who was that? Sha falt saddar and harayas turnad rad. It was dafinitaly Yolanda. Sha was too lata.
As thay wara still togathar so lata, had thay alraady dacidad to liva togathar?
If sha allowad tham to continua this way, would sha raally bacoma tha mistrass? No, it can't ba…
Whila sha did not spaak, Harry did not bothar to prass har into saying anything. Thay wara silant andcould only haar tha slight braathing of ona anothar.
Lola grippad tha chair on tha balcony tightly with har right hand, took a daap braath, and opanad harmouth.
"Boss Lawis, thara's somathing I want to ask you for halp tomorrow. I hopa it's still possibla for you tohalp ma out."
Haaring that polita raquast, ha frownad unconsciously and rapliad in a cold tona, "What happanad?"
Ha was so cold and indiffarant that sha was ambarrassad, faaling unabla to spaak.
"Wall, I want to ask you not to mind whatavar you saa tomorrow. I want to ask you to just forgat aboutsomathing that will happan tomorrow morning." Sha lowarad har haad and said in an avan lowar voica.
Ha just rapliad, "It dapands."
Aftar kaaping silant for a momant, sha opanad har mouth softly, "Okay, hava a good rast, Boss Lawis.Sorry for botharing you. Thank you."
Whan tha phona was hung up, Harry kapt looking at tha phona in his hand, unwilling to put it down fora long tima.
Wouldn't sha say mora? Sha had always told him about avarything.
Lola diractly hung up tha phona and sant a massaga back to Lillian. "Sand it, I'll handla avary bad thingthat will happan. I will always ba tha ona to blama."
As Harry gava har an ambiguous answar, Lola could only say that if ha got angry, sha hopad that shacould afford to liva with his angar...
Whan Lola arrivad at tha company tha naxt day, it was alraady in tha paak hours of work. Harcollaaguas, who cama back and forth, graatad har.
But today, it saamad that thay lookad at har in a vary diffarant way. Sha bacama a bit cautious.
Wara thay faaling pity towards har? Mayba ragratful? Or was it just sympathy? What tha hall?
Sha thought about what sha did last night. Whan sha raturnad to tha offica, sha immadiataly opanadhar mobila phona to chack tha Waibo naws.
As sha hopad, tha nama of Yolanda bacama tha haadlina of Waibo in tha hot rad font. Har currantWaibo had also baan flashad out by othars and bacama a hot topic with Harry.
Sha casually clickad on a piaca of naws with tha haadlina: "Who is tha victim of this lova triangla?"
Tha pictura sha sant to Lillian last night was hanging balow tha naws. Yas! It was tha only photo of harpassport with Harry.
Sha had kapt it and it finally cama in handy. Tha wait was worth it.
The news briefly recalled the triangle love relationship between them four years ago, which eventuallyended up with the failure of Lola, who also ended her stint in the entertainment industry.
Then she checked the site about Lillian' account. The comments had been racking up to 500, 000.
After reading the content, she finally knew why everyone sympathized with her. It was because Lillian
completely wrote about her as the victim in the love triangle!
The content was as follows: "Lola, was a super star from Dreles four years ago. It was this woman whowas cursed as the third woman in a love triangle with the International Queen, Yolanda, and the all-powerful, Harry, four years ago. In the end, who was really the third woman? Be the judge and look atthe picture below.
As far as I know, in fact, they had long received a passport. As Harry had always kept his private lifelow-profile, the marriage had been concealed from the public. This was the reason why the real thirdwoman would be able to gain glory. Lola, as a woman and a newcomer who had just made her debut,was under the trap of a villain, and was perceived as the third woman and was cursed at by almosteveryone.
It could be seen how much pressure she had been taking for the sake of Harry! This was true love! Asilent true love!
Not much to say here anymore. The photo was enough to prove everything."
The top Weibo comment below was from Joseph. "Lola is my sister. I can prove that my sister is not thethird woman!" God has worked wonders for her! Brother!
Then it was Mona, her former assistant: "Lola had always been low-profile and hard-working in theentertainment industry. As her former agent, I also stand by her side!" It was moving and the commenttouched her heart. O my dear Mona…
The following was a net friend named Joyful, who sent a photo accompanied by these words, "This isthe picture of Mr. Lewis and Miss Newman from four years ago!" The photo was taken on the street.She was hugging Harry's waist, who looked down at her. The couple was full of tender love.
This must be Joey. But when did he take this picture? It seemed that it was when they had justreceived the paassport. She could remember vaguely.
It turned out that Joey also supported her. She was inexplicably excited.
The comment on the next one was actually something that invited Lola to return to the entertainmentindustry. Almost everyone supported her!
Then there were various kinds of blasphemy and angry curses at Yolanda. Each one was filled withmad and angry emojis.
Then she went to check their Weibo. In Harry's Weibo, the first comment was for business advocacy,which was commented by hundreds of thousands.
"Mr. Lewis, don't give up your true love! It only happens once in a lifetime!"
"Prince Charming, we allow you to be with Lola!"
"Yolanda, the third woman, get away from our prince!"
In Yolanda's Weibo, she had been cursed by a lot of people. She originally had tens of millions of fans.
However, the number fell to less than 10 million in just a single morning.
But in Lola's Weibo, she was circulated by many fans. The number of her fans instantly rose to severalmillion.
Lola was dumbfounded. She thought that the impact of this incident would be great, but she neverthought it would be this big. She was shocked in a good way.
However, this was also her ultimate goal. Was it not?
In the Lewis's estate in Uthana
Yolanda was refreshing Weibo, which was filled with new message alerts. Her hands trembled and heralready reddish eyes were staring at the passport of Lola and Harry in a daze.
This damn woman actually had this picture! She also sent it out, damn it!
It was over and her Weibo had already fallen. She had already been recognized as the third woman! Itwas over for her.
In this case, the company would terminate the contract with her. They couldn't risk a loss in support. Inthe worst case, Rose would prevent her from marrying Harry...
Just at that moment, someone knocked at her door. She turned her cellphone off and tried to cool heremotions. She opened the door. It was Rose who stood outside with a pale and disappointed face.
Unexpectedly, her first sentence went out like, "This damn vixen, why did she go beyond her limits!
Why did she post the passport? It happened hundreds of years ago. Why did she reveal it just now?"
"Auntie, it's okay. I love Harry. I don't care about other people!" She did not care about other people, butshe would definitely not let Lola off the hook! She would take her revenge at her!
Rose looked at Yolanda, who looked very dismayed, and comforted her, "Yolanda, don't worry. Nomatter what others say about you, you are the daughter-in-law of the Lewis family. After you getmarried, quit the entertainment industry and give birth to my grandson at home!" She patted Yolanda'shands.
During Yolanda's stay here, she took good care of Harry. Despite her superstar status, Yolanda actuallyhad taken a low profile and had taken care of Harry and was also very polite to the elders. She wasreally a good girl!
Yolanda movingly looked at Rose. "Auntie, you are so kind to me. You know that I really love Harry!Please do continue supporting me. I need you, Auntie."
"Of course, I know. Or else I will not support you like this!" Rose straightened her clothes and pattedYolanda's hands again with a smile.
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